Losing weight without lifting



Founding father of r/truerateme, incels, looksmax
Oct 27, 2018
Yo guys I weight 245 lbs at 6'4. I have zero muscle mass and hover around 25-30% bodyfat.

I was considering to go on a starving streak with only 500-1000 calories a day.

I read that you dont lose muscles if you are a obese with high fat and zero muscles. Is that true?

I would lose like 40 lbs with this method and THEN start lean bulking with lifting and proteins whatsoever.

Or should I do lifting while being on 500-1000 calories a day.

I need to get to a normal BMI. I am obese with zero muscles

Frustrated The Sopranos GIF
You don't need to lift anything to lose body fat. But you should lift while losing body fat. Why? To preserve muscle mass.

You say you want to cut on 1000kcal a day (massive cut). Ok, if you have the willpower, do that. But do it on a high protein diet.
Minimize your muscle loss and have energy for full body workouts.

Can you cut on 1000kcal a day? I couldn't. I don't have the willpower for that. I can do a full fast or a 500kcal deficit, I can't do 500-1000kcal a day. Too much hunger.

If you can stick to 1000kcal a day for weeks and months, you will look amazing in 6-12 months. I doubt you can, but prove the forum wrong! Most pro bodybuilders struggle to cut at sub 1500kcal daily due to hunger issues before competitions and just resort to short water fasts a couple times a month to completely eliminate food for a while.

Cutting until your abs show only comes down to willpower and how much pain and hunger you can endure. That is why most people in the west are fat and why most weight loss programs fail miserably and people rebound instantly. Why only 0.1% of people have good visible abs.
Do you have a lot of willpower?
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You don't need to lift anything to lose body fat. But you should lift while losing body fat. Why? To preserve muscle mass.

You say you want to cut on 1000kcal a day (massive cut). Ok, if you have the willpower, do that. But do it on a high protein diet.
Minimize your muscle loss and have energy for full body workouts.

Can you cut on 1000kcal a day? I couldn't. I don't have the willpower for that. I can do a full fast or a 500kcal deficit, I can't do 500-1000kcal a day. Too much hunger.

If you can stick to 1000kcal a day for weeks and months, you will look amazing in 6-12 months. I doubt you can, but prove the forum wrong! Most pro bodybuilders struggle to cut at sub 1500kcal daily due to hunger issues before competitions and just resort to short water fasts a couple times a month to completely eliminate food for a while.

Cutting until your abs show only comes down to willpower and how much pain and hunger you can endure. That is why most people in the west are fat and why most weight loss programs fail miserably and people rebound instantly.
Do you have a lot of willpower?

Great respond. Thanks :owo:
Keto diet works great to suppress hunger for me
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Having muscles does make it easier to cut your bodyfat. More muscles = more calories burnt.

For most people cutting to below 15% bf is unrealistic because it takes too much willpower for the average guy who works a 9-5 job. You are basically sitting in a chair for 8 hours in front of a computer. For influencers it's easy because their livelihood is their image, so they have not only extra motivation to look their best but more importantly they have all the time in the world to run, lift weights, etc....
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Literally eat nothing for a day and just drink water and you’ll lose weight
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Literally eat nothing for a day and just drink water and you’ll lose weight
The question is whether I will lose muscles doing this method. I am at obese level, hence my question is whether I will burn only fat or also muscles
The 500-1000 calories a day plan is not sustainable. Start at 2000 calories per day and do that for some weeks and then cut down to 1500 calories and don't go lower than 1500
The 500-1000 calories a day plan is not sustainable. Start at 2000 calories per day and do that for some weeks and then cut down to 1500 calories and don't go lower than 1500

Bro you know how long it takes to lose weight with only 700 cal deficit...
I'm 245 lbs. It will take me a year ffs.

I have the motivation and power to follow this diet plan. Did it before but ended up being a skinnyfat boy at 180lbs
Increase protein and decrease fat from diet boyo
Bro you know how long it takes to lose weight with only 700 cal deficit...
I'm 245 lbs. It will take me a year ffs.

