Jokebiden tries to blow up bat trump's golden tower [Bat Trump story part 2]

Pneuma Palingenesis

Pneuma Palingenesis

The true spirit will always prevail over the flesh
Sep 16, 2024
The night was once again thick with tension, but this time the air felt different. There was a chill sweeping through D.C., and the clouds overhead seemed to churn ominously. High above the city, perched on the roof of his shimmering Golden Tower, Bat Trump stood with his cape billowing in the nonexistent wind, his arms crossed in defiance.

This was his kingdom—the tower he had built with his own two hands (or so he claimed), a monument to his greatness. But tonight, there was a threat looming. Not just any threat, but one much more dangerous, much more sinister, and definitely more coherent than last time.

From the shadows below, an eerie laughter echoed, sending chills through the cold night air. Jokebiden had returned, and this time, he wasn't tripping over his shoelaces. This time, he was serious.

Down in the streets,

Jokebiden stood with a wicked grin plastered across his face, holding a detonator in one hand and a microphone in the other. His makeup was smeared in grotesque patterns, and the dark rings around his eyes gave him a deranged look. But the worst part was the twisted humor that laced his words.

"Bat Trump, you big, orange... what did they call you? Oh yeah... Cheeto Crusader! HA!" Jokebiden cackled, his voice crackling with a dark energy. "You think you can stop me from bringing your precious Golden Tower down? What is this thing, a shrine to your hairline?"

He waved the detonator mockingly, his voice lowering to a dangerous whisper, "Once this tower falls, the whole city will finally get to see what's really under all that gold... nothing but cheap plastic and bad deals."

Bat Trump, watching from the top, clenched his fists. "Jokebiden, you're making a YUGE mistake. The people love me, and they love this tower. It's the best tower. Tremendous tower. It’s got the greatest views of D.C.—the absolute best."

Jokebiden rolled his eyes. "Oh, spare me the speech. I’m not here to listen to your ramblings, Donny. I’m here to give the people what they really want—a nice big explosion! Oh, and a comedy show. Might as well, right?"

With a flick of his wrist, Jokebiden turned to his goons, a ragtag group of twisted henchmen wearing clown masks and “Vote for Me” t-shirts. "Boys, get ready. We’re blowing this bad boy up like... oh, I dunno, like the economy under my watch! BWAHAHA!"

Meanwhile, down the street,

a sleek, red motorcycle tore through the night, skidding to a halt just outside the Golden Tower. The rider flipped up his helmet, revealing none other than JD Robin—Bat Trump’s young, scrappy sidekick, based on the senator and ever-loyal servant of “Bat MAGA.”

“Bat Trump! It’s me, JD Robin! I heard Jokebiden’s up to his old tricks again—wait, is this the same tower you’ve been telling everyone is the tallest in D.C.?"

Bat Trump’s voice crackled through JD Robin’s earpiece, full of confidence as always. "Yes, Robin, and it is the tallest. Don’t listen to the fake news. We’ve got work to do."

JD Robin parked his bike and sprinted toward the tower’s entrance, only to find it surrounded by Jokebiden’s goons.

“These clowns again? Seriously?” JD Robin muttered. With one swift motion, he launched himself at the first goon, landing a solid roundhouse kick. “This isn’t even a challenge. It's like you guys went to clown college and flunked out!”

Up on the rooftop,

Jokebiden was already setting up the final explosive charges, casually tossing out dark humor like candy on Halloween. “Bat Trump, do you hear that ticking sound? It’s not just the bomb, it’s your approval rating... if you even still have one! Hahaha!”

Bat Trump had had enough. He launched a golden Batarang (yes, a literal golden Batarang) at Jokebiden, aiming to knock the detonator out of his hand. But Jokebiden, surprisingly quick this time, ducked at the last second. The Batarang whizzed past him, embedding itself in a nearby pillar.

"Oooh, almost got me, Donny!" Jokebiden sneered. "But I'm too slippery for ya. I’ve been dodging questions for decades. Dodging a Batarang? Child’s play."

Bat Trump’s eyes narrowed behind his mask. "You're playing a dangerous game, Jokebiden. This tower is more than just a building—it's a symbol. A symbol of winning. Of greatness. Of... me."

Jokebiden’s grin stretched wider. "Oh, I know it’s a symbol. That’s why I’m blowing it up! You and your tower both crumble under pressure, just like that Trump Steaks brand you used to push. How did that taste, by the way?"

Suddenly, JD Robin burst through the rooftop door, panting but ready for action. "Bat Trump, I’m here! Let’s shut this clown down once and for all."

Jokebiden spun around, his eyes wide with mock surprise. "Oh look! It’s the little sidekick! What’s your name, kid? Robin? Oh wait... JD Robin! What does the JD stand for, huh? Just Dumb?"

JD Robin smirked, cracking his knuckles. "It stands for Just Destroying you, Jokebiden."

Jokebiden waved his hand dismissively. "Okay, okay, fine. Do your thing. But while you're trying to come up with clever comebacks, I’m gonna finish wiring these explosives." He bent down to attach a final wire, whistling a creepy tune as he worked.

Bat Trump and JD Robin exchanged a look. It was time to act.

The Final Showdown

Bat Trump took a deep breath. “Time to stop this once and for all. JD Robin, follow my lead.”

Together, they charged at Jokebiden, who—despite his usual scatterbrained demeanor—flipped the switch on his detonator and let out a maniacal laugh. “You’re too late, Donny! The countdown’s started. It’s like a campaign promise—you can’t stop it once it’s rolling!”

The bomb’s timer lit up: 10 seconds.

JD Robin hurled himself toward the bomb, sliding across the floor like a baseball player, trying to disarm it. “I got this!” he shouted. “I’ve watched enough YouTube tutorials on diffusing bombs… I think.”

Bat Trump, meanwhile, went toe-to-toe with Jokebiden. The two clashed in an epic (and hilariously clumsy) hand-to-hand combat, with Jokebiden throwing awkward punches that missed by miles.

"Take this, Bat Trump! And that! And this... wait, where did you go?" Jokebiden yelled as Bat Trump effortlessly dodged each hit.

"You've lost it, Jokebiden. Sad!" Bat Trump quipped, landing a dramatic, slow-motion punch that sent Jokebiden flying into a pile of discarded campaign signs.

With two seconds left, JD Robin managed to snip the right wire on the bomb. The countdown stopped at 1 second.

“Boom! Not today, Jokebiden!” JD Robin shouted triumphantly.

Bat Trump stood over Jokebiden, who was dazed and tangled in campaign posters. “This was a YUGE failure, Jokebiden. Tremendous failure. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure the people know.”

Jokebiden groaned. “You may have won this time, Bat Trump, but I’ll be back! I’ll always be back! As long as there’s coffee and memes, I’ll always be back!”

Bat Trump straightened his tie, flicked a piece of rubble off his shoulder, and smirked. “We’ll see about that. Now, Alfred Pence, bring the Batmobile around. Time to tweet about this victory.”

And as the sun began to rise over the Golden Tower, the city was safe once more… for now.

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