mammon demon of wealth and maya demoness of world's food



Sep 6, 2023

We want to look at a demon called Mammon, its activities and how he afflicts people.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and the people concerning this spirit. Mammon is not a Principality but Mammon is a Power.

Mammon controls about twenty thousand demons plus a host of evil spirits of destructions.

He is one of the demons that really torments us.

Mammon is Golden. That's why I said “The Golden Demon.” The reason why I say a golden demon is because Mammon is golden and he has facial marks like a Yoruba man in Nigeria.

Mammon establishes contracts in the physical and spiritual realms. He is in charge of the storehouses of Satan and distributes satanic wealth in a way that establishes satanic control over the world.

Mammon has been able to establish links, contracts or covenants on this earth in order to get the people to give them demonic wealth and then through that he can destroy them.

Anything that God has, the devil also has its counterfeit. You know God has a storehouse. In the same way, the devil also has a storehouse.

Now Mammon is in charge of satanic storehouse distributing wealth to certain families on earth in order to establish control of the devil on this earth.

All that Mammon is seeking is to be able to establish a grip or to establish certain control on earth so that he can really destroy people.

Why is Mammon distributing wealth to certain families on this earth? There's nothing like free lunch. The devil cannot give you anything for free. He has established communications between himself and some families to whom he directs money.

These families use the money to support nations for war. One of the agreements or covenants you will go into with Mammon before you get this demonic wealth is that you use this money for war, spiritual war, physical war.

You'll also use this money to come against the children of God, to come against the man of God, to come against the Church.

That is the reason why he has established connections or he has established or he has entered into a covenant with certain families on this earth.

So he channels this demonic wealth to such people so that they can really fight against the cause of God.

He's a liar. Some of the families are the Occults, the Illuminati, the Lodges, the Freemasons, the cults and then the witches and wizards and then the marine agents and the fetish priests.

These are the type of families that he has really influenced and he has a covenant with them and communication with them.

So the money that he gives to them supports the things that will bring disaster and misery to human beings. He wants to fight against the Church of God. He wants to really get as many souls as he can especially from Christianity. He wants many Christians to leave the purity of their faith and come and follow him because of this wealth.

Mammon is also in charge of hardships and poverty. He incites in people the lust for money by making them dissatisfied with what they have. He gets them to make an infinite money contract either through witchcraft or by sacrificing a loved one or of the members of their bodies.

So Mammon is behind all the ritual money. In Africa, we say “Sakawa.” He's in charge of all the “Sakawa” money. He's in charge of all the “Juju” money or “Sikaduro” killing a member of a family for money or even sacrificing a member of your body either your hand or your private part or your eyes or any part of your body for money.

He is behind that. He is the demon in charge of that demonic money. Magicians conjure money for the audience. Even some of the occultic prophets and prophetesses would tell you to come, and they will conjure money. All you have to do is bring bags for them to do this.

Mammon is the one that has given them that fake power. His aim is to win a lot of people to Satan and to finally come against the Church of God.

But Jesus said He would build the Church and the gates of hell can never prevail against His Church (Matthew 16:18).

So Mammon is a liar. So if you have ever used any part of your body for rituals, for money, if you have ever used any of your relations, whether it is your uncle, aunty, mother, children, if you have ever done or if you have ever gone to a place and have been asked to sacrifice either a bull or animal for money, then know that the spirit behind it is called Mammon.

Mammon is in charge and trust me, he has taken the whole family. You have mortgaged your family from generation to generation to this demon and if you fail to give your life to Jesus Christ and let Him be the Lord of your life there is no way you can get out of it.

He's a very wicked demon, a very very wicked spirit.

He is a participant in all cults and lodges which promise their members wealth. I want you to know that if you're a child of God you can't join anything that is not of God.

There are a lot of social clubs that are springing up and you even see Christians joining them. The aim is they are doing “charitable work.” Those who are there, if Jesus is not their Lord, please, it's a deception. It's deceit.

It doesn't matter that the charity work they are doing. Charity work will never ever cause you to go to heaven. Charity work will not earn you anything. The only thing that will make you go to heaven is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior and believing in Him; that is believing in Jesus and the Cross.

When I say the Cross I'm talking about what Jesus came to do for you and me at Calvary Cross the sacrifice, the holy sacrifice. In the absence of that, you would end up in hell.

So Mammon has promised these sects, all the cults, the lodges, the Masonic, the Freemasons, the Oddfellows and all kinds of people for wealth.

He is doing that to hook them to Satan and to cause them to bring others also to Satan.

If you are in it or if you have done that before, you need deliverance. Give your life to Jesus. Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life and at the end of the day, you'll receive deliverance. So that when He comes you can also make heaven. It is very very important.

Mammon is the one who also controls the demon of poverty. Poverty is a spirit. They are numerous, uncountable and they torment. They steal your joy. They take away your happiness.

So when the spirit of poverty is released into your life, your happiness is gone, your strength is gone, your joy is gone.

If you're a businessman a businesswoman, please make sure that you always commit your business into the hands of God.