I have the motivation and power to follow this diet plan. Did it before but ended up being a skinnyfat boy at 180lbs
I've been where you are at man. I have tried many 500-1000 calorie per day diets, but it's not sustainable. After some days, weeks, you will give up and gain a shit ton of weight. And then you will try again and the process will repeat itself.

You will keep doing this shit for months and then end up in the same position as you are now in 1 year. Had you just taken it slowly, you would've reached your goal.

Just start off with 2000 calories per day and every single morning just go on a brisk walk. No running, just walk. Walk for 30-45 minutes listen to audiobooks or watch a movie on your phone or something

Since you are fat now, I wouldn't be surprised if 2000 calories/day + 45 mins walks loses you 5kg-10kg in your first month. Things will get a bit harder though when you get sub 100kg and that's when you can decide to bring calories down more or exercise more.

I reckon you can get to 200 lbs in 3 months on 1500-2000 calories per day.
Having muscles does make it easier to cut your bodyfat. More muscles = more calories burnt.

For most people cutting to below 15% bf is unrealistic because it takes too much willpower for the average guy who works a 9-5 job. You are basically sitting in a chair for 8 hours in front of a computer. For influencers it's easy because their livelihood is their image, so they have not only extra motivation to look their best but more importantly they have all the time in the world to run, lift weights, etc....

brutally honest, its hard but im close to 10% bro, normies like us have bills to pay etc
Eat high protein and lift and you will gain muscle while cutting.
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The question is whether I will lose muscles doing this method. I am at obese level, hence my question is whether I will burn only fat or also muscles
That’s why you work out while fasting
If u have zero muscle mass then u have fuck all to lose.

However if u wanna be jacked in future, lifting while eating in a small deficit, will help u build a small amount of muscle as u lose fat.

Also sets u up a good base for future bulking.

Btw 245lb at 6'4" does not seem fat, nor high BF.

I'm 200lb at just under 5'10" and I have 45 inch chest and 31 inch waist, big, but not morbidly obese by any means
Yo guys I weight 245 lbs at 6'4. I have zero muscle mass and hover around 25-30% bodyfat.

I was considering to go on a starving streak with only 500-1000 calories a day.

I read that you dont lose muscles if you are a obese with high fat and zero muscles. Is that true?

I would lose like 40 lbs with this method and THEN start lean bulking with lifting and proteins whatsoever.

Or should I do lifting while being on 500-1000 calories a day.

I need to get to a normal BMI. I am obese with zero muscles

Frustrated The Sopranos GIF
Careful of the loose skin buddyboyo
Yo guys I weight 245 lbs at 6'4. I have zero muscle mass and hover around 25-30% bodyfat.

I was considering to go on a starving streak with only 500-1000 calories a day.

I read that you dont lose muscles if you are a obese with high fat and zero muscles. Is that true?

I would lose like 40 lbs with this method and THEN start lean bulking with lifting and proteins whatsoever.

Or should I do lifting while being on 500-1000 calories a day.

I need to get to a normal BMI. I am obese with zero muscles

Frustrated The Sopranos GIF
Try intermittent fasting. I don't eat anything at all until ~1pm (drink coffee and 0 calorie seltzer water throughout morning to keep fast going). It's tough for the first week or two but you get used to it and it's more manageable than completely starving yourself
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Try intermittent fasting. I don't eat anything at all until ~1pm (drink coffee and 0 calorie seltzer water throughout morning to keep fast going). It's tough for the first week or two but you get used to it and it's more manageable than completely starving yourself
I dont breakfast so its rly easy for me. OMAD seems to work better for me
If u have zero muscle mass then u have fuck all to lose.

However if u wanna be jacked in future, lifting while eating in a small deficit, will help u build a small amount of muscle as u lose fat.

Also sets u up a good base for future bulking.

Btw 245lb at 6'4" does not seem fat, nor high BF.

