Legacy over looks



Jul 11, 2020
The most incredible discoveries, the most lmportant inventions, the most profound philosophies were all made by men that on the whole could be considered less Than stellar in looks. But yet their names are etched into history, they are revered throughout history and the present day for what they made. But yet no one really remembers what they did in their free time, or how many women they fucked, or how “NT” they were. Nothing that they did in their daily life mattered is remembered by the common man. However, The profound impact they had on the world did. The legacy they left behind is what mattered.

The unfortunate reality is that life while you are living life is ultimately meaningless. When you die No one will give a shit whether you died as a chad or incel, no one will remember if you were a slayer or virgin. Your looks will fade, and then what are you left with? Absolutely nothing. No what matters more than looks is legacy. It is what you leave behind, and how that impacted the world that truly matters. That is what gives your life meaning, the ability to etch your name in this world and have people say your name in awe for generations to come is what gives the pointless journey of living your daily life meaning. Looks over legacy.

Of course looks are important due to biological and evolutionary reasons. Looks can open up paths that were previously closed to you, allowing you to more easily create a legacy. But they should not be the sole focus, your knowledge, your mindset, and your skills is what will garner you the chisel to inscribe your name in human history. This is just what I personally believe, there are of course differing views to mine, which are valid.
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but only nerds care about them. when did you hear a foid say anything about the fucking Tesla?
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Yeah but legacy is irrelevant because you will be dead.
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but only nerds care about them. when did you hear a foid say anything about the fucking Tesla?
Nikola Tesla is an unfortunate example. He was a great inventor but a poor businessman. He was constantly undercut by people far more devious than he was, and he is mostly forgotten in core curriculum. Still though his impact matters and is felt through the very device you are operating to communicate on this retarded forum.
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muh legacy, just be 1 in a billion theory:feelswah:
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Yeah but legacy is irrelevant because you will be dead.
The life you living is meaningless. What ultimately matters is your impact you leave behind. How observable is your impact on the world? That is felt even if you aren’t there.
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just ugo foscolo MAX
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Not really, most physicists for example were average looking for their time, some above average. The idea that intelligent people are less good looking is a cope that was created not that long ago.
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muh legacy, just be 1 in a billion theory:feelswah:
You don’t have to be 1 in a billion. Legacy can be continued through children. After all that is the biological reason why we even exist. Our legacy can continue through children, if we teach them right and make sure that they will be more successful than we were, in return they will have a larger impact because of our efforts, which will continue on and on.
The life you living is meaningless. What ultimately matters is your impact you leave behind. How observable is your impact on the world? That is felt even if you aren’t there.
why does that matter though. I won't be alive to see my impact.
Sure, achieving big things in life is great but there's no point just working like a dog your whole life and then die without having any fun.
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Not really, most physicists for example were average looking for their time, some above average. The idea that intelligent people are less good looking is a cope that was created not that long ago.
I don’t see how this is relevant. What matters more than their looks is their impact on the world. Which is what my point is. Your looks will fade, your legacy will not.
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I don’t see how this is relevant. What matters more than their looks is their impact on the world. Which is what my point is. Your looks will fade, your legacy will not.
i agree with you, this is why most incels are frowned upon, because their main scope in life is to "have sex/be attractive", which is an objective that is useless to our society of men as a whole. The problem is that its hard asf to be productive and make an impact without any sex or validation
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why not be good looking and leave legacy? even musk had a hair transplant lol
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I don’t see how this is relevant. What matters more than their looks is their impact on the world. Which is what my point is. Your looks will fade, your legacy will not.
I also dont see why girls place such a big importance on looks. Or rather why their instinct is like that. Maybe looks really are the only important thing on this earth. Health, symmetry and beauty I get, but there is beauty beyond facial bones in this world.
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why does that matter though. I won't be alive to see my impact.
Sure, achieving big things in life is great but there's no point just working like a dog your whole life and then die without having any fun.
You have to find why your life matters, if you think life is nothing more than pursuing hedonistic pleasure, than by all means go for it. I do not think I am some arbiter of the true philosophy of life. I just personally believe that the true meaning in life is being remembered. I think overall while you can attempt to establish your own meaning in life, what matters is the actions you took to get to it. Other people then based on your actions and decisions will give meaning to your life through the impact you left.

