MATH MAXING 📏📝 - Get knowledgeable about Mathematics, Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry... ETC. [Extremely High IQ]



Living like there's no tomorrow
May 16, 2019

~ Whether you need it for mechanical engineering, for statistics, calculations, civil engineering or AI and electronics... This is the best literature that i found on the Internet regarding mathematics. This has just about everything you need in the domain of mathematics and it's also more better way to learn each subject. Since i got this link from @FraudingIQ, i decided to try KhanAcademy and i learned calculus pretty quickly no bs. ~


So if you want to learn math quicker without too much struggle, first we should address the discipline and willpower part and then the problem solving part which may actually take some effort, but in my opinion - it would be worth the effort. Because you can use your intelligence as a substitute for looks/power if you practically apply it.

1) Discipline, productivity

For the most part, the lack of discipline comes from lack of dopamine receptor stimulation, so:
1) Low dose amphetamine could help - the dopaminergic drug like amphetamine i've noticed actually there's a problem with raising an amphetamine dose is that the higher you raise the amphetamine dose the more adrenaline you get and less dopamine sort of effects so a lower dose of like five milligrams of dextromphetamine is probably ideal to get the most dopaminergic effect but sometimes you get the dopaminergic effect but you actually want to be stimulated also but you don't want to abuse the amphetamine and you don't want to abuse your dopamine receptors you don't want them to down regulate so you got your dopamine.

2) Modafinil and wakefulness - So since you want to be awake sometimes it's really useful to add modafinil on top to your mathmaxing/IQ maxing stack. On top of that i've noticed recently that modafinil and amphetamine goes very well together because you're not abusing that dopamine receptor; modafinil tends to work thought it's still a little bit of a mystery but mainly like far off through norepinephrine it has some dopaminergic effect but it's not so direct.

