Letter from India: Good Women = Happiness



Sep 6, 2023
Letter from India: Good Women = Happiness
October 13, 2010


(See Corey's response to reader comments at the end of the article)

by CC

(CC is a 26-year-old American living in India.)

(for henrymakow.com)

You can see how important women are to a society. Even though India is so materially screwed up, and nothing here works properly, the people are happy because the women are still very pure and chaste.

And even though America has so much money and everything is so materially nice there, people are unhappy because the women are mostly impure and unchaste.

So the value of women in society is extremely high, if the women are good, even if everything else about the country is completely horrible, the country will still be a happy place. And if the women are bad, then even if everything else about the country is perfect and very nice, the country will be a totally hellish place.


With the degradation of traditional moral culture, the institution of marriage and family is also destroyed, and thus the entire society becomes engaged in immoral activities since there is no strong culture or family to keep them in check.

When sinful activities become common, the women in society become corrupt and polluted. As women lose their purity and innocence, a hellish and intolerable situation is created in society. Consider the following statistics:

-America has an average divorce rate of about 60%
-Since abortion was legalized, over 100 million babies have been murdered in the womb
-the promiscuity rate in America is officially around 30%
-One out of 4 American women under the age of 30 has at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD)
-50% of American women are single, with no husband or boyfriend
-95% of pornography in the world is produced and created in America

As for an example of innocence and purity. At present I am living in a state in eastern India. Young boys and girls (by young, I mean anywhere from 10 to 25 years old) here call each other "brother" and "sister". Their culture is so innocent that they do not see each other as sex objects, but as family.

The only person they can look at with lusty desires is their own husband or wife, and no one else. It is a very stark contrast to the animalistic hedonistic sex-obsessed culture found in the modern western countries.

On the failure and degradation of traditional moral culture, naturally women become free to act and mix with men (in the name of so-called "equal rights", or feminism), and thus adultery becomes commonplace. As a result of promiscuity, the institution of marriage and family falls apart, leaving broken families and dysfunctional individuals in their wake.

The modern society teaches that women should be given as much freedom as men, although this has not improved the social condition of the world, as I have already pointed out.

Women are known as the weaker sex, and therefore they require protection at every stage of life. When she is a child she should be given protection by her father, and when she is older she should be protected by her husband.

But modern education, through it's propagation of misandry (intense distrust or hatred of men), commonly known as feminism, has artificially created a false conception of women's roles and rights, and therefore marriage is practically now just an imagination in modern society. Nor is the moral condition of women very good now, as we have already documented with facts, statistics, and common sense.

Let's fact it; six characteristics that are generally prominent in the younger generation of American and western women are: immaturity, selfishness, irresponsibility, arrogance, instability, and narcissism.

The psychology of the husband is that he wants his wife to be submissive- chaste and faithful to him. Then the man is ready to take responsibility for the woman. So if the woman agrees to remain faithful and chaste to the man, then the family life will be peaceful. Otherwise, there will be divorce, and the woman and children will be left without protection.

So these are a few thoughts on the causes of the social ills and degradation we are presently witnessing in the modern western countries, as well as a few ideas on how to solve these problems.

I am beginning to wonder if the only truly practical solution at this point to fix the immorality and degradation of the modern society is the implementation of Islamic sharia (law) or some form of theocratic government? But anyway, if anyone's got a better solution, please share your ideas in the comments section or send me a private email.

Corey's Reply to Comments Below:

Here is my replies to the diffent people's comments:

Let me first begin by stating that my comment "Islamic sharia may be the only solution" was spoken in a somewhat joking tone. I am sorry that people did not pick up on this, and they took it deadly serious. At the same time, you cannot deny that the feminism of the western countries has gotten completely out of control, and the implementation of Islamic law would certainly CURB and END the feminism of the culture of the West.

To Steve: Why do you promote this racist idea "I won't marry outside of my own race"? Can you give any good reason for your statement other than the fact that it most likely stems from a racist attitude?

