Looks theory is legit, but not as black and white as it’s made out to be



rides a short bus to school
Apr 6, 2019
About every other week some greycel will make a post attempting to debunk blackpill/looks theory, and then a group of hardcore blackpillers will call him a subhuman coper

both ends of the spectrums of looks theory are copes

bluepillers cope and say looks are entirely useless and personality is everything, and that they can get girls/respect just by being nice to people

blackpillers cope and say looks are everything and personality is nothing and they can get girls while even being autistic, since personality is useless

people cope with blackpill on here to fulfill their mental masturbation fantasies about how once they “ascend”, everything in their life will become a cakewalk, while that isn’t the case, cases like Meeks are an exception not the norm

both groups who hardcore believe in one ideology (black/blue) deny blatantly obvious reality to fit what THEY want to believe

I could go on all day about how bluepill gets shit on by observable reality (meeks, tinder expiraments, ascension stories etc) but on a blackpill forum that isn’t necessary

but what I will do is put up some facts of observable reality that completely contradict hardcore blackpill ideology

“girls only want chad” yet 95% of guys are fat balding and ugly past 23

“well muhh retard don’t you know about tinder it lets PSL 3 fat land whales get chads easily:feelswah:

no you fucken peanut brain, guys only care about looks for ONS, if you ascended right now would you dumpster dive when you can slay purely stacies?? bcus blackpill says chad can get any girl he wants remember

ugly girls are not smashing chad because of “muh tinder and muh hypergamy” jfl

Personality doesn’t matter at all for LTR bro, she just wants the best genes!

yet there are couples posted all the time with girls mogging the guy and u fucktard will say shit like “big dick or betabux”

again ask your self, do you really think madison beer is with her subhuman bf because she struggles to get a chad with a big dick jfl keep up the mental gymnastics

“Madison beer is an exception, foids always date up, very few exceptions”

we already know chads are rare, and he is either going to be slaying or LTRing a Stacy, where are these abundance of chads coming from that are taking up all these average girls

personality matters alot for LTR for both men and woman, if you say different you are coping too hard in your own realm of mental gymnastics, any guy on here who has been in a ltr will tell you persoanlity mogs looks in importance, it is the KHHV autists who made the stigma about personality being useless jfl if looks were everything you would never see exceptions to looks match or guy mogging the girl, but this just isn’t the case

obviously looks are very important, I mean shit is going to self install MSE in the next 2 weeks to look better JFL

looks are everything for ONS

for ltr your partner must find you attractive, you don’t have to be a giga chad, but she must find you attractive, that is literally all you need to be in a LTR, however girls don’t find most guys attractive, so yes looks are very important but once you reach the threshold to be attractive, you can get a LTR, and you will be of higher value of a candidate than someone who mogs you with a shit

you guys think you are superior than bluepillers because you “accept harsh realities” (jfl) yet people who dickride blsckpill are coping just as hard as bluepillers just in a different way

looks matter a lot, but you are coping hard if you think they are everything for success with woman
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u can fuck my grandma if anyone actually read all that
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Cope. Looks are the only thing that matter for legitimate attraction. You can still get women with status and money. Personality doesn't matter at all, because it's based on how people perceive your looks.
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u can fuck my grandma if anyone actually read all that
get out of my thread greycel
Cope. Looks are the only thing that matter for legitimate attraction. You can still get women with status and money. Personality doesn't matter at all, because it's based on how people perceive your looks.
ok explain how I’m wrong about the points i made in the thread peanut brain
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About every other week some greycel will make a post attempting to debunk blackpill/looks theory, and then a group of hardcore blackpillers will call him a subhuman coper

both ends of the spectrums of looks theory are copes

bluepillers cope and say looks are entirely useless and personality is everything, and that they can get girls/respect just by being nice to people

blackpillers cope and say looks are everything and personality is nothing and they can get girls while even being autistic, since personality is useless

people cope with blackpill on here to fulfill their mental masturbation fantasies about how once they “ascend”, everything in their life will become a cakewalk, while that isn’t the case, cases like Meeks are an exception not the norm

both groups who hardcore believe in one ideology (black/blue) deny blatantly obvious reality to fit what THEY want to believe

I could go on all day about how bluepill gets shit on by observable reality (meeks, tinder expiraments, ascension stories etc) but on a blackpill forum that isn’t necessary

but what I will do is put up some facts of observable reality that completely contradict hardcore blackpill ideology

