Many people have fucked up their jaws and bites from face-pulling

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973
Jun 8, 2019
Many people have fucked up their jaws and bites from face-pulling

not a single result has been seen of any improvement from face-pulling but many with fucked up teeth, gums and TMJ
[Image: nintchdbpict000342848251.jpg]
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227, Deleted member 2846 and maxmendietta
OP claims facepulling fucks you up with no absolutely fucking godlike proof, and the forum advocates facepulling with a device which doesnt touch teeth or pull in weird angles.
IT can fuck you up if you do some dumb shit with your thumbs or with a belt.
If you have a well made device that doesn't tip the teeth and increase the force applied which ease, you should have no problem seeing results.
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Reactions: Alvik, BlackPillChad, GoMadAndSTFU and 5 others
Many people have fucked up their jaws and bites from face-pulling

not a single result has been seen of any improvement from face-pulling but many with fucked up teeth, gums and TMJ
[Image: nintchdbpict000342848251.jpg]
That looks like a shotgun fired on the face at point blank range.
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  • JFL
Reactions: jordanbarrettisgod, Deleted member 275, BigBoy and 5 others
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  • JFL
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Reactions: jordanbarrettisgod, Deleted member 3990, GoMadAndSTFU and 2 others
Many people have fucked up their jaws and bites from face-pulling

not a single result has been seen of any improvement from face-pulling but many with fucked up teeth, gums and TMJ
[Image: nintchdbpict000342848251.jpg]
Looks like Dr. Sinn fell asleep mid surgery again
  • JFL
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Reactions: Darkstrand, subhuman incel, cutecel and 12 others
Copes facePuller shouldn’t give you that result, all the other ones were shitty and fucked your teeth up
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Reactions: Chadelite
Many people have fucked up their jaws and bites from face-pulling

not a single result has been seen of any improvement from face-pulling but many with fucked up teeth, gums and TMJ
[Image: nintchdbpict000342848251.jpg]
That is the aftermath of a wraparound shotgun implant
  • JFL
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Reactions: jordanbarrettisgod, BigBoy, Patient A and 4 others
OP claims facepulling fucks you up with no absolutely fucking godlike proof, and the forum advocates facepulling with a device which doesnt touch teeth or pull in weird angles.
IT can fuck you up if you do some dumb shit with your thumbs or with a belt.
If you have a well made device that doesn't tip the teeth and increase the force applied which ease, you should have no problem seeing results.

the irony. which proof do have facepullers? and why no serious doctor is recommending it
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Reactions: BigBoy and Deleted member 1973
i have literally never seen photo evidence that anyone on here even uses a facepuller
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Reactions: BigBoy, DianabolDownie and Deleted member 2846
Is this actually true? I am seriously making facepuller with 280kg/2745N force, i don't want to end up killing myself, but idea is pretty great. WHY TF everything has to be restricted
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 2846, maxmendietta, Steph4gr and 2 others
I agree. Facepulling is low IQ as it gets.

if you want to do it GO TO LEGIT ORTHO

if you don't have money, SAVE
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
Good bait faggot
Stfu you shitskin whore son of a 12 toothed Indian prostitute
lol graycel kys
I'm not even Indian.

You failed miserably, jfl.

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