JFL even normies are predicting the incel rebellion



Godking of Narcy Pirates (Soul of a Curry) 🏴‍☠️
Sep 19, 2021

Even a big history YTber has made a video on this holy shit

Women your times up lmfao I hope you whores enjoyed your 80 years of freedom but when men rebel there will be no equality for you lot again as men will write down WHY bitches must be on a leash
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Screen Shot 2023 04 10 at 65217 pm
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That guys videos are the biggest bullshit I'vr ever seen
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Even a big history YTber has made a video on this holy shit

Women your times up lmfao I hope you whores enjoyed your 80 years of freedom but when men rebel there will be no equality for you lot again as men will write down WHY bitches must be on a leash

This is such massive cope


The pendulum will keep shifting in the other direction. There is no fulcrum that will spark a revolution. Each generation is becoming more and more progressive.

Hypergamy will keep getting worse. The female gaze will become stronger. The gynocentric society will become even more female-oriented. Men will become indentured slaves for women.

Women will genetically engineer chads to peg and establish dominance.
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Cope Asia is even worse off and theyre not doing shit
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This is such massive cope


The pendulum will keep shifting in the other direction. There is no fulcrum that will spark a revolution. Each generation is becoming more and more progressive.

Hypergamy will keep getting worse. The female gaze will become stronger. The gynocentric society will become even more female-oriented. Men will become indentured slaves for women.

Women will genetically engineer chads to peg and establish dominance.
Watch the fucking video it’s not just about bitches but about society as a whole

Low birth rates mean weaker economy, weaker economy means more angry young men, angry young men who give up == no more work force this happens to turn into a spiral 🌀 never ending and it’s fucked then cultureal shifts happen like the west going back to Christianity Islamic nations becoming sharia states etc
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Watch the fucking video it’s not just about bitches but about society as a whole

Low birth rates mean weaker economy, weaker economy means more angry young men, angry young men who give up == no more work force this happens to turn into a spiral 🌀 never ending and it’s fucked then cultureal shifts happen like the west going back to Christianity Islamic nations becoming sharia states etc
Religion has been on a downward trend for a while now. The only way I see it reversing is from a black swan 1929 depression-tier event. Automation via AI and robotics will create lots of economic growth and subsidise the global ageing population.
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while whites and ethnics are coping with this movement, the girls are getting plowed down by packs of BBCs
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  • JFL
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while whites and ethnics are coping with this movement, the girls are getting plowed down by packs of BBCs
lol if you think blacks aren’t right wing In 2022

Most black men hate western women and many are Muslim and thus marry Muslim women. Passport bros is a recen thing amongst ethncis because black men started it a couple months back to get away from western women. We hate this place just as much as white guys. All races of men hate the current way of things we despise it infact.

The movement won’t be an incel movement it will jsut be an far right pushback but that doesn’t mean it’s racist or anti women it will jsut remove a lot of shit the current society has done to us
Religion has been on a downward trend for a while now. The only way I see it reversing is from a black swan 1929 depression-tier event. Automation via AI and robotics will create lots of economic growth and subsidise the global ageing population.
That’s one of the things, skip to 46:00 and watch it from there as I think he answers a lot of your questions seeing as the video is a TLDR for you
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There's too many simps for that to happen
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It’s never going to happen, people are pussies. The mass surveillance state makes organizing impossible, we don’t have access to military level weapons like nukes, the lower testosterone and declining iqs makes people submissive and stupid. Our diet is becoming more plant and beyond meat oriented destroying our health. Each generation is brainwashed from childhood through the school, media and government systems. And each generations parents become more and more soft and degenerate affecting children. The mass flood of immigrants and diversity limits unity because of your natural instincts which prefer tribalism so communities are divided. All of these factors make a revolution impossible. Our only chance is an apocalypse scenario.
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There is so much information in this video I feel too low iq to take it in all at the once is this normal?
  • JFL
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It’s never going to happen, people are pussies. The mass surveillance state makes organizing impossible, we don’t have access to military level weapons like nukes, the lower testosterone and declining iqs makes people submissive and stupid. Our diet is becoming more plant and beyond meat oriented destroying our health. Each generation is brainwashed from childhood through the school, media and government systems. And each generations parents become more and more soft and degenerate affecting children. The mass flood of immigrants and diversity limits unity because of your natural instincts which prefer tribalism so communities are divided. All of these factors make a revolution impossible. Our only chance is an apocalypse scenario.
watch who the jews are suppressing the hardest, and from among them you will find your next hitler:

