Just Be Black Theory Is Legit!!!



Wace rar now!!!
Nov 30, 2023

GTFIH @anthony111553 @nathan @ElTruecel @cromagnon @CopiumX @alurmo
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Reactions: Lost_Soul, lordgandy2000, human304 and 6 others
I'll knock him out and fuck her tight pink juicy pussy and asshole
  • JFL
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Reactions: ineonx, Suns9999, lordgandy2000 and 7 others
nice negative ration bud
  • JFL
Reactions: Jova and CopiumX
I'll knock him out and fuck her tight pink juicy pussy and asshole
  • JFL
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Reactions: ineonx, Suns9999, sportsmogger and 2 others
mulatto brown niglet chances of becoming criminal statistic and or some other type of reprobate genetic dead end of a single mother much higher than if she just reproduced with stable white genetics. this is the result of a successful psyop. i hate (((them))) so much
Nah. Being Black alone doesn't mean anything.

Nigga isn't ugly and he probably is NT and has good game which matters more than people think when it comes to girls.
  • +1
Reactions: DarkTriadBeliever, Jova and noodlelover
Nah. Being Black alone doesn't mean anything.

Nigga isn't ugly and he probably is NT and has good game which matters more than people think when it comes to girls.
Just be NT and have game theory is real.

It's easier for most black guys to learn game and be NT because they have more social motivation and confidence usually.

White guys can learn it, but it requires more pain because it goes against our nature normally.

Indian & Asian guys have the hardest time learning it, but they can if they want too.
  • +1
Reactions: Jova
mulatto brown niglet chances of becoming criminal statistic and or some other type of reprobate genetic dead end of a single mother much higher than if she just reproduced with stable white genetics. this is the result of a successful psyop. i hate (((them))) so much
Girls don’t want passive agressive cuckolds
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Reactions: Jova
Just be NT and have game theory is real.

It's easier for most black guys to learn game and be NT because they have more social motivation and confidence usually.

White guys can learn it, but it requires more pain because it goes against our nature normally.

Indian & Asian guys have the hardest time learning it, but they can if they want too.
Italians, French, Greeks, Albanians, and Russians would like to have a word with you.
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Reactions: noodlelover
Niggas keep saying "jbb" and post an average looking black guy

If they aren't sub-5 it's not a just be anything
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
Niggas keep saying "jbb" and post an average looking black guy

If they aren't sub-5 it's not a just be anything
I know multiple morbidly obese black guys that slay tons of girls.

It could be argued that they're not even NT, they're just low inhib.

Just Be Low inhib.
  • +1
Reactions: DarkTriadBeliever
you are NOT vermillioncore nigger
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
Just be NT and have game theory is real.

It's easier for most black guys to learn game and be NT because they have more social motivation and confidence usually.

White guys can learn it, but it requires more pain because it goes against our nature normally.

Indian & Asian guys have the hardest time learning it, but they can if they want too.
It’s cope you can‘t always score with this alone and you need to peek out of the mass somehow.
Status, money, looks.
I'll knock him out and fuck her tight pink juicy pussy and asshole
as if this nigger and his buddies have kept it tight. its probably looks like this:
  • JFL
Reactions: klip11 and Suns9999
all of you coping whitetoids need to accept the "JBB" and stop this childish argument about being nt.

the global order has been promoting niggers through media constantly from the 2000s.

just accept and fight the people who are doing this. jerking about being NT won't stop your women fucking niggers.
  • JFL
Reactions: klip11 and Suns9999
mulatto brown niglet chances of becoming criminal statistic and or some other type of reprobate genetic dead end of a single mother much higher than if she just reproduced with stable white genetics. this is the result of a successful psyop. i hate (((them))) so much
cope thugmax is law
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
not true this only applies to whores they always fetishize black men
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
He got a 8 x 6. Don’t worry, you can have one too after 6 months of pumping.
Just kys tbh. Nobody will miss you
nobody misses anyone.

nobody will also miss a whitetoid na zi , simp who goes
"me whitey , me puck blackies girlfirend. me chad"
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: WeiWei and klip11
It’s cope you can‘t always score with this alone and you need to peek out of the mass somehow.
Status, money, looks.
Part of game is status hacking.

I know slayers without status, money, or looks, but their game frauds status. Their vibe, how they dress, and how they talk is very much an "I'm better than you" vibe, and they act like whatever bullshit hobbies/business/degree they have is high status/value.

Their stories (which are often times made up) also convey status. Like military combat stories that never happened, or saying they were on the football team in highschool, or that hot girls were trying to hang out with them, etc. Old school mystery method, would call this DHV stories. I doubt the slayers I know, know this, they just naturally figure out how to bullshit.

Then there's status hacking online. To take a simple example, create some bullshit art. Create a webpage, and maybe some youtube videos and an instagram. Then astro-turph comments and views from bots that look genuine. Congratulations you have "status" that can be used in conversation, and when you pull up your art to show some one, you're pulling up your hacked status.

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