just a theory about longevity



Sep 21, 2023
so great white sharks life around 50-70 years on average (not far from humans) and travel at speeds of 50 kph ,Greenland sharks the slowest shark by far that travels only at around 3kph happens to live for around 250-500 years literally soo much longer then anything else,that cant be a coincidence that the slowest swimming shark also happens to out live the faster ones by up to 10 times longer? just like how some of the oldest turtles happen to outlive humans severely,im not saying that this translates to humans and the les you move and stress your body the faster you die but im just saying it has to be all somehow connected,ever notice how the oldest living people are people who claim to live stress free lives and none of them were ever athletic not once of them did sports or were atheltic,oldest person ever happen to never work a day in her life??
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Just reach nirvana and be stress free to live 1000 years theory
I have spent more or less all of my days sitting in bed for the past 3 years.
In previous years I did some running and lifting which stresses the body but this year I did next to none
I want to get back to peak fitness just while my prime window is still there but I dont see any issues with lying in bed for 8 hours per day and sitting in bed for 10-13 hours per day
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added to my immortality maxxing journey
I have spent more or less all of my days sitting in bed for the past 3 years.
In previous years I did some running and lifting which stresses the body but this year I did next to none
I want to get back to peak fitness just while my prime window is still there but I dont see any issues with lying in bed for 8 hours per day and sitting in bed for 10-13 hours per day
did you age while doing nothing in them 3 years at a normal rate?
did you age while doing nothing in them 3 years at a normal rate?
Yeah I would say the aging was at a normal rate
I could larp as 4 years younger then and I can larp as 4 years younger now, the gap for larping isn't closing faster than the time which has passed.
Also no hairloss occured during the 3 years
,im not saying that this translates to humans and the les you move and stress your body the faster you die but im just saying it has to be all somehow connected,ever notice how the oldest living people are people who claim to live stress free lives and none of them were ever athletic not once of them did sports or were atheltic,oldest person ever happen to never work a day in her life??
maybe a slower metabolism increases a longer life also being stress free
Our bodies degrade and we develop diseases if we sit/lie down all day. This whole fad about living to 150 is ridiculous to me. Who wants to live a half life full of pain/disease/ailments because when you're old, you can't live and enjoy life like you're young. Being active is good for physical and mental health.
Our bodies degrade and we develop diseases if we sit/lie down all day. This whole fad about living to 150 is ridiculous to me. Who wants to live a half life full of pain/disease/ailments because when you're old, you can't live and enjoy life like you're young. Being active is good for physical and mental health.
what if your heart is the root cause of ageing and preserving it slows it down completely

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