Let's make the ultimate Chad trait list to keep a girl interested in you during a date/LTR



All it takes is one bad day
Nov 26, 2019
She will cheat on you if she can with a real Chad but if a girl is actually interested in you, that's all the checkboxes you must tick to keep her for as long as possible:

#1 Don't make silly jokes. Even Chad could be seen as a beta over time if he keeps spouting shitty memes and dumb jokes. If you are about to make a joke because it is really good, if you doubt about wether it's cringe or not, don't.

#2 Never make self-deprecating jokes. You are perfect, never make fun of yourself, you never fucked up. Everything you tell her about yourself must make you look better than before.
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Jerzy Bondov and karbo
big dick
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Reactions: Deleted member 7753 and OOGABOOGA
dont act gay
this one is brutal
ik a chad but he acts so feminine and gay irl it brutally destroys him
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Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel, Deleted member 6475 and hairyballscel
Try to have friends around you that have a lower smv than you. You don’t have to be the best, you just have to be the best in your social circle
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Deleted member 206, karbo and 1 other person
dont stand beside tall people
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Reactions: Darklord, HighIQcel and Deleted member 5912
have friends tbh.
dont be subhuman
dont be aspie
dont be a loner
dont give a fuck about her

and u slay
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Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel, forwardgrowth and Tyronecell
If you're a Chad, all of this shit will come naturally to you because you have a lot of options, why take shit from a girl when you can replace her at any time?
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Reactions: Golang, Danish_Retard, HighIQcel and 5 others
I want an autistic gf so we can laugh at some autistic shit
Crazy how clueless you virgins are
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Reactions: Deleted member 7863
Enlighten us then mr Chad
There is no list of do this do that if you act like a normalfag you should be alright
Jfl @ “she’ll cheat with muh chad” chads are like 4-5% of the population so you’re pretty much safe
that second one is so fucking true. normies destroy their non-existent appeal by making self deprecating jokes. its fucking unattractive and not even funny
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Baldingman1998 and forwardgrowth
only text as much as she does or even less
manipulate her by being very interested at the beginning and then slowly showing less and less interest
take ur time with replying back
make jokes but dont make a clown out of yourself
start being sexual as early as possible (verbally at first and then touchy)
build sexual tension by touching her on her shoulders/back while talking to her and by teasing her physical and verbally (push her when shes teasing you etc)

i tested these on several girls and it always worked
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  • JFL
Reactions: Golang, Deleted member 7240, HighIQcel and 2 others
only text as much as she does or even less
manipulate her by being very interested at the beginning and then slowly showing less and less interest
take ur time with replying back
make jokes but dont make a clown out of yourself
start being sexual as early as possible (verbally at first and then touchy)
build sexual tension by touching her on her shoulders/back while talking to her and by teasing her physical and verbally (push her when shes teasing you etc)

i tested these on several girls and it always worked
There is no list of do this do that if you act like a normalfag you should be alright
Jfl @ “she’ll cheat with muh chad” chads are like 4-5% of the population so you’re pretty much safe
A girl can cheat on you with a normie too you know
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and HighIQcel
You need to be abusive and unpredictable. That way she will have no need for cheaters rush as she will be entertained enough with you
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  • JFL
Reactions: zeshama, Danish_Retard and karbo
only text as much as she does or even less
manipulate her by being very interested at the beginning and then slowly showing less and less interest
take ur time with replying back
make jokes but dont make a clown out of yourself
start being sexual as early as possible (verbally at first and then touchy)
build sexual tension by touching her on her shoulders/back while talking to her and by teasing her physical and verbally (push her when shes teasing you etc)

i tested these on several girls and it always worked
you are knowledgeable son, i indeed use these methods aswell. its satisfying when you stop hitting her up, and you just know shes gonna hit you up at some point because you already got her interested
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Reactions: Deleted member 1140
manipulate her by being very interested at the beginning and then slowly showing less and less interest
how do you know it's time to text her more so she isn't the one who loses interest?
how do you know it's time to text her more so she isn't the one who loses interest?
at the beginning you can text quite much and once she starts texting you first, gives you compliments etc (just stomach feeling that she likes you) you can SLOWLY start showing less interest. if she wants to meet/voice chat tell her you are busy etc
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Reactions: HighIQcel and Virgincel
at the beginning you can text quite much and once she starts texting you first, gives you compliments etc (just stomach feeling that she likes you) you can SLOWLY start showing less interest. if she wants to meet/voice chat tell her you are busy etc
:chad: advice, need to remember this
dont be subhuman
dont be aspie
dont be a loner
dont give a fuck about her

and u slay
just be NT theory confirmed
the point of this thread is to learn how to NTfraudmaxx or at least hide aspiness
#2 Never make self-deprecating jokes. You are perfect, never make fun of yourself, you never fucked up. Everything you tell her about yourself must make you look better than before.
I have done this all the time
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Reactions: HighIQcel
Step 1: Be Attractive
Step 2: Don't Be Unattractive
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and HighIQcel
JFL no list will keep her from cheating on you. It all comes down to her morals, how she's raised, how you lead the relationship and not letting her disrespect you. If she cheats, she cheats.
JFL no list will keep her from cheating on you. It all comes down to her morals, how she's raised, how you lead the relationship and not letting her disrespect you. If she cheats, she cheats.
if you don't turn into a beta faggot and keep her entertained she will have less reasons to cheat on you, if you are a boring piece of shit or a clown she will cheat on you even with some worse looking guy that acts more alpha
Tell her to go to dinner with you at some cool restaurant that doesn’t take reservations. Meet up with her and walk to a restaurant that’s already closed. Act surprised. Say ‘let’s just order a pizza to my apartment’. Enjoy your sex while waiting for the pizza
  • JFL
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