And if you're a child of God don't joke with your tithe. Tithe is very very very important and if you have pledged, make sure you redeem your pledge and make sure you give offerings.

That is the only way that can protect your business and can prevent the demon of Mammon to fight against you, your finances, your businesses, etc.

So please if you are experiencing these symptoms and you are not a child of God, give your life to Jesus. Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and then pray and come against every spirit of poverty from Mammon. You'll be set free in the mighty name of Jesus. Place your faith exclusively in Jesus and what He did for us at the Calvary Cross. The blood of Jesus is wonderful.

So please if you are thinking of doing rituals to get money, please stop. Don't do it, it's demonic, it will destroy you and you'll end up in Hell.

Please don't do it. The real wealth comes from Jesus. In the book of Deuteronomy, He says it’s He alone that gives you the power to make wealth. Nobody can give you the power to make wealth and nobody can make you wealthy. It is a lie, it's fake, don't buy it.

Please don't do it.

In appearance, Mammon is golden and has facial markings like a Yoruba man. Maybe you had a dream that a certain red man who appeared to you and he has facial markings like a Yoruba man, four markings on the left side and four markings on the right side of his face and he is golden.

If you have ever had such a dream then you've been contaminated by this Mammon.

You may say, “But I have never gone to Mammon. I have never done any rituals to get money.”

Probably your family member or your great grandparents or great grandparents or any family member has gone to such a place for money. If he has gone, that means you have been contaminated. So when you've been having such dreams just get up and pray and come against it and clean yourself with the blood of Jesus.

He is golden and has facial marks like a Yoruba man. The marks are four on one cheek and another four on the other cheek.

So that is how Mammon looks like.

Real wealth is for God to give. That is why the Bible says in the book of 1 Corinthians 10:26 For the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.

God gives to His children according to their needs. He desires that they will be comfortable. When it is necessary for a child of God to be wealthy, He gives wealth. Otherwise, He will give you enough to make you enjoy living. The only true wealth comes from Jesus Christ.

Nobody can make you wealthy; it’s a lie, I've worked with wizards and occultists before.

I worked with these demons. It is counterfeit, it is destruction. It would sweep the whole family to hell. It's very dangerous. Please don't joke with this demon. Do not seek wealth outside Jesus. Do not seek wealth outside the Word of God.

If any pastor or prophet or anybody comes to you and says, “I can conjure money. I can give you wealth.” It is a lie. Mammon is responsible for that. Know that as soon as you go for such money you've mortgaged yourself and your entire family to this demon and he will punish them.

Please don't do it. I'm talking about as somebody who has been there before, who has worked with them. I'm not telling you stories. I am born again, filled with the Holy Spirit. My ministry is close to 40 years.

So please do not allow any pastor or prophet to use the money to entice you to come and he will perform magic and money appears. Please it's a lie.

Don't go to anybody who is a money doubler or anybody who says, “Come and bring money, I’ll put it in the box and it will grow.”

It's a lie. It is all part of the ploy to contaminate you and to destroy you and deliver your soul to hell.

Don't do it. The real wealth is for Jesus. I repeat, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He alone can bless you, can make you rich, can prosper you with peace and confidence and at the end of the day, you make heaven.

Please don't do it. If you haven't given your life to Jesus, it is very important that you do. You can't be blessed by God without giving your life to Jesus. Jesus said, “The food we give to children can never be given to dogs.”

If you haven't given your life to Jesus, the opportunity has come.

Say this after me.

Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and I know You come from heaven. You are the Son of God. Today I open my heart and I ask You come into my heart. Be the Lord of my life. I receive You today as my Lord and personal Savior. Fill me, touch me. Today I know that You have come into my heart and I am born again. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

You are born again and look for a very good Bible-believing Church where the Word is being preached and then join them and your life will never be the same. God bless you.

Leviticus 20:6 And the soul that turns after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

Deuteronomy 18:9-14 When you have come into the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you anyone that makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination to the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD your God does drive them out from before you. 13 You shall be perfect with the LORD your God. 14 For these nations, which you shall possess, listened to observers of times, and to diviners: but as for you, the LORD your God has not suffered you so to do.

1 Corinthians 6:10 AKJV Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Ephesians 5:5 AKJV For this you know, that no fornicator, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

Luke 12:15 AKJV And he said to them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.

Psalms 119:36 AKJV Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to covetousness.

Proverbs 28:16 AKJV The prince that wants understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hates covetousness shall prolong his days.

When I was in the occult I wanted knowledge and power. I wanted to rise in level. I was ready to pay the price yet God’s children are unwilling to pay the price in fasting and prayer to rise in level. They want their pastor to pray for them. Since I wanted power I signed another covenant with another water spirit in order to rise in rank.


I agreed to sell him my sperm. Thus I was masturbating and the demon was coming from the sea to collect my sperm to take it beneath the sea. This water spirit was doing ritual and mystical practice with my seed. Then he was coming out of the sea on the surface world looking for pregnant women and he was inserting these sperm in the womb of pregnant women in order to affect the gender and character of the baby. I mean if the woman was pregnant with baby boy the water spirit was causing the baby boy to be feminine. If the woman has a baby girl the water spirit was causing the baby girl to become boyish. These babies would be born with gender disorder in their personality.