Adrafinil (Replacement for modafinil)- There has been some claims that it's liver toxic because it's a pro drug that is broken down in the liver and i thought it had some inherent hepatotoxicity if i remember correctly... i've just been experimenting very short term like three or four times but i've been using adrafinil which is shorter acting than modafinil. i don't know why would it be more liver toxic than modafinil? i just don't have modafinil on hand and it's longer acting i would like to have a prescription adrafinil because i want a shorter i don't want a longer acting so the elimination half-life is only five hours.
- But if it's metabolite is modafinil then that would just be the equivalent of taking a much lower dose of modafinil. it's a pro drug modafinil, that's how it works and that's how it's the the loophole to sell it legally online which really isn't like the half-life isn't as short as an hour it feels like six hours but either way it is really useful in addition to the amphetamine it's quiet it's great it's much smoother less stimulatory and you can still get that dopamine effect.
3) Modafinil + adderall - I know several people who combined low dose with modafinil and low dose with adderall (or a low dose ritalin) and then get an overlapping effect and apparently it enhances dopaminergic effect, so what i did is i combined 50 milligrams of modafinil now that i want appetite suppression with a low dose of robulsine which also has some certain serotonergic effects. So you have a little bit of an overlap and now you're in a good mood and you get an appetite suppression but you also stay productive.
4) Ketogenic diet & fasting - Right when i eat anything with carbohydrates in it my mental clarity and ability to lock in on what i'm doing is like 50% of what it is prior to that so my intermittent fasting window or just a ketogenic diet, it is critical for my productivity so if i can drag that out longer with less hunger pangs during that time you know that's a huge thing for not only just being able to get leaner with greater ease but in addition to that side effects make way more fucking money and get way more done you know because for me like when i even think about my brain when i'm working after i've ate i'm like this is a fraction of what i should be working at right now and it like actually annoys me when i have to eat my first meal because i'm about to drop my iq by like however many points like right when i eat my first meal. Once i started to basically really try to use my brain i realized that if i ate in the daytime that's it something happened to my brain where it didn't work afterwards and in my brain was like sort of like lazy and slow and not rigorous and you're just in a fog for the rest of the day it feels like, and that's why i've highly considered part of me doing this bulk was partially to acclimate myself to higher calories so i could switch to a keto diet and tolerate it without feeling like i am not satiated because i tried the keto diet at like 2600 2700 calories and trying to keto adapt when i was in a deficit. Impossible. I was like this at this point it's trying to be satisfied off this diet when i'm eating avocados and shit that is super calorie dense.. impossible dude, so for me i've been trying to like slowly titrate my calories up so now i can hopefully switch from a carb dense diet to a keto one to go full productivity mode probably increase my intermittent fasting window to something like 18/6 or maybe 16/8 ideally and then actually get like a ton of work done eat for like the last four hours of the day maybe or something and not be hungry for that full window with the glp maybe and not have to abuse stems in order to stay you know appetite free during that time frame it could be like a very potent combination of a bunch of things that compounds for just maximum mental sharpness.
Intermittent fasting 18 6 768x432
250481 IntermittentFasting body 1296x728 16 8
Should be done in moderation. Many studies show this increases chronic cortisol levels, raises free fatty acids, increases insulin resistance and contributes to death of pancreatic beta cells due to releasing too many PUFA FFAs.
Fasting quite possibly a reset tool for various liver and immune issues, but for the most part it's a pretty caustic process on you body.
Ever notice at the 12hr fast mark you lose your appetite? That's your cortisol up regulating and subsequently sending you into ketosis. Keep that sort of regiment up and you'll develop peripheral insulin resistacne.
Speaking of which, let's discuss about how ketogenic diet reduces brainfog:
- So for me the more carbohydrate rich my diet is which means the more hemos baba ganoush which are two sauces that i add to my salads eggplant based and chickpea based the more of those that i add to my salads and the more um the more fruits i eat at night which means berries or cranberries or raspberries or blueberries exclusively the more of those i eat the less obviously clear my thinking is. In my case, i have to make a you know i always try to make a choice then between my my health and my actual clarity of thinking but i wanted to discuss briefly how the ketogenic diet may make your clear thinking clear.
So oxidative stress in the brain and inflammation neuroinflammation actually causes that fog that brain fog (@BalkanPig gtfih), so the ketogenic diet 1) improves the efficiency of the mitochondrial respiratory chain thereby reducing free radicals in the brain so it actually reduces oxidative stress in the brain also 2) ketogenic diets are consistently shown to increase glutathione synthesis and glutathione peroxidase synthesis so overall i think the main impact on the brain fog is the reduction of oxidative stress which is why in my mornings by the way before i work i not only take cholinergic things (Separate thread incoming) but i take free radical scavengers every morning and i notice it has an impact on the clarity of my thinking. The second thing i wanted to mention about the the clarity of thinking is that it does is improve the metabolism of the brain, so ketones are more efficient at providing the brain with energy, that's one thing and they also improve the mitochondrial respiration by increasing ATP synthesis so basically and that's why you think for that's why ketogenic diets are so much associated with preservation of function in neurodegenerative disease, because a lot of that has to do with metabolic function and oxidative stress both causing damage in the brain in the long term so ketogenic diets like when people have anxiety issues, i will always have a section like i write about how ketogenic diets may help them and that they have to make a choice between getting the phytochemicals that they want all the time and having that clarity of thinking and preservation of uh nervous system.
