Masculinity is just a pathetic normie cope



Jan 2, 2019
Masculinity = Thinking you are better than you actually are while annoying everybody.

Women like muscular and well built men but that is merely the byproduct of appearance. They don't actually give a shit if the man acts alpha as long as he isn't a soyboy cuck and even then it would still probably not matter. Every single dude I have met in real life that I would consider "alpha" in behavior has been an unlikable asshole that wasn't any more popular with the girls than anybody else and was also often disliked by other normies.

My father is a perfect example. He is easily the most arrogant and temperamental man I have ever met (a borderline manchild) safe for this one other asshole (whom was just a straight up sociopath) and probably has a low IQ ngl because of how stupid he can be. He would count as an alpha husband by most redpill standards because how arrogant and controlling he can be. He is even tall and fairly well built (though he doesn't have the mesomorph look, he is actually closer to endo). His face at the height of his youth was about 5.5/10. Did this get him a good woman? No. He married my mother whom is 3/10 and has shit body proportions. Thanks to my mother crappy DNA literally every single person in my family except my dead looks like shit. There is literally nobody in the entire family except father whom isn't below average looking. Mother is a 3, sister is a 3, brother is a 3 (he is an even bigger incel than me btw). And then there is me whom got "lucky" and is probably only a 4 because of tall height.

Granted, my parents marriage has lasted decades which isn't typical in this day and age (though they almost divorced at one point because my mother was tired of my father's temper tantrums), but I would argue that's merely because my mother's shitty looks and age coupled with heir total lack of any alternative earning opportunities (she makes money off father and collects welfare) means she has nowhere else to go anyway. In fact this is probably the only reason she changed her mind about the divorce.

Just lol if you think "being alpha" means jackshit. It means nothing. Looks = Everything.
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wasn’t gonna read but then i saw
8F8361E0 F4BA 4711 AED9 8AB100B6AE76


and read on
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your face dictates your 'presence' and 'alpha status', not the robotic, stern and rage filled tantrums you throw over other people for pussy or objects. your sizeable chin demands respect from your fellow coworkers, not your autistic hand movements, your eyes lure women into getting in bed, not your assertive and/or angry behavior, your jaw gets you that promotion, not standing up to your boss and risking to get sent out. a man is not truly a 'man' till he has these, and a couple of more, he is yet a boy stuck in time, waiting to grow and lurking in the shadows
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the so-called "redpill" is just an alternative bluepill that is even dumber than the mainstream blue pill.
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Whoa nigga did u really expect me to read all that shit by u?
the so-called "redpill" is just an alternative bluepill that is even dumber than the mainstream blue pill.
Nah i think the redpill is better than the bluepill because they acknowledge that you should better yourself and not use “muh personality” as a crutch
Nah i think the redpill is better than the bluepill because they acknowledge that you should better yourself and not use “muh personality” as a crutch

There isn't really such a thing as betterment. All of your important qualities are set in stone at birth. This is why the redpill is just bluepill 2.0.
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Masculinity = Thinking you are better than you actually are while annoying everybody.

Women like muscular and well built men but that is merely the byproduct of appearance. They don't actually give a shit if the man acts alpha as long as he isn't a soyboy cuck and even then it would still probably not matter. Every single dude I have met in real life that I would consider "alpha" in behavior has been an unlikable asshole that wasn't any more popular with the girls than anybody else and was also often disliked by other normies.

My father is a perfect example. He is easily the most arrogant and temperamental man I have ever met (a borderline manchild) safe for this one other asshole (whom was just a straight up sociopath) and probably has a low IQ ngl because of how stupid he can be. He would count as an alpha husband by most redpill standards because how arrogant and controlling he can be. He is even tall and fairly well built (though he doesn't have the mesomorph look, he is actually closer to endo). His face at the height of his youth was about 5.5/10. Did this get him a good woman? No. He married my mother whom is 3/10 and has shit body proportions. Thanks to my mother crappy DNA literally every single person in my family except my dead looks like shit. There is literally nobody in the entire family except father whom isn't below average looking. Mother is a 3, sister is a 3, brother is a 3 (he is an even bigger incel than me btw). And then there is me whom got "lucky" and is probably only a 4 because of tall height.

Granted, my parents marriage has lasted decades which isn't typical in this day and age (though they almost divorced at one point because my mother was tired of my father's temper tantrums), but I would argue that's merely because my mother's shitty looks and age coupled with heir total lack of any alternative earning opportunities (she makes money off father and collects welfare) means she has nowhere else to go anyway. In fact this is probably the only reason she changed her mind about the divorce.

Just lol if you think "being alpha" means jackshit. It means nothing. Looks = Everything.

It's looks mainly this masculinity femininty bullshit is cope if you don't look nordic it literally never began
I agree with you, masculinity is probably a cope. I don't have any good way to expand on the arguement though.
Nah i think the redpill is better than the bluepill because they acknowledge that you should better yourself and not use “muh personality” as a crutch
redpillers act like entitled babies. they are just normie incels.
redpillers are like females who drink wine and read harry potter. the male equivilent is going snowboarding and listening to joe rogan podcast. Not that I dislike joe rogan or harry potter that much, but nonetheless very basic and talentless interests.
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Yeah bro that's why I'm wearing skinny jeans idgaf
Masculinity is about being in charge.
titlte should've been "alpha = cope" cuz masculinity=looks

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