Over time I caused young people to masturbate in our quarter and their sperms were collected by this water spirit. I caused ladies to masturbate and their liquid was taken beneath the sea. As a result, the water spirit was rising to the surface to cause babies to have personality and gender disorders. Baby boys were given women feature and baby girls were given male identity.

As I was gravitating level in the spirit world a highly elevated man got me in an Indian sect. When I joined this Indian mystical order I was introduced to an Indian woman. She was actually the queen of the coast of the ocean the Mami Wata. She was the goddess who commands the ocean and the river. The queen of the coast controlled continental territory under the ocean, the ocean, and the river. In truth, the oceans are controlled by the angel of God. There is a God angel that commands the sea. However, the devil has also delegated the queen and goddess of water who is a principality of the sea such as the queen of the coast.

When I got in contact with this Indian woman who was the queen of the sea she gave me the 16th power of the world for I was her sixteenth husband. This cursed lady of the sea is a prostitute for she sleeps with whoever she wants. When we got married beneath the sea she put me in charge of a massive Kingdom underwater where I was ruling over Aquarius civilization and marine spirits. Many mermaids were under my authority for I was the king in that water city. There are countless of queens and goddesses ruling in that section of the ocean and the sea.

In the water world, I saw the goddess Semiramis, a descendant of Noah who signed a pact with Lucifer for immortality. When she died she went to serve the devil under the sea. She is a powerful goddess of the sea controlling water. Later on, I began to work with another powerful queen of the sea who is the wife of the god Mammon the finance minister of Lucifer. Maman Brigitte is the queen of the sea who controlled the demons of poverty under the sea. She is married to Mammon.


I want to talk about my service to one of the wives of Lucifer, the goddess Maya, the queen of the sea. Maya is the Principality in charge of world food. It is when I began to work in the food department of the world of Satan that I came to understand that the devil’s heart and mind are in world food and nutrition. The food department of the world of Satan is governed by this goddess of the sea called Maya. This sea siren is the boss in charge of world food. I was working with this queen of the sea that controlled the world of Satan that deal with world food. The aim and main purpose of this sea kingdom of Satan controlling world food are to weaken God’s children who failed to pray before eating. They failed to give thanks to the Lord before eating food and drink, our powerful weapon that the devil is using in the end of time.

One day she gave me the assignment of working in the markets of our city in order to infest and poison the population through food and nutrient. Actually whenever the government and the local authority wanted to build a market or supermarket in the city, thanks to our intelligence gathering and espionage we knew about their resolution before it goes public and we were sending demons to enter their minds and influence them to select a land that is a residence of a demonic power. There are places in the city that are the seat and throne of demonic power. We wanted them to use demonic land that are haunted and whenever the market and supermarket were built on these land inhabited by unclean spirits. We were placing a net or spiderweb at the gate of every market and supermarket. Brother, the devil has placed guardian demons at the gate of every market of the world.


Today God’s children don't pray when they are about to leave their home in order to go to the market and shops. Many of God's servants fail to pray before going to the market; they failed to ask the Holy Spirit to guide them to buy that which is good. They think they can buy whatever they want in the shopping center and supermarket. They lack discernment and vision, thus they were falling victim. God’s children must learn to pray before going to do shopping so that they will be spared from items that are infested and bewitched. Many servants of God bring home items that contain demons. They bring demons in their homes thanks to items and accessories they buy in the market.

We were mounting net and web in the market to catch people. When you go to the market without the Holy Spirit you will end up buying stuff that contains unclean spirits and bringing them home. As a result, your children will be bewitched. These items attached to demons gave us the legality of landing in your house to cause destruction. You must understand there is competition among sellers in the market. Thus many people and companies that are selling products in the market and shops have signed pact and covenant with demons in order to sell fast and sell more. For a product to become global, the company do rituals to demons for their articles. These products have specific demons inside them. Sellers go to the mystics in order to sell their product fast and these mystics work with demons that possessed, infest and even defecate on these goods. Demons pee and vomit on these goods when people sign pacts in order to sell more.

When I began to work for the sea goddess Maya, quickly we went on to set up and mount infrastructure, installation and logistic of control around the markets. In every market of the world, the devil has sent a butcher selling human meat. When you buy this human meat, you wonder why the meat is tasteless in comparison with real meat. When you eat this human flesh, you come under manipulation and initiation.

I want to reveal to you people of this community sitting in this church there is a Python that transforms himself into a beautiful lady in order to come and sell stuff in your local market. She is extremely beautiful for when she passed people watch her in your local market. This lady Python who is a high-ranked witch has many tables in your market. She is tall and big and she attracts attention in the market. We were selling human blood in the appearance of red oil and when you use their oil, the devil gets the legality over your life. Whenever intercessors prayed and intercede for the market there are positive effects. The angels were coming down to purify it and remove manipulation enchantment and witchcraft. When Christian rest from praying and interceding we were putting back manipulation. When they prayed again angels were coming again to remove spells and enchantments like a circle.


