Lookism has taken over my life (Life thread)



NT is law for sub-chadlite
Nov 8, 2024

Im going to talk about how lookism became my everything and how it will most likely be the end of me:feelsrope:.

Chapter 1: Birth

I was born in the Netherlands. When i was born i couldnt have a vaginal birth so i was born through a C-section:mask:. While this happend i had a lack of oxygen flow to the brain which caused me heart failure resulting in CPR:heart:. As you might have concluded i survived it :chad: but rethinking about it maybe i shouldnt have:incel:. The reason im telling this is this most likely contributed to my retardness.

Chapter 2: School

As a young kid ive always been called attractive by old people:chad:. When i went to kindergarten i was always a loner ive been told. I always did my own thing and never had interest in other peoples activity:cool:. I was tested for autism but the result was negative. I also had done a iq test which came out at 126 (was undiagnosed but it could be a sign of aspergers:kys:).

After kindergarten primary school began. I have always had anger issues so i got into alot of fights (It didnt matter if you were a guy or girl id beat the fuck out of you :feelswhat:). Later in primary school i got bullied and had really no friends because of these issues. I used to be the kid that left the class groupchat for attention. On valentines day my parents forced me to give all the girls a rose and my crush a ring (Brutually rejected :lul:). That shit haunts me till this day. At the end of primary school i was known as the dirty kid no girl really liked and i didnt have any actual friends.

Now its time for middleschool/highschool. My 1st time my parents forced me to go with suit to introduction and needless to say i looked autistic as fuck:ROFLMAO:. I talked to some people and that was it although i gave off the shy autistic vibe. I knew nobody in the school which was brutal for me cause i am already shy:forcedsmile:. I made friends in class by jestermaxxing and continued that at till my 2nd year (also i didnt get invited to hangout irl or anything so i was basically already a rotting truecel:trepidation:). When the 2nd year was over the classes had to split into 2 and my friendgroup did aswell. In the 3rd year a NT tall htn got in our class and everybody liked him even though he was a cunt (2nd subconsional introduction to blackpill 1st being the valentine). He hanged out with my friends but not with me as he found me a idiot because i was a jestermaxxed ltn:feelsgah:. I continued being the class clown and everybody hated me including the teachers except for my 7 friends that i hanged out with outside of school maybe once every 3 months:feelshehe:. I got alot of punishments from teachers and almost got suspended for 2 weeks for calling my teacher a dumb slut (based:feelshaha:). I continued this till the 5th year and had a decent glowup going from ltn to mtn. I got treated more human:feelskek: and made some "closer" friends which were still restricted to highschool only. Basically i started having a little small talk with girls but nothing more than that. The most ive talked to a girl in my life was for 50 minutes and that was forced because we both had detention:feelshaha: (she was a htb though and i managed to jestermaxx her into laughing with me but thats it). So basically that was all the action i got while some people were banging eachother and in one ocassion getting a partner pregnant i was rotting in my room gooning to degenerate fetishes that i wont go into:cop: (@ey88 not catching me today) . So basically i graduated and summer vacation came. I went to vacation with my school friends for 1 week and tbh it was the best week of my life. My 1st introduction to blackpill that wasnt subconcious was because i had rhinoplasty cause i had nose deformity (this happend in june of 2024). So no im not a tiktokcel nigger:feelstastyman:. Basically i ascended from mtn to htn and im growing better everyday. I noticed more IOI's from girls but never really bothered to do something with it and still dont. Im not used to it so i tend to ignore everyone plus im already fucked in the social aspect:feelswah:.

