Looksmaxxing will go really far



Son or abortion crew
Aug 31, 2019
This may sound ridiculous to you guys, but i bet 30-40 years from now technology will have advanced to a point where you will literally be able to completely change your bone structure in every aspect, from corecting asymmetries, to changing the position of zygos, to making your maxilla and mandible wider and more forward projected, to getting more compact orbital bones., or even further, increasing the proportions of your skeleton in terms of frame and height. Technology has come so far in the last 30 years, and as the high IQ niggas here know, technological advancements are not linear, they are exponential, meaning the speed of technological advancements increases over time, rather than remaining at a constant rate. Just imagine it, you walk into some clinic, and you come out a chad, and not just in aspie PSL terms, but in the eyes of women, it sounds ludicrous now but I wouldnt be surprised if this actually comes about.
I wonder what will happen , all guys will became 8-10 psl and we will end tinder degeneracy
foids will get super rage because there will be too much chads and those chads will deny low psl girl's :lul:
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I wonder what will happen , all guys will became 8-10 psl and we will end tinder degeneracy
foids will get super rage because there will be too much chads and those chads will deny low psl girl's :lul:
But foids will be able to do this too no? Or maybe not all because foids earn less than men because they take worse jobs, I guess society will just be chads and stacys, and no one would suffer from lookism.
This may sound ridiculous to you guys, but i bet 30-40 years from now technology will have advanced to a point where you will literally be able to completely change your bone structure in every aspect, from corecting asymmetries, to changing the position of zygos, to making your maxilla and mandible wider and more forward projected, to getting more compact orbital bones., or even further, increasing the proportions of your skeleton in terms of frame and height. Technology has come so far in the last 30 years, and as the high IQ niggas here know, technological advancements are not linear, they are exponential, meaning the speed of technological advancements increases over time, rather than remaining at a constant rate. Just imagine it, you walk into some clinic, and you come out a chad, and not just in aspie PSL terms, but in the eyes of women, it sounds ludicrous now but I wouldnt be surprised if this actually comes about.

orthodontist still use device like the herbst appliance that got developed 1902
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Dont be ridiculous, technolgy advances at an exponential rate and demand for cosmetic procedures is high and rising.
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Dont be ridiculous, technolgy advances at an exponential rate and demand for cosmetic procedures is high and rising.
Maybe once it's possible to model an entire human face accurately inside a simulation will cosmetic surgery advance at an exponential rate and overnight we'll be able to change everything about our face. But before then we're limited on procedures, theories, time, ethics etc.
why should i give a fuck

i'll be too old to benefit
Maybe once it's possible to model an entire human face accurately inside a simulation will cosmetic surgery advance at an exponential rate and overnight we'll be able to change everything about our face. But before then we're limited on procedures, theories, time, ethics etc.
This is obviously hypothetical, but believe me on this there are people who would shell out on this, im on of them, so eventually this sorta tech will come out.
why should i give a fuck

i'll be too old to benefit
Nigga if tech advances this far then surely anti aging will advance quite far too no?
This is obviously hypothetical, but believe me on this there are people who would shell out on this, im on of them, so eventually this sorta tech will come out.

