Let’s say I wanted to Geomax to a country, what country should it be?



He never sleeps, the judge.
Aug 30, 2023
A country with low standards and better women than the streets of India. (I AM NOT INDIAN) just giving perspective
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If you're indian you can't geomaxx anywhere since you're literally the worst of the worst jfl. Just have your parents arrange a marriage for you like it's usually done over there tbh
If you're indian you can't geomaxx anywhere since you're literally the worst of the worst jfl. Just have your parents arrange a marriage for you like it's usually done over there tbh
Never said I was Indian brah, just giving a perspective
A country with low standards and better women than the streets of India. (I AM NOT INDIAN) just giving perspective
How about fuck geomaxxing, unless u're legit deformed or way too small? U probably are non NT as fuck if u even thought about moving to another country just to fuck chicks. Rather invest ur money in hookers then jfl
What do you guys think
How about fuck geomaxxing, unless u're legit deformed or way too small? U probably are non NT as fuck if u even thought about moving to another country just to fuck chicks. Rather invest ur money in hookers then jfl
idk, hookers kinda feel like cheating
What do you guys think

idk, hookers kinda feel like cheating
I'd rather work and save up for surgeries than geomaxxing. As if u're gonna move away from ur family anyway, sounds like a bigger pipedream than surgeries tbh.
geomax to southindia. you will caste mog them
Geomax to latam if you have money, foids here are all gold diggers, only bad think is that you're prolly going to get cucked by EdgarMaxxed latinos.
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