Looks & status = SMV

Deleted member 5185

Deleted member 5185

Feb 10, 2020
What matters?

Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • Looks
  • Status
  • Status subcategories: Perceived status vs real status
  • Game

Recently, there was a thread that called into question the prevelance of «blue pilled thinking», ie., any thinking going against the standard «blackpill» world view.

The «blackpill» world view can be defined something along the lines of «Looks is what matters. Not personality, not game, not status, but LOOKS».

There seems to be some divide on looksmax these days between «blackpilled» users and the newly coined «greypilled» users, where greypilled is a combination of «bluepilled» or «redpilled» views with «blackpilled» views. Essentially, the belief of a «greypill» is that both looks and status, personality, game etc. matters. The combination of looks and status results in the total SMV (sexual market value) rating of a male.

My stance is as follows:

Looks is the most important factor. Looks includes: Face, physique (including height), clothing, other looksmaxxing measures improving looks

However, I believe that looks demonstrably are not the only thing that matters. My hypothesis is that everything matters to varying degrees.

Here, we have to make a distinction. We have factors that are of utmost important to any man wishing to attract women, and then we have factors which are secondary and clearly less relevant.

The factors that are of utmost importance are:

  • A minimum requirement of looks to attract a given female
  • A minimum requirement of neurotypical behaviour
If a person is 1) good looking enough and 2) socially adept enough for any given woman, she will prefer this man over someone she deems less attractive. However, human social interactions are far more complex than this. If a somewhat lesser looking man has a lot more status, either via fame or money, he can offset the look disparage. An example: a 5 PSL man working a job at McDonalds is deemed less attractive by a woman than a 4.5 PSL man that is a successful surgeon with a mansion and luxury cars.


As previously stated, looks is the most important factors. Looks have the effect of both being a purely physical attractor – women are biologically wired to be attracted to good looking people for their genetics. This includes dimorphic and healthy faces, big & strong physiques, low bodyfat percentage etc. But on top of that, looks has a strong social impact, as looks impact a woman’s perception of a good looking mans traits. Good looking men are deemed as more intelligent and more successful than “regular” men. Since good looks are correlated with these qualities, looks has a strong snowballing effect where looks not only impacts a woman’s desire on a purely physical level, but also on a social level – a mans looks directly influences his status.

Looks are everything about a man that affects how his genetics appear to women. Face, height, physique (muscle mass, leanness, proportions) and clothing are all things which impacts looks. It is impossible to pin one value above another – if a person has a good face but is way too short and/or way too fat, then he will not be attractive. If a person has a bad face but is tall and lean, he will not be attractive. It is the combination of factors that tells the whole story.

This sentiment can be taken further – looks are the most important part of the equation, but not the only part of the equation. As mentioned earlier, status will affect a woman’s perception of a man’s attractiveness. Many looksmax users doubt this. I believe it is demonstrably false that looks are the only factors that matters. I’ve exemplified this through varies thought experiments, putting a highly rated PSL male with severe social inhibitions (such as aspergers and similar issues) up against a 0.5 PSL lesser man or similar with extremely maximized status: millions of Instagram followers and fame + charisma, for instance. Actors are a good example of looks clearly not being the single deciding factor in whether a man is deemed attractive or not.

I believe it is obvious that looks, while an extremely important factor in attracting women, is not the ONLY factor.


When talking about Status in relationship to attracting women, it’s important to remember the following: The less looks a man has going for him, the more status he needs to make up for it. I.e., Ed Sheeran is bad looking, but a global superstar and extraordinarily rich – thus, he is one of the few that can make up for his lack of looks via pure status.

I split status into two distinct categories:

  • Real status
  • Perceived status
Real status is any objective measure of status. Money, power, fame and similar factors which are objective for all to see is “real status”. Further, being intelligent, charismatic and outgoing are also examples of “real status”

Perceived status is what a given girl perceives a given mans status to be. This can be impacted mainly by behaviour – a man which acts in an overly insecure way, introverted and seeking validation and giving the impression that he is sexually inexperienced will make a girl perceive his status to be lower than a man that is confident, outgoing and clearly sexually experienced.

A combination of real and perceived status will have a large impact on how attractive a woman will find you. Thought experiment:

A girl and a boy meet up after matching on Tinder. The girl found the guy good looking on the app. When they meet, the guy is clearly insecure, mumbling words and rambling about Star Wars movies and reddit. He showers the girl with compliments and in general acts insecure and validation seeking.

Another girl and another boy meet up. The girl has had a crush on the guy for 3 years during school. The boy never noticed the girl. The boy is 3 years older and has a large social circle and is deemed as one of the most influential and popular guys at their school. On top of that, he is the captain of the football team and has a rumour for being extremely good in bed.

Which guy do you think has the best chance of attracting the girl?


Game is something which seems to be poorly defined on the looksmaxxing forums. I believe “game” is defined as manipulation tactics that aim to improve a man’s SMV.

Typically, “game” will be tactics which involve behaving in certain ways to improve SMV. Examples could be talking to other women to create jealousy in the girl in question or acting aggressively to a woman’s attempts at controlling the guy in any way, having an attitude of aloofness or giving the impression that he isn’t afraid of losing the girl. The point of game is ultimately to convince the girl that she is of a lower SMV than a man. These manipulation tactics work. Most blackpilled incels issue with discussion a topic such as game is that it is extremely unimportant when compared to looks.

What is important to consider is this: Men will generally date with women within their looks parameters, generally a few points below. Women will have access to similar looking men. Thus, it becomes a contest between a given man and his male looksmatches. Convincing a girl that you are of higher status through manipulation tactics are important for this reason. This doesn’t mean the game or personality can ever make up for looks – it simply means that manipulation tactics are necessary to maximize ones overall SMV by tricking the girl to perceive your SMV to be higher than she initially believed it was.

Bottom line:

Looks are the most important factor, however it is clearly true that other factors matter as well. Even small differences in occupation (Lawyer vs physicist) might have a tangible impact on any given woman depending on her preferences, biases and beliefs. Everything down to the last minutae matters, the question is just to which degree. There is no vacuum where looks is the only factor – there are a plethora of factors going into a woman’s decision, and any man seeking to maximize his overall SMV should take this into consideration – Looks and status needs to work in combination to create the highest possible SMV possible. One cannot rely on one or the other exclusively. As such, the correct strategy will always be to looksmaxx and statusmaxx at the same time to maximize sexual market value.
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Reactions: Looks234, CANI, Finita Est and 10 others
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Reactions: SA7 and Deleted member 5185
Red every word and i agree.

Looksmaxxers say looks are everything etc but when an ugly male gets a GF they say he must have money, fame etc. Doesnt make sense
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  • Hmm...
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Baby Lol GIF by San Diego Zoo
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  • JFL
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Reactions: datboijj, Arcturus, .👽. and 1 other person
Red every word and i agree.

Looksmaxxers say looks are everything etc but when an ugly male gets a GF they say he must have money, fame etc. Doesnt make sense

there’s actually a lot of shit takes on this forum

just remember this forum attracts a lot of different people who see the world through their lens and their lens only

looksmax, then go out and figure out yourself what attracts women.
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High-IQ and fucking based
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Reactions: Arcturus
Grass is green
Air is Free, Time is not
Well written my friend. But also, water is wet.

you forgot money/wealth?
Wasted my time reading this shit

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