Looksmaxxing to get girls is wrong

future chadlite

future chadlite

tale anal
Oct 9, 2018
most people here are looksmaxxing and gymcelling for girls, that's wrong and unhealthy, do it so you can feel better mentally and love yourself more
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Legit. I looksmaxed for girls and still hate myself sometimes
most guys who looksmax just realise that sex is overrated and females are stupid as fuck, do it for yourself boyos
I just want to genuinely (not deludedly, thinking I'm winning when I'm actually NOT) feel good about myself in the face of the blackpilled truth.

Whether this is achieveable or not I'm really not sure.

If there was some button I could press to set myself free I would happily press it a thousand times.
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I just want to genuinely (not deludedly, thinking I'm winning when I'm actually NOT) feel good about myself in the face of the blackpilled truth.

Whether this is achieveable or not I'm really not sure.

If there was some button I could press to set myself free I would happily press it a thousand times.
did you look good when you were young?
Just gymcel for yourself theory. On a serious note, my looksmaxing aim is more about being aesthetic than just fucking girls because of that. And I'd love myself if I reach that goal.
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What about mommygfs?
did you look good when you were young?

No. Was practically incel before last year and was severely bullied due to my looks. When I was 19 this older woman pretended to like me for a sick joke, her bf of the time (who she repeatedly kept kissing in front of me) was in on it as were her family and friends. She would then go on to take what has now been more than 15 years of my life away from me by completely traumatizing me. They have all pretended for all these years that the details of what happened didn't happen and that she did nothing wrong, despite the fact that it qualifies as severe psychological abuse (which is illegal). They all think she's an absolute legend of a person and that what she did to me is fine, all because of what I am/was. If I could actually prove what she did to me, which I've never been able to due to her denying it and her friends/family backing her up and covering up for it, she would probably go to jail. They all think what she did to me is fucking hilarious. I have tried to retaliate over the years but ultimately I've hardly been able to touch her. She always won in the end. She managed to fuck me over all over again in 2015 due to me being desperate looking for a final resolution. I have been absolutely fucking tortured even more every day since this happened 3 years ago.

And this is why I have to find some way of ultimately beating her, and all of them. They have all had me trapped in this prison for all these fucking years, and I have HAD ENOUGH. If my genetics were different it would have been a whole different story and she wouldn't have picked on me in the first place.
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Most of the things that makes you feel better mentally and like yourself are also the same things which will raise your smv to women. Thats why u feel good in the first place. Evolution granted those feel for a reason
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No. Was practically incel before last year and was severely bullied due to my looks. When I was 19 this older woman pretended to like me for a sick joke, her bf of the time (who she repeatedly kept kissing in front of me) was in on it as were her family and friends. She would then go on to take what has now been more than 15 years of my life away from me by completely traumatizing me. They have all pretended for all these years that the details of what happened didn't happen and that she did nothing wrong, despite the fact that it qualifies as severe psychological abuse (which is illegal). They all think she's an absolute legend of a person and that what she did to me is fine, all because of what I am/was. If I could actually prove what she did to me, which I've never been able to due to her denying it and her friends/family backing her up and covering up for it, she would probably go to jail. They all think what she did to me is fucking hilarious. I have tried to retaliate over the years but ultimately I've hardly been able to touch her. She always won in the end. She managed to fuck me over all over again in 2015 due to me being desperate looking for a final resolution. I have been absolutely fucking tortured even more every day since this happened 3 years ago.

And this is why I have to find some way of ultimately beating her, and all of them. They have all had me trapped in this prison for all these fucking years, and I have HAD ENOUGH. If my genetics were different it would have been a whole different story and she wouldn't have picked on me in the first place.

Stay strong. The best revenge is improvement of the own self.
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Cope, life is about sex.
When I was 19 this older woman pretended to like me for a sick joke, her bf of the time (who she repeatedly kept kissing in front of me) was in on it as were her family and friends. She would then go on to take what has now been more than 15 years of my life away from me by completely traumatizing me
I'm sorry to hear this man, similar things have happened to me too and they completely fucked up my mental state, if you have the money, seek help from therapists.
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I'm sorry to hear this man, similar things have happened to me too and they completely fucked up my mental state, if you have the money, seek help from therapists.

Not sure there's any point tbh, they would probably just think I was crazy as what has happened to me is so hard to explain and also believe.
Not sure there's any point tbh, they would probably just think I was crazy as what has happened to me is so hard to explain and also believe.
No man, they will actually help, i'm pretty sure they have dealt with dozens of cases similar to yours.
TRUE looksmaxing is surgery, that’s the only thing that will really get a girl into you - BONES
TRUE looksmaxing is surgery, that’s the only thing that will really get a girl into you - BONES
bones seems like an intelligent person ngl
most people here are looksmaxxing and gymcelling for girls, that's wrong and unhealthy, do it so you can feel better mentally and love yourself more
Cope, it’s all for girls, no need to lie to yourself.

“Do it for yourself not girls brah”.

We all know why men go to the gym.
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Don't judge.
most people here are looksmaxxing and gymcelling for girls, that's wrong and unhealthy, do it so you can feel better mentally and love yourself more

I second this post.
Cope, evolutionary you want to do as less as possible. Why doing something for abstract "be better for yourself" concept?
Females, attention, health so you feel better - no place for "to just become better". Every thing you do you do for something,to achieve something.
very true in a sense, gymcelling I’m doing it mostly for me, but also there is obvious a part where I want to attract females, but look better, be more confident just outside knowing you basically mog everyone you meet, unless you come across another gymbro but not likely, plus everyone will look better facially at a low bf 9/10bf.
I did everything for 1 girl
Cope, evolutionary you want to do as less as possible. Why doing something for abstract "be better for yourself" concept?
Females, attention, health so you feel better - no place for "to just become better". Every thing you do you do for something,to achieve something.
it's not cope mr smart ass, i know people who kept chasing women their whole lives just to realise it's the same repetitive shit and overrated
I looksmax to mog other males

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