Chapter 3: College

this is where everything went downhill by a fucking shit ton:ogre:. I kept into contact with only 1 friend from highschool which i maybe once every month go to the gym with. I have 0 other contacts besides that and this is my 1st real interaction the forum since ive only lurked because of rhinoplasty:blackpill:. This is when i officialy became a rotter. I spend most of my days lurking and sometimes post questions about simple stuff like diet, softmaxxing and hardmaxxing:). Basically i had a good 1st impression off college and i was decently NT but once again i was ALL ALONE AND DIDNT KNOW ANYBODY AT ALL:LOL:. I STARTED BEING INTROVERTED AGAIN AND PEOPLE STARTED TO HATE ON ME CAUSE THEYRE FAT FUCKING SUBHUMANS. LIKE THE LITTLE RATS THEY ARE THEY SWARMED ME AND INSULTED ME EVERYDAY TILL I HAD ENOUGH:hnghn: (shouldve gone ER tbh but i still have false hope for my future). Also there were only 3 girls in class and they all gave me good enough attention but after getting introverted i began to ignore them:redpill:. Basically i quit college (i was 16 and they were all 20+, the world is cruel). After this i went to vacation for 2 months with my mother since she had to takecare of her mother cause she will get breast removal. These times were really calming for me since everyday i got alot of IOI's since i looked like one of them while also having stolen the dutch height genes + htn looks (Smv wise i was basically chadlite there since guys are ugly here and manlets while also having a lower% males to females% ratio). While this was happening i met a girl online. She is perfect for me: she is NT, Autistic humour like me (she makes rapes jokes :LOL:), a virgin, high mtb face with a stacylite body and overall literal wifey material cause she also cleans and cooks in her parents house. Basically we began e dating after we talked alot on/off camera. SHE wants to visit me in the summer which is a huge green flags cause it shows interest on her side. We also text couple stuff basically just cringe:). All off this made me realise that i couldnt have achieved ANY if this if it wasnt for being blackpilled and ascending:blackpill:. How i look decides my day and my personality for the day (Its bpd but also not cause it isnt random but specifically when i look uglier than the day before).

Chapter 3: Currently

So im back to the Netherlands actively contrebuting nothing usefull on this forum rotting on off topic:feelsuhh:. The forum became my only form of social interaction along with blackpill servers like psl city except for the girl im talking to online (Og's like bgm are in there beefing 24/7:feelshaha:). Basically im just working right now focused on a fucking brutal diet (Liver, cooked pig feet and some specific salads) and i also workout alot (since i was 14). overall my bodyfat% is 10 or below but i still have a chubby face jfl which i hope will go by as i age.

Basically i have achieved strong htn compared to the ltn i was in middle school (my base as a child was really good though). Nowadays the only thing i think about is ascending cause the only redeeming quality i have are my looks:blackpill:. I am planning my other hardmaxxes and hopefully ascend to chadlite facially by 20 (through agemaxxing and hardmaxxing. IM NOT touching drugs cause they are unpredictable). Im lazy and dont want to become a wage slave for the jews:confused:. So im just working, rotting, have my entire mental stability decides by how i look and by the girl im talking to which i am praying to meet in rl:forcedsmile:. So yeah im 17 and she is also 17. I will do a life update in the summer if i have the pleasure off meeting her (or it goes downhill again:lul:). I will probabely rope if i lose her or dont achieve cl cause im mentally fucked:eek:

I had cpr at birth making me slighty retarded probabely. I grew up as a fucking subhuman loser. I glew up after highschool cause of hardmaxxing at 16 and im now talking to a girl online (a gem for this generation) hoping to meet irl. Growing up like i did looks are everything to me and decides my daily mood and every though process that goes through my mind.


Rep farm:owo::

@ey88 @moggerofhumanity @Thinking_CEL @2025cel @fashioncel @Methylphenidate @TiktokUser @HostSamurai @Monarchy @autistic_tendencies @JeanneDArcAlter
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Not enough emoji saar! :soy:
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  • JFL
Reactions: They_are_all_whores, LegendaryKennen, 5'7 currychad and 6 others
Btw the tag limit is 5 so everyone after fashioncel will not get notif :forcedsmile:
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Reactions: They_are_all_whores, Tai Lung and Aviddegree40571
Holy fuark
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  • JFL
Reactions: They_are_all_whores and Aviddegree40571
Seems like an interesting thread, will read.
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Reactions: Aviddegree40571
dnr for now but lookism has consumed me to the point where i just wanna go NEET tbh
  • +1
Reactions: semazka, They_are_all_whores and Aviddegree40571
U gotta become more low inhib as u ascend man..
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Reactions: They_are_all_whores and Aviddegree40571
my favorite love story, happy for you bro!
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Reactions: They_are_all_whores, obscuredusk and Aviddegree40571
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Reactions: They_are_all_whores, Zukiteru, WrothEnd and 1 other person

Im going to talk about how lookism became my everything and how it will most likely be the end of me:feelsrope:.