To Mike: I agree with your comments and I sympathize with your frustration with western women. What worked for me is to go to a foreign country in Asia and meet a nice girl there and marry her. Maybe you might want to consider that also?

To SG: I am sorry to hear about your difficulties with your ex-husband. Are you sure that your marital difficulties were ALL his fault ALONE, or perhaps did you also share some part of the blame?

To Dani: Yes, you are entirely correct. I never said the problem is only with the women. You sound like a mature and intelligent person, and I appreciate that. Yes, to put it very simple, American society is in a real mess, and if some serious solutions are not taken to fix these social ills, then the country will soon collapse into literal anarchy. Ever seen the movie "A Clockwork Orange"?

To Salman: Yes, I never said it was only the women's fault. Did you not catch my comment below where I was criticizing indian men? Anyway, I am disappointed to hear that you used to "fuck women that had boyfriends/hubbies", to quote your exact words. So, what caused you to change and develop some sense of morality? Did you have a religious conversation? From your name, it sounds like you are a Muslim. Whatever your religion may be, it is the duty of all moral and religious people to stand up for morality and justice, and to speak the truth about the social ills and immorality of the western societies. Have you heard of Dr. Zakir Naik? He is a very powerful Islamic scholar and preacher. I recommend listening to his lectures, they are quite inspiring.

To Bruce: I fully agree with your statement "More than half of Western women are feminists who are unfit to be wives or mothers, and more than half of Western men are worthless idiots". Yes, organized religion is not the solution, but I was talking more in the sense of the CULTURAL and MORAL values that religions teach, and that perhaps a society that is run according to such moral values might indeed be a good solution to the immorality and degradation of the West?

To Howard: Did I ever say that indian society is perfect? I said the exact opposite- India is a completely materially screwed up country. And, apparently you did not read my comment below where I criticized indian men for being uncivilized, low class pigs and dogs. Yes, you are also right when you say that the modern Indian culture is a western corruption of traditional indian culture. Well, since you think that the whole topic of feminism is a worthless subject and a waste of time to discuss, then why are you wasting your time writing a comment? And, if you think that it is a better solution to "address the frustrations / inequalities that fuelled our modern decay in the first place", then feel free to write such an article and send it to Henry Makow, and I'm sure that he will publish it.

To Josh: Yes, you are correct. The main inspiration for this article were the words of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada that he spoke in the Bhagavad-Gita. I also based the article off of one conversation/interview that Srila Prabhupada had with a feminist journalist in the mid 1970s.

Sharia law is probably the closest thing to the traditional Vedic culture of India. Indians have consciously given up their traditional culture to try to imitate the western culture, so they are the most sinful. They know it is wrong, and yet they do it knowingly. That is why Krishna (God) is punishing India through it's social ills and widespread poverty, because indians knowingly gave up their moral culture to imitate the animalistic culture of the West.

I have been in India for 3 years. Keep in mind that I never said that Indian society was perfect. I said the opposite- that India is a completely materially screwed up country.

Yes, there are widespread social ills, such as the abuse of women. Below, I wrote a comment where I described most Indian men as uncivilized, low class, uncultured, barbarians, dogs and pigs. Indian women are perhaps the most pure and innocent women in the world. And yet Indian men are some of the most disgusting, low class, barbarian pigs I have ever had the misfortune of having to associate with. Maybe Indian men and American women should get married? They seem to deserve each other.

Anyway, my whole comment about "Islamic sharia" was mostly meant to be taken as a joke. Unfortunately, most readers have taken it deadly serious.
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Read every single damn mollecule, sharia law is ass
  • JFL
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Yes it is me chur chur from Mumbai I love the women there even though I am a virgin still
  • +1
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Letter from India: Good Women = Happiness
October 13, 2010


(See Corey's response to reader comments at the end of the article)

by CC

(CC is a 26-year-old American living in India.)

