laughed at by two young women



Ascended with roids & ltr
Sep 26, 2019
Few months ago i had a situation like this and it absolutely crushed me:

Empty street, I am going somewhere dressed normally (nothing on my face, no texts on my sweater, fresh hair and shaved). Two young woman comming towards me (not older than 20), giggling to each other and talking - I assume friends.

And here is the thing: as they were getting closer, they suddenly stopped talking and giggling, they kept their glances straight, and as we were about to pass by each other I quickly looked at them: one was looking forward with slight but noticable smile and other one looked at me and looked away.

Just as they passed, they bursted out with giggling again. I felt devastated because I am sure they were laughing at me because nobody else was there. I will remember this till day I die... I am so ugly that I am a walking joke.
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awww poor wittle baby
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I'll refer you to your username
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Don't girls giggle around guys the think are attractive? Plus, it would only take one of the two to be attracted in this case to make both of them laugh.
Few months ago i had a situation like this and it absolutely crushed me:

Empty street, I am going somewhere dressed normally (nothing on my face, no texts on my sweater, fresh hair and shaved). Two young woman comming towards me (not older than 20), giggling to each other and talking - I assume friends.

And here is the thing: as they were getting closer, they suddenly stopped talking and giggling, they kept their glances straight, and as we were about to pass by each other I quickly looked at them: one was looking forward with slight but noticable smile and other one looked at me and looked away.

Just as they passed, they bursted out with giggling again. I felt devastated because I am sure they were laughing at me because nobody else was there. I will remember this till day I die... I am so ugly that I am a walking joke.
Wyślesz foty na pm?
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Don't girls giggle around guys the think are attractive? Plus, it would only take one of the two to be attracted in this case to make both of them laugh.
I read that they do but I think its cope. Why would they stop talking as they seen me comming? Why would they burst out laughing and one of them forcefully not looking at me and having a smile on her face.

I read that they do but I think its cope. Why would they stop talking as they seen me comming? Why would they burst out laughing and one of them forcefully not looking at me and having a smile on her face.

View attachment 134327

dont remeber how often me and my homies werew alking down the street drunk and we would laugh at literally anyone passing by
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Wyślesz foty na pm?
Nie mam zżadnych zdjęć swoich w przeciągu 10+ lat. Nigdy nie robię zdjęć bo to mnie psychicznie niszczy.
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I read that they do but I think its cope. Why would they stop talking as they seen me comming? Why would they burst out laughing and one of them forcefully not looking at me and having a smile on her face.

View attachment 134327
Could be cope but outside observer might have perceived otherwise.
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Few months ago i had a situation like this and it absolutely crushed me:

Empty street, I am going somewhere dressed normally (nothing on my face, no texts on my sweater, fresh hair and shaved). Two young woman comming towards me (not older than 20), giggling to each other and talking - I assume friends.

And here is the thing: as they were getting closer, they suddenly stopped talking and giggling, they kept their glances straight, and as we were about to pass by each other I quickly looked at them: one was looking forward with slight but noticable smile and other one looked at me and looked away.

Just as they passed, they bursted out with giggling again. I felt devastated because I am sure they were laughing at me because nobody else was there. I will remember this till day I die... I am so ugly that I am a walking joke.
Imo. Your interpretation is kinda, hit or miss.
Because chicks also giglle/laugh, for men they find attractive. So it could also be that.
Although maybe in this case, you called it correctly. Because they avoided eye contact with you. While I seem to see that, if women foind a man attractive, they actually make eye contact (sometimes stares, or brief eye contact with (cute subbmissive) lookaway to show submission). And then they often, also giggle.
So the giggle alone, can be actually good as well. It's the eye-contact that often make sure for you if it's the good type of giggling or the bad one.

Why would they stop talking as they seen me comming?
Women also stop talking regularly when Chad passes by. They get brain freeze.
forcefully not looking at me.
This is maybe the only give away from the story, that they valued you as low.
All the other things, don't say much, because Chad also gets that likely (women going silent, and women giggling/laughing)
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lmao this happens every time I go outside. These brain dead sluts can't seem to control themselves, they're like children.
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Bro you’re clearly over reacting
Two young woman comming towards me (not older than 20), giggling to each other and talking - I assume friends.
Just as they passed, they bursted out with giggling again.
You don’t even know what they were talking about. You just assumed they were talking about you because no one else was around. But the second quote contradicts your conclusion, if they were willingly to come toward you and mock you they wouldn’t have kept quiet in the first place.

They were probably drunk or they were city girls that often goof around. They were probably talking about something explicit and didn’t want you to hear it.

If they were actually laughing at anything regarding you it was probably at how low T you are, because you sounding hella low T right now
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Coping from the fact they didn't even care about you.