Chapter 1: Birth

I was born in the Netherlands. When i was born i couldnt have a vaginal birth so i was born through a C-section:mask:. While this happend i had a lack of oxygen flow to the brain which caused me heart failure resulting in CPR:heart:. As you might have concluded i survived it :chad: but rethinking about it maybe i shouldnt have:incel:. The reason im telling this is this most likely contributed to my retardness.

Chapter 2: School

As a young kid ive always been called attractive by old people:chad:. When i went to kindergarten i was always a loner ive been told. I always did my own thing and never had interest in other peoples activity:cool:. I was tested for autism but the result was negative. I also had done a iq test which came out at 126 (was undiagnosed but it could be a sign of aspergers:kys:).

After kindergarten primary school began. I have always had anger issues so i got into alot of fights (It didnt matter if you were a guy or girl id beat the fuck out of you :feelswhat:). Later in primary school i got bullied and had really no friends because of these issues. I used to be the kid that left the class groupchat for attention. On valentines day my parents forced me to give all the girls a rose and my crush a ring (Brutually rejected :lul:). That shit haunts me till this day. At the end of primary school i was known as the dirty kid no girl really liked and i didnt have any actual friends.

Now its time for middleschool/highschool. My 1st time my parents forced me to go with suit to introduction and needless to say i looked autistic as fuck:ROFLMAO:. I talked to some people and that was it although i gave off the shy autistic vibe. I knew nobody in the school which was brutal for me cause i am already shy:forcedsmile:. I made friends in class by jestermaxxing and continued that at till my 2nd year (also i didnt get invited to hangout irl or anything so i was basically already a rotting truecel:trepidation:). When the 2nd year was over the classes had to split into 2 and my friendgroup did aswell. In the 3rd year a NT tall htn got in our class and everybody liked him even though he was a cunt (2nd subconsional introduction to blackpill 1st being the valentine). He hanged out with my friends but not with me as he found me a idiot because i was a jestermaxxed ltn:feelsgah:. I continued being the class clown and everybody hated me including the teachers except for my 7 friends that i hanged out with outside of school maybe once every 3 months:feelshehe:. I got alot of punishments from teachers and almost got suspended for 2 weeks for calling my teacher a dumb slut (based:feelshaha:). I continued this till the 5th year and had a decent glowup going from ltn to mtn. I got treated more human:feelskek: and made some "closer" friends which were still restricted to highschool only. Basically i started having a little small talk with girls but nothing more than that. The most ive talked to a girl in my life was for 50 minutes and that was forced because we both had detention:feelshaha: (she was a htb though and i managed to jestermaxx her into laughing with me but thats it). So basically that was all the action i got while some people were banging eachother and in one ocassion getting a partner pregnant i was rotting in my room gooning to degenerate fetishes that i wont go into:cop: (@ey88 not catching me today) . So basically i graduated and summer vacation came. I went to vacation with my school friends for 1 week and tbh it was the best week of my life. My 1st introduction to blackpill that wasnt subconcious was because i had rhinoplasty cause i had nose deformity (this happend in june of 2024). So no im not a tiktokcel nigger:feelstastyman:. Basically i ascended from mtn to htn and im growing better everyday. I noticed more IOI's from girls but never really bothered to do something with it and still dont. Im not used to it so i tend to ignore everyone plus im already fucked in the social aspect:feelswah:.