“girls only want chad” yet 95% of guys are fat balding and ugly past 23

“well muhh retard don’t you know about tinder it lets PSL 3 fat land whales get chads easily:feelswah:

no you fucken peanut brain, guys only care about looks for ONS, if you ascended right now would you dumpster dive when you can slay purely stacies?? bcus blackpill says chad can get any girl he wants remember

ugly girls are not smashing chad because of “muh tinder and muh hypergamy” jfl

Personality doesn’t matter at all for LTR bro, she just wants the best genes!

yet there are couples posted all the time with girls mogging the guy and u fucktard will say shit like “big dick or betabux”

again ask your self, do you really think madison beer is with her subhuman bf because she struggles to get a chad with a big dick jfl keep up the mental gymnastics

“Madison beer is an exception, foids always date up, very few exceptions”

we already know chads are rare, and he is either going to be slaying or LTRing a Stacy, where are these abundance of chads coming from that are taking up all these average girls

personality matters alot for LTR for both men and woman, if you say different you are coping too hard in your own realm of mental gymnastics, any guy on here who has been in a ltr will tell you persoanlity mogs looks in importance, it is the KHHV autists who made the stigma about personality being useless jfl if looks were everything you would never see exceptions to looks match or guy mogging the girl, but this just isn’t the case

obviously looks are very important, I mean shit is going to self install MSE in the next 2 weeks to look better JFL

looks are everything for ONS

for ltr your partner must find you attractive, you don’t have to be a giga chad, but she must find you attractive, that is literally all you need to be in a LTR, however girls don’t find most guys attractive, so yes looks are very important but once you reach the threshold to be attractive, you can get a LTR, and you will be of higher value of a candidate than someone who mogs you with a shit

you guys think you are superior than bluepillers because you “accept harsh realities” (jfl) yet people who dickride blsckpill are coping just as hard as bluepillers just in a different way

looks matter a lot, but you are coping hard if you think they are everything for success with woman
Its all about power sure subhumans get gfs with clownmaxxing and simpmaxxing but by being good looking you controll the relationship now a days in the west it is the opposite
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You speak the truth, but you really think that these incels will really realised this, most haven't even touched a women in their life because they're so obsessed with how they look that it's stopping them from actually interacting with women normally. People on this site stop them self from actually getting a girlfriend because in their head they've already given up mentally.

Black pill is 200% right, but not to the extent that most incels push on this site. If you really think a women won't date you because you don't have a positive canthal tilt or the best ipd your fucking deluded
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Cope bro 1 chad is fucking 1000 women in a 50 mile radius. Sub9 is law

It’s over
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Of course everyone is ugly
Doesnt mean that women dont prefer a chad over their partner
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Maxresdefault 19
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  • WTF
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Do you realize how little 8+ men there are out there? Sure maybe they could find a free one on tinder but most girls don't even have tinder. I see girls with average and even below average guys literally every-time I leave my house.

I've only met like one guy who would attract the attention of every girl when he walked in the room, next to nobody is so desirable that they get every girl just by sitting there doing nothing. Tbh 95% of guys are just high to low tier normies who get a girlfriend on occasion.
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  • JFL
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Do you realize how little 8+ men there are out there? Sure maybe they could find a free one on tinder but most girls don't even have tinder. I see girls with average and even below average guys literally every-time I leave my house.

I've only met like one guy who would attract the attention of every girl when he walked in the room, next to nobody is so desirable that they get every girl just by sitting there doing nothing. Tbh 95% of guys are just high to low tier normies who get a girlfriend on occasion.
My 14yo cousin has a Chico tier eye area with 0 UUE, great maxilla and jaw development.

I just noticed that now after I saw him IRL after getting blackpilled.

No wonder nigga is so low inhib and succesfull with girls at 5'7.
My 14yo cousin has a Chico tier eye area with 0 UUE, great maxilla and jaw development.

I just noticed that now after I saw him IRL after getting blackpilled.

No wonder nigga is so low inhib and succesfull with girls at 5'7.

And how many other people do you know with those features? Plus 5"7 isn't short for a 14 year old, he'll probably be 6ft by 25
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And how many other people do you know with those features? Plus 5"7 isn't short for a 14 year old, he'll probably be 6ft by 25
Not so many, but I am seeing gl guys outside despite being a "le basement dweller incel" every day.

My actual point is If I was a straight girl, even without any social media it would take less than a 3 day to find a 8+/10 guy to fuck with no effort.

So the fact that they are a minority, doesnt change they are easy to find.
My actual point is If I was a straight girl, even without any social media it would take less than a 3 day to find a 8+/10 guy to fuck with no effort.

