List your copes that keep the rope away

Deleted member 2661

Deleted member 2661

‎‏‏‎ Notorious bully
Aug 1, 2019
Mine: Energy drinks, molly, shrooms, high carb foods, movies.
Life is a pathetic joke
Exercise, video games, LSD, philosophy.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2661
Alcohol / MDMA / Cocaine / Music
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer, Drugs and Deleted member 2661
Masturbation drugs and videogames
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer, Catawampus, Drugs and 4 others
nothing literally. just too lazy to rope
Animated GIF

  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer and WhiskeyCocaine
Lifting/metal music/guitar/anime/internet
Video games, Food, movies/tv, alcohol
going outside and girls looking at me

and creating music/visual art
  • +1
Reactions: Averagecel
video games, movies, music, junk food
Acohol, having a younger girlfriend, music, money, exercise
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685
Going on walks during the night ...
not a cope, at least for me, as beautiful and peaceful nightwalks can be, as depressing it can make you, always happen w me idk bro
I just pass through each day
Being too much of a pussy to rope.
No cope for your face but games and this site.
sounds gay but lucid dreams

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