Chapter 3: College

this is where everything went downhill by a fucking shit ton:ogre:. I kept into contact with only 1 friend from highschool which i maybe once every month go to the gym with. I have 0 other contacts besides that and this is my 1st real interaction the forum since ive only lurked because of rhinoplasty:blackpill:. This is when i officialy became a rotter. I spend most of my days lurking and sometimes post questions about simple stuff like diet, softmaxxing and hardmaxxing:). Basically i had a good 1st impression off college and i was decently NT but once again i was ALL ALONE AND DIDNT KNOW ANYBODY AT ALL:LOL:. I STARTED BEING INTROVERTED AGAIN AND PEOPLE STARTED TO HATE ON ME CAUSE THEYRE FAT FUCKING SUBHUMANS. LIKE THE LITTLE RATS THEY ARE THEY SWARMED ME AND INSULTED ME EVERYDAY TILL I HAD ENOUGH:hnghn: (shouldve gone ER tbh but i still have false hope for my future). Also there were only 3 girls in class and they all gave me good enough attention but after getting introverted i began to ignore them:redpill:. Basically i quit college (i was 16 and they were all 20+, the world is cruel). After this i went to vacation for 2 months with my mother since she had to takecare of her mother cause she will get breast removal. These times were really calming for me since everyday i got alot of IOI's since i looked like one of them while also having stolen the dutch height genes + htn looks (Smv wise i was basically chadlite there since guys are ugly here and manlets while also having a lower% males to females% ratio). While this was happening i met a girl online. She is perfect for me: she is NT, Autistic humour like me (she makes rapes jokes :LOL:), a virgin, high mtb face with a stacylite body and overall literal wifey material cause she also cleans and cooks in her parents house. Basically we began e dating after we talked alot on/off camera. SHE wants to visit me in the summer which is a huge green flags cause it shows interest on her side. We also text couple stuff basically just cringe:). All off this made me realise that i couldnt have achieved ANY if this if it wasnt for being blackpilled and ascending:blackpill:. How i look decides my day and my personality for the day (Its bpd but also not cause it isnt random but specifically when i look uglier than the day before).

Chapter 3: Currently

So im back to the Netherlands actively contrebuting nothing usefull on this forum rotting on off topic:feelsuhh:. The forum became my only form of social interaction along with blackpill servers like psl city except for the girl im talking to online (Og's like bgm are in there beefing 24/7:feelshaha:). Basically im just working right now focused on a fucking brutal diet (Liver, cooked pig feet and some specific salads) and i also workout alot (since i was 14). overall my bodyfat% is 10 or below but i still have a chubby face jfl which i hope will go by as i age.
View attachment 3518641
Basically i have achieved strong htn compared to the ltn i was in middle school (my base as a child was really good though). Nowadays the only thing i think about is ascending cause the only redeeming quality i have are my looks:blackpill:. I am planning my other hardmaxxes and hopefully ascend to chadlite facially by 20 (through agemaxxing and hardmaxxing. IM NOT touching drugs cause they are unpredictable). Im lazy and dont want to become a wage slave for the jews:confused:. So im just working, rotting, have my entire mental stability decides by how i look and by the girl im talking to which i am praying to meet in rl:forcedsmile:. So yeah im 17 and she is also 17. I will do a life update in the summer if i have the pleasure off meeting her (or it goes downhill again:lul:). I will probabely rope if i lose her or dont achieve cl cause im mentally fucked:eek:

I had cpr at birth making me slighty retarded probabely. I grew up as a fucking subhuman loser. I glew up after highschool cause of hardmaxxing at 16 and im now talking to a girl online (a gem for this generation) hoping to meet irl. Growing up like i did looks are everything to me and decides my daily mood and every though process that goes through my mind.

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Rep farm:owo::

@ey88 @moggerofhumanity @Thinking_CEL @2025cel @fashioncel @Methylphenidate @TiktokUser @HostSamurai @Monarchy @autistic_tendencies @JeanneDArcAlter
wait nigger what happened to the fucking girl you met??
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Aviddegree40571 and rira1

wait nigger what happened to the fucking girl you met??
we are still talking and stuff. Waiting till summer to meet her and i will update with another thread on how it goes(or maybe sooner if i fuck things up bc of my unstability)
max tag is 5
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Reactions: moggerofhumanity, They_are_all_whores and Aviddegree40571

Im going to talk about how lookism became my everything and how it will most likely be the end of me:feelsrope:.

Chapter 1: Birth

I was born in the Netherlands. When i was born i couldnt have a vaginal birth so i was born through a C-section:mask:. While this happend i had a lack of oxygen flow to the brain which caused me heart failure resulting in CPR:heart:. As you might have concluded i survived it :chad: but rethinking about it maybe i shouldnt have:incel:. The reason im telling this is this most likely contributed to my retardness.

Chapter 2: School

As a young kid ive always been called attractive by old people:chad:. When i went to kindergarten i was always a loner ive been told. I always did my own thing and never had interest in other peoples activity:cool:. I was tested for autism but the result was negative. I also had done a iq test which came out at 126 (was undiagnosed but it could be a sign of aspergers:kys:).

