Low dosing testosterone to reduce facial fat



Aug 29, 2018
I've got a theory - which as of yet, is untested. But it might be legit.

It's well known that testosterone and estrogen influences the distribution of bodyfat. Put simply, with lower T/ higher E, you're more likely to store fat in the face, chest and ass area, whereas higher T (i.e. the male pattern) generally stores fat around the abs and love handles. It's also well known that when you are on a diet, particularly a long diet with a high calorie deficit, your testosterone levels will fall somewhat, and will remain suppressed until you stop dieting and start eating normally for a few weeks (depending on how long you've been dieting, your deficit, genetics etc).



Now, in the light of this, it may make sense to:

1) Get your testosterone levels checked. No, you don't know you're high or low T, and you can't judge whether someone else is from their pics or behaviour, shut the fuck up and get it checked by an actual lab.

2) The 'normal' range is something like 300-1000 ng/dL. Now if you're already reasonably high (let's say 800+), this probably isn't gonna be worthwhile for you. However if you're in the low to average range, it may be worth taking a small amount of injectable testosterone (not roidcel levels, more like TRT levels) to bring that up to around 1000 ng/dL.

In theory, this will mean when you cut bodyfat, you'll be more inclined to lose it from your face first. The TRT injections will keep your test high even while cutting, and so that facial fat you're storing should be used by the body for fuel. Also, even if you're not dieting, the body burns and stores fat all the time, so even eating at maintenance you should see changes over the long term.

Not sure whether higher levels past the upper end of normal (i.e. roidcel levels of test) would influence body fat distribution more than the upper level of 1000 ng/dL, but going past normal levels entails risks for hair loss, water retention, acne etc so I wouldn't recommend it.

Probably only worth doing this if you've already cut to lean levels before and weren't happy with your face, since injectable TRT does have some risks regarding future fertility. Also, I'm not sure how long the effects will last once you come off the TRT and your test goes back to your genetically normal levels. It seems worth a try for bloatcels anyway.
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Good advice but not for me, as J-PopIdolMaxxing low t is good thing.

This why I not recommend anyone to RoidMaxx because leads to female fat distribution and makes look like old dyke.
You know ABSOLUTELY CRAP ALL about endocrinology and how the human body works. You have a severely reductionist view of the human body and are simply not trained in the subject but feel compelled to share your overly simplistic uneducated thoughts on a forum. You are wrong on so many individual points I am better off just ignoring you and pretending to agree. The broad concept that testosterone influences fat distribution in general is correct but the rest of your arguments are severely flawed for way too many reasons I can't bother to get into because I am not gonna get paid if I do so
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You know ABSOLUTELY CRAP ALL about endocrinology and how the human body works. You have a severely reductionist view of the human body and are simply not trained in the subject but feel compelled to share your overly simplistic uneducated thoughts on a forum. You are wrong on so many individual points I am better off just ignoring you and pretending to agree. The broad concept that testosterone influences fat distribution in general is correct but the rest of your arguments are severely flawed for way too many reasons I can't bother to get into because I am not gonna get paid if I do so

Roid rage?

I made clear that this is just a theory, not a fact, and the implication is that we're meant to discuss it. If you can't do that without slinging juvenile insults (not uncommon on here) then feel free to stick me on ignore, your 'contribution' will not be missed, I can assure you of that.
You know ABSOLUTELY CRAP ALL about endocrinology and how the human body works. You have a severely reductionist view of the human body and are simply not trained in the subject but feel compelled to share your overly simplistic uneducated thoughts on a forum. You are wrong on so many individual points I am better off just ignoring you and pretending to agree. The broad concept that testosterone influences fat distribution in general is correct but the rest of your arguments are severely flawed for way too many reasons I can't bother to get into because I am not gonna get paid if I do so

I have 2 questions for you
1) does megadosing magnesium bisglycinate raise test levels
2) do roids and/or trt affect child bearing abilities (ie sperm health and production). I've seen a lot of mixed data on this subject
You know ABSOLUTELY CRAP ALL about endocrinology and how the human body works. You have a severely reductionist view of the human body and are simply not trained in the subject but feel compelled to share your overly simplistic uneducated thoughts on a forum. You are wrong on so many individual points I am better off just ignoring you and pretending to agree. The broad concept that testosterone influences fat distribution in general is correct but the rest of your arguments are severely flawed for way too many reasons I can't bother to get into because I am not gonna get paid if I do so

You're such a fucking prick. This isn't the first time you've pulled this shit where you just pretend to be some type of super genius to the point where you won't even bother to explain what's wrong with a post but will call them out for being stupid. At least point out one or two things that are wrong if you're gonna say that.

