Life seems much better in the Uk than the US



Beauty is a virtue
May 3, 2024
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane, SecularIslamist, raleqtambrobret and 3 others
Life sucks in both the US and the UK
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane, flippasav and cromagnon
Both are shitholes including Canada I would rather live in Australia
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Xangsane, PrinceLuenLeoncur, heightmaxxing and 1 other person
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Reactions: Darkeningstar, SecularIslamist, shewantsme and 5 others
Both are shitholes including Canada I would rather live in Australia
Enjoy dogshit internet and being taxxed to high heLL. fuck AUS
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Darkeningstar, skkrrrtcantdo, flippasav and 1 other person
Trust me it's not
  • +1
Reactions: fuse, Ricky212, noobs and 1 other person
It’s a better place to be poor and live on benefits / minimum wage or to have generational wealth.

But it’s impossible to achieve any socio economic mobility here due to the extremely high taxation and extremely low pay ceiling.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, looksmaxxed and Ricky212
USA is the best nation on earth
Hard cope. The food is poison, college education costs as much as a house. The architecture is ugly. The culture and media are super degenerate and is responsible for a lot of the social decline throughout the world. Your taxpayer money goes to Israel. Largest Jewish population of any western nation. Highest incarceration rate of any country on earth. The founders of the country were Lucifer worshipping Freemasons. The list goes on and on. If you genuinely believe USA is the greatest nation on earth, you are either brainwashed neocon or your an ethnic who watches too much Hollywood and has never left his country. This country has nothing to offer but the dollar. It’s the most satanic and degenerate country on earth. It’s a Jewish controlled cesspit.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane, blithe, watah and 2 others
AUS notoriously has shit internet WiFi connection. Ask any Aussie who plays video games online or is online will confirm
This if you ask
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Darkeningstar and flippasav
UK is shitskin central from what i understand
Hard cope. The food is poison, college education costs as much as a house. The architecture is ugly. The culture and media are super degenerate and is responsible for a lot of the social decline throughout the world. Your taxpayer money goes to Israel. Largest Jewish population of any western nation. Highest incarceration rate of any country on earth. The founders of the country were Lucifer worshipping Freemasons. The list goes on and on. If you genuinely believe USA is the greatest nation on earth, you are either brainwashed neocon or your an ethnic who watches too much Hollywood and has never left his country. This country has nothing to offer but the dollar. It’s the most satanic and degenerate country on earth. It’s a Jewish controlled cesspit.
can u name a better country
Hard cope. The food is poison, college education costs as much as a house. The architecture is ugly. The culture and media are super degenerate and is responsible for a lot of the social decline throughout the world. Your taxpayer money goes to Israel. Largest Jewish population of any western nation. Highest incarceration rate of any country on earth. The founders of the country were Lucifer worshipping Freemasons. The list goes on and on. If you genuinely believe this is the greatest nation on earth, you are either brainwashed neocon or your an ethnic who watches too much Hollywood and has never left his country.
COPE COPE COPE COPE. Where else in the world can you own a gun shoot a trespasser and get away with it? Where else can you go to college and leave with an 100k+ job

I’m in Europe I’m in United Shitdom and poor onsite of fulfilling the criteria to get money in the USA. Fact is if I were American id
Not be here if I were American I’d have a wife and be calm
  • +1
Reactions: Darkeningstar
It’s a better place to be poor and live on benefits / minimum wage or to have generational wealth.

But it’s impossible to achieve any socio economic mobility here due to the extremely high taxation and extremely low pay ceiling.
the uk is not a better place for the elites

you can’t walk and the uk safely while rich
USA is the best country to live in the world by far only Australia comes close
AUS notoriously has shit internet WiFi connection. Ask any Aussie who plays video games online or is online will confirm
This if you ask
As if it’s a first world shithole if it’s true then somewhere like fucking Somalia has better wifi
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Nordic nations. Honestly probably Poland at this point too.
europe is for average iq (low iq) people because you pay like 70% of your money to taxes because you can’t handle your own money

the EU governments are controlled by jews

the reason we pay more for healthcare and college is because we have the liberty to choose where our money goes

the food is as much poison in europe as america

the culture is degenerate in europe

europe is athiest

the only reason you would prefer europe is if you have your money in offshore accounts and have already made your money in america or your too stupid to make the money in america so you stay in europe
  • +1
Reactions: looksmaxxed
the uk is not a better place for the elites

you can’t walk and the uk safely while rich

You can, just don’t do it in the UK equivalent of Detroit / Nawlins and you’ll be fine.
  • +1
Reactions: noobs
It’s a better place to be poor and live on benefits / minimum wage or to have generational wealth.

But it’s impossible to achieve any socio economic mobility here due to the extremely high taxation and extremely low pay ceiling.
yep the middle class have become serfs with none of the benefits. it's unironically better to be poor and live off everyone else's contributions than to be a slave class cuck working to benefit a system that is designed to stop your advancement
  • +1
Reactions: AutisticGymcel
You can, just don’t do it in the UK equivalent of Detroit / Nawlins and you’ll be fine.
but you mean london right? which is the capital of the uk and the only city that really matters in the uk
europe is for average iq (low iq) people because you pay like 70% of your money to taxes because you can’t handle your own money

the EU governments are controlled by jews

the reason we pay more for healthcare and college is because we have the liberty to choose where our money goes

the food is as much poison in europe as america

the culture is degenerate in europe

europe is athiest

the only reason you would prefer europe is if you have your money in offshore accounts and have already made your money in america or your too stupid to make the money in america so you stay in europe
If I want to become a doctor or lawyer in the states, I have to take out $100k in loans every year and spend the the bulk of my career paying this back. There isn’t anywhere as much upward mobility as there used to be. Average IQ is the same or even higher in Europe than it is in USA. The food is in fact much worse here. Interest rates are ridiculous on student loans (5%). You guys glaze and meat ride America as if you would be a top 1% earner here and actually have a decent life. You post on this forum, you wouldn’t be. That’s for Jews only. The demographics and politics here are also terrible.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: noobs
but you mean london right? which is the capital of the uk and the only city that really matters in the uk

I can not see any reason why anyone would want to live in London unless they travel by helicopter and private jet. It's just a cesspool of shitskin grafters.

yep the middle class have become serfs with none of the benefits. it's unironically better to be poor and live off everyone else's contributions than to be a slave class cuck working to benefit a system that is designed to stop your advancement

To be honest if you're a White Male you can't even easily live off benefits here. That's the preserve of ethnics and single moms.
Nevertheless, you still have a TON more purchasing power as a UK burger flipper than a USA burger flipper due to the insanely high minimum wage.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and noobs
can u name a better country
Doesn’t exist
I can not see any reason why anyone would want to live in London unless they travel by helicopter and private jet. It's just a cesspool of shitskin grafters.

To be honest if you're a White Male you can't even easily live off benefits here. That's the preserve of ethnics and single moms.
Nevertheless, you still have a TON more purchasing power as a UK burger flipper than a USA burger flipper due to the insanely high minimum wage.
You speak pure 100% facts in both your messages. The UK is better if you have intention to be a tax scumbag and live off benifits but that’s it…. And even then the Dole is dogshit you have to supplement that with drug dealing if you want a life. Benefits js also shir because they pay very little like me being incel I get payed a little

I’m black, I have autism adhd and depression and they won’t give me PIPs or benifits lol so I can say it’s not ones race that guarantees it
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Reactions: moredatesmorerapes
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Nordic nations. Honestly probably Poland at this point too.
Poland is good for the women, but being a slavic male making slavic money in Poland would be brutal tbh.

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