(for henrymakow.com)

You can see how important women are to a society. Even though India is so materially screwed up, and nothing here works properly, the people are happy because the women are still very pure and chaste.

And even though America has so much money and everything is so materially nice there, people are unhappy because the women are mostly impure and unchaste.

So the value of women in society is extremely high, if the women are good, even if everything else about the country is completely horrible, the country will still be a happy place. And if the women are bad, then even if everything else about the country is perfect and very nice, the country will be a totally hellish place.


With the degradation of traditional moral culture, the institution of marriage and family is also destroyed, and thus the entire society becomes engaged in immoral activities since there is no strong culture or family to keep them in check.

When sinful activities become common, the women in society become corrupt and polluted. As women lose their purity and innocence, a hellish and intolerable situation is created in society. Consider the following statistics:

-America has an average divorce rate of about 60%
-Since abortion was legalized, over 100 million babies have been murdered in the womb
-the promiscuity rate in America is officially around 30%
-One out of 4 American women under the age of 30 has at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD)
-50% of American women are single, with no husband or boyfriend
-95% of pornography in the world is produced and created in America

As for an example of innocence and purity. At present I am living in a state in eastern India. Young boys and girls (by young, I mean anywhere from 10 to 25 years old) here call each other "brother" and "sister". Their culture is so innocent that they do not see each other as sex objects, but as family.

The only person they can look at with lusty desires is their own husband or wife, and no one else. It is a very stark contrast to the animalistic hedonistic sex-obsessed culture found in the modern western countries.

On the failure and degradation of traditional moral culture, naturally women become free to act and mix with men (in the name of so-called "equal rights", or feminism), and thus adultery becomes commonplace. As a result of promiscuity, the institution of marriage and family falls apart, leaving broken families and dysfunctional individuals in their wake.

The modern society teaches that women should be given as much freedom as men, although this has not improved the social condition of the world, as I have already pointed out.

Women are known as the weaker sex, and therefore they require protection at every stage of life. When she is a child she should be given protection by her father, and when she is older she should be protected by her husband.

But modern education, through it's propagation of misandry (intense distrust or hatred of men), commonly known as feminism, has artificially created a false conception of women's roles and rights, and therefore marriage is practically now just an imagination in modern society. Nor is the moral condition of women very good now, as we have already documented with facts, statistics, and common sense.

Let's fact it; six characteristics that are generally prominent in the younger generation of American and western women are: immaturity, selfishness, irresponsibility, arrogance, instability, and narcissism.

The psychology of the husband is that he wants his wife to be submissive- chaste and faithful to him. Then the man is ready to take responsibility for the woman. So if the woman agrees to remain faithful and chaste to the man, then the family life will be peaceful. Otherwise, there will be divorce, and the woman and children will be left without protection.

So these are a few thoughts on the causes of the social ills and degradation we are presently witnessing in the modern western countries, as well as a few ideas on how to solve these problems.

I am beginning to wonder if the only truly practical solution at this point to fix the immorality and degradation of the modern society is the implementation of Islamic sharia (law) or some form of theocratic government? But anyway, if anyone's got a better solution, please share your ideas in the comments section or send me a private email.

Corey's Reply to Comments Below:

Here is my replies to the diffent people's comments:

Let me first begin by stating that my comment "Islamic sharia may be the only solution" was spoken in a somewhat joking tone. I am sorry that people did not pick up on this, and they took it deadly serious. At the same time, you cannot deny that the feminism of the western countries has gotten completely out of control, and the implementation of Islamic law would certainly CURB and END the feminism of the culture of the West.

To Steve: Why do you promote this racist idea "I won't marry outside of my own race"? Can you give any good reason for your statement other than the fact that it most likely stems from a racist attitude?

To Mike: I agree with your comments and I sympathize with your frustration with western women. What worked for me is to go to a foreign country in Asia and meet a nice girl there and marry her. Maybe you might want to consider that also?

