LOL video of my mate getting the shit spanked out of him by some hot blonde In the street



Jun 20, 2019
So we were 18 and my friend somehow found a way to sneak us all in to this music festival. He started making out with this kinda thick, hot, brunette blue eyed chick Im friends with. Then when we left, he sees this blonde chick with her gay friend. LOL they lock eyes. Get close, hip to hip and wispers to each other and I think they are about to kiss. So my mate thinks so also and as he goes for it she pulls him down.. Sits on his head and spanks him infront of EVERYONE then bites his back LMFAO FB IMG 1562822373214

FB IMG 1562822373214
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  • JFL
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because he has a subhuman nose and convex facial shape
Holy fuck I didnt even think to look at his face. That nose is parrot tier. I still dont get what happened before he was on the ground.
Why the fuck she was hittin him on butt?
Why are you friends with a soyboy?
  • +1
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That is the gayest shit i've seen in a long time. Remember you spank the women jfl
Is THiS An IOi???
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Most women are whores.
So we were 18 and my friend somehow found a way to sneak us all in to this music festival. He started making out with this kinda thick, hot, brunette blue eyed chick Im friends with. Then when we left, he sees this blonde chick with her gay friend. LOL they lock eyes. Get close, hip to hip and wispers to each other and I think they are about to kiss. So my mate thinks so also and as he goes for it she pulls him down.. Sits on his head and spanks him infront of EVERYONE then bites his back LMFAOView attachment 78692
View attachment 78691
View attachment 78692
What kind of a guy can't handle a small hoe like that? Srsly though, is there anything more cuck than letting a weak woman beat you? Just grab her by the wrists and she'll probably understand to stop.
What kind of a guy can't handle a small hoe like that? Srsly though, is there anything more cuck than letting a weak woman beat you? Just grab her by the wrists and she'll probably understand to stop.

Idk dude I think he likes being a bad boy
lmao, this is how nt ppl interact when they're drunk. pure good vibes :)
i mog that birdcel to DEATH
It's an ioi. She was subcommunicating that she wants some subhuman dick. Jfl if you can't fugure it out.
boyo do u know Zesto?
Bloody hell mate
No, who's that?
used to post on and here I think. I believe he may have roped, but he was SEAmaxxing. Last I heard he was in Japan looking for a mommy gf. Was just wondering if you're doing the same thing.
Testosterone 404
used to post on and here I think. I believe he may have roped, but he was SEAmaxxing. Last I heard he was in Japan looking for a mommy gf. Was just wondering if you're doing the same thing.
No, it wouldn't work for me I'm a curry. My smv would drop even below what it is rn.

And I wouldn't move to a 3rd world country to get laid. Who in there right mind would want to go from the greatest country in the world to a shithole? It always amazes me that niggas can go through so much just for pussy.

But I do want a Japanese gf ngl.
this is what happens when an unattractive men tries it on with a woman. shes so insulted by a man of perceived low status and smv thinking he has a chance with her that she feels the need to lash out with violence.

women are truly vile, abhorrent, disgusting creatures. this is their true nature, this is how they view unattractive men, pieces of dirt on the ground who deserve nothing more than beating or suffering
why does she kiss him then?

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