List of Lookist memes



Dec 2, 2018
Feel free to add things that are obv memes and don't even add to attractiveness and even hurt people in the long run

100% hooded eyes
Caveman Brow Ridge
Personality doesn't matter
IQ doesn't matter
Money doesn't matter Chad lives in his mothers basement
Diet doesn't matter Chad eats cheetos and Cola
Thin Lips

There's probably a lot more , but that's what was at the top of my head
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Lefort 3
Jordan Barret is most good looking man in the planet.
Its over if your FWHR is below 2
Iphone is needed for NT-maxxing
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Lefort 3
Jordan Barret is most good looking man in the planet.
Its over if your FWHR is below 2
Iphone is needed for NT-maxxing

Lefort 3 isn't a meme. It can be a godly procedure if you look at a lot of before and afters, but it'll most probably fuck you up in some way.
Lefort 3
Jordan Barret is most good looking man in the planet.
Its over if your FWHR is below 2
Iphone is needed for NT-maxxing
But jordan barret is not from the planet he's a martian
But all of these are true...
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Being white doesn't matter.
Just be white
Personality doesn't matter
IQ doesn't matter
Money doesn't matter
These are legit.
If you say otherwise you have been brainwashed by them to be a good cog in the system.

IQ has an inverse effect on slaying potential. People with below average IQs slay more than people with above average IQs.
Money only sets you up to be a provider, not a sexual/romantic interest.
Personality doesn't matter if you're on either ends of the extreme (Horrendously ugly or extremely GL)
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Got some more

Blacks can't be Incel
Muscles are bad girls are attracted to feminine looking male model
As long as they act low inhib and have no regard for their future, they cannot.
Yeah this unless they're super short or very ugly.
Yeah this unless they're super short or very ugly.
Nah, looks don't really matter for blacks that much, unless they're really deformed and look like a punched sandwich.
Height doesn't matter that much for them either.
Lefort 3 isn't a meme. It can be a godly procedure if you look at a lot of before and afters, but it'll most probably fuck you up in some way.

You will fuck up your sense of smell and sight.

It is a fucking M-E-M-E.
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You will fuck up your sense of smell and sight.

It is a fucking M-E-M-E.

Yes i said it can do great things but it will mosy probably fuck you up, so it isn't a meme just a high risk but high reward procedure.
Nah, looks don't really matter for blacks that much, unless they're really deformed and look like a punched sandwich.
Height doesn't matter that much for them either.
total bs, blacks are over-represented in the incel community lmao
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total bs, blacks are over-represented in the incel community lmao
Yeah, because they're all utter high inhib spergs.
I have never seen a Thug maxxed black complain about inceldom.
Yeah, because they're all utter high inhib spergs.
I have never seen a Thug maxxed black complain about inceldom.
you could say the same about whites then, low IQ drug dealing EE chavs don't end up being 30yo virgins
you could say the same about whites then, low IQ drug dealing EE chavs don't end up being 30yo virgins
Thug game isn't as effective for whites tbh.
Personality and Iq really only matter to a degree...

Thank you that's an interesting read

- I did notice while I studied biology there were a lot of virgins some were even pretty GL
- This holds true in my close group of friends I was the last to lose my virginity @ 17. One of my bro's lost his a day before his 11th birthday to a 15 y/o girl
- Humanities majors probably slay because they can relate to people PUA is legit if your average to above average. By PUA I mean relating with people in a more healthy way


Are smart men less attractive to women? Perhaps in some ways. For instance HS found that smart men were less likely to be athletic, and this paper shows, unathletic men and women have fewer sex partners. Athletic men, with more willing sexual partners are also less likely to visit a prostitute. Athletic activity gives men more masculine bodies, which are more attractive to women. A more masculine physique correlates with (PDF) an increased number of sex partners.

Stop trolling you know your lip area is holding you back


Thats what I meant lol
Feel free to add things that are obv memes and don't even add to attractiveness and even hurt people in the long run

100% hooded eyes
Caveman Brow Ridge
Personality doesn't matter
IQ doesn't matter
Money doesn't matter Chad lives in his mothers basement
Diet doesn't matter Chad eats cheetos and Cola
Thin Lips

There's probably a lot more , but that's what was at the top of my head
Personality matters and IQ too alot. Not sure why some incels say it drosent matter at all
Not really.

There's a reason FaceandLMS is 6'4, but a virgin

> I learned a lot from him, but he doesn't have all the a answers

I personally know a 6'4 guy than he can't be uglier than

Hopped on a bald-friendly cycle did some other things

Has ~10-15 lays

At some point unless your legitimate PSL 0, as defined by my thread in my sig

If you haven't gotten laid you were just never able to crack the puzzle

You lacked cognition and innovation

and even in this modern society mother nature has no choice but to remove you out of the genetic pool
Lookist memes?

Zyris dad

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