I'm 200lb at just under 5'10" and I have 45 inch chest and 31 inch waist, big, but not morbidly obese by any me

thats the lowest bodyfat i ever been. Thats probably like 180 lbs at 22% body fat. At 245lbs I am at around 30% bf. My love handles are exploding boyo
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thats the lowest bodyfat i ever been. Thats probably like 180 lbs at 22% body fat. At 245lbs I am at around 30% bf. My love handles are exploding boyo

Idk man.

That looks like a v unattractive body (noodles might like it just cos ur white idk).

But u should defo focus on bulking and building muscle first.

What do u look like @245 lb?
What do u look like @245 lb?
I look horrible at 245 lbs. very far right basically (image)
51CDE2A8 A102 458D 830C 708388D9679A

You probably can imagine why I would not want to bulk at 245 lbs...

Also 22-25% is pretty spot in the pic I posted when I was 180 lbs tbh
245 lbs at 6'4. I have zero muscle mass and hover around 25-30% bodyfat.

I was considering to go on a starving streak with only 500-1000 calories a day.

I read that you dont lose muscles if you are a obese with high fat and zero muscles. Is that true?

I would lose like 40 lbs with this method and THEN start lean bulking with lifting and proteins whatsoever.

Or should I do lifting while being on 500-1000 calories a day.

I need to get to a normal BMI. I am obese with zero muscles
didn’t read
+put the fork down
+ hit the gym you fat whale
+stop being a bitch
+you have to do skin excess removal alfyerwards so better save up
didn’t read
+put the fork down
+ hit the gym you fat whale
+stop being a bitch
+you have to do skin excess removal alfyerwards so better save up

20 kgs above normal bmi isnt rly a weight where you would get excess skin if you lost that excess weight tbh
You don't need to lift anything to lose body fat. But you should lift while losing body fat. Why? To preserve muscle mass.

You say you want to cut on 1000kcal a day (massive cut). Ok, if you have the willpower, do that. But do it on a high protein diet.
Minimize your muscle loss and have energy for full body workouts.

Can you cut on 1000kcal a day? I couldn't. I don't have the willpower for that. I can do a full fast or a 500kcal deficit, I can't do 500-1000kcal a day. Too much hunger.

If you can stick to 1000kcal a day for weeks and months, you will look amazing in 6-12 months. I doubt you can, but prove the forum wrong! Most pro bodybuilders struggle to cut at sub 1500kcal daily due to hunger issues before competitions and just resort to short water fasts a couple times a month to completely eliminate food for a while.

Cutting until your abs show only comes down to willpower and how much pain and hunger you can endure. That is why most people in the west are fat and why most weight loss programs fail miserably and people rebound instantly. Why only 0.1% of people have good visible abs.
Do you have a lot of willpower?
So in my case I figured that it is gonna take me a while to cut so might as well pack on muscle as much as I can. Isn’t it also true that the more muscle you have the easier it is to cut?
So in my case I figured that it is gonna take me a while to cut so might as well pack on muscle as much as I can. Isn’t it also true that the more muscle you have the easier it is to cut?
It is, because muscle isn't passive tissue that just sits there. It actively burns energy to exist.

If you packed on just 5-10kg of muscle, you could burn off an extra 200-300kcal a day doing nothing but sitting on your couch.

It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's half a kilo of fat burned off every 2 weeks with zero effort or having to change your diet.

It creates a positive feedback loop where it's easier and easier to get ripped the more muscle you pack on.
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It is, because muscle isn't passive tissue that just sits there. It actively burns energy to exist.

If you packed on just 5-10kg of muscle, you could burn off an extra 200-300kcal a day doing nothing but sitting on your couch.

It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's half a kilo of fat burned off every 2 weeks with zero effort or having to change your diet.

It creates a positive feedback loop where it's easier and easier to get ripped the more muscle you pack on.
thanks bro I cant wait to put on those 5 kilos of muscle im a beginner with muscle memory so i hopefully get a bit jacked fast so I can get to really low bf. Thanks again.
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