  • JFL
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Watch the fucking video it’s not just about bitches but about society as a whole

Low birth rates mean weaker economy, weaker economy means more angry young men, angry young men who give up == no more work force this happens to turn into a spiral 🌀 never ending and it’s fucked then cultureal shifts happen like the west going back to Christianity Islamic nations becoming sharia states etc
you made a mistake posting this video on here, all these retards cant even articulate themselves without bringing muh chad and Stacy into this without viewing society as a whole within the argument
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you made a mistake posting this video on here, all these retards cant even articulate themselves without bringing muh chad and Stacy into this without viewing society as a whole within the argument
True. I mean this video isn’t even just about inceldom it’s only ONE thing which is leading to the end of society here due to the lefts tyrannical reign.
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you made a mistake posting this video on here, all these retards cant even articulate themselves without bringing muh chad and Stacy into this without viewing society as a whole within the argument
yea posters on here are pretty low iq. They'll watch 10 secs get bored and say it will never happens since it's already over.
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I've watched this guy's videos for a long time and tbh the vast majority of his audience is lonely white men that browse /pol/. No wonder they love this video.
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  • JFL
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I've watched this guy's videos for a long time and tbh the vast majority of his audience is lonely white men that browse /pol/. No wonder they love this video.
Doesn’t mean he’s wrong, but nothings going to happen til we’re old at the very least if I had to guess
Doesn’t mean he’s wrong, but nothings going to happen til we’re old at the very least if I had to guess
I doubt anything major will happen, it'll probably just be a few ER's every year until this demographic disappears. This problem solves itself.
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I doubt anything major will happen, it'll probably just be a few ER's every year until this demographic disappears. This problem solves itself.
Tbh I kinda hope so, but you’ve been on lookism/looksmax almost as long as I have. It doesn’t seem like the problem is going anywhere
Tbh I kinda hope so, but you’ve been on lookism/looksmax almost as long as I have. It doesn’t seem like the problem is going anywhere
I don't have delusions or desires of wanting to topple the system and I'm not really political. Those guys I described want ethnic cleaning and a race war.
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I don't have delusions or desires of wanting to topple the system and I'm not really political. Those guys I described want ethnic cleaning and a race war.
I don’t think that’s what they’re saying but I only watched some of the video. Leaving the incel and race issues aside the entire zeitgeist is so much more depressing than it was a decade ago, this kind of cultural unhappiness usually doesn’t lead to great things…
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The only way this happens is if a major war happened involving the west.
Whatifalthist is one of my favorite youtubers, his videos are really informative but you have to pause every 30 seconds to read the essays he puts in the screen.
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There is so much information in this video I feel too low iq to take it in all at the once is this normal?
Watch it in increments
The only way this happens is if a major war happened involving the west.
I doubt anything major will happen, it'll probably just be a few ER's every year until this demographic disappears. This problem solves itself.
I don’t think that’s what they’re saying but I only watched some of the video. Leaving the incel and race issues aside the entire zeitgeist is so much more depressing than it was a decade ago, this kind of cultural unhappiness usually doesn’t lead to great things…
no because a societal collapse will happen. Idiots here think this is all about incels when it’s about young men giving up on society which leads to low employment and economy, people becoming restless because of this thus destroying the Leviathan (the left leaning woke movement which is feminine). Women will be lonely cat ladies men won’t work, conservatism will Be humans natural response to restore society so relgion will come back etc

Inceldom is only ONE of the things that will aid in the collapse. I as a young male have no gf no prospects to get a girl many men will just give up as we are programmed to want women validation and without that YOUNG MEN WILL LASH OUT IT HAPPENS IN EVERY CULTURE
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I as a young male have no gf no prospects to get a girl many men will just give up as we are programmed to want women validation and without that YOUNG MEN WILL LASH OUT IT HAPPENS IN EVERY CULTURE
Having a girlfriend isn't everything...
Watch it in increments

no because a societal collapse will happen. Idiots here think this is all about incels when it’s about young men giving up on society which leads to low employment and economy, people becoming restless because of this thus destroying the Leviathan (the left leaning woke movement which is feminine). Women will be lonely cat ladies men won’t work, conservatism will Be humans natural response to restore society so relgion will come back etc