No it wouldn't, the 9/10 chad didn't even want most of the girls that we're into him, when your SMV is so high as a guy you become picky like a girl and you don't want to date normal chicks.
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Reactions: Vvvvxxxx, IndianJock and retard
About every other week some greycel will make a post attempting to debunk blackpill/looks theory, and then a group of hardcore blackpillers will call him a subhuman coper

both ends of the spectrums of looks theory are copes

bluepillers cope and say looks are entirely useless and personality is everything, and that they can get girls/respect just by being nice to people

blackpillers cope and say looks are everything and personality is nothing and they can get girls while even being autistic, since personality is useless

people cope with blackpill on here to fulfill their mental masturbation fantasies about how once they “ascend”, everything in their life will become a cakewalk, while that isn’t the case, cases like Meeks are an exception not the norm

both groups who hardcore believe in one ideology (black/blue) deny blatantly obvious reality to fit what THEY want to believe

I could go on all day about how bluepill gets shit on by observable reality (meeks, tinder expiraments, ascension stories etc) but on a blackpill forum that isn’t necessary

but what I will do is put up some facts of observable reality that completely contradict hardcore blackpill ideology

“girls only want chad” yet 95% of guys are fat balding and ugly past 23

“well muhh retard don’t you know about tinder it lets PSL 3 fat land whales get chads easily:feelswah:

no you fucken peanut brain, guys only care about looks for ONS, if you ascended right now would you dumpster dive when you can slay purely stacies?? bcus blackpill says chad can get any girl he wants remember

ugly girls are not smashing chad because of “muh tinder and muh hypergamy” jfl

Personality doesn’t matter at all for LTR bro, she just wants the best genes!

yet there are couples posted all the time with girls mogging the guy and u fucktard will say shit like “big dick or betabux”

again ask your self, do you really think madison beer is with her subhuman bf because she struggles to get a chad with a big dick jfl keep up the mental gymnastics

“Madison beer is an exception, foids always date up, very few exceptions”

we already know chads are rare, and he is either going to be slaying or LTRing a Stacy, where are these abundance of chads coming from that are taking up all these average girls

personality matters alot for LTR for both men and woman, if you say different you are coping too hard in your own realm of mental gymnastics, any guy on here who has been in a ltr will tell you persoanlity mogs looks in importance, it is the KHHV autists who made the stigma about personality being useless jfl if looks were everything you would never see exceptions to looks match or guy mogging the girl, but this just isn’t the case

obviously looks are very important, I mean shit is going to self install MSE in the next 2 weeks to look better JFL

looks are everything for ONS

for ltr your partner must find you attractive, you don’t have to be a giga chad, but she must find you attractive, that is literally all you need to be in a LTR, however girls don’t find most guys attractive, so yes looks are very important but once you reach the threshold to be attractive, you can get a LTR, and you will be of higher value of a candidate than someone who mogs you with a shit

you guys think you are superior than bluepillers because you “accept harsh realities” (jfl) yet people who dickride blsckpill are coping just as hard as bluepillers just in a different way

looks matter a lot, but you are coping hard if you think they are everything for success with woman
didnt read
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Reactions: Marsiere214
Legit. But looks are still>everything.
If I could pick betwern 0.5 more PSL or a perfect personality, Id pick 0.5 psl. And thats coming from someone who has done PUA for several years and had success with girls higher SMV than myself. Because at the end of the day, no matter how hard you clownmax, the better looking you are, the easier life and this whole women bullshit will be.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Mr.cope and Tall
Legit. But looks are still>everything.
If I could pick betwern 0.5 more PSL or a perfect personality, Id pick 0.5 psl. And thats coming from someone who has done PUA for several years and had success with girls higher SMV than myself. Because at the end of the day, no matter how hard you clownmax, the better looking you are, the easier life and this whole women bullshit will be.
If youre 3PSL, whats the benefit of going 30 times into a nightclub just to get some meh gf. (With personality)
When you could looksmax to 5 PSL, dont need to be a simp and have a girl actually attracted to you who is also 5PSL
Lol at thinking that you need to be attractive in the slightest for a betabuxx ltr. Betabuxx is still real. That being said, I still think you need a tolerable personality and looks in order to get in a relationship. You cant be deformed tier.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
Legit. But looks are still>everything.
If I could pick betwern 0.5 more PSL or a perfect personality, Id pick 0.5 psl. And thats coming from someone who has done PUA for several years and had success with girls higher SMV than myself. Because at the end of the day, no matter how hard you clownmax, the better looking you are, the easier life and this whole women bullshit will be.
a perfect personality would probably get you more than 0.5 PSL
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The reality is that everyone overcomplicates things
It doesnt matter what u look like or what ur personality is like on its own, your sex appeal is a combination of factors
But if u dont got sex appeal, its basically over.
a perfect personality would probably get you more than 0.5 PSL
If I had 0.5 PSL more right now, or optionally 4 inches more height I wouldnt need any PUA bs anymore
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
You speak the truth, but you really think that these incels will really realised this, most haven't even touched a women in their life because they're so obsessed with how they look that it's stopping them from actually interacting with women normally. People on this site stop them self from actually getting a girlfriend because in their head they've already given up mentally.