And he's right in ways like how if you're low testosterone and get on trt it will most likely change your fat distribution for the better although a compound like masteron or proviron would be more effective for that purpose.
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View attachment 5646

Good advice but not for me, as J-PopIdolMaxxing low t is good thing.

This why I not recommend anyone to RoidMaxx because leads to female fat distribution and makes look like old dyke.

Yeah, roidmaxing is stupid since it's leanness (in particular, facial leanness) that's important. In general it does seem higher test = a leaner face thanks to fat distribution.

Now, whether that would apply to injectable test rather than natural is anyone's guess, and I'm also not sure how long the effects would last once you're off therapy.
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Yeah, roidmaxing is stupid since it's leanness (in particular, facial leanness) that's important. In general it does seem higher test = a leaner face thanks to fat distribution.

Now, whether that would apply to injectable test rather than natural is anyone's guess, and I'm also not sure how long the effects would last once you're off therapy.

Ara Ara

Imo not good to mess with hormone level ever. Besides doing things like VitaminMaxx for more testosterone, but directly I don't recommend as I believe similar effect to roid.

Yes leanness is what's most important for all women (some primitive western women like big muscles but mostly homoerotic GymMax cope).

I heard even six pack not from gym, but actually from diet and lowbodyfat. No exercise required.

Is this true?

My goal is I want six pack for Asian women. I want that and low bodyfat. and I believe LooksMaxxing complete.
Yeah, roidmaxing is stupid since it's leanness (in particular, facial leanness) that's important. In general it does seem higher test = a leaner face thanks to fat distribution.

Now, whether that would apply to injectable test rather than natural is anyone's guess, and I'm also not sure how long the effects would last once you're off therapy.
Once you go on trt you shouldn't ever come off. If you're gonna go on then come off after do an actual cycle with masteron and test.
I am literally peer reviewing a hardcore Nature manuscript (most prestigious journal) at the moment for the next 6 hours (up to you whether you believe it). I might address the points tomorrow when I have time and clear mind
And he's right in ways like how if you're low testosterone and get on trt it will most likely change your fat distribution for the better although a compound like masteron or proviron would be more effective for that purpose.

If you know anything about those compounds and how they'd compare to injecting TRT it'd be great to add it here.
Once you go on trt you shouldn't ever come off. If you're gonna go on then come off after do an actual cycle with masteron and test.
I wonder whts worse, staying on 250mg year round or doing a tren cycle and pcting twice a year. for fertility i mean.
I am literally peer reviewing a hardcore Nature manuscript (most prestigious journal) at the moment for the next 6 hours (up to you whether you believe it). I might address the points tomorrow when I have time and clear mind

Just FYI, don't bother unless you're gonna be civil about it. Discuss things like an adult or not at all.
I am literally peer reviewing a hardcore Nature manuscript (most prestigious journal) at the moment for the next 6 hours (up to you whether you believe it). I might address the points tomorrow when I have time and clear mind
Drop the act you narcissist ffs. No one cares. Here you're just another autist like the rest of us. Answer my questions or don't idgaf
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Once you go on trt you shouldn't ever come off. If you're gonna go on then come off after do an actual cycle with masteron and test.

I'm assuming people trying this out wouldn't wanna stay 'on' forever, since it's a lifelong commitment, and most guys on TRT can't have kids.

If a guy at say, 20% bf was to cut on test/masteron, and then come off them once 10% or so, would you anticipate a different fat distribution pattern than if he'd cut from 20% to 10% normally? Like I say, this is all just theory right now.
I wonder whts worse, staying on 250mg year round or doing a tren cycle and pcting twice a year. for fertility i mean.
250mg year round is worse cause your balls will never stop shrinking. Time on is more important than compounds used.
I'm assuming people trying this out wouldn't wanna stay 'on' forever, since it's a lifelong commitment, and most guys on TRT can't have kids.