After kindergarten primary school began. I have always had anger issues so i got into alot of fights (It didnt matter if you were a guy or girl id beat the fuck out of you :feelswhat:). Later in primary school i got bullied and had really no friends because of these issues. I used to be the kid that left the class groupchat for attention. On valentines day my parents forced me to give all the girls a rose and my crush a ring (Brutually rejected :lul:). That shit haunts me till this day. At the end of primary school i was known as the dirty kid no girl really liked and i didnt have any actual friends.

Now its time for middleschool/highschool. My 1st time my parents forced me to go with suit to introduction and needless to say i looked autistic as fuck:ROFLMAO:. I talked to some people and that was it although i gave off the shy autistic vibe. I knew nobody in the school which was brutal for me cause i am already shy:forcedsmile:. I made friends in class by jestermaxxing and continued that at till my 2nd year (also i didnt get invited to hangout irl or anything so i was basically already a rotting truecel:trepidation:). When the 2nd year was over the classes had to split into 2 and my friendgroup did aswell. In the 3rd year a NT tall htn got in our class and everybody liked him even though he was a cunt (2nd subconsional introduction to blackpill 1st being the valentine). He hanged out with my friends but not with me as he found me a idiot because i was a jestermaxxed ltn:feelsgah:. I continued being the class clown and everybody hated me including the teachers except for my 7 friends that i hanged out with outside of school maybe once every 3 months:feelshehe:. I got alot of punishments from teachers and almost got suspended for 2 weeks for calling my teacher a dumb slut (based:feelshaha:). I continued this till the 5th year and had a decent glowup going from ltn to mtn. I got treated more human:feelskek: and made some "closer" friends which were still restricted to highschool only. Basically i started having a little small talk with girls but nothing more than that. The most ive talked to a girl in my life was for 50 minutes and that was forced because we both had detention:feelshaha: (she was a htb though and i managed to jestermaxx her into laughing with me but thats it). So basically that was all the action i got while some people were banging eachother and in one ocassion getting a partner pregnant i was rotting in my room gooning to degenerate fetishes that i wont go into:cop: (@ey88 not catching me today) . So basically i graduated and summer vacation came. I went to vacation with my school friends for 1 week and tbh it was the best week of my life. My 1st introduction to blackpill that wasnt subconcious was because i had rhinoplasty cause i had nose deformity (this happend in june of 2024). So no im not a tiktokcel nigger:feelstastyman:. Basically i ascended from mtn to htn and im growing better everyday. I noticed more IOI's from girls but never really bothered to do something with it and still dont. Im not used to it so i tend to ignore everyone plus im already fucked in the social aspect:feelswah:.

Chapter 3: College

this is where everything went downhill by a fucking shit ton:ogre:. I kept into contact with only 1 friend from highschool which i maybe once every month go to the gym with. I have 0 other contacts besides that and this is my 1st real interaction the forum since ive only lurked because of rhinoplasty:blackpill:. This is when i officialy became a rotter. I spend most of my days lurking and sometimes post questions about simple stuff like diet, softmaxxing and hardmaxxing:). Basically i had a good 1st impression off college and i was decently NT but once again i was ALL ALONE AND DIDNT KNOW ANYBODY AT ALL:LOL:. I STARTED BEING INTROVERTED AGAIN AND PEOPLE STARTED TO HATE ON ME CAUSE THEYRE FAT FUCKING SUBHUMANS. LIKE THE LITTLE RATS THEY ARE THEY SWARMED ME AND INSULTED ME EVERYDAY TILL I HAD ENOUGH:hnghn: (shouldve gone ER tbh but i still have false hope for my future). Also there were only 3 girls in class and they all gave me good enough attention but after getting introverted i began to ignore them:redpill:. Basically i quit college (i was 16 and they were all 20+, the world is cruel). After this i went to vacation for 2 months with my mother since she had to takecare of her mother cause she will get breast removal. These times were really calming for me since everyday i got alot of IOI's since i looked like one of them while also having stolen the dutch height genes + htn looks (Smv wise i was basically chadlite there since guys are ugly here and manlets while also having a lower% males to females% ratio). While this was happening i met a girl online. She is perfect for me: she is NT, Autistic humour like me (she makes rapes jokes :LOL:), a virgin, high mtb face with a stacylite body and overall literal wifey material cause she also cleans and cooks in her parents house. Basically we began e dating after we talked alot on/off camera. SHE wants to visit me in the summer which is a huge green flags cause it shows interest on her side. We also text couple stuff basically just cringe:). All off this made me realise that i couldnt have achieved ANY if this if it wasnt for being blackpilled and ascending:blackpill:. How i look decides my day and my personality for the day (Its bpd but also not cause it isnt random but specifically when i look uglier than the day before).

