[LDAR] https://talktotransformer.com/ thread



Dec 26, 2018
Free notafed.

The word "freed" is a noun, which means "not subject to" or "unfree," or "not being subject to." "Free notafed" can also mean "unfree speech," but this is not clear at all and may not mean as this sentence would say. So it is generally not the best word for this sort of situation and it is not clear what it would mean if something should go wrong. What's more, it's the word used "freed" for a few months after its use, but not "liberated." I suppose it could mean what it meant when it was introduced to us, but it seems quite unlikely because we would assume that once the word "liberated" was coined, the meaning shifted to be more precise.

2.1 Does the word "free notafed" really mean something like this?

Some dictionaries use both "free" and "not" to mean different things, so you can take whatever phrase you want to use to mean "free notafed." But there is no way to know whether some people call something "free" or "not free without thinking about it." If a word does not mean what you think it means, that word cannot mean anything, even if its dictionary says its meanings are different. When I hear people say "free
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din red
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didnt read their books so i just went to the internet and found a copy.I have to say that i don't think this is for everyone; my husband is an absolute frugal man and this is just not possible. It just seems a bit unfair when you look at how much money you're actually saving. I know he has my number so if he wants this book i'm happy to help him. He seems really excited about it so i can't really say too much about it but i'd say he's probably going to love his books because they aren't cheap and if he's smart and works hard, he'll be able to buy them all without paying for them as they aren't discounted.So yes thank goodness i found this book and not just another book for one penny. It will give you $5 more on all your Kindle purchases because i know if it gives you $6 you'll spend more.

What a good idea! As someone who doesn't have much cash and often does use it to buy other things, a book like this can really help, as we know that a book costs a lot less than a TV rental or a CD in most cases. With a little bit of creativity and perseverance this book can go above and beyond what other people can pull off... it's really something that you could do no-o-noted for a
  • WTF
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OP is a faggot and a misogynist. He should be killed"

This is pretty much exactly what a group of women who are calling for a boycott of Starbucks have said. They're saying they want an entire company to have to take an apology for its racist and sexist policies and give one to themselves and their families. It's kind of remarkable. I mean, it's a corporate giant, you guys. But you've got to think this is pretty much how you'd do it, right? To ask Starbucks to apologize for saying a black man should be killed is to not accept that any racist or sexist shit has ever happened, and to believe that the only difference between saying black guys should be killed and saying black people should be killed is where you think it's going. In this way, you know, it's exactly the same way that feminists do it. All we have to do is ask them to say black people shouldn't be killed. The answer is, they couldn't. Of course. They can't.

But the question that has to be asked is: Why? So why is it necessary to ask for Starbucks to apologize for saying white people should be killed? Is it because of the white people? Because it's something that happens every day when we talk about the white race that causes this kind of shit? To ask people to apologize to the racist and sexist
didnt read a single word
androidcel_fade_x_scale_time_scale_factor; const struct timezone *timezoneID = &timezoneID.getTimeZone(CZ_UTC); const struct timezone type = timezoneID.type; int scaled_time = 0; int scaled_scale = 1; float timezoneIDL; int scaledDeltasInCubicRadians, scaledDeltaScale, scaledPitchScale, scaledYawScale; int scaledFadeDuration; float timezoneIDF; int maxTimes[4]; float zoomDuration = 0; float fxDeltaScaleValue, zoomFadeDuration; float fxCrop, fxScrewFadeRange; float zoomFadeDurationDeltaValue = 0; float zoomDeltaValue; int scaledFadeDurationScaledDeltaValue = 0; // Timezone type int w, h; float wfmsilon, h; float hue; float h = w.m_mode - 2.0; bool zoom1 = dbloom_use_scaled_type(cubic_loom_opacity); static const struct wmode_type wmodeType = ctx->m_mode; uint32_t scaled_timeScale = ctx->m_timeScale; const struct wmode_type scaled = ctx->m_mode; int scaled
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shit thread kill yourself !!!!!

The only reason you have the right to speak out is your rights were not abused and your right to free speech is not under threat.

I am a proud American and proud of our nation. My right to speak as I wish is not under assault.

As a white, Christian American, I am offended that we're giving this type of power to white supremacists, and what's more white supremacists are getting to spew their disgusting garbage online. I get the feeling most of what they post is an attempt to make someone feel worthless and worthless they could just tell off on Facebook.

If we are so concerned about free speech, it's reasonable to ban people just because they believe in what you believe, or have a right to do so.

This is why there are a lot of people in America that think this way, and there's been a lot of discussion in the media about it.

