Low inhib challenge

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
I'm eating alone in this steak restaurant where everyone is dining with someone else.

Actually, nobody gives a fuck
IMG 20190104 185223
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Pathetic i eat alone at my school everyday
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Pathetic i eat alone at my school everyday
Bro the one time in college I ate lunch with other people was the happiest day of my life. So many years of eating alone really gets to you. :feelscry:
Bro the one time in college I ate lunch with other people was the happiest day of my life. So many years of eating alone really gets to you. :feelscry:
Most of the time I do enjoy eating alone, but it requires low inhib to eat in certain restaurants which tend to be a place for social gatherings. Nobody cares if you're eating kebab alone though.
Most of the time I do enjoy eating alone, but it requires low inhib to eat in certain restaurants which tend to be a place for social gatherings. Nobody cares if you're eating kebab alone though.
Id eat with you bro
Why are people always filming you lol.
Its a girl that filmed it (shes pretty gl tbh) , Im not sure why, but I saved the video just in case someone posts this

Im more NT and low inhib than I look, I am just really insecure about my body due to having bad experience my whole life with it (high bodyfat etc...), as you probably already know. Good luck with the girl tho, let us know how it went.
Its a girl that filmed it (shes pretty gl tbh) , Im not sure why, but I saved the video just in case someone posts this

Im more NT and low inhib than I look, I am just really insecure about my body due to having bad experience my whole life with it (high bodyfat etc...), as you probably already know. Good luck with the girl tho, let us know how it went.
You looksmog her tbh
You looksmog her tbh
You seen her pics? Source? :soy::soy::soy:
Its a girl that filmed it (shes pretty gl tbh) , Im not sure why, but I saved the video just in case someone posts this

Im more NT and low inhib than I look, I am just really insecure about my body due to having bad experience my whole life with it (high bodyfat etc...), as you probably already know. Good luck with the girl tho, let us know how it went.
Yea you look kinda shy in the videos. But hey if girls are filming you (in a cute way, not a bullying way) that's a good sign. Thanks man hopefully this girls says yes.
You looksmog her tbh
If you mean the girl on the left, thats not the same girl, a cuter girl is filming me anyway

You seen her pics? Source? :soy::soy::soy:

Yea you look kinda shy in the videos. But hey if girls are filming you (in a cute way, not a bullying way) that's a good sign. Thanks man hopefully this girls says yes.
No, its a good sign of course. They try to hook me up with their schoolmates even, but they are 15 so I refuse (They are average at best, so I really don't want to risk my dignity to be with a 15 year old)

Anyway, I can tell you looks matter to an extent. You just need to be above avg (or tall and avg with nice frame) and thats enough to get a date from a looksmatch. Which will make you happy in life, as a girl will give you a chance to date you. I know Im coping a lot with gym, I post about gym a lot because it has really made me more secure with my body and therefore happier, I want others to be happier too. (And if you think this is bluepilled there really needs work to be done on the mental side of things)

Anyway @SHARK If you want Im actually corious how she looks like

and @Lifewasted, your life is not wasted, it has just begun. In a year from now youll probably eat with a group of social circle with a hot girlfriend by your side.

Feelslike Im writing a faceanalyzer essay :feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
If you mean the girl on the left, thats not the same girl, a cuter girl is filming me anyway
My mistake

and @Lifewasted, your life is not wasted, it has just begun. In a year from now youll probably eat with a group of social circle with a hot girlfriend by your side.
Well I used to have a circle but we were all quiet , introvert guys who prefer to spend our time alone. As for girlfriend, I think I'm letting my obsession go. I already had girlfriends and all of them were virgins when we met, so actually I should be grateful and content. My chagrin is that I never had casual sex, and never enjoyed validational sex with Stacys (I had to pay). But it's not like we can't enjoy our lives without that.
My mistake

Its all good!