Black pill is 200% right, but not to the extent that most incels push on this site. If you really think a women won't date you because you don't have a positive canthal tilt or the best ipd your fucking deluded
IPD can be a face killer tho
Do you realize how little 8+ men there are out there? Sure maybe they could find a free one on tinder but most girls don't even have tinder. I see girls with average and even below average guys literally every-time I leave my house.

I've only met like one guy who would attract the attention of every girl when he walked in the room, next to nobody is so desirable that they get every girl just by sitting there doing nothing. Tbh 95% of guys are just high to low tier normies who get a girlfriend on occasion.
Are you fucking retarded? Back when I was in HS, every single one of my female classmates was on tinder 24/7. That was a while ago
Lol at thinking that you need to be attractive in the slightest for a betabuxx ltr. Betabuxx is still real. That being said, I still think you need a tolerable personality and looks in order to get in a relationship. You cant be deformed tier.
How is betabuxx relevant here at all, if betabuxx always ends up with maybe 1x a month starfish sex?
Are you fucking retarded? Back when I was in HS, every single one of my female classmates was on tinder 24/7. That was a while ago

Firstly ur probably American and they use tinder more, secondly HS girls are more thirsty, third even if alot of girls were on tinder there are so few legit chads that most of them don't get to date them.

If you have seen how genuine 9/10 guys are you would know that they don't settle for any girl, even if they are guys. Why would they when they could get a 7.5 or above easily? How do you think normies get girls off of tinder? Because the girls can't reach the chads because there is way more demand than supply.
I agree to an extent. But like you said, you have to meet looks threshold. With OLD and all the simps, women's standards for thaf minimum threshold have gone way up.
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Reactions: SexyMofo
And how many other people do you know with those features? Plus 5"7 isn't short for a 14 year old, he'll probably be 6ft by 25
True that, i was 5'3'' at 14
Personality is so underrated here it's insane
  • +1
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How is betabuxx relevant here at all, if betabuxx always ends up with maybe 1x a month starfish sex?
That's basically my point. Betabuxx counts as a relationship but it's shit
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you're only the 5000000000000th user to make this thread
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About every other week some greycel will make a post attempting to debunk blackpill/looks theory, and then a group of hardcore blackpillers will call him a subhuman coper

both ends of the spectrums of looks theory are copes

bluepillers cope and say looks are entirely useless and personality is everything, and that they can get girls/respect just by being nice to people

blackpillers cope and say looks are everything and personality is nothing and they can get girls while even being autistic, since personality is useless

people cope with blackpill on here to fulfill their mental masturbation fantasies about how once they “ascend”, everything in their life will become a cakewalk, while that isn’t the case, cases like Meeks are an exception not the norm

both groups who hardcore believe in one ideology (black/blue) deny blatantly obvious reality to fit what THEY want to believe

I could go on all day about how bluepill gets shit on by observable reality (meeks, tinder expiraments, ascension stories etc) but on a blackpill forum that isn’t necessary

but what I will do is put up some facts of observable reality that completely contradict hardcore blackpill ideology

“girls only want chad” yet 95% of guys are fat balding and ugly past 23

“well muhh retard don’t you know about tinder it lets PSL 3 fat land whales get chads easily:feelswah:

no you fucken peanut brain, guys only care about looks for ONS, if you ascended right now would you dumpster dive when you can slay purely stacies?? bcus blackpill says chad can get any girl he wants remember

ugly girls are not smashing chad because of “muh tinder and muh hypergamy” jfl

Personality doesn’t matter at all for LTR bro, she just wants the best genes!

yet there are couples posted all the time with girls mogging the guy and u fucktard will say shit like “big dick or betabux”

again ask your self, do you really think madison beer is with her subhuman bf because she struggles to get a chad with a big dick jfl keep up the mental gymnastics