The sea kingdom of the goddess Maya is in demand of women placenta. Since many mothers don't get that placenta after delivery, many hospitals have signed contracts with agents of Satan who buy woman's placenta for various purposes in the world of Satan. They get women placenta from various hospitals and thanks to the combination with formalin they were designing cube meat and animal meat. The Satanic entrepreneurs that designed the cube meat don't use it in their food. They use other natural combinations because they use formalin to soak the woman's placenta inside the cube meat.

The purpose of formalin inside cube meat is to weaken the body and bones of God’s children so that they will be weak and heavy in prayer. Many Christians want to pray and fast and stay in God’s presence. They want to be closer to God but they are unable for they lack spiritual strength. The heaviness and weakness they feel resulted from the various food and items they used on the earth that are infested with demons for these foods and items have been enchanted and bewitched by the enemy.

Thus many satanic business leaders buy women placenta in various hospitals. When you asked for your wife’s placenta after delivery they won't give it to you for they have signed contracts with companies that acquired them. The enemy steals children’s destiny and blessing thanks to the placenta.


In terms of food, I would like to tell you to use red sugar not the white ones that are made thanks to formalin and they give diabetes. I want to tell you to avoid tomato puree for it is made with lady menstrual blood of women. The photo of the lady on the box of Annie tomato is that of a sea siren. The sister of this siren is called Guinness, the name of the popular beer made in Britain.

The Lord said we should not eat the blood of animals because it is their soul. God’s children must avoid animal kidneys of blood for there is condemnation when you eat meat having blood. Whatever agents of Satan are selling in the market are not food. It is outrageous when you learn the reality of what is sold in the markets. When you see a restaurant attracting the crowds don't go there as there is manipulation and when a women cook in public places a Satanist is likely to drop something inside. In the end time, the devil is increasing sugar in children's lollies so that they will fall sick and die. There are children with diabetes because of sugar as these things destroy children or organisms.

Many of the water sold in the street are fluids of the deads. There are waters that we buy in shops that are mixed with human blood but many Christians are failing to pray before using what they buy in shopping. When you drink water mixed with human blood, understand that the soul of the innocent victim is demanding justice against the executioner and since you are using their blood you become his executioner and you become exposed.


If you play the fool with your prayer life, understand that Satanists and water mermaids have prayer lives and they don't play. I used to spend 4 hours in concentration and meditation in order to weaken God’s children. I would spend eight hours in meditation to weaken God’s children. We were praying to the devil but we were serious. There is a plate called 555 blades. When you use that you are under manipulation for the 555 represents a demon who starts his work at midnight. There is a demon on that plate. Today there is no discernment and people fall into manipulation. As a result, there will be heaviness and weakness and his prayer life will die.

Brother whenever a woman of prayer was approaching the gate of the market, the guardian demon of the market was alerting us about the danger that was coming. One day a woman of prayer came to the market to do shopping. There was flaming fire surrounding her and when she was moving I saw a flaming sword moving before her. This means that the guardian angel of the Lord was ready and on the alert for confrontation. We were on the alert when this woman enter the market for her fire was burning the net. When this woman stopped before a desk to ask for the price of chili, I saw flames of fire coming out of her mouth, and demons that were on these foods were scattered running away from the flame that was coming out of her mouth.

This woman was causing damage and demons were running away leaving the goods and food where they were dwelling. On that day many women who came to the market bought good food for demons that were infesting the food were scattered by the flaming fire of this woman of prayer. Many bacteria are a result of demons. When a woman has prayer life it is extremely dangerous for the world of Satan. A woman of prayer seems like raging fire when she walks in the street because everything stopped in the spirit world.

We must understand that markets are controlled by the sirens of world food. Women of God that came in the market also purify the place thanks to God’s presence in them and fire that covers them always scatters the demons and people benefited whenever women of prayer enter the market. But when they left the market, we always came back to bewitch the place again.

One day a friend took me to a company where they were making cigarettes. We went there in spirit and we crossed the wall and we entered the company where they were making cigars. Later we went to the cemetery and took human bones and we replaced the feather with human bones. Another day we went to a company where they were designing beer. I saw that they did incantation and demons came to pee on that liquid and when demons went away these people pee on the liquid that was to be used to make beer. People don't know what they are eating and drinking. I had many agents that were selling food in the market yet the food that they were selling was not food. I want to remind you to pray for what you eat.

NEXT: Oscar 2 A Former Occultic Grand Master Testifies
  • +1
Reactions: NoReedemingFeature
worldly wealthy and worldly food will send u to hell

join a mennonite church(Perfect biblical and christian lifestyle) near you and only eat their organic non-processed food.avoid processed is a sin.
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead
These nuts the demon of your chin
  • JFL
Reactions: johnypvpgod and IAMNOTANINCEL
Not a single molecule
  • +1
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im not reading this
  • +1
Reactions: johnypvpgod and Rzn
worldly wealthy and worldly food will send u to hell

join a mennonite church(Perfect biblical and christian lifestyle) near you and only eat their organic non-processed food.avoid processed is a sin.
what do you eat
ive known about it since i was 13 years old

LOL IDGAF jewss dropping complex fucking retarded shit for what?1
  • +1
Reactions: johnypvpgod
Beautifully written. God bless!;)

We want to look at a demon called Mammon, its activities and how he afflicts people.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and the people concerning this spirit. Mammon is not a Principality but Mammon is a Power.

