Just a vent about the annoyance of female nature



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019
I understand women's nature and the games they play. Being an autist, I don't interact with women anymore, especially after learning about the Black Pill. I've spent enough time observing them in action through webcam footage on YouTube. I always sought out videos with smaller view counts to control for possible staging, and after consuming enough MGTOW, Red Pill, and Black Pill content, I came to a stark realization: women’s nature is even worse than what both the Red Pill and Black Pill describe.

Most guys and the average normie can put in the work and ascend rapidly in terms of looks. Take this guy, for example: . He claims to have had women approach him in public in a sexual way and that he's slept with two married women. Softmaxing alone can sometimes gain you 2+ points in terms of Physical Sexual Market Value (PSL). By simply using products like tretinoin, SPF 50, vitamin C, niacinamide, microneedling, and red light therapy for skin, along with minoxidil or finasteride for hair, you can improve drastically. Combine that with a muscular body at single-digit body fat levels, and you're adding another 2 points just like that.

But this isn’t the brutal part. Women’s nature is far worse than what the Red Pillers and Black Pillers describe. Women are innately evil creatures, but you can't blame a scorpion for stinging its prey—evil is just part of their nature. Based on studies and the broader sum of data (like this guy's analysis: https://x.com/nuance_enjoyer?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author), women will settle for non-Chads. Any man can get a "relationship," if that's even what you’d call it. Women will always have a fallback partner, a guy who ranks in the 3-5 range. They don’t see you for who you are; they see you as a tool, something useful for what you can provide. They don’t love you for you; they can't. They love you for what you offer. Men, on the other hand, love women for who they are. It’s men who care about personality, men who sacrifice for women, and men who get nothing in return.

From what I've gathered, there seem to be two classes of Chads: the rich multimillionaires who can offer an expensive lifestyle and the very handsome Chads. These two classes are the new types of Chad. Contrary to the opinions of some like Goatie, money does matter. It provides physical comforts, sells women a dream, and becomes a status symbol in itself. It opens doors for them. But the most insidious aspect of women’s nature is that this dynamic leads to bitterness. Sure, as a normie—whether you're low-tier, mid-tier, or high-tier—you can get into a relationship. It may not be with the woman you truly desire, but you can get it. The question is, will she treat you with respect? Absolutely not. The real Black Pill is the "cheating Black Pill."

Even sub-5s can ascend with surgery and softmaxing. Spending $30,000 on jaw implants can literally fix a guy’s life. I've seen it happen—a guy born with micrognathia got surgery and ascended hard. As a result, his life improved dramatically. So yes, even sub-5s can ascend. The question is, by normie standards, is this really an "ascension?" There's a high likelihood that even if a sub-5 looksmaxes, the woman he’s with will treat him like shit and cheat on him.

It all comes down to instinct and primal urges. I don’t know why our cuck ancestors ever agreed to long-term relationships, but now it’s become normalized to be open cuckolds.

Men’s nature is to sleep around with as many women as possible before eventually settling down and committing.

Women’s nature is the exact same, except they try to keep one Chad—whether he's a Chad in terms of looks, status, money, or even personality. There’s a natural personality type that women love, and you can’t mimic it because it’s hardwired. Personality is already 50% heritable, and the other 50% is likely due to genes we haven’t yet identified. Regardless, women always keep a second-choice cuck on the side, either cheating on him or eventually divorcing him.

I shouldn’t have to post this on some obscure forum where people already agree with me. If I posted this anywhere else on the internet, I’d get banned or shadow banned.
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Mirin thread
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Mirin thread

I don't know where else to go every reddit account i make gets insta banned instagram you get insta shadow banned where else do i go ?
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, ReplaceMyJuice and Nirvana
I don't know where else to go every reddit account i make gets insta banned instagram you get insta shadow banned where else do i go ?
You go here. Why are you shadow banned there?
  • +1
Reactions: reptiles
You go here. Why are you shadow banned there?

And that's why i'm here and also i get shadow banned cause i call them whores and actively shit talk after a while your account gets banned i've had 3 warnings on tiktok for bans
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Reactions: ReplaceMyJuice
instagram is pretty based nowdays tbh
this is one of the stuipedest threads ive ever read DNRD
Bro go outside and the beta buxers
no, you're claiming that personality is genetic and assuming that all women are the same even tho you're just one stupid nigger who has probably never left your city
no, you're claiming that personality is genetic and assuming that all women are the same even tho you're just one stupid nigger who has probably never left your city
Personality is genetic most of it is preformed from the womb and by that I meant more like of your autistic and neurotyical if you have a normie brain that's different a lot of people are autistic and do not have a neurotypical brain.

And all women aren't the same but all women fundamentally there biology encumbers them to be attracted to the most genetically successful male

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