“Madison beer is an exception, foids always date up, very few exceptions”

we already know chads are rare, and he is either going to be slaying or LTRing a Stacy, where are these abundance of chads coming from that are taking up all these average girls

personality matters alot for LTR for both men and woman, if you say different you are coping too hard in your own realm of mental gymnastics, any guy on here who has been in a ltr will tell you persoanlity mogs looks in importance, it is the KHHV autists who made the stigma about personality being useless jfl if looks were everything you would never see exceptions to looks match or guy mogging the girl, but this just isn’t the case

obviously looks are very important, I mean shit is going to self install MSE in the next 2 weeks to look better JFL

looks are everything for ONS

for ltr your partner must find you attractive, you don’t have to be a giga chad, but she must find you attractive, that is literally all you need to be in a LTR, however girls don’t find most guys attractive, so yes looks are very important but once you reach the threshold to be attractive, you can get a LTR, and you will be of higher value of a candidate than someone who mogs you with a shit

you guys think you are superior than bluepillers because you “accept harsh realities” (jfl) yet people who dickride blsckpill are coping just as hard as bluepillers just in a different way

looks matter a lot, but you are coping hard if you think they are everything for success with woman

Being good looking automatically gives you a good personality, this is fact from studies (halo effect) and my own personal life experiences. As a good looking guy you have to try really fucking hard for people to perceive you as negative, and even if they do you’re likely just going to be the “asshole” that she gets raw dogged by at the end of the night.

People will legit convince themselves that there’s a bad or good “vibe” about you and it’s just based on how you look (even if they don’t realize that)

if you ever get to the level where girls make excuses for all of your behaviors you’re gonna really change your tune about personality very quickly. It MIGHT matter for normies but it’s less about getting a good personality for them and more about avoiding a bad one.
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Reactions: Deleted member 245
About every other week some greycel will make a post attempting to debunk blackpill/looks theory, and then a group of hardcore blackpillers will call him a subhuman coper

both ends of the spectrums of looks theory are copes

bluepillers cope and say looks are entirely useless and personality is everything, and that they can get girls/respect just by being nice to people

blackpillers cope and say looks are everything and personality is nothing and they can get girls while even being autistic, since personality is useless

people cope with blackpill on here to fulfill their mental masturbation fantasies about how once they “ascend”, everything in their life will become a cakewalk, while that isn’t the case, cases like Meeks are an exception not the norm

both groups who hardcore believe in one ideology (black/blue) deny blatantly obvious reality to fit what THEY want to believe

I could go on all day about how bluepill gets shit on by observable reality (meeks, tinder expiraments, ascension stories etc) but on a blackpill forum that isn’t necessary

but what I will do is put up some facts of observable reality that completely contradict hardcore blackpill ideology

“girls only want chad” yet 95% of guys are fat balding and ugly past 23

“well muhh retard don’t you know about tinder it lets PSL 3 fat land whales get chads easily:feelswah:

no you fucken peanut brain, guys only care about looks for ONS, if you ascended right now would you dumpster dive when you can slay purely stacies?? bcus blackpill says chad can get any girl he wants remember

ugly girls are not smashing chad because of “muh tinder and muh hypergamy” jfl

Personality doesn’t matter at all for LTR bro, she just wants the best genes!

yet there are couples posted all the time with girls mogging the guy and u fucktard will say shit like “big dick or betabux”

again ask your self, do you really think madison beer is with her subhuman bf because she struggles to get a chad with a big dick jfl keep up the mental gymnastics

“Madison beer is an exception, foids always date up, very few exceptions”

we already know chads are rare, and he is either going to be slaying or LTRing a Stacy, where are these abundance of chads coming from that are taking up all these average girls

personality matters alot for LTR for both men and woman, if you say different you are coping too hard in your own realm of mental gymnastics, any guy on here who has been in a ltr will tell you persoanlity mogs looks in importance, it is the KHHV autists who made the stigma about personality being useless jfl if looks were everything you would never see exceptions to looks match or guy mogging the girl, but this just isn’t the case

obviously looks are very important, I mean shit is going to self install MSE in the next 2 weeks to look better JFL

looks are everything for ONS

for ltr your partner must find you attractive, you don’t have to be a giga chad, but she must find you attractive, that is literally all you need to be in a LTR, however girls don’t find most guys attractive, so yes looks are very important but once you reach the threshold to be attractive, you can get a LTR, and you will be of higher value of a candidate than someone who mogs you with a shit

you guys think you are superior than bluepillers because you “accept harsh realities” (jfl) yet people who dickride blsckpill are coping just as hard as bluepillers just in a different way

looks matter a lot, but you are coping hard if you think they are everything for success with woman
mselves that there’s a bad or good “vibe” about you and it’s just based on how you look (even if they don’t realize that)

if you ever get to the level where girls make excuses for all of your behaviors you’re gonna really change your tune about personality very quickly. It MIGHT matter for normies but it’s less about getting a good personality for them and

Rare high IQ greycel

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