Mammon controls about twenty thousand demons plus a host of evil spirits of destructions.

He is one of the demons that really torments us.

Mammon is Golden. That's why I said “The Golden Demon.” The reason why I say a golden demon is because Mammon is golden and he has facial marks like a Yoruba man in Nigeria.

Mammon establishes contracts in the physical and spiritual realms. He is in charge of the storehouses of Satan and distributes satanic wealth in a way that establishes satanic control over the world.

Mammon has been able to establish links, contracts or covenants on this earth in order to get the people to give them demonic wealth and then through that he can destroy them.

Anything that God has, the devil also has its counterfeit. You know God has a storehouse. In the same way, the devil also has a storehouse.

Now Mammon is in charge of satanic storehouse distributing wealth to certain families on earth in order to establish control of the devil on this earth.

All that Mammon is seeking is to be able to establish a grip or to establish certain control on earth so that he can really destroy people.

Why is Mammon distributing wealth to certain families on this earth? There's nothing like free lunch. The devil cannot give you anything for free. He has established communications between himself and some families to whom he directs money.

These families use the money to support nations for war. One of the agreements or covenants you will go into with Mammon before you get this demonic wealth is that you use this money for war, spiritual war, physical war.

You'll also use this money to come against the children of God, to come against the man of God, to come against the Church.

That is the reason why he has established connections or he has established or he has entered into a covenant with certain families on this earth.

So he channels this demonic wealth to such people so that they can really fight against the cause of God.

He's a liar. Some of the families are the Occults, the Illuminati, the Lodges, the Freemasons, the cults and then the witches and wizards and then the marine agents and the fetish priests.

These are the type of families that he has really influenced and he has a covenant with them and communication with them.

So the money that he gives to them supports the things that will bring disaster and misery to human beings. He wants to fight against the Church of God. He wants to really get as many souls as he can especially from Christianity. He wants many Christians to leave the purity of their faith and come and follow him because of this wealth.

Mammon is also in charge of hardships and poverty. He incites in people the lust for money by making them dissatisfied with what they have. He gets them to make an infinite money contract either through witchcraft or by sacrificing a loved one or of the members of their bodies.

So Mammon is behind all the ritual money. In Africa, we say “Sakawa.” He's in charge of all the “Sakawa” money. He's in charge of all the “Juju” money or “Sikaduro” killing a member of a family for money or even sacrificing a member of your body either your hand or your private part or your eyes or any part of your body for money.

He is behind that. He is the demon in charge of that demonic money. Magicians conjure money for the audience. Even some of the occultic prophets and prophetesses would tell you to come, and they will conjure money. All you have to do is bring bags for them to do this.

Mammon is the one that has given them that fake power. His aim is to win a lot of people to Satan and to finally come against the Church of God.

But Jesus said He would build the Church and the gates of hell can never prevail against His Church (Matthew 16:18).

So Mammon is a liar. So if you have ever used any part of your body for rituals, for money, if you have ever used any of your relations, whether it is your uncle, aunty, mother, children, if you have ever done or if you have ever gone to a place and have been asked to sacrifice either a bull or animal for money, then know that the spirit behind it is called Mammon.

Mammon is in charge and trust me, he has taken the whole family. You have mortgaged your family from generation to generation to this demon and if you fail to give your life to Jesus Christ and let Him be the Lord of your life there is no way you can get out of it.

He's a very wicked demon, a very very wicked spirit.

He is a participant in all cults and lodges which promise their members wealth. I want you to know that if you're a child of God you can't join anything that is not of God.

There are a lot of social clubs that are springing up and you even see Christians joining them. The aim is they are doing “charitable work.” Those who are there, if Jesus is not their Lord, please, it's a deception. It's deceit.

It doesn't matter that the charity work they are doing. Charity work will never ever cause you to go to heaven. Charity work will not earn you anything. The only thing that will make you go to heaven is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior and believing in Him; that is believing in Jesus and the Cross.

When I say the Cross I'm talking about what Jesus came to do for you and me at Calvary Cross the sacrifice, the holy sacrifice. In the absence of that, you would end up in hell.

So Mammon has promised these sects, all the cults, the lodges, the Masonic, the Freemasons, the Oddfellows and all kinds of people for wealth.

He is doing that to hook them to Satan and to cause them to bring others also to Satan.

If you are in it or if you have done that before, you need deliverance. Give your life to Jesus. Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life and at the end of the day, you'll receive deliverance. So that when He comes you can also make heaven. It is very very important.

Mammon is the one who also controls the demon of poverty. Poverty is a spirit. They are numerous, uncountable and they torment. They steal your joy. They take away your happiness.

So when the spirit of poverty is released into your life, your happiness is gone, your strength is gone, your joy is gone.