So much to feel noticed, even in a bad way.

Low T behaviour.
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Bro you’re clearly over reacting

You don’t even know what they were talking about. You just assumed they were talking about you because no one else was around. But the second quote contradicts your conclusion, if they were willingly to comes toward you and mock you they wouldn’t have kept quiet in the first place.

They were probably drunk or they were city girls that often goofs around. They were probably talking about something explicit and didn’t want you to hear it.

If they were actually laughing at anything regarding you it was probably at how low T you are, because you sounding hella low T right now
He is the biggest pessimist evee
  • +1
Reactions: TheMewingBBC
Imo. Your interpretation is kinda, hit or miss.
Because chicks also giglle/laugh, for men they find attractive. So it could also be that.
Although maybe in this case, you called it correctly. Because they avoided eye contact with you. While I seem to see that, if women foind a man attractive, they actually make eye contact (sometimes stares, or brief eye contact with (cute subbmissive) lookaway to show submission). And then they often, also giggle.
So the giggle alone, can be actually good as well. It's the eye-contact that often make sure for you if it's the good type of giggling or the bad one.

Women also stop talking regularly when Chad passes by. They get brain freeze.

This is maybe the only give away from the story, that they valued you as low.
All the other things, don't say much, because Chad also gets that likely (women going silent, and women giggling/laughing)
Worst thing is that I will never know. I will never meet them again. I will remember this till the day I rope and I will never know the truth.
He is the biggest pessimist evee
I'm a bit pessimist but I dont have any reason to think otherwise.
Nie mam zżadnych zdjęć swoich w przeciągu 10+ lat. Nigdy nie robię zdjęć bo to mnie psychicznie niszczy.
no to zrób ja jestem ciekawy
He is the biggest pessimist evee
Yes because the world is sunshine and rainbows🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 yaaay just be happy broooo! Ignore the fact you're everybody's laughing stock!!!
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no to zrób ja jestem ciekawy
Nie ma szans. W telefonie wyglądam inaczej kompletnie, z 4/10 schodzę na 3. Jest zbyt spierdolony żeby to zrobić. Wystarczy mi fakt że dwie młode laski się ze mnie śmiały I to że nigdy nie zostałem zagadany przez kobietę ani nawet z żadną nie rozmawiałem towarzysko.
Nie ma szans. W telefonie wyglądam inaczej kompletnie, z 4/10 schodzę na 3. Jest zbyt spierdolony żeby to zrobić. Wystarczy mi fakt że dwie młode laski się ze mnie śmiały I to że nigdy nie zostałem zagadany przez kobietę ani nawet z żadną nie rozmawiałem.
chyba patrzysz jak jakis wieśniak
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chyba patrzysz jak jakis wieśniak
Jak jak jakiś wieśniak? Tu nie chodzi tylko o to że zdjęcie jest odwrócone w porównaniu do lustra. Moje oczy są zupełnie gorsze, midface się splaszcza, asymetria wychodzi, skóra wygląda inaczej, wszystko jest spierdolone, jakbym tutaj zapostowal swoje zdjęcie to po feedbacku bym się zajebal albo tak załamał że już nigdy nie wyszedlbym z domu.
Ja czekam do momentu az skoncze 25 lata, jak w szkole teraz nie znajdę laski ani znajomych to idę się zajebac I może wtedy zrobię zdjęcie I pokaże żeby się upewnić.
Jak jak jakiś wieśniak? Tu nie chodzi tylko o to że zdjęcie jest odwrócone w porównaniu do lustra. Moje oczy są zupełnie gorsze, midface się splaszcza, asymetria wychodzi, skóra wygląda inaczej, wszystko jest spierdolone, jakbym tutaj zapostowal swoje zdjęcie to po feedbacku bym się zajebal albo tak załamał że już nigdy nie wyszedlbym z domu.
Ja czekam do momentu az skoncze 25 lata, jak w szkole teraz nie znajdę laski ani znajomych to idę się zajebac I może wtedy zrobię zdjęcie I pokaże żeby się upewnić.
nigdy się nie dowiesz jak nie wyślesz zdjęcia
nigdy się nie dowiesz jak nie wyślesz zdjęcia
Myślę że dowiem się z tego czy jakaś dziewczyna będzie mną zainteresowana w szkole w najbliższym czasie. Jak na razie wszystko idzie w negatywnym kierunku.
Poza tym nie mam kasy może bym poprosił kogoś żeby mi zrobił zdjęcia lustrzanką bez lens distortion A nie jakimś chujowym telefonem.
This is maybe the only give away from the story, that they valued you as low.
Well one of them was looking straight with a subtle smile, and other looked at me for like 1-2 second. I dont remember details so well because it happened months ago, maybe it wasn't forceful. Only thing I remember very well is that as they just passed by me like meter behind me they started laughing. I've been spat at and bullied before in my life but this hurts just as much. I dont blame them nor mad at them.
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Yes because the world is sunshine and rainbows🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 yaaay just be happy broooo! Ignore the fact you're everybody's laughing stock!!!
bro even normie girls don’t laugh at subhumans walking past, them just feel uneasy not laugh lol
Myślę że dowiem się z tego czy jakaś dziewczyna będzie mną zainteresowana w szkole w najbliższym czasie. Jak na razie wszystko idzie w negatywnym kierunku.
Poza tym nie mam kasy może bym poprosił kogoś żeby mi zrobił zdjęcia lustrzanką bez lens distortion A nie jakimś chujowym telefonem
Można zobaczyć czy jesteś chadem czy truecelem z telefonu.
First of all I'm 100% sure they weren't giggling about you, and even if they were it's stupid to feel like that because of some stranger foids that you'll never meet again jfl
it's stupid to feel like that because of some stranger foids that you'll never meet again jfl
Do you think 5/10+ men get laughed at on the street? Their giggles confirm to me that I am 4/10 or lower. Women are cruel because they represent Mother Nature - they choose your genes or they let you rot alone till you die.
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Yes because the world is sunshine and rainbows🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 yaaay just be happy broooo! Ignore the fact you're everybody's laughing stock!!!
bro even normie girls don’t laugh at subhumans walking past, them just feel uneasy not laugh lol
Do you think 5/10+ men get laughed at on the street? Their giggles confirm to me that I am 4/10 or lower. Women are cruel because they represent Mother Nature - they choose your genes or they let you rot alone till you die.
Bro some girls screenshot me when I ask them to meet me some girls travel 1 hour + on train, chances are you are probably below average or average b not as ugly as u think
What do you mean?
I don’t see people laughing at ugly people, maybe if they are truly deformed
They do laugh
I never noticed me getting laughed at by RANDOM people when I was 5’5 manlet and fat as fuck and ugly
Bro some girls screenshot me when I ask them to meet me some girls travel 1 hour + on train,
You mean you do hookups and have girls travel 1 hour to you? And you say you are 5'5? How attractive are you facially?
You mean you do hookups and have girls travel 1 hour to you? And you say you are 5'5? How attractive are you facially?
No I am 5’8-9 now and not exactly I have had 3 girls travel to me; i have asked many women but it’s an uphill battle for sub 8 men like myself
You mean you do hookups and have girls travel 1 hour to you? And you say you are 5'5? How attractive are you facially?
No I am 5’8-9 now and not exactly I have had 3 girls travel to me; i have asked many women but it’s an uphill battle for sub 8 men like myself
No I am 5’8-9 now and not exactly I have had 3 girls travel to me; i have asked many women but it’s an uphill battle for sub 8 men like myself