Well I used to have a circle but we were all quiet , introvert guys who prefer to spend our time alone. As for girlfriend, I think I'm letting my obsession go. I already had girlfriends and all of them were virgins when we met, so actually I should be grateful and content. My chagrin is that I never had casual sex, and never enjoyed validational sex with Stacys (I had to pay). But it's not like we can't enjoy our lives without that.

How old are you if I can ask?
I'm eating alone in this steak restaurant where everyone is dining with someone else.

Actually, nobody gives a fuck
View attachment 10719
That's nothing bro.

I went to prom and asked girls to dance with me despite being a total subhuman. Even after being rejected multiple times, too.
That's nothing bro.

I went to prom and asked girls to dance with me despite being a total subhuman. Even after being rejected multiple times, too.
I probably oversensitivitymog you
I'm high inhib but never gave a fuck about eating alone. Didn't even know it was not normal.
vorbei für allein esser cels
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I'm high inhib but never gave a fuck about eating alone. Didn't even know it was not normal.
Depends on where. It's more normal in small / fast-food restaurants
I'm high inhib but never gave a fuck about eating alone. Didn't even know it was not normal.
Same here. But then again during highschool I would avoid eating in the cafeteria.
vorbei für allein esser cels
Die letzten zwei Male als ich allein in der Mensa saß, kam ein Mädchen zu mir. Die dachte bestimmt, alleine essen zu machen macht mich traurig, aber eigentlich mag ich das. Ich kann dabei immer auf diesem Forum was lesen und so. :feelsautistic:
Die letzten zwei Male als ich allein in der Mensa saß, kam ein Mädchen zu mir.
Krasser Chad:feelsree:. Zum Glück hab ich nen incel Freund der mit mir isst. Hab leider nicht diesen Mut alleine zu essen. Kriege immer Panik, wenn ich wie ein Außenseiter dastehe
Krasser Chad:feelsree:. Zum Glück hab ich nen incel Freund der mit mir isst. Hab leider nicht diesen Mut alleine zu essen. Kriege immer Panik, wenn ich wie ein Außenseiter dastehe
Ich weiß nicht was ihre Intention war. War zu der Zeit jeden Tag stundenlang auf incels.is und hab mich mega in die Theorien reingesteigert, dass es vorbei ist, wenn man kein Gigachad ist.
Sie hatte mich auch mal gefragt, ob wir ins Kino gehen wollen, aber ich glaub ich bin eher ein Typ, der direkt in die Friendzone kommt wegen meines Aussehens halt, deshalb lass ichs direkt.

Ich war schon immer ein Einzelgänger, deshalb bin ich es gewohnt, alleine zu sein.
Bei mir ist es so, dass ich Angst davor habe, auf Personen zuzugehen, also mich zu Personen an den Tisch zu setzen. Auch wenn ich die Personen kenne. Ich habe Angst vor Ablehnung.
Ich weiß nicht was ihre Intention war. War zu der Zeit jeden Tag stundenlang auf incels.is und hab mich mega in die Theorien reingesteigert, dass es vorbei ist, wenn man kein Gigachad ist.
Sie hatte mich auch mal gefragt, ob wir ins Kino gehen wollen, aber ich glaub ich bin eher ein Typ, der direkt in die Friendzone kommt wegen meines Aussehens halt, deshalb lass ichs direkt.

Ich war schon immer ein Einzelgänger, deshalb bin ich es gewohnt, alleine zu sein.
Bei mir ist es so, dass ich Angst davor habe, auf Personen zuzugehen, also mich zu Personen an den Tisch zu setzen. Auch wenn ich die Personen kenne. Ich habe Angst vor Ablehnung.
Junge, junge... und ich dachte ich wäre naiv. Bruder, ich hab dein Profil gesehen. Sahst aus wie ein Chadlite, wenn nicht Chad. Kein Mädchen geht zu einem Jungen und ladet ihn zum Kino ein, um nur befreundet zu sein. Du unterschätzt dich total

Ablehnung ist auch einer meiner größten Ängste. Deswegen kann ich wohl auch nie zu einem Mädchen hingehen und nach nem Date fragen können.
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