If you're a businessman a businesswoman, please make sure that you always commit your business into the hands of God.

And if you're a child of God don't joke with your tithe. Tithe is very very very important and if you have pledged, make sure you redeem your pledge and make sure you give offerings.

That is the only way that can protect your business and can prevent the demon of Mammon to fight against you, your finances, your businesses, etc.

So please if you are experiencing these symptoms and you are not a child of God, give your life to Jesus. Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and then pray and come against every spirit of poverty from Mammon. You'll be set free in the mighty name of Jesus. Place your faith exclusively in Jesus and what He did for us at the Calvary Cross. The blood of Jesus is wonderful.

So please if you are thinking of doing rituals to get money, please stop. Don't do it, it's demonic, it will destroy you and you'll end up in Hell.

Please don't do it. The real wealth comes from Jesus. In the book of Deuteronomy, He says it’s He alone that gives you the power to make wealth. Nobody can give you the power to make wealth and nobody can make you wealthy. It is a lie, it's fake, don't buy it.

Please don't do it.

In appearance, Mammon is golden and has facial markings like a Yoruba man. Maybe you had a dream that a certain red man who appeared to you and he has facial markings like a Yoruba man, four markings on the left side and four markings on the right side of his face and he is golden.

If you have ever had such a dream then you've been contaminated by this Mammon.

You may say, “But I have never gone to Mammon. I have never done any rituals to get money.”

Probably your family member or your great grandparents or great grandparents or any family member has gone to such a place for money. If he has gone, that means you have been contaminated. So when you've been having such dreams just get up and pray and come against it and clean yourself with the blood of Jesus.

He is golden and has facial marks like a Yoruba man. The marks are four on one cheek and another four on the other cheek.

So that is how Mammon looks like.

Real wealth is for God to give. That is why the Bible says in the book of 1 Corinthians 10:26 For the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.

God gives to His children according to their needs. He desires that they will be comfortable. When it is necessary for a child of God to be wealthy, He gives wealth. Otherwise, He will give you enough to make you enjoy living. The only true wealth comes from Jesus Christ.

Nobody can make you wealthy; it’s a lie, I've worked with wizards and occultists before.

I worked with these demons. It is counterfeit, it is destruction. It would sweep the whole family to hell. It's very dangerous. Please don't joke with this demon. Do not seek wealth outside Jesus. Do not seek wealth outside the Word of God.

If any pastor or prophet or anybody comes to you and says, “I can conjure money. I can give you wealth.” It is a lie. Mammon is responsible for that. Know that as soon as you go for such money you've mortgaged yourself and your entire family to this demon and he will punish them.

Please don't do it. I'm talking about as somebody who has been there before, who has worked with them. I'm not telling you stories. I am born again, filled with the Holy Spirit. My ministry is close to 40 years.

So please do not allow any pastor or prophet to use the money to entice you to come and he will perform magic and money appears. Please it's a lie.

Don't go to anybody who is a money doubler or anybody who says, “Come and bring money, I’ll put it in the box and it will grow.”

It's a lie. It is all part of the ploy to contaminate you and to destroy you and deliver your soul to hell.

Don't do it. The real wealth is for Jesus. I repeat, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He alone can bless you, can make you rich, can prosper you with peace and confidence and at the end of the day, you make heaven.

Please don't do it. If you haven't given your life to Jesus, it is very important that you do. You can't be blessed by God without giving your life to Jesus. Jesus said, “The food we give to children can never be given to dogs.”

If you haven't given your life to Jesus, the opportunity has come.

Say this after me.

Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and I know You come from heaven. You are the Son of God. Today I open my heart and I ask You come into my heart. Be the Lord of my life. I receive You today as my Lord and personal Savior. Fill me, touch me. Today I know that You have come into my heart and I am born again. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

You are born again and look for a very good Bible-believing Church where the Word is being preached and then join them and your life will never be the same. God bless you.

Leviticus 20:6 And the soul that turns after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

Deuteronomy 18:9-14 When you have come into the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you anyone that makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination to the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD your God does drive them out from before you. 13 You shall be perfect with the LORD your God. 14 For these nations, which you shall possess, listened to observers of times, and to diviners: but as for you, the LORD your God has not suffered you so to do.

1 Corinthians 6:10 AKJV Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Ephesians 5:5 AKJV For this you know, that no fornicator, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

Luke 12:15 AKJV And he said to them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.

Psalms 119:36 AKJV Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to covetousness.

Proverbs 28:16 AKJV The prince that wants understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hates covetousness shall prolong his days.

When I was in the occult I wanted knowledge and power. I wanted to rise in level. I was ready to pay the price yet God’s children are unwilling to pay the price in fasting and prayer to rise in level. They want their pastor to pray for them. Since I wanted power I signed another covenant with another water spirit in order to rise in rank.


