lost time is never found again



looksmax till death
Dec 5, 2023
plsplspls if you are a teenagecel, leave this fucking place and never come back ever again. I fucked my whole teenage yrs with blackpill content. i got to a fullblood teenage incel. I realized how brutal time is, its absolutely brutal. STOP BEING DEPRESSED OVER NOTHING LITERALLY NOTHING IN UR TEENAGE YRS. You are going to hardly regret it that you wasted ur time thinking that u r ugly. Try to pull a jb while u can,
it doesnt seem that hard.
Atleast i hope so
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • Ugh..
Reactions: JustBeConfidentBruh, vermillioncorefan, murdah and 10 others
As a teenager it‘s actually easy
Btw title goes hard
  • +1
Reactions: murdah, DeadTrees and Richard Cheese
Wadduh. Teens shouldn't even be allowed on here. BOTB is all they need. Offtopic and other sections should be invisible.
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Reactions: lestoa and DeadTrees
Meh, time isn't real
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Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
  • So Sad
  • Woah
Reactions: DeadTrees and Richard Cheese
just dont looksmax in your prime and dont heightmaxx when you can theory
if someone is rotting here at such a young age, there's a reason and giving these places up will probably do more harm to them than good lmao
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Reactions: murdah, watah, piec and 2 others
Never cared about foids in my life and didn't miss any muh teen love bullshit.

I rejected 2 girls in school who straight up asked me out. And another 2 when i was on my first job.

I looksmax only for social aspect and work opportunities :feelsez:
plsplspls if you are a teenagecel, leave this fucking place and never come back ever again. I fucked my whole teenage yrs with blackpill content. i got to a fullblood teenage incel. I realized how brutal time is, its absolutely brutal. STOP BEING DEPRESSED OVER NOTHING LITERALLY NOTHING IN UR TEENAGE YRS. You are going to hardly regret it that you wasted ur time thinking that u r ugly. Try to pull a jb while u can,
it doesnt seem that hard.
Atleast i hope so
Think or not about the BP it's there anyway
By not thinking of the BP the benefit would be a better mental health
  • +1
Reactions: KpopmaxxingGuy
Think or not about the BP it's there anyway
By not thinking of the BP the benefit would be a better mental health
Profound. I didn’t find the blackpill. The blackpill found me.
  • +1
Reactions: IAMNOTANINCEL and Klasik616
just dont looksmax in your prime and dont heightmaxx when you can theory
if someone is rotting here at such a young age, there's a reason and giving these places up will probably do more harm to them than good lmao
legit if i see another fucking cuck say not to use looksmaxing in his youth when its most important i might actually go er on the faggot
  • +1
Hey buddy what happened to your pic and banner, where's the squishy whore
Got taken down by mods. If you want all of the pics I still have them.
Haven't seen truer words
just dont looksmax in your prime and dont heightmaxx when you can theory
if someone is rotting here at such a young age, there's a reason and giving these places up will probably do more harm to them than good lmao
Ong like we’re rotting here for a reason this guy thinks he’s a revolutionary or some shit 💀
  • +1
plsplspls if you are a teenagecel, leave this fucking place and never come back ever again. I fucked my whole teenage yrs with blackpill content. i got to a fullblood teenage incel. I realized how brutal time is, its absolutely brutal. STOP BEING DEPRESSED OVER NOTHING LITERALLY NOTHING IN UR TEENAGE YRS. You are going to hardly regret it that you wasted ur time thinking that u r ugly. Try to pull a jb while u can,
it doesnt seem that hard.
Atleast i hope so


Ticking clock countdown 63z5f69492v5zmj6
Teen years are overrated negro

specially kids thinking they have to have multiple slays, party out, live life to their fullest when they're JB retards

if you dont have it in your teen years youll probably got cucked by a number of factors - retarded parents, low tier looks, non NTness or some other shit

but when you get independent and specially get an income for yourself you'll have more tools to improove your situation
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  • +1
Teen years are overrated negro
This. 😍

If you are a top man, like Mike O'Hearn, for example, age doesn't matter and doesn't mean anything.

Also, time doesn't exist.
  • +1
Reactions: watah and Latinolooksmaxxer
This. 😍

If you are a top man, like Mike O'Hearn, for example, age doesn't matter and doesn't mean anything.

Also, time doesn't exist.
jfl at these zoomers thinking a time period when you arent allowed to do shit and gotta schoolslave everyday are the prime years of a mfs life

brainwashed by shonen anime and kids TV shows
  • +1
Reactions: IntelligentCel
Wadduh. Teens shouldn't even be allowed on here. BOTB is all they need. Offtopic and other sections should be invisible.
only rot in looksmax, read botb
try to ignore blackpill

thats the best thing u can do imo
if your fate is sealed or not you already know, leaving this site wont change a thing
just dont looksmax in your prime and dont heightmaxx when you can theory
Thats not what i wanted to say, your focus should not be on blackpill content, especially not at a young age.
Rotting in the looksmax section is alright and i do that by myself, but the line between blackpill and looksmaxxing is very thin. Looksmax, yes. But wasting your teenage years crying about how ugly you are and how nobody loves you is much worse. You'll regret it all later.
if your fate is sealed or not you already know, leaving this site wont change a thing
I'd rather believe disgusting lies than the truth that almost kills me. Besides that, I'm not that ugly and I'm also in the process of ascending. This message is not addressed to me
I'd rather believe disgusting lies than the truth that almost kills me. Besides that, I'm not that ugly and I'm also in the process of ascending. This message is not addressed to me
Sooner or later reality will hit you. This message not addressed to you.
  • JFL
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