Looksmaxxing isn't worth it if you are subhuman



May 21, 2024
For subhumans, softmaxxing is not worth it: if you get perfect skin, a good haircut, and regrow some hair if you are bald, etc., it may take you from a 2 to a 3 or 4, but this makes almost no difference as women find 80% of men unattractive.

It may help you in everyday life, but you will still be invisible to women.

Only after MTN do these things make a difference for men. At HTN they really start to make a difference as you get close to the top 20% that women find average or attractive.

For women softmaxxing makes a difference as men find 50% of women attractive and will simp for them more if they looksmaxx. They can also use a lot of makeup, in contrast to men.

TL;DR: Forget softmaxxing if you are subhuman.
  • +1
Reactions: HighTierSubhuman
Don't care I need to cope
  • +1
Reactions: GreycelsAnatomy
Most subhumans donโ€™t even have a good base to hardmax
  • +1
Reactions: GreycelsAnatomy
Yes I agree.

I think the futility of looksmaxxing for subhumans or even sub-5s explains why most cosmetic procedures are done on women: they actually have something to gain and can improve their lives by doing it. Other women see this and copy it

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