If a guy at say, 20% bf was to cut on test/masteron, and then come off them once 10% or so, would you anticipate a different fat distribution pattern than if he'd cut from 20% to 10% normally? Like I say, this is all just theory right now.

Yeah it would be a different fat distribution. Androgens are what effect fat distribution and proviron/masteron/dht are more androgenic then testosterone. DHT (a metabolite of testosterone) is the one we have naturally and is the main hormone that contributes to an androgenic fat distribution. Masteron and Proviron are dht derivatives.
I am literally peer reviewing a hardcore Nature manuscript (most prestigious journal) at the moment for the next 6 hours (up to you whether you believe it). I might address the points tomorrow when I have time and clear mind
Lmao at this point there’s no way you are serious JFL, you have to be shitposting.
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250mg year round is worse cause your balls will never stop shrinking. Time on is more important than compounds used.

Yeah it would be a different fat distribution. Androgens are what effect fat distribution and proviron/masteron/dht are more androgenic then testosterone. DHT (a metabolite of testosterone) is the one we have naturally and is the main hormone that contributes to an androgenic fat distribution. Masteron and Proviron are dht derivatives.

I see, good info. Of course, high levels of DHT can cause balding, so I guess one would have to weigh up the relative risks of hair loss vs removing facial bloat. Or take very low doses?

The reason I thought of low level test only was because these risks (acne, hair loss etc) would be minimal if we're only raising test to 'upper normal' levels. It sounds like masteron might be more effective at changing fat distribution, but come with some higher risks. Is that correct?
I am literally peer reviewing a hardcore Nature manuscript (most prestigious journal) at the moment for the next 6 hours (up to you whether you believe it). I might address the points tomorrow when I have time and clear mind
Drop the act you narcissist ffs. No one cares. Here you're just another autist like the rest of us. Answer my questions or don't idgaf
Lmao at this point there’s no way you are serious JFL, you have to be shitposting.


That I'm wondering.

Is this really dr?
It sounds like masteron might be more effective at changing fat distribution, but come with some higher risks. Is that correct?

Yep. But no point going on trt then coming off because gains in both muscle and fat distribution from that would be very minimal unless we are talking over the course of years. And by then your balls will be fried. Most people would still be able to just hop on some HCG and restore fertility though.
View attachment 5653

That I'm wondering.

Is this really dr?
Who cares at this point he doesn't give any useful medical advice he just plays the whole "I'm too smart to answer your questions" card. What doc would waste his time on this retard containment board
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Yep. But no point going on trt then coming off because gains in both muscle and fat distribution from that would be very minimal unless we are talking over the course of years. And by then your balls will be fried. Most people would still be able to just hop on some HCG and restore fertility though.

Ah OK, I see. I had thought perhaps you could get on TRT to quickly boost your levels to 1000ng/dL, do your cut and experience the benefits of fat loss in areas that we want to lose it in, then come off it and, providing one doesn't become a fatcel again, enjoy a better facial leanness as the fat has been removed from that area. It doesn't work like that? :(
Who cares at this point he doesn't give any useful medical advice he just plays the whole "I'm too smart to answer your questions" card. What doc would waste his time on this retard containment board


Honestly cucks.is retard containment board.

It exact opposite of how things normally work.

Normally you take the worst posters and put them in containment board, but with cucks.is you take the best posters and put them in containment board.

As for Doc Cuck, screw him.
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Mind you I am NOT MD, only PhD in life sciences (but first degree in physics actually). Will try to address the points later
View attachment 5655

Honestly cucks.is retard containment board.

It exact opposite of how things normally work.

Normally you take the worst posters and put them in containment board, but with cucks.is you take the best posters and put them in containment board.

