Look at this thread on trufemcels, Estern Europemaxxing is legit!!!

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019
spinsterbarbie - 2 days ago
I can relate, living in Eastern Europe the standards are high for women and nonexistent for males. That goes for everything - bone structure, personal grooming, behavior. It's like we're expected to be wonderful to make up for them being shit.
And you can forget about a career or even good grades if you're not hot. Not being a good enough sex object gets you actively punished and despised. Working with males is always like pulling teeth compared to working with women who somehow manage to do their part of the work no matter what their study partner looks like.
I would really rather do everything myself and opt to work alone whenever I'd be stuck with males otherwise which is a lot of times in IT. Too bad noone understands what's going on and why I can't work with males because everyone's either blind to what's happening or fine with it because it benefits them.

Bunny_wabbit93 · 2 days ago
Oh God, I’m from Eastern Europe too and I can confirm this. Its very common to see a 8/10 woman with some ugly, unhygenic dude with awful fashion sense. And its not like they have any personality to make up for it. Most of them are mysogynistic, racist, rude pricks.

spinsterbarbie · 2 days ago
Tell me about it. It's like the stone age over here compared to the west and I'm so sick of it. I know it's not great for ugly women anywhere but at least in the west I'd feel like human civilization has a fighting chance. It's funny even the males are trying to get the hell out of here while their shittyness is what makes it such a miserable place to begin with.

HotpinkBlanket · 2 days ago
When the borders in EU opened and all the beautiful girls started to date Western European men, disgusting moids in my shithole country just couldn't understand why and got to the only logical conclusion that women are whores and gold diggers and are too stupid to understand what treasure the men in my country are. Years later they finally started to make some progress when it comes to hygiene and fashion, but they are still so ugly compared to women here.

spinsterbarbie · 1 day ago
Same here. So much talking about how the women are going to come crawling back after the males in the west are done using them for nothing but sexual pleasure. Meanwhile the males from the west are way more well-mannered and less focused on sex than the creatures around here. Projecting all the way as usual.

trve_21e · 2 days ago
Most of them are mysogynistic, racist, rude pricks. They also have extremely pungent body odor. I remember having to work next to a Serbian moid and the foul stench emanating from him made me physically sick.

Onionpepsi · 2 days ago
I’m originally from Eastern Europe and now live in a big city in the US( traded red pill lookism for blue pill lookism) and everyone from my original country, including my mom and aunt, is a stacy married to a gross moid, who’s either overweight or abusive

spinsterbarbie · 1 day ago
I remember riding on the bus one day and there was this drunk bragging to his friend about beating his wife for not buying him vodka. Like, loudly and in disgusting detail. Never been more glad about being a cynical miserable bitch who'd never believe any male that tried to lie about liking me to use me. No male is getting anything out of me let alone getting me to be his fucking maid and vodka money while beating the shit out of me. Too bad a lot of women aren't so lucky.
Another male writer here who is very famous and successful wrote this gross book about a male with an ugly wife he beat finding love with some Stacy when he used his wife to get her money or something. They're so proud of it over here. It's like the only pride of our males is getting to be shitty to women.

TheRedBankRedemption · 2 days ago
When I went to visit family there I remember seeing this girl on a bus who was really peculiarly attractive in the conventionally attractive magazine type way and there was this ugly slob of a guy who was trying to talk to her asking her if she was a model or something and I just thought it was so comical. Many eastern european guys are ugly as sin and don’t even make up for it in personality

HotpinkBlanket · 2 days ago
I have a friend in Eastern Europe - beautiful, blonde, all the right curves. Smart, educated, lovely and good personality, both mentally and physically strong. And then there is her boyfriend: weak, short, skinny, ugly, annoying voice and his personal hygiene makes him difficult to look at. She's totally in love with him and finds him the cutest, while this retard says that she's not his type and that he's seen more attractive girls. No, he's not rich, he's totally broke.

uglygalthrow · 1 day ago
Why do Stacies do that?

HotpinkBlanket · 1 day ago
I guess she found one redeeming quality and that was enough for her. I think they had a similar sense of humour.
Fucking foids without originality stealing all our terminology.
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din red
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why are they stealing our culture?

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