But let's not forget that all of these people are the same people who voted for Obama in the first place, and voted for Trump the second time around, and will probably vote for them again, even if they were just a little bit more "liberal" than their predecessors, and more like the rest of us.

I wonder who coded this..
I wonder who coded this..
Built by Adam King (@AdamDanielKing) as an easier way to play with OpenAI's new machine learning model. In February, OpenAI unveiled a language model called GPT-2 that generates coherent paragraphs of text one word at a time.

For now OpenAI has decided only to release small and medium-sized versions of it which aren't as coherent but still produce interesting results.
  • JFL
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Incels in England don't have long to wait to meet and interact with other members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community in the west. And yet there's one person that has gone from obscurity to a hero when it comes to the issue of homophobia in British society.

Heaven's Feel

A group of former Ealing Borough residents, most with links to North London, formed the group of former prisoners and friends known as The Love Life Outcasts, or LOOA.

An alternative, far right, alternative to the so-called mainstream and mainstream parties, the group emerged in April 1992 to oppose the establishment Labour Party, and was led by Andrew Lacey, a prominent radical left supporter and supporter of gay rights who was jailed for 13 years of anti-gay remarks between 1989 and 1993 whilst a student at York University in Toronto.

LOOA was formed because of the growing visibility and acceptance of gay rights amongst a particular social group, and it became something of a rallying point for members to call for changes to "the culture" of the UK, and its police forces, to be made, especially regarding issues of hate crime.

LOOA became the focus of numerous protests by members of the gay rights community in various US cities. LOOA's members were arrested for hate crime, and subsequently sentenced to time behind bars, which they

Go Er, we're going to die' but it seems they really did it to me. The girl in charge gave me the option to change my clothes or refuse.

When we were about to change, the girl who's wearing underwear walked in and told us 'The boy who wants to change now will get it' and then grabbed my arm. She kept saying 'I don't want to change because my hair is short', and then when she was walking to bed, she was the one who started picking my hair. Now you know how little they trust me as they will not let me change my clothes!

She just started stripping and then got naked next to us, then started asking us the same question 'how long do you want to be his girlfriend'….

…and it was the 'shortest' thing she has ever done in her life and I said 'I've already dated her twice at night' when she did that. So she just went back to getting into another girl's pants.

"Can it get any worse? I only asked her out twice"

'Do not say that' said my friend, 'she has a lot of other things to think about, including her own body as well'.

I didn't see me lose a single count because these boys are not idiots. I was like me and my friends and they couldn
  • JFL
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What cuck from r9k wrote this? :feelswhat:

View attachment 59136

Those who’ve reached the abyss

They wear dick restrainers to not hamper on the multiple bull’s time of joy of their toastier girlfriend they betabuxx, how can a cis-white male dare feel entitled to sex.
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Not a single world, haven't even read the title before scrolling down to comment this.
Ritalincuck, who is now 28, was born and raised in New Zealand but grew up in Australia. He moved to Australia to train as a skier but later came to understand the power of a bicycle as a transportation tool.

He bought a bicycle and was on the lookout for a bike that he could ride until he found another bicycle that suited his needs.

Now, Ritalincuck rides motorcycles, trains and uses a scooter.

"It's all about the adventure," he said. "I've always been a fan of adventures."

Ritalincuck says, though, one of his favorite activities on bikes is riding the beach.

"This is a place people come to, so you can have some friends, it's something that is really safe and relaxing," he said.

The group started the group that bike-hikes and raises money for local nonprofits. They plan to raise about $12,000.

Ritalincuck hopes to add one day, or several days for groups, each year to make sure a bicycle-ride will be made possible.

I swear I didn’t write this :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Free psychonaut is a character who uses the term psychonaut to describe one who, without knowledge or foresight, can travel to another area without being noticed . She is often able to make precise time and place predictions due to her sense of location and how she perceives time and space. As part of this function, she is able to control objects without the control of the people nearby.

In general, a psychonaut is not likely to go out of their way to interact with a criminal . Rather, she is a highly intelligent psychic who can find hidden information about the world or even places and even people far beyond her experience and skill-level. For example, she may detect someone trying to manipulate people, she may take control of a dangerous artifact or even, she might learn of other creatures who may have been infected by certain pathogens that may alter or destroy the species, though she will be able to track that activity. In addition, she may have a sense of history, which may be affected by such things as the use of certain artifacts or the actions of a group of them. In addition, psychonauts are also capable of sensing or perceiving information in physical space, for example, they might be able to detect small amounts of blood in someone's blood or feel a small amount of electricity in their skin .

Like all psychonauts, she also uses

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