Inceldom is only ONE of the things that will aid in the collapse. I as a young male have no gf no prospects to get a girl many men will just give up as we are programmed to want women validation and without that YOUNG MEN WILL LASH OUT IT HAPPENS IN EVERY CULTURE

btw OP this is the guy who made the vid he is definitely not a normie...
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Having a girlfriend isn't everything...
When you understand male biology you’ll realise everything men do is for a woman and to ensure the survival of their offspring. When you promote anti male socieity and men get no sex and feel they won’t get a wife then you have men who quit socieity. You forget humans are animals and our instincts drive us. I for once refuse to give to a system that supports the eradication of my genome hence why I’m moving from my location once I save up
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btw OP this is the guy who made the vid he is definitely not a normie...
He has moneh and status. He is normie. If you mean lookswise then no he’s an incel but I’m HTN and incel so there’s more to it than just looks although that is usually the main factor for inceldom in men.
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Hypergamy will keep getting worse. The female gaze will become stronger. The gynocentric society will become even more female-oriented. Men will become indentured slaves for women.

Women will genetically engineer chads to peg and establish dominance.
I think there will eventually be just one perfect superbreeder in the far future, like in that movie about dragons. Because the goal of hypergamy is to get the best man and there can only be one best.
Th 3413481774
  • JFL
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When you understand male biology you’ll realise everything men do is for a woman and to ensure the survival of their offspring. When you promote anti male socieity and men get no sex and feel they won’t get a wife then you have men who quit socieity. You forget humans are animals and our instincts drive us. I for once refuse to give to a system that supports the eradication of my genome hence why I’m moving from my location once I save up
I wouldn't say EVERYTHING a man does is for female validation but the majority of what humans do is to gain the approval of the opposite gender.Also, Where are you planning of moving when you obtain enough money?
When you understand male biology you’ll realise everything men do is for a woman and to ensure the survival of their offspring.
This is just not true. In this forum many men might think that way, but it's not that way for normal men.
  • JFL
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This is just not true. In this forum many men might think that way, but it's not that way for normal men.
You are the worst poster of the entire forum history
  • JFL
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This is just not true. In this forum many men might think that way, but it's not that way for normal men.
Yes because biology which drives society men and human history is what humanity is complete nonsense for you 😉. This is subconscious btw

Idiot. Is what you are, wanna know why women were oppresed in history? It’s because socieity had to coherse men into working defending and establishing systems structures societies and tribal lines for their wives. No pussy == no reason to fight no motivation the trade off was making women slaves to their husbands but them being slaves gave men vigor to work hard. Every guy who wants to get money a big part of it other than degeneracy and sloth is for a bitch

Give men no bitch and only chads and you’ll end up with a Japanese level problem of in working depressed men who live in video games to carry out their testosterone deserted
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I wouldn't say EVERYTHING a man does is for female validation but the majority of what humans do is to gain the approval of the opposite gender.Also, Where are you planning of moving when you obtain enough money?
USA, I need to go there cos my field pays a lot there (tech)

In Europe I earn slightly above minimum wage despite having a masters degree 🙃 so I see no point staying in this shithole
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wow. Insane video
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Bruh most incels are on drugs and antidepressants. What rebellion?

The walking dead rebellion?
  • JFL
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JFL retards here are so fucking dumb, this is not just about incels, Government around the world will shit their pants when birth rate goes below 0.5
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Bruh most incels are on drugs and antidepressants. What rebellion?

The walking dead rebellion?
The rebellion won't be from incels or men but Government once birth rate goes really low
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That guy is far from a normie all his history theories r 4chan inspired and he stays in his room all day reading books
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Cope Asia is even worse off and theyre not doing shit
Asians are literally the least likely to rebel and go against an established societal norm/order.
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Religion has been on a downward trend for a while now. The only way I see it reversing is from a black swan 1929 depression-tier event. Automation via AI and robotics will create lots of economic growth and subsidise the global ageing population.
Religion is still growing. It’s only referred western Cumskins and gooks who are atheistic.

Africa and Asia are growing and most of them are religious. Unfortunately due to secular pinkoids obsession with atheism and liberalism you fools allow Muzzies into the nations who will eventually overthrow you and establish sharia law and all of us non Muzzies will have to pay the Dhimmi tax thanks to you retarded atheist secular liberal cumskin not using your brain
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I will do what Hitler failed
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