No I am 5’8-9 now and not exactly I have had 3 girls travel to me; i have asked many women but it’s an uphill battle for sub 8 men like myself
So 3 girls traveled to you just to get dicked. That's insane validation you must be at least 5/10+ facially.
So 3 girls traveled to you just to get dicked. That's insane validation you must be at least 5/10+ facially.
No not to get dicked. 1 girl did it but I was too high inhib to do anything, the other 2 I had to put the effort in first.

One was at this teenage camp shit where u do activities she asked me to get ina. picture so affer I approached her and she started texting me and we met after it finished

the other added me on some teenage tinder app called yubo and i asked her to meet me and she agreed
So 3 girls traveled to you just to get dicked. That's insane validation you must be at least 5/10+ facially.
I’m sayinf is U seem as insecure as I used to be; just Pm pics i’ll tell u the truth no bias
They may of been flirting with you.
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fucking brutal
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Explain? I never been approached by a woman nor fliter.
Never mind. Sorry, it sounded like they were flirting but since you claim to be incel, it may be the case that they were being bitches
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Never mind. Sorry, it sounded like they were flirting but since you claim to be incel, it may be the case that they were being bitches
Yeah I thought so...
Idk post a pic of your face
If youre below average then i have some bad news
If youre average or above then its an ioi
Idk post a pic of your face
If youre below average then i have some bad news
If youre average or above then its an ioi
What do you consider below average? Can you post a picture or describe it, and same about average and above average.
I don't think I am mentally ready to post a picture of myself but I wonder what your perception on looks is.
What do you consider below average? Can you post a picture or describe it, and same about average and above average.
I don't think I am mentally ready to post a picture of myself but I wonder what your perception on looks is.
Just PM to trusted user, I can be honest with you

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