To SG: I am sorry to hear about your difficulties with your ex-husband. Are you sure that your marital difficulties were ALL his fault ALONE, or perhaps did you also share some part of the blame?

To Dani: Yes, you are entirely correct. I never said the problem is only with the women. You sound like a mature and intelligent person, and I appreciate that. Yes, to put it very simple, American society is in a real mess, and if some serious solutions are not taken to fix these social ills, then the country will soon collapse into literal anarchy. Ever seen the movie "A Clockwork Orange"?

To Salman: Yes, I never said it was only the women's fault. Did you not catch my comment below where I was criticizing indian men? Anyway, I am disappointed to hear that you used to "fuck women that had boyfriends/hubbies", to quote your exact words. So, what caused you to change and develop some sense of morality? Did you have a religious conversation? From your name, it sounds like you are a Muslim. Whatever your religion may be, it is the duty of all moral and religious people to stand up for morality and justice, and to speak the truth about the social ills and immorality of the western societies. Have you heard of Dr. Zakir Naik? He is a very powerful Islamic scholar and preacher. I recommend listening to his lectures, they are quite inspiring.

To Bruce: I fully agree with your statement "More than half of Western women are feminists who are unfit to be wives or mothers, and more than half of Western men are worthless idiots". Yes, organized religion is not the solution, but I was talking more in the sense of the CULTURAL and MORAL values that religions teach, and that perhaps a society that is run according to such moral values might indeed be a good solution to the immorality and degradation of the West?

To Howard: Did I ever say that indian society is perfect? I said the exact opposite- India is a completely materially screwed up country. And, apparently you did not read my comment below where I criticized indian men for being uncivilized, low class pigs and dogs. Yes, you are also right when you say that the modern Indian culture is a western corruption of traditional indian culture. Well, since you think that the whole topic of feminism is a worthless subject and a waste of time to discuss, then why are you wasting your time writing a comment? And, if you think that it is a better solution to "address the frustrations / inequalities that fuelled our modern decay in the first place", then feel free to write such an article and send it to Henry Makow, and I'm sure that he will publish it.

To Josh: Yes, you are correct. The main inspiration for this article were the words of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada that he spoke in the Bhagavad-Gita. I also based the article off of one conversation/interview that Srila Prabhupada had with a feminist journalist in the mid 1970s.

Sharia law is probably the closest thing to the traditional Vedic culture of India. Indians have consciously given up their traditional culture to try to imitate the western culture, so they are the most sinful. They know it is wrong, and yet they do it knowingly. That is why Krishna (God) is punishing India through it's social ills and widespread poverty, because indians knowingly gave up their moral culture to imitate the animalistic culture of the West.

I have been in India for 3 years. Keep in mind that I never said that Indian society was perfect. I said the opposite- that India is a completely materially screwed up country.

Yes, there are widespread social ills, such as the abuse of women. Below, I wrote a comment where I described most Indian men as uncivilized, low class, uncultured, barbarians, dogs and pigs. Indian women are perhaps the most pure and innocent women in the world. And yet Indian men are some of the most disgusting, low class, barbarian pigs I have ever had the misfortune of having to associate with. Maybe Indian men and American women should get married? They seem to deserve each other.

Anyway, my whole comment about "Islamic sharia" was mostly meant to be taken as a joke. Unfortunately, most readers have taken it deadly serious.
Time to geomaxx to India ig
Can I get a tldr? is op an indian or something?
Yeah this is true, because India is more traditional. The happiest households in India are the ones where the man works and the woman is at home. It seems like a nice life to live. And just in general women are more traditional which is generally better.
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Yeah this is true, because India is more traditional. The happiest households in India are the ones where the man works and the woman is at home. It seems like a nice life to live. And just in general women are more traditional which is generally better.
Indian women are the worst lol. It's all a facade
Sharia is truly based

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