

Joseph Joestar
Jul 16, 2019
So i start the message of saying "Hey you going sixth form?"
she replies a min later saying "Heyy yes are you" and it was dope bro she replied within minutes and they were replies which had effort put in.
Obviously being the fucking aspie I am i send a picture of my gigachadpreet psl 8 uncle to her and told her to rate him out of 10. SHE ONLY RATES HIM A 7 WTF. Then she goes on to say "hes good looking" and yeh.
THEN i bring up her calling me cute. I was like 'remember when you and mya called me cute in chemistry' she said 'yeah😂'
I said 'do you actually think im cute'
she goes 'Yea your cute'. I got happy until i said 'Im so happy😭😭😭' thej she says 'why i call a lot of guys cute'. Fuck man. I said 'it means im one of your potentials roiiighhht?'
She said 'i dont have any potentials actualllyyyy' this bitch fucking confuses me man swear to god
  • JFL
Reactions: Alexanderr, Deleted member 1464, BigBoy and 1 other person
Bro...that's exactly how you shouldnt talk to a girl.Why are you bringing up the "cute" thing?Also you're asking her if you're one of her potentials...No man she should be one of YOUR potential.You acted obvious that you only like her and that she is really important for you...Big mistake giving girls the upper hand.But you'll lern I guess...
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2012, BigBoy, Zygos4Life and 1 other person
Bro...that's exactly how you shouldnt talk to a girl.Why are you bringing up the "cute" thing?Also you're asking her if you're one of her potentials...No man she should be one of YOUR potential.You acted obvious that you only like her and that she is really important for you...Big mistake giving girls the upper hand.But you'll lern I guess...
dont listen to this guy .no one should listen to this guy
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Reactions: BigBoy and norwoodreaper
Cringy as hell. That's not how you talk to a girls and you're about to get friendzoned so fucking badly
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Reactions: Deleted member 2012, Alexanderr, Deleted member 1464 and 2 others
my gigachadpreet psl 8 uncle to her and told her to rate him out of 10.
Actually nvm just don't do this again for the love of god
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2012 and Deleted member 1560
Cringy as hell. That's not how you talk to a girls and you're about to get friendzoned so fucking badly
And also don't go around asking girls to rate, that's low t and cuck move
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2012, BigBoy and Deleted member 2205
you fucked this exchange up basically as much as you could. not because you didn't game it properly or anything redpill, you were just autistic. it is a victory that it turned out this well, i've never texted my oneitis tbh so nice job. at the same time, i don't have a oneitis and haven't in forever bc i am not cucked
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Reactions: Deleted member 2012, BigBoy, Zygos4Life and 1 other person
  • So Sad
Reactions: haircutcel
I mean its 100% confirmed she finds me cute tho right guys 😭
751DFE18 EC56 4F68 AC1E 7EB38A027222

cute b t w
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1464, BigBoy and Zygos4Life
Are you dense? She's into you, you dumbass
NOOOOOO dont bring in your uncle and then jog her memory back about the time she called you cute. who the fuck asks does that mean I have potential wtf op
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
Are you dense? She's into you, you dumbass
no shes not lmfao

and just ask her out, youve already fucked things up by acting like a beta.

just do it bro, you have nothing to lose and everything to win.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2012
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2012
need pics of girl
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
wtf are you doing tbh
Cant believe Ive been obsessing over her for a good 7 fucking months just for me to act like an absolute aspie
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2012
why did you even bring up your gigachadjeet uncle tho boyo.
now ill pray to gandy and to your uncle tbh. gandy isnt enaugh
  • +1
Reactions: Zygos4Life
no shes not lmfao

and just ask her out, youve already fucked things up by acting like a beta.

just do it bro, you have nothing to lose and everything to win.
Bro i have my emotions to lose
why did you even bring up your gigachadjeet uncle tho boyo.
I dunno i felt like it tbh ngl
Obviously being the fucking aspie I am i send a picture of my gigachadpreet psl 8 uncle to her and told her to rate him out of 10. SHE ONLY RATES HIM A 7 WTF. Then she goes on to say "hes good looking" and yeh.
Only? 7 is still male model tier.
shes coping. uncle is legit psl8
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy and Zygos4Life
She rated him 7/10 in the normie scale
ask her when was the last time she saw someone as gl as him irl. tv or internet doesnt count. i havent seen even girl on his level irl let alone dude
  • +1
Reactions: Zygos4Life
Bro i have my emotions to lose

I dunno i felt like it tbh ngl
Ask her out, if she reciprocates cool, if not move on with your life
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
Ask her out, if she reciprocates cool, if not move on with your life
Na shed prob say no cuz when she said she no potentials, i was like "chat shit yes you do im one of them" and she said thst im not.
wtf makes no sense. She finds me cute but im not a potential
ask her when was the last time she saw someone as gl as him irl. tv or internet doesnt count. i havent seen even girl on his level irl let alone dude
Itd be a bit weird to bring my unclr up again ngl😂😂😂
Bro i have my emotions to lose
Emotions are temporary, you'll get over it in 2 days.

Na shed prob say no cuz when she said she no potentials, i was like "chat shit yes you do im one of them" and she said thst im not.
wtf makes no sense. She finds me cute but im not a potential
She's being nice, she's not into you. Either ask her out or accept she's not into you.

You should do the former to get experience and it won't freak you out the next time you do it.
wtf are u retarded?lmaoo ur texting game sounds like an IT cuck, being submitted to m'lady
That girl is coping your chad uncle is Indian that why she said 7, if he was white she would have said 9 or 10. White women do not know how to act when they see a good looking Indian it boggles them
Cringy as hell. That's not how you talk to a girls and you're about to get friendzoned so fucking badly
His face already friendzoned him. This didn't change a thing as far as her interest in him ssexually. Maybe it made him the weird creepy guy though.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: BigBoy and Deleted member 2205
His face already friendzoned him. This didn't change a thing as far as her interest in him ssexually. Maybe it made him the weird creepy guy though.
The reason Ugly people act soy is because everyone treats them like shit. The reason chad has good confidence is because he's been treated great, Personality literally is how good you look. People talking about how personality matters are basically saying "Don't be a bitch".

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