Nigga if tech advances this far then surely anti aging will advance quite far too no?
Obviously there's a huge demand for this, the technology just isn't there. We won't have THAT great anti-aging in our lifetimes I'd say.
Obviously there's a huge demand for this, the technology just isn't there. We won't have THAT great anti-aging in our lifetimes I'd say.
Idk im optimistic, if it does happen to go well then perfect, if it doesnt, well then it is what it is.
Won’t matter anyway. We will be oldcels that are past their primes.
I actually do not want to be alive to see this happen
Won’t matter anyway. We will be oldcels that are past their primes.
Dont you get it? If tech advances this far, its likely anti aging technology will also go really far too.
I actually do not want to be alive to see this happen
I do, im gonna have tons of money because of my career so ill shell out on this to become a PSL 8 6'6 gigachad
Dont you get it? If tech advances this far, its likely anti aging technology will also go really far too.
Maybe. But our brains will still be fucked after decades of wagecucking and attempts at looksmaxxing.
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Maybe. But our brains will still be fucked after decades of wagecucking and attempts at looksmaxxing.
Probably, but if we ascend to that level if wont matter.
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Gynocentric society would never allow that to become publicly accessible.
i think so too, tech singularity is impending. but this gigachad makeover will probably cost a million or so at least.
i think so too, tech singularity is impending. but this gigachad makeover will probably cost a million or so at least.
Lmao im gonna be minting it as a lawyer, so ill have a mil saved up within 30 years easily, probably before that. In fact id spend a mil on a gigachad transformation if it was the only money i had, because being a gigachad i could do whatever i wanted and just beckybux some rich hoes.
I wonder what will happen , all guys will became 8-10 psl and we will end tinder degeneracy
foids will get super rage because there will be too much chads and those chads will deny low psl girl's :lul:
Foids will be the major consumers of these surgeries. They will be too expensive for blue collar guys and normie guys will think it's gay to looksmax. Or atleast I hope they will, because if everyone is a chad, no one is and the guy who betabuxxes the most will get the girls.
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Foids will be the major consumers of these surgeries. They will be too expensive for blue collar guys and normie guys will think it's gay to looksmax. Or atleast I hope they will, because if everyone is a chad, no one is and the guy who betabuxxes the most will get the girls.
Normies are bluepilled so yea, and 99% of men wont be able to afford it when it first comes out, but ill happily drop a mil or more if itll make me a PSL 7 6'6 wide framed gigachadpreet.
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Foids will be the major consumers of these surgeries. They will be too expensive for blue collar guys and normie guys will think it's gay to looksmax. Or atleast I hope they will, because if everyone is a chad, no one is and the guy who betabuxxes the most will get the girls.
Normies are bluepilled so yea, and 99% of men wont be able to afford it when it first comes out, but ill happily drop a mil or more if itll make me a PSL 7 6'6 wide framed gigachadpreet.
we can only hope
we can only hope
Itll be too expensive for more than 99% of men if it does come out, because they'll have to spend a lot to do the research, but the research is already happening man. We basically all need to have at least a mil or more saved up within the next 30 years, so moneymaxx hard, i know ill have the cash if this becomes reality.
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my literal fantasy tbh
Add another 0 to your estimated years and it might be true.
Normies are bluepilled so yea, and 99% of men wont be able to afford it when it first comes out, but ill happily drop a mil or more if itll make me a PSL 7 6'6 wide framed gigachadpreet.
You will not get all that for a mil. Let's say 5 mill. You may get ideal face with a mill.
personality would be important
since everyone would be PSL 8
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Won't matter b/c most guys straight up refuse to looksmax... even guys who lift think plastic surgery is stupid or don't have the balls to get it done.
You will not get all that for a mil. Let's say 5 mill. You may get ideal face with a mill.
Fuarkkk, well if i get a partnership in a law firm 25 years from now i might just have that much.
We will live in a utopic society. full of psl 7-10s
once everyone starts giving their kids good enviroments
We will live in a utopic society. full of psl 7-10s
once everyone starts giving their kids good enviroments
Do you reckon youll have the cash for this when it comes out? It wont be less than a few mil for a complete transformation i bet.
well i mean completely changing your face height and frame to make yourself a 6'6, wideframe PSL 7 gigachad. it wont be less than a few mil
well i mean completely changing your face height and frame to make yourself a 6'6, wideframe PSL 7gigachad. it wont be less than a few mil
I doubt many of that will be posible tbh. in the year of 2100 I when it does probably I could have the cash indeed to change my height and frame.

but with my face all I would surgically change in the structure if I could properly is chin width
and possibly 1cm of mouth width
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I doubt many of that will be posible tbh. in the year of 2100 I when it does probably I could have the cash indeed to change my height and frame.

but with my face all I would surgically change in the structure if I could properly is chin width
and possibly 1cm of mouth width
Technology advances at an exponential rate as i mentioned, its gonna be out quicker than you think it is.
ehh, exponential? no, not really. Technology is normally stagnant then once some sort of breakthrough is reached, it's exponential for a period.
Stop coping idiot, maybe in 85-100 yrs

Your shit predication way too early
Stop coping idiot, maybe in 85-100 yrs

Your shit predication way too early
You know what cunt? If you had told people 20 years ago that everyone in the world would have a device in their pocket that would enable them to access all of the publically available information in the world they would have called you a crazy motherfucker, but guess what happend. Similarly this too may well happen within our lifetimes, demand for cosmetic procedures is high asf, so companies have an incentive to research this because really a few major breakthroughs may render all cosmetic procedures obsolete as those who could afford it would get this.
Time travel and do surgeries. Come back and slay
Everyone will look attractive, buy hypergamy will stay unless the very fabric gender sexual imperatives are hacked. What you will get, since all men and women will be very attractive, is constant virtue signaling to distinguish oneself from the herd. It will be obnoxious. I hope a meteor hits this place and ends every trace of life.
Life would be so ideal if everyone was good looking. Then it would unironically be all about compatibility (and money ofc but at least you have far more control over that)

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