Join the Peace Corps?


Deleted member 12002

Jan 18, 2021
Would anybody on here ever be interested in joining the Peace Corps? The type of people who do that sort of thing are usually very left wing, as well as a bit goofy. But you gotta admit they've got balls. Even though they wouldn't share the same politics as myself, I still could have a lot of fun being around anyone like that. You would learn a lot as well. You would learn a lot about life in general.

Joining the Peace Corps is usually a 2 year commitment, after the training's over with. You'd spend those 2 years in a 3rd world sh*thole building stuff and helping out. It would definitely make you a much stronger person than you already are. It would look extremely good on a resume and you'd have a really good network of people/contacts for the rest of your life. You'd also build very strong relationships with people who you would remain lifelong friends with, even if you didn't share the same political views.

One of the best things about it is you'd get to become fluent in a second language for free. The Peace Corps trains all of their people in the local tongue of wherever they'll be going, kind of in the same way Mormons do their with their missionaries. The language you'll be learning might not be that useful in a first world nation but, speaking from experience, it becomes so much easier to pick up a third language once you've become fluent in a second.

Life should be an adventure. Joining the Peace Corps would be infinately better than rotting on forums and playing video games all day.
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Reactions: Yerico7, Deleted member 5048, Deleted member 12923 and 5 others
Would anybody on here ever be interested in joining the Peace Corps? The type of people who do that sort of thing are usually very left wing, as well as a bit goofy. But you gotta admit they've got balls. Even though they wouldn't share the same politics as myself, I still could have a lot of fun being around anyone like that. You would learn a lot as well. You would learn a lot about life in general.

Joining the Peace Corps is usually a 2 year commitment, after the training's over with. You'd spend those 2 years in a 3rd world sh*thole building stuff and helping out. It would definitely make you a much stronger person than you already are. It would look extremely good on a resume and you'd have a really good network of people/contacts for the rest of your life. You'd also build very strong relationships with people who you would remain lifelong friends with, even if you didn't share the same political views.

One of the best things about it is you'd get to become fluent in a second language for free. The Peace Corps trains all of their people in the local tongue of wherever they'll be going, kind of in the same way Mormons do their with their missionaries. The language you'll be learning might not be that useful in a first world nation but, speaking from experience, it becomes so much easier to pick up a third language once you've become fluent in a second.

Life should be an adventure. Joining the Peace Corps would be infinately better than rotting on forums and playing video games all day.
i dont think id go out of my comfort zone of a normal life but it sounds great
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Reactions: Deleted member 12002
military mogs imo
peace corp members teach english. thats not going outside your intellectual comfort zone. in the military you can learn new skills
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Reactions: Deleted member 12002
military mogs imo
peace corp members teach english. thats not going outside your intellectual comfort zone. in the military you can learn new skills
I did a 9 month stint in the Airforce back in 2007-2008, before getting kicked out. I don't know about other countries, but the U.S. military was one of the biggest dissapointments of my life. @Native can tell you about all the bullsh*t where that's concerned.

They squeeze a bunch of men and women together in an unnatural environment, and proceed to constantly tell all the men that they're potential rapists. It's like the current battle of the sexes that's going on, but on steroids. Every woman's ego is inflated to the stars and back, while every man has to be extemely careful how he interacts with them. No joke, if a woman in the millitary said you even looked at her for more than 3 seconds, and that it made her uncomfortable, that was an instant article 15. That was back in 07, I don't even want to imagine how bad things are now.

Also, the millitary's too long of a commitment. Four years minimum, unless you've got a very special circumstance.

Teaching English is actually pretty hard because you also have to learn how to control people. Figuring out how to keep an upper hand on/earn the respect of disrespectful unruly students is one of the most difficult thing's I've ever done. Middle schoolers are the worst. You gotta learn how to make them admire you if you want them to behave. If you can't do this they'll eat you alive. This can be especially hard if you're a different race than them. It definitely makes you a lot better in dealing with women, or people in general.
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Reactions: Yerico7, Deleted member 12923, Adriana Lima and 2 others
French Mercenary mogs
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Reactions: Deleted member 12002
Join the deutsches afrikakorps
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Reactions: Deleted member 12002 and Adriana Lima
Jamesothy finally reveals himself as a Peace Corps recruiting officer
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Reactions: Deleted member 12002 and Adriana Lima
Would anybody on here ever be interested in joining the Peace Corps? The type of people who do that sort of thing are usually very left wing, as well as a bit goofy. But you gotta admit they've got balls. Even though they wouldn't share the same politics as myself, I still could have a lot of fun being around anyone like that. You would learn a lot as well. You would learn a lot about life in general.

Joining the Peace Corps is usually a 2 year commitment, after the training's over with. You'd spend those 2 years in a 3rd world sh*thole building stuff and helping out. It would definitely make you a much stronger person than you already are. It would look extremely good on a resume and you'd have a really good network of people/contacts for the rest of your life. You'd also build very strong relationships with people who you would remain lifelong friends with, even if you didn't share the same political views.

One of the best things about it is you'd get to become fluent in a second language for free. The Peace Corps trains all of their people in the local tongue of wherever they'll be going, kind of in the same way Mormons do their with their missionaries. The language you'll be learning might not be that useful in a first world nation but, speaking from experience, it becomes so much easier to pick up a third language once you've become fluent in a second.

Life should be an adventure. Joining the Peace Corps would be infinately better than rotting on forums and playing video games all day.
This actually sounds alright ngl would be harder being around left wing types than third world peasants for me tho
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Reactions: Deleted member 12002
French Mercenary mogs
You mean the French Foreign Legion?

It's not like the old days. Now it's EXTREMELY difficult to make the cut. You either gotta have a phd in some specialized field, or be ex military yourself. Most of the people you'll be competing with will be hardened combat veterans from other countries, a lot of em are ex-special forces. They just want the French citizenship.
  • Woah
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Reactions: incel194012940, Yerico7, ChadFucksYourOneitis and 1 other person
This actually sounds alright ngl would be harder being around left wing types than third world peasants for me tho
I know what you mean. But being able to survive around people like that is a very good skill to have.

One time when I was about 8 years old I caught my dad watching a documentary about gays in San Fransisco. When I asked him why he was watching it he looked to me and said, "Know your enemy!".

I frequently read a lot of articles on feminist websites. It's interesting and useful to understand how people like that think.

The types of folks who join the Peace Corps might be lefties. But they're also a bit crazy, in a good way. Trust me, their left wing tendencies will definitely take a back seat to their need for adventure/fulfillment. Finding common ground with them will be a lot easier than you might think.
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Reactions: Adriana Lima
I know what you mean. But being able to survive around people like that is a very good skill to have.

One time when I was about 8 years old I caught my dad watching a documentary about gays in San Fransisco. When I asked him why he was watching it he looked to me and said, "Know your enemy!".

I frequently read a lot of articles on feminist websites. It's interesting and useful to understand how people like that think.

The types of folks who join the Peace Corps might be lefties. But they're also a bit crazy, in a good way. Trust me, their left wing tendencies will definitely take a back seat to their need for adventure/fulfillment. Finding common ground with them will be a lot easier than you might think.
Wouldn't have thought It would be my cup of tea, but it doesn't sound bad the way you put it tbh
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Reactions: Deleted member 12002

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