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Probably shouldnt do this since tiktok or some niggas might use it to rise rhe competition but heres my system ive been doing for mettjng girls as a introvert.
The success rate of this is almost 100% as long as u follow through
1. Make a fresh snapchat account or log into snapchat. This method works best with a fresh account but if ur acc is too fresh it actually works better but people dont wanna add someone with no snap score
2. Set up the public profile with ur best pics. Basically pretend its the .org rate me section and do ur usual frauding to the max. Dont overly fraud cuz u will have to eventually meet these women though
The reason u want a public profile is cuz this is the first thing ppl see. U want to cut out all the extra time u spend getting rejected and only add the ones who find u attractive
3. Add people on the account
Be selective of who you add only add people you 100% know irl
4. This will then train the snapchat bot to give u suggestions of women in ur area
5. Its going to give u a bunch of random ppl. U want to avoid adding people in far away areas because when u add them ur building mutuals in further areas. Eventually after about 10 minutes it will recommend u only people in ur area which is perfect
6. Add basically everyone who has mutuals with u from there. Even if their not attractive the point is u want to build up more mutuals so it will recommend u attractive people in ur area
7. After about 30 minutes uve basically turned snapchat into a better version of tinder.
Why i prefer snapchat for meeting women over tinder is that on tinder womens egos are inflated to the max which is why even if ur decently attractive ur matches will be mainly whales
8. U want to make up a basic text replacement script on ur phone
I set 1 to something basic like “hey
”. Dont do some cringe pickup line or some wild shit she will end up blocking u because thats what every random person does
Then i set 2 to like “can i know what u look like first though my heart”
U can say this is cringe or whatever but it works and 0% failure rate as long as she doesnt have a bf
9. If she is attractice just ask if shes in ur local area and she most likely will since we built up good mutuals earlier. Orherwise just check her snap map if she has it one
10. Just get to know her a little bit ask her shit about herself. Just pretend u give a fuck
11. Focus on getting her on the phone or taking hanging out
I prefer asking her if she can call cause when we in the call i like to force my voice and make it deep asf which will naturally make her want to say yes more. Also in the call its harder for her to reject u just in general
Once ur in call just do basic small talk and say something that leads to u guys setting up a hangout. Make it slick like “wachu like eating” “chicken” “i heard theres some new chicken shop in town i wanna fill u up” “ok that sounds good”
Thats legit the script i use and it works all the fucking time somehow
dont waste too much time. Ive found out most girls actualy on snapchat are pretty responsive to being flirted with as long as u dont do some weird creepy shit.
Do this method before it gets saturated
Calculations: 10 girls every minute for 30 minutea we will lowball the percent of u getting her to 5%
So after 30 minutes u have 50% chance of still being single
The success rate of this is almost 100% as long as u follow through
1. Make a fresh snapchat account or log into snapchat. This method works best with a fresh account but if ur acc is too fresh it actually works better but people dont wanna add someone with no snap score
2. Set up the public profile with ur best pics. Basically pretend its the .org rate me section and do ur usual frauding to the max. Dont overly fraud cuz u will have to eventually meet these women though
The reason u want a public profile is cuz this is the first thing ppl see. U want to cut out all the extra time u spend getting rejected and only add the ones who find u attractive
3. Add people on the account
Be selective of who you add only add people you 100% know irl
4. This will then train the snapchat bot to give u suggestions of women in ur area
5. Its going to give u a bunch of random ppl. U want to avoid adding people in far away areas because when u add them ur building mutuals in further areas. Eventually after about 10 minutes it will recommend u only people in ur area which is perfect
6. Add basically everyone who has mutuals with u from there. Even if their not attractive the point is u want to build up more mutuals so it will recommend u attractive people in ur area
7. After about 30 minutes uve basically turned snapchat into a better version of tinder.
Why i prefer snapchat for meeting women over tinder is that on tinder womens egos are inflated to the max which is why even if ur decently attractive ur matches will be mainly whales
8. U want to make up a basic text replacement script on ur phone
I set 1 to something basic like “hey

Then i set 2 to like “can i know what u look like first though my heart”
U can say this is cringe or whatever but it works and 0% failure rate as long as she doesnt have a bf
9. If she is attractice just ask if shes in ur local area and she most likely will since we built up good mutuals earlier. Orherwise just check her snap map if she has it one
10. Just get to know her a little bit ask her shit about herself. Just pretend u give a fuck
11. Focus on getting her on the phone or taking hanging out
I prefer asking her if she can call cause when we in the call i like to force my voice and make it deep asf which will naturally make her want to say yes more. Also in the call its harder for her to reject u just in general
Once ur in call just do basic small talk and say something that leads to u guys setting up a hangout. Make it slick like “wachu like eating” “chicken” “i heard theres some new chicken shop in town i wanna fill u up” “ok that sounds good”
Thats legit the script i use and it works all the fucking time somehow
dont waste too much time. Ive found out most girls actualy on snapchat are pretty responsive to being flirted with as long as u dont do some weird creepy shit.
Do this method before it gets saturated
Calculations: 10 girls every minute for 30 minutea we will lowball the percent of u getting her to 5%
So after 30 minutes u have 50% chance of still being single
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