Low IQ nigger @Bobbu flay cant comprehend his dogshit grammar after i point it out

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Jul 19, 2019
Their addicted to the bbc they even brand themselves As our property


Theres nothing grammatically wrong with that sentence but ok mr. dyslexia

Obviously you can’t point it out because there’s nothing wrong.

The tryhardness in you is hilarious

Your retarded go back to high school English. didn’t they teach you use the spelling of their for reference to people

Learn to pronounce
belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.

Fucking dyslexics.

nigger cant understand the difference between they're and their after i pointed it out clearly for him then proceeds to call me retarded with incorrect usage of your. the lack of sentience is obscene. i dont make threads about users here but this is too much
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  • JFL
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Aww your mad because I called out your grammatical error you dyslexic fuck.

You use their when reference to people go back to high school jfl

Know when to admit defeat
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  • JFL
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he still doesnt understand lol. kind of sad
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he still doesnt understand lol. kind of sad

Can’t admit defeat and actually care about grammar on a forum I’m done with this autism it’s hilarious
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its very sad actually. english is this kids first language. i shouldnt pick on blacks thats low-hanging fruit
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Can’t admit defeat and actually care about grammar on a forum I’m done with this autism it’s hilarious
He is right though, you used the wrong word in the quote above
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What a shit thread
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Reactions: SayNoToRotting and Deleted member 1464
shit thread kill yourself
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Aww your mad because I called out your grammatical error you dyslexic fuck.

You use their when reference to people go back to high school jfl

Know when to admit defeat
You're the wrong one. The grammar is clearly wrong you idiot.
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Reactions: anthony111553, Deleted member 685, Zygos4Life and 2 others
this nigga bobbu flay is currently enrolled in american university. what a joke our educational institutions have turned into
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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this nigga bobbu flay is currently enrolled in american university. what a joke our educational institutions have turned into
Imagine me being so rent free in someone’s head what a joke.
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This nigga bobbu flay is currently enrolled in an American university. What a joke our educational institutions have turned into.
  • JFL
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No your low iq and lack of comprehension and sentience did.
Imagine having no point to make in a comeback but nitpicking someone’s grammar.

This is hilarious jfl.
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He claims Chad and I tried to get him to send pics but he's too high inhib
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Imagine having no point to make in a comeback but nitpicking someone’s grammar.

This is hilarious jfl.
dumbfuck it isnt the initial grammar its your inability to realize you were wrong and smug retardation
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  • JFL
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Dumb fuck it isn’t the initial grammar, it’s your inability to realize you were wrong, and the smug retardation.

If your gonna call me out on grammar, correct your own jfl.
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forced meme from a norwooding manlet slav
I think I mog you tbh... you have propped yourself up so highly but wont send pics to anyone.
the difference is i actually know how to speak english
Sureee you do.

You had multiple mistakes, in that mess you typed.

I only had one.
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Reactions: anthony111553, Zygos4Life, 2peasinapod and 2 others
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This whole thread is retarded but explain how is that grammar wrong?
Capitalization, proper punctuation, word spacing causing a imaginary word etc.

If we’re gonna be autistic about grammar. Let’s go all the way.
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  • JFL
Reactions: jefferson and xit
Grammars me tbh
I think I mog you tbh... you have propped yourself up so highly but wont send pics to anyone.
i mog you in every way
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Capitalization, proper punctuation, word spacing causing a imaginary word etc.

If we’re gonna be autistic about grammar. Let’s go all the way.
.... Don't think that's quite right but w/e
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