I agreed to sell him my sperm. Thus I was masturbating and the demon was coming from the sea to collect my sperm to take it beneath the sea. This water spirit was doing ritual and mystical practice with my seed. Then he was coming out of the sea on the surface world looking for pregnant women and he was inserting these sperm in the womb of pregnant women in order to affect the gender and character of the baby. I mean if the woman was pregnant with baby boy the water spirit was causing the baby boy to be feminine. If the woman has a baby girl the water spirit was causing the baby girl to become boyish. These babies would be born with gender disorder in their personality.

Over time I caused young people to masturbate in our quarter and their sperms were collected by this water spirit. I caused ladies to masturbate and their liquid was taken beneath the sea. As a result, the water spirit was rising to the surface to cause babies to have personality and gender disorders. Baby boys were given women feature and baby girls were given male identity.

As I was gravitating level in the spirit world a highly elevated man got me in an Indian sect. When I joined this Indian mystical order I was introduced to an Indian woman. She was actually the queen of the coast of the ocean the Mami Wata. She was the goddess who commands the ocean and the river. The queen of the coast controlled continental territory under the ocean, the ocean, and the river. In truth, the oceans are controlled by the angel of God. There is a God angel that commands the sea. However, the devil has also delegated the queen and goddess of water who is a principality of the sea such as the queen of the coast.

When I got in contact with this Indian woman who was the queen of the sea she gave me the 16th power of the world for I was her sixteenth husband. This cursed lady of the sea is a prostitute for she sleeps with whoever she wants. When we got married beneath the sea she put me in charge of a massive Kingdom underwater where I was ruling over Aquarius civilization and marine spirits. Many mermaids were under my authority for I was the king in that water city. There are countless of queens and goddesses ruling in that section of the ocean and the sea.

In the water world, I saw the goddess Semiramis, a descendant of Noah who signed a pact with Lucifer for immortality. When she died she went to serve the devil under the sea. She is a powerful goddess of the sea controlling water. Later on, I began to work with another powerful queen of the sea who is the wife of the god Mammon the finance minister of Lucifer. Maman Brigitte is the queen of the sea who controlled the demons of poverty under the sea. She is married to Mammon.


I want to talk about my service to one of the wives of Lucifer, the goddess Maya, the queen of the sea. Maya is the Principality in charge of world food. It is when I began to work in the food department of the world of Satan that I came to understand that the devil’s heart and mind are in world food and nutrition. The food department of the world of Satan is governed by this goddess of the sea called Maya. This sea siren is the boss in charge of world food. I was working with this queen of the sea that controlled the world of Satan that deal with world food. The aim and main purpose of this sea kingdom of Satan controlling world food are to weaken God’s children who failed to pray before eating. They failed to give thanks to the Lord before eating food and drink, our powerful weapon that the devil is using in the end of time.

One day she gave me the assignment of working in the markets of our city in order to infest and poison the population through food and nutrient. Actually whenever the government and the local authority wanted to build a market or supermarket in the city, thanks to our intelligence gathering and espionage we knew about their resolution before it goes public and we were sending demons to enter their minds and influence them to select a land that is a residence of a demonic power. There are places in the city that are the seat and throne of demonic power. We wanted them to use demonic land that are haunted and whenever the market and supermarket were built on these land inhabited by unclean spirits. We were placing a net or spiderweb at the gate of every market and supermarket. Brother, the devil has placed guardian demons at the gate of every market of the world.


Today God’s children don't pray when they are about to leave their home in order to go to the market and shops. Many of God's servants fail to pray before going to the market; they failed to ask the Holy Spirit to guide them to buy that which is good. They think they can buy whatever they want in the shopping center and supermarket. They lack discernment and vision, thus they were falling victim. God’s children must learn to pray before going to do shopping so that they will be spared from items that are infested and bewitched. Many servants of God bring home items that contain demons. They bring demons in their homes thanks to items and accessories they buy in the market.

We were mounting net and web in the market to catch people. When you go to the market without the Holy Spirit you will end up buying stuff that contains unclean spirits and bringing them home. As a result, your children will be bewitched. These items attached to demons gave us the legality of landing in your house to cause destruction. You must understand there is competition among sellers in the market. Thus many people and companies that are selling products in the market and shops have signed pact and covenant with demons in order to sell fast and sell more. For a product to become global, the company do rituals to demons for their articles. These products have specific demons inside them. Sellers go to the mystics in order to sell their product fast and these mystics work with demons that possessed, infest and even defecate on these goods. Demons pee and vomit on these goods when people sign pacts in order to sell more.

When I began to work for the sea goddess Maya, quickly we went on to set up and mount infrastructure, installation and logistic of control around the markets. In every market of the world, the devil has sent a butcher selling human meat. When you buy this human meat, you wonder why the meat is tasteless in comparison with real meat. When you eat this human flesh, you come under manipulation and initiation.

I want to reveal to you people of this community sitting in this church there is a Python that transforms himself into a beautiful lady in order to come and sell stuff in your local market. She is extremely beautiful for when she passed people watch her in your local market. This lady Python who is a high-ranked witch has many tables in your market. She is tall and big and she attracts attention in the market. We were selling human blood in the appearance of red oil and when you use their oil, the devil gets the legality over your life. Whenever intercessors prayed and intercede for the market there are positive effects. The angels were coming down to purify it and remove manipulation enchantment and witchcraft. When Christian rest from praying and interceding we were putting back manipulation. When they prayed again angels were coming again to remove spells and enchantments like a circle.


