Looks vs. personality, which matters more to women?



Mar 3, 2024
I read this online:

"How do Psychopathic men attract women so easily?
Because they are charming and confident, those are the 2 most attractive characteristics in a human male to females.

The reason why is because female biology (again not trying to be sexist here) is rooted in finding a mate that can protect her and her children, being confident and having little fear and anxiety makes you seem more strong than a person who has insecurities and weaknesses.

Charming helps the psychopath get close to the said female, charming personality makes people want to talk to you and girls are NO different. Having a charming personality gets the job started

The confidence that a psychopath has in a personal conversation or situation is another characteristic that helps them, this confidence makes the psychopath look strong and commanding, something that females desire in a mate.

Third is that psychopaths often have a very good network of friends and associates, this makes the psychopath seem like a very well connected and powerful individual.

Combining these 3 traits with average to good looks will give the psychopath huge advantages over any neurotypical in most situations with girls.

If you want to learn how to emulate a psychopath its really quite simple, just get rid of all your fears and inhibitions and talk to them. You should also spend some time getting drunk, getting drunk basically shuts down a lot of the brain responsible for inhibitions and makes social contact more fluid."

Maybe this is why some stacies are seen dating ugly men, maybe those ugly men are psychopathic in some ways? And exhibit extreme confidence? I thought looks matter most, but now not too sure.
It's a very hard mix in both. As much as this site puts down personality and states that looks are the most important part and if you look well enough, your other aspects won't matter, it is simply a lie.

Looks while being one of the main factors that draw in people can only go so far, if your goal is one night stands everyday for the rest of your life, then being ridiculously attractive will be the only thing that matters. However if you plan to talk to a person, and get them to actually like you, then looks will only be something that gives you a good headstart and a fairly significant boost in your chances of getting with said person.

Looks and personality are like bait and a fishing rod, looks can be compared to bait which initially draws the fish in, and personality can be compared to the fishing rod itself, which has to be strong enough to be able to reel said fish in, (No intention to objectify women/men or whoever you intend on making like you, it is simply an analogy)

What I've found is that personality is one of the main things that keeps someone with you, just like it was stated in your thread, it is that said psychopaths are "charming and confident." However both of these are misinterpreted especially in this case, a psychopath's main goal isn't to have the characteristics of a psychopath but to mimic those of someone who is seen as a model human in society so he can be more likable.

When I was younger I'd often comment on people's looks a lot, not to their faces but sometimes to my friends, people around me, or just in my head, and when I found myself having a conversation with said people, most of the time afterwards I'd feel bad for misjudging them solely based off looks and holding them as less of a person simply because of how they looked, and I'd find myself liking them simply for the person they were. This is how I've found a lot of women see it as well, they make an assumption on a man based off of their looks in their head, and when/if they are put into a situation where they have to talk to them and interact, if they find that the person has an appealing personality, they are usually quick to take back their original thoughts of them and start liking them instead. Of course this isn't always the case, and in some extreme circumstances unfortunately personality cannot make up for looks, and also a lot of people are extremely shallow, but usually when if a person looks at least average, maybe a little below average, this is how it'll go for them as long as they have an appealing personality.
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It’s all about looks, unfortunately.

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