Chapter 3: Currently

So im back to the Netherlands actively contrebuting nothing usefull on this forum rotting on off topic:feelsuhh:. The forum became my only form of social interaction along with blackpill servers like psl city except for the girl im talking to online (Og's like bgm are in there beefing 24/7:feelshaha:). Basically im just working right now focused on a fucking brutal diet (Liver, cooked pig feet and some specific salads) and i also workout alot (since i was 14). overall my bodyfat% is 10 or below but i still have a chubby face jfl which i hope will go by as i age.
View attachment 3518641
Basically i have achieved strong htn compared to the ltn i was in middle school (my base as a child was really good though). Nowadays the only thing i think about is ascending cause the only redeeming quality i have are my looks:blackpill:. I am planning my other hardmaxxes and hopefully ascend to chadlite facially by 20 (through agemaxxing and hardmaxxing. IM NOT touching drugs cause they are unpredictable). Im lazy and dont want to become a wage slave for the jews:confused:. So im just working, rotting, have my entire mental stability decides by how i look and by the girl im talking to which i am praying to meet in rl:forcedsmile:. So yeah im 17 and she is also 17. I will do a life update in the summer if i have the pleasure off meeting her (or it goes downhill again:lul:). I will probabely rope if i lose her or dont achieve cl cause im mentally fucked:eek:

I had cpr at birth making me slighty retarded probabely. I grew up as a fucking subhuman loser. I glew up after highschool cause of hardmaxxing at 16 and im now talking to a girl online (a gem for this generation) hoping to meet irl. Growing up like i did looks are everything to me and decides my daily mood and every though process that goes through my mind.

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Rep farm:owo::

@ey88 @moggerofhumanity @Thinking_CEL @2025cel @fashioncel @Methylphenidate @TiktokUser @HostSamurai @Monarchy @autistic_tendencies @JeanneDArcAlter
lowkey have similar child hood and start of school experience, i ascended to CL purely because of aging. good luck in the future bhai keep going
  • +1
Reactions: Aviddegree40571
lowkey have similar child hood and start of school experience, i ascended to CL purely because of aging. good luck in the future bhai keep going
How is life now compared to before?
How is life now compared to before?
amazing, like completely different. i choose to keep to myself but am popular even doing so and girls lust after me all the time, just yesterday i turned down a girl she asked to go out with me. today she did air kisses at me when i walked by her. I dont look for this good treatment yet i get it now where ever i go. life is on easy mode for me. im trying to improve my frame because that will give me even more benefits currently and praying i grow taller also. 21 bidelt, 5'11.
So basically you have an opportunity with a virgin foid that I would literally give up a limb for at this point. Hardly a sad story.
  • +1
Reactions: Aviddegree40571
So basically you have an opportunity with a virgin foid that I would literally give up a limb for at this point. Hardly a sad story.
Just the avarage "sad" backstory turning good (or even worse time will tell:lul:)
amazing, like completely different. i choose to keep to myself but am popular even doing so and girls lust after me all the time, just yesterday i turned down a girl she asked to go out with me. today she did air kisses at me when i walked by her. I dont look for this good treatment yet i get it now where ever i go. life is on easy mode for me. im trying to improve my frame because that will give me even more benefits currently and praying i grow taller also. 21 bidelt, 5'11.
Damn bro where your live? Usa?
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Just publish a book on .org
  • JFL
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And it was all a dream…
Actually read ts and it was very intellectually stimulating Saar :soy:
Crazy how some people can never sympathize with someone because they have never been in their own shoes that one htn guy in ur class and those teachers are all ignorant pigs, but I wouldn’t blame them for it
  • +1
Reactions: Aviddegree40571
You said you left college at 16, how the fuck did you even got accepted at 16
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Reactions: Aviddegree40571
You said you left college at 16, how the fuck did you even got accepted at 16
College isnt uni. Im a early student and the avarage college 1st year is 17/18
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Reactions: code15
I feel you bro but we gotta deal with this somehow, cope or rope
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Reactions: Aviddegree40571

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