Let be honest many of us here do have high dating standard.



Seeking immortality
Apr 2, 2020
Plenty of threads rate relatively good looking women (in the eyes of sane and normal people) as below average and even subhuman-tier.
And guys like these always whine and bitch why they can't find girlfriends. JFL
It's really no different than SJW pierced cat food collecting purple head fat feminists. Who bitch about muh patriarchy and muh men objectifying women everyday on their Tumblr.
Just on the both end of spectrum.
JFL @ Standardcels
You get what you deserve , stay mad and virgin.
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ofc people here have high standards that's why they're so focused on looksmaxxing, 80% of the users here can have average looking girlfriends but why make do with that when you can have stacylite to stacy
very good redpill greycel
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  • JFL
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I dont
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im incell becasue i dont get approached by victoria secret models
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  • JFL
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It's a Coping mechanism bro people here set astronomical standards so that they don't have to approach their looksmatch.
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  • JFL
Reactions: chadpreetcel123, Deleted member 6401 and ChadFucksYourOneitis
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i have high dating standards but not high fucking standards
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Since when did good looking mean not deformed and not fat? Average is not goodlooking. Sure many men won't care, including myself, but wanting someone goodlooking if you are goodlooking makes sense.
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Deleted member 6401 and Chadeep
Dude I want a 7/10 or 8/10 girlfriend

But I get ignored by 4/10 girls

But why would I even waste my time with 4/10 girls
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They’re coping. Same people that tout 95-5 rule then say that a below 5PSL female doesn’t count. Chads are fucking all the way down to PSL2.5

Just because a guy is good looking doesn’t make him have female high standards. All men have inherently low standards given the right place and time
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  • JFL
Reactions: HighIQcel, chadpreetcel123, Deleted member 6401 and 3 others
I am one of those very few guys on this forum with low standards, I'll date any 3.5/10 girl. and any girl around 6/10 max so that i hopefully don't get cheated, even after ascending.
It's a Coping mechanism bro people here set astronomical standards so that they don't have to approach their looksmatch.
Getting a woman of your looksmatch is near impossible where i live and mostly, in 2020.

I deserve a low tier to mid tier normie foid, but they are with chad. It's so over, I'll be happy with a fattie at this point.
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I am one of those very few guys on this forum with low standards, I'll date any 3.5/10 girl. and any girl around 6/10 max so that i hopefully don't get cheated, even after ascending.

Getting a woman of your looksmatch is near impossible where i live and mostly, in 2020.

I deserve a low tier to mid tier normie foid, but they are with chad. It's so over, I'll be happy with a fattie at this point.
It's so over bro. Idk Why Chad takes all these low tier foids.
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They’re coping. Same people that tout 95-5 rule then say that a below 5PSL female doesn’t count. Chads are fucking all the way down to PSL2.5

Just because a guy is good looking doesn’t make him have female high standards. All men have inherently low standards given the right place and time
So you tell me that I should go for a 2psl girl.
Waste 30 years of my life and energy on her.

Breed ugly children with her who are maybe even uglier than myself and waste my energy raising them.

... Hm yeah sure, sound fairs and reasonable...
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i just want my oneitis
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So you tell me that I should go for a 2psl girl.
Waste 30 years of my life and energy on her.

Breed ugly children with her who are maybe even uglier than myself and waste my energy raising them.

... Hm yeah sure, sound fairs and reasonable...
Moneymaxx bro after ascending to Chadlite. Most of the Stacie's are Status whores after highschool. They don't care much about your looks. But being a Chadlite will help you in overall aspects of life.
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I would pump and dump any at least average girl

For dating, she has to be above average looking
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i just want my oneitis
I stopped having oneitises 😔Every girl I have crush on does something I don't want and it just breaks my heart.
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Deleted member 6401 and Deleted member 3043
So you tell me that I should go for a 2psl girl.
Waste 30 years of my life and energy on her.

Breed ugly children with her who are maybe even uglier than myself and waste my energy raising them.

... Hm yeah sure, sound fairs and reasonable...
This is blackpill, it’s not about what’s fair or not. What you consider fair were social and religious norms encouraging monogamy. The current climate combines male thirst with female hypergamy, both on steroids due to social media and online dating
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I stopped having oneitises 😔Every girl I have crush on does something I don't want and it just breaks my heart.
she did too... but ... we talked a lot... and i'm decided TO CHANGE HER or either i'll stay alone forever OR get an arrangedmarriage maxxing just for the sake of beeing married but i won't give a fuck tbh. It's HER or nobody else AND I must change her to some extent.
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This is blackpill, it’s not about what’s fair or not. What you consider fair were social and religious norms encouraging monogamy. The current climate combines male thirst with female hypergamy, both on steroids due to social media and online dating
The problem are Simps that destroy the dating market. Even a 2 PSL girl thinks she deserves Chad. And Having some standards for fucking women isn't bad so you don't inflate the egos of foids like a baloon.
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  • JFL
Reactions: HighIQcel, Deleted member 6401, ChadFucksYourOneitis and 1 other person
The problem are Simps that destroy the dating market. Even a 2 PSL girl thinks she deserves Chad. And Having some standards for fucking women isn't bad so you don't inflate the egos of foids like a baloon.
Sad truth is a lot of guys can’t afford not to simp. I believe people do things in self interest. Simping has to work at least a couple of times for them to keep doing it.
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i just want my oneitis

Legit , Nothing can compare the feeling when you know a girl of your dream is now in your arms.
Oneitis >>>>> Slaying (a surefire way to get diseases and drugged)
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Legit , Nothing can compare the feeling when you know a girl of your dream is now in your arms.
Oneitis >>>>> Slaying (a surefire way to get diseases and drugged)
we have everything in common, she is just a stacylite amazon tier height, and even as an above average manlet i can't compete, i hope she'll be fine with it :cry:
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The problem are Simps that destroy the dating market. Even a 2 PSL girl thinks she deserves Chad. And Having some standards for fucking women isn't bad so you don't inflate the egos of foids like a baloon.

Pretty much , as an ethnic guy myself...When white normies come to my country they get treated as if they were gods.
Good for those guys but it's pure suicide-fuel for us nativecels. Try it on Tinder and you can tell me I'm not kidding.
The dating market is basically fucked in this 5G age.

(skip if you 're too tried to read)

Just be white theory is pretty much commons throughout the history. From the age of colonialism where the white colonists fathered mixed babies with local women , by the end of WWII when Japanese women leaved their war-torn homeland and become war brides to the occupant G.I. Chads to have a promising future.

my distance relative is one of the girls who dated farangs , the guy is relatively young. They've brought a 150K apartment and live together. If they have a son , their son would slay if he stays in the country but if he ever steps his feet on angloland or burgerland he'd be the 2nd ER.
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Chad fucks my oneitis
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I fucked really ugly chicks and realized I would rather watch porn and masturbate instead.

I dated+fucked average looking chicks and realized that I wouldn't want to hangout with them more than for netflix&chill.

I had an attractive girlfriend I enjoyed being with but it didn't last, so I am looking for a new one.

Why would I waste my time trying to get dates with girls I don't find attractive?
Looksmax and date attractive girls or stay single with occasional hookups tbh.
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