Regardless, this is just what motivates me. I just wanted to post this to get the feel on what other people think, and attempt to rationalize my viewpoint through other peoples arguments and beliefs.
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why not be good looking and leave legacy? even musk had a hair transplant lol
You can do both. Looks are important, but they should be used as a tool to better establish your legacy or an escape to pleasure your more hedonistic side.
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You can do both. Looks are important, but they should be used as a tool to better establish your legacy or an escape to pleasure your more hedonistic side.
exactly!!!! wow spot on
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You don’t have to be 1 in a billion. Legacy can be continued through children. After all that is the biological reason why we even exist. Our legacy can continue through children, if we teach them right and make sure that they will be more successful than we were, in return they will have a larger impact because of our efforts, which will continue on and on.
legacy is just ego
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I also dont see why girls place such a big importance on looks. Or rather why their instinct is like that. Maybe looks really are the only important thing on this earth. Health, symmetry and beauty I get, but there is beauty beyond facial bones in this world.
The reason why people some people consider being attractive the most important thing to acquire, is that consciously or unconsciously, they place their worth on fucking or getting superficial value on other people. Their whole life whether they realize it or not is placed on the sole objective to get validated just for sheer existence. This is a potentially dangerous mindset, because they will solely focus on this without acquiring value elsewhere. But of course when their looks fade, they are worse off because not only did they not severely develop anything else besides their physical attraction, their mentality is fucked up because the superficial validation they got is completely removed, they become nothing more than husks of Humans.
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Much of your ability to"leave something of note behind" is also determined by your genetics
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legacy is just ego
No there is a difference. Ego is the personal overestimation of your perceived value to the world. Legacy is the actual value you added to the world.

You can tell the difference based on who is judging. Ego is determined by you personally, while legacy is determined by other people. You should ideally be able to balance both. If you are arrogant in your value and abilities, you will eventually crash due to overconfidence, your perceived value didn’t match your actual value, people noticed and took advantage of it. However if your ego is under your actual value, while not as dangerous, it can lead to timidity, causing you not to take full advantage of the value you actually had. You must balance your skills with your confidence.
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Muh legacy muh looks, i just wanna end the illuminati.
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Much of your ability to"leave something of note behind" is also determined by your genetics
True, some people will naturally be better than you in something. However that shouldn’t be an excuse to lay down and do nothing. As always there will be exceptions. A 5’1, 70 IQ male will unfortunately not be able to establish a legacy unless extremely lucky.
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i agree with you, this is why most incels are frowned upon, because their main scope in life is to "have sex/be attractive", which is an objective that is useless to our society of men as a whole. The problem is that its hard asf to be productive and make an impact without any sex or validation
You can balance both for the most part, however you will eventually have to choose. Either a more hedonistic lifestyle or a more focused one. There will always be some trade off in life, and this one is incredibly important. Regardless, I don’t really mind people who choose the more perceptively pleasurable side of life. Some people are content with leaving a smaller overall legacy behind than others, and I see no problem with it.
Nikola Tesla is an unfortunate example. He was a great inventor but a poor businessman. He was constantly undercut by people far more devious than he was, and he is mostly forgotten in core curriculum. Still though his impact matters and is felt through the very device you are operating to communicate on this retarded forum.
yes but as I said only nerds will care about him and his legacy. if the tesla the car company never got big only nerdy people would even know he existed. how many people do you know that know who know who euler, gauss or newton are?
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No there is a difference. Ego is the personal overestimation of your perceived value to the world. Legacy is the actual value you added to the world.

You can tell the difference based on who is judging. Ego is determined by you personally, while legacy is determined by other people. You should ideally be able to balance both. If you are arrogant in your value and abilities, you will eventually crash due to overconfidence, your perceived value didn’t match your actual value, people noticed and took advantage of it. However if your ego is under your actual value, while not as dangerous, it can lead to timidity, causing you not to take full advantage of the value you actually had. You must balance your skills with your confidence.
to have a legacy you need to be successful right? but everyone views success as something different so it is ego because you're the one who defines your success.
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Keep coping
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yes but as I said only nerds will care about him and his legacy. if the tesla the car company never got big only nerdy people would even know he existed. how many people do you know that know who know who euler, gauss or newton are?
Everyone knows who newton is, but you make valid points. Just because the average person may not know who these inventors or philosophers are doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t. People who utilize your knowledge or inventions will, and will be unconsciously grateful in the groundwork you laid out. They could also use this to build their own legacy.