The sea kingdom of the goddess Maya is in demand of women placenta. Since many mothers don't get that placenta after delivery, many hospitals have signed contracts with agents of Satan who buy woman's placenta for various purposes in the world of Satan. They get women placenta from various hospitals and thanks to the combination with formalin they were designing cube meat and animal meat. The Satanic entrepreneurs that designed the cube meat don't use it in their food. They use other natural combinations because they use formalin to soak the woman's placenta inside the cube meat.

The purpose of formalin inside cube meat is to weaken the body and bones of God’s children so that they will be weak and heavy in prayer. Many Christians want to pray and fast and stay in God’s presence. They want to be closer to God but they are unable for they lack spiritual strength. The heaviness and weakness they feel resulted from the various food and items they used on the earth that are infested with demons for these foods and items have been enchanted and bewitched by the enemy.

Thus many satanic business leaders buy women placenta in various hospitals. When you asked for your wife’s placenta after delivery they won't give it to you for they have signed contracts with companies that acquired them. The enemy steals children’s destiny and blessing thanks to the placenta.


In terms of food, I would like to tell you to use red sugar not the white ones that are made thanks to formalin and they give diabetes. I want to tell you to avoid tomato puree for it is made with lady menstrual blood of women. The photo of the lady on the box of Annie tomato is that of a sea siren. The sister of this siren is called Guinness, the name of the popular beer made in Britain.

The Lord said we should not eat the blood of animals because it is their soul. God’s children must avoid animal kidneys of blood for there is condemnation when you eat meat having blood. Whatever agents of Satan are selling in the market are not food. It is outrageous when you learn the reality of what is sold in the markets. When you see a restaurant attracting the crowds don't go there as there is manipulation and when a women cook in public places a Satanist is likely to drop something inside. In the end time, the devil is increasing sugar in children's lollies so that they will fall sick and die. There are children with diabetes because of sugar as these things destroy children or organisms.

Many of the water sold in the street are fluids of the deads. There are waters that we buy in shops that are mixed with human blood but many Christians are failing to pray before using what they buy in shopping. When you drink water mixed with human blood, understand that the soul of the innocent victim is demanding justice against the executioner and since you are using their blood you become his executioner and you become exposed.


If you play the fool with your prayer life, understand that Satanists and water mermaids have prayer lives and they don't play. I used to spend 4 hours in concentration and meditation in order to weaken God’s children. I would spend eight hours in meditation to weaken God’s children. We were praying to the devil but we were serious. There is a plate called 555 blades. When you use that you are under manipulation for the 555 represents a demon who starts his work at midnight. There is a demon on that plate. Today there is no discernment and people fall into manipulation. As a result, there will be heaviness and weakness and his prayer life will die.

Brother whenever a woman of prayer was approaching the gate of the market, the guardian demon of the market was alerting us about the danger that was coming. One day a woman of prayer came to the market to do shopping. There was flaming fire surrounding her and when she was moving I saw a flaming sword moving before her. This means that the guardian angel of the Lord was ready and on the alert for confrontation. We were on the alert when this woman enter the market for her fire was burning the net. When this woman stopped before a desk to ask for the price of chili, I saw flames of fire coming out of her mouth, and demons that were on these foods were scattered running away from the flame that was coming out of her mouth.

This woman was causing damage and demons were running away leaving the goods and food where they were dwelling. On that day many women who came to the market bought good food for demons that were infesting the food were scattered by the flaming fire of this woman of prayer. Many bacteria are a result of demons. When a woman has prayer life it is extremely dangerous for the world of Satan. A woman of prayer seems like raging fire when she walks in the street because everything stopped in the spirit world.

We must understand that markets are controlled by the sirens of world food. Women of God that came in the market also purify the place thanks to God’s presence in them and fire that covers them always scatters the demons and people benefited whenever women of prayer enter the market. But when they left the market, we always came back to bewitch the place again.

One day a friend took me to a company where they were making cigarettes. We went there in spirit and we crossed the wall and we entered the company where they were making cigars. Later we went to the cemetery and took human bones and we replaced the feather with human bones. Another day we went to a company where they were designing beer. I saw that they did incantation and demons came to pee on that liquid and when demons went away these people pee on the liquid that was to be used to make beer. People don't know what they are eating and drinking. I had many agents that were selling food in the market yet the food that they were selling was not food. I want to remind you to pray for what you eat.

NEXT: Oscar 2 A Former Occultic Grand Master Testifies
Do you know any niggas who practice Santeria?
You are 90% right on this one, Although S-tan and G-d (at least the being you consider to be G-d) are the exact same being. The true G-d has not created this fallen realm which is a horror show filled to the brink with blood and suffering of innocent creatures. The s-tan (S A T U R N) has created this demonic place of tornment. But yes Mammon is a righthand assistant of the D-miurge just as pleasure which comes from consuming food (especially meat) is also a powerful control mechanism.
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