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Lurking for months on the topic of forward growth. All i know is listed down here.
Lurking for months on the topic of forward growth. All i know is listed down here.
- Optimizing hormones and testosterone
- Diet - whole foods only, cut out antinutrients for proper mineral absorption (common culprits are most grains, nuts & seeds), Meat, dairy, eggs, honey, fruit & organs primarily, root vegetables for variety
- Improving thyroid function through proper mineral levels e.g., zinc, magnesium, calcium and especially iodine
- Cortisol management and its cause in diet (touched on more later in this thread)
- Sun exposure - some pseudoscience gurus preach sungazing for better vit D absorption - Also the infamous study on sunning your balls that provides and increase in testosterone in the blood jfl
- Working out, still confused on the optimal training frequency, training method and intensity, etc. Exercise has been proved to raise growth hormone in short surges, also raises cortisol
- Sprinting - raises gh and provides posture for mandibular development
- Cutting out as much endocrine disruptors as possible in skincare, fragrance, hygiene products, polyester clothing, etc.
- Tongue and head posture
- Correct body and neck posture for proper facial development e.g., chest up, core activated, shoulders in line with ears, straight neck
- Suction mewing/hard mewing/mewing while lifting/unconscious mewing - mewing is a very complicated topic that is best researched by your yourself\
- Neck exercises for proper lower third development
- Thumb pulling/mandibular pulling/zygo pushing - again like mewing very complicated
- Open mouth chewing - very legit for proper swallowing technique - people have reported more defined zygos and masseters after implementing https://wholebodybreathing.com/community/community/main-forum/open-mouth-chewing/
- Masseter training
- Incisor chewing - risk of potential disorders are possible
- Cortisolminning
- Understanding that cortisol is antagonistic to testosterone, gh, and igf-1
- Earthing (not grounding) - bonus: upon waking to sunlight go outside and ground whilst sungazing
- Diet and gut health impact cortisol
- Meditation/breathing excersizes - box breathing is very easy for beginners to start
- Gratitude journaling/journaling
- Maintaining social connection with family & friends
- Bonesmashing
- Again, research by yourself - I have yet to start and implement a routine myself and am still unsure whether this works or not