Also establishing legacy does not have to be science based, it can be political or militarily. After all almost everyone knows who Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan are. Eisenhower, George Marshall, MacArthur are also well known.
to have a legacy you need to be successful right? but everyone views success as something different so it is ego because you're the one who defines your success.
That’s very true, but that isn’t ego per say. That is just establishing your goals and purpose. I defined ego as the overestimation of your value of the world, while legacy is the actual value you left behind.
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That’s very true, but that isn’t ego per say. That is just establishing your goals and purpose. I defined ego as the overestimation of your value of the world, while legacy is the actual value you left behind.
i understand what you're saying but it could be argued that to have goals is to have an ego since people have goals that are unattainable. Also i think we are missing a huge point, even if we left a "legacy" how ever you wanna define that, it will be very short lived in the grand scheme of things so what exactly is the point?
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i understand what you're saying but it could be argued that to have goals is to have an ego since people have goals that are unattainable. Also i think we are missing a huge point, even if we left a "legacy" how ever you wanna define that, it will be very short lived in the grand scheme of things so what exactly is the point?
True, that is an unfortunate reality. Even if someone left a legacy behind that could be felt for thousands of years, it will be felt less and less as time went on. Entropy is felt even in abstract concepts such as this. If even your legacy will die off eventually why even bother trying to make one at all? To be honest I don’t know, maybe I’m just scared of the futility of my life and want to attempt to rationalize and philosophize it away. I just can not accept that there is overall no true purpose in life. Why were we put here? Why must we undergo hardship and pain? This idea of mine was just my current rationalization of the ultimate question in human existence.

At the end of the day I just want to find some reason in living this life, and this right now fits. I will think about the question you asked and maybe I’ll find some answer lmao
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True, that is an unfortunate reality. Even if someone left a legacy behind that could be felt for thousands of years, it will be felt less and less as time went on. Entropy is felt even in abstract concepts such as this. If even your legacy will die off eventually why even bother trying to make one at all? To be honest I don’t know, maybe I’m just scared of the futility of my life and want to attempt to rationalize and philosophize it away. I just can not accept that there is overall no true purpose in life. Why were we put here? Why must we undergo hardship and pain? This idea of mine was just my current rationalization of the ultimate question in human existence.

At the end of the day I just want to find some reason in living this life, and this right now fits. I will think about the question you asked and maybe I’ll find some answer lmao
i understand, reminds me of before i fell into nihilism
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Fuck legacy useless cope
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The life you living is meaningless. What ultimately matters is your impact you leave behind. How observable is your impact on the world? That is felt even if you aren’t there.

Reality exists only as long as I’m alive.
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The most incredible discoveries, the most lmportant inventions, the most profound philosophies were all made by men that on the whole could be considered less Than stellar in looks. But yet their names are etched into history, they are revered throughout history and the present day for what they made. But yet no one really remembers what they did in their free time, or how many women they fucked, or how “NT” they were. Nothing that they did in their daily life mattered is remembered by the common man. However, The profound impact they had on the world did. The legacy they left behind is what mattered.

The unfortunate reality is that life while you are living life is ultimately meaningless. When you die No one will give a shit whether you died as a chad or incel, no one will remember if you were a slayer or virgin. Your looks will fade, and then what are you left with? Absolutely nothing. No what matters more than looks is legacy. It is what you leave behind, and how that impacted the world that truly matters. That is what gives your life meaning, the ability to etch your name in this world and have people say your name in awe for generations to come is what gives the pointless journey of living your daily life meaning. Looks over legacy.

Of course looks are important due to biological and evolutionary reasons. Looks can open up paths that were previously closed to you, allowing you to more easily create a legacy. But they should not be the sole focus, your knowledge, your mindset, and your skills is what will garner you the chisel to inscribe your name in human history. This is just what I personally believe, there are of course differing views to mine, which are valid.
Starting a business is ideal. If you want to discover new shit you will likely do nothing people much smarter then everyone on this forum still end up with meaningless titles discovering nonsense.

Having a family and creating a legacy for your kids to inherit seems to be the most ideal. I admire the families like the Rothschilds for this I want to create a smart bloodline
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