As for Doc Cuck, screw him.
Fucking lmao. True. Everything is backwards there
  • +1
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Mind you I am NOT MD, only PhD in life sciences (but first degree in physics actually). Will try to address the points later
DrTony irl
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Ah OK, I see. I had thought perhaps you could get on TRT to quickly boost your levels to 1000ng/dL, do your cut and experience the benefits of fat loss in areas that we want to lose it in, then come off it and, providing one doesn't become a fatcel again, enjoy a better facial leanness as the fat has been removed from that area. It doesn't work like that? :(

When it comes to your nuts shrinking time on is more important than compounds or doses to a point. Enough test to get you to 1000ng/dl would shut you down almost as hard as 500mg/wk which would put most people around 3500ng/dl. So for that reason, you might as well do an actual cycle or just stay on trt for life. Also your fat distribution would slowly revert to its old ways once you come off.
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When it comes to your nuts shrinking time on is more important than compounds or doses to a point. Enough test to get you to 1000ng/dl would shut you down almost as hard as 500mg/wk which would put most people around 3500ng/dl. So for that reason, you might as well do an actual cycle or just stay on trt for life. Also your fat distribution would slowly revert to its old ways once you come off.

Well, the reasons for not going 500mg would be related to the side effects of going well over 'normal' test levels, such as hair loss, acne etc. Of course if 1000ng/dl would change your body fat composition, so would 3500...I'm just theorising about potentially getting the maximum benefit for the minimal risk.

I'm going to assume we're gonna run appropriate PCT either way. With that in mind, surely a cut at 1000ng/dl levels would provide benefits over a cut at say, a natty 500ng/dl (keeping in mind that without supplemental injections, everyones T levels will drop to some degree while cutting).

It'd be interesting to see how quickly fat storage would revert to its usual levels. If it took many months or years to bloat you up again (we're assuming this hypothetical guy doesn't immediately return to piling on fat after his cut, and instead just eats maintenence levels), then it'd be worth just running this each time you need to diet, and then forgetting about it afterwards. If on the other hand it's gonna revert back to normal within a few weeks then yeah, wouldn't be worth it. I suspect this is entirely dependent on calorie intake post-cut - if you eat maintenance you won't gain fat over time, and so the fat storage benefits would last a long time. If you're gonna eat all the creamcakes, or go on some gymcel bulk right after then yeah, probably not much point to it all.
Well, the reasons for not going 500mg would be related to the side effects of going well over 'normal' test levels, such as hair loss, acne etc. Of course if 1000ng/dl would change your body fat composition, so would 3500...I'm just theorising about potentially getting the maximum benefit for the minimal risk.

I'm going to assume we're gonna run appropriate PCT either way. With that in mind, surely a cut at 1000ng/dl levels would provide benefits over a cut at say, a natty 500ng/dl (keeping in mind that without supplemental injections, everyones T levels will drop to some degree while cutting).

It'd be interesting to see how quickly fat storage would revert to its usual levels. If it took many months or years to bloat you up again (we're assuming this hypothetical guy doesn't immediately return to piling on fat after his cut, and instead just eats maintenence levels), then it'd be worth just running this each time you need to diet, and then forgetting about it afterwards. If on the other hand it's gonna revert back to normal within a few weeks then yeah, wouldn't be worth it. I suspect this is entirely dependent on calorie intake post-cut - if you eat maintenance you won't gain fat over time, and so the fat storage benefits would last a long time. If you're gonna eat all the creamcakes, or go on some gymcel bulk right after then yeah, probably not much point to it all.
3500 would cause a much more dramatic and rapid change in your fat distribution without much extra risk unless you're prone to balding. And if you are prone to balding you should either not do even trt dosage or say fuck it and go ogre mode. Taking finasteride would also defeat the purpose cause like I said earlier dht is what causes fat distribution changes.

Now that I think about it the best option would probably be taking 50mg of oral Proviron daily since that wouldn't shut you down in any noticeable way and would give you all the fat distribution benefits. There was a study where they had subjects on 100-150 mgs of Proviron for an entire year without getting their testosterone suppressed. Plus it actually improved sperm count in alot of the subjects whereas most steroids would have the opposite effect.

I might do the above myself as proviron/dht is a good antidepressant and I'm not prone to balding.
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  • +1
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I might do the above myself as proviron/dht is a good antidepressant and I'm not prone to balding.


Magnesium glycinate good for testosterone and antidepressant as well. I take 400mg a day myself.
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