Personally, i think it's also a switch from where you get a high glucose concentrations in the brain and then it can be especially when you do this during a ketogenic diet where first you're working on ketones and then you're switching to glucose which is in most cases preferred you're sending a little bit of a weird signal to your brain so that's why i would always avoid any kind of carbohydrate until in the evening and that i would use carbohydrates to turn the brain off and get a little bit of a serotonin and melatonin response. Insulin causes that major effect that insulin moves things out of your bloodstream that are being used for your brain:
Video which cannot be uploaded:
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So insulin just shoves shuttles out a lot of things out of your bloodstream so you immediately get an effect from the insulin storing everything. Blueberries increase neurotrophic effects in the brain acutely like if you take a bowl of blueberries the night before you have more neurogenesis the next day which is why they're so associated with brain health. Neurogenesis produces brain fog so it's not just oxidative stress, neurogenesis too. so if you go and take a high dose SSRI seven months down the line when your neurogenesis is high it doesn't happen immediately you'll start to notice that if you go on a high dose you'll get brain fog you'll feel great but you'll get brain fog that's the neurogenesis. If you take cerebral lysin from cosmic nootropic by the way but if you take cosmic nootropic, if you take it three times a week one milliliter before bed you won't notice much but if you start taking it every night before bed you'll start to notice brain fog in the morning so it also happens from neurogenesis.
But let's go through a couple of more interesting aspects of why the ketogenic diet or why why the ketogenic diet or why fasting in general may improve your concentration in the daytime so one thing is that the ketogenic diet was created originally by johns hopkins universities for the treatment of epileptics, epileptics are people who have seizures thought to be either due to too much glutamate activity which is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the nervous system or too little gabaergic activity too little inhibition so it's been shown that the ketogenic diet increases gabaergic activity, it increases gabaergic activity in the brain in rodents it increases GABA A receptor activity which is the target of benzodiazepines it also decreases the amount of glutamate put into glutamate vesicles. So there is a decreases in the amount of vesicular glutamate transporter the amount that the vesicular glutamate transporter can fill presynaptic vesicles with glutamate so it decreases the excitatory effects in the brain so basically from just from now the ketogenic diet inhibits your brain a little bit lessening that overall just excitement in general allowing you to a little bit be better able to focus now on some other uh neurotransmitters it's been shown for example that if you give if you take the adenosine receptors out of rodents the anticonvulsant effect of the ketogenic diet disappears so it has some effect on adenosine like when you take caffeine in the morning you might shake because you're blocking your adenosine receptors so it has some effect on adenosine also it also obviously has the antioxidant effect which plays a role and then it also has an effect on ghrelin for example ghrelin has both both attenuates anxiety and can increase amygdala dependent anxiety in the body the ketogenic diet in general should decrease ghrelin now obviously when you're fasting in the morning you may have higher ghrelin so this is not impactful but decreasing ghrelin may decrease the amount of anxiety that people have this is not totally confirmed because there are multiple effects of ghrelin basically insinuating that mk677 has a link to anxiety.
So that's one element, and then the other thing is for example heavy carbohydrate meals give you more norepinephrine, serum norepinephrine levels than heavy protein meals or heavy fat meals so in general on a ketogenic diet one would assume you would have slightly lower norepinephrine noradrenaline levels so all of these things put you sort of at a less anxious state than with clearer thinking. I thought i would briefly describe. For exercise performance keto is not the best thing but fortunately for cognition and productivity it's probably the best diet you can follow.

The other two (Willpower & IQ'maxing)deserves a specific thread.
Because i don't want to make this one over-complicated and long. There is so much to be said, let's just keep these separated.


Can't tag, non-tagged people will be mad and i care not to forget someone.
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Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, Deleted member 23558, itsherlossNVM and 64 others
@Grimba This is how you make a high IQ thread.

@realklay11 @BalkanPig @Xen @Lihito @Dr Shekelberg @Kingkellz @RoundHouse @JL~ @yolojetrollo @54UD4D3 @Acnno @FraudingIQ @Chad1212 @IncelWithNoLuck @TsarTsar444... Come to learn math broskis
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Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, nigkook, Deleted member 11126 and 17 others
would have done shit on many math finals if it wasn't for adderall + symbolab, desmos, & wolfram alpha
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  • JFL
Reactions: moggster, vyirus, odux and 10 others
@Pietrosiek @Bewusst @Giourdani @john2 @LondonVillie @rightfulcel come to learn math buddy boyos

Can confirm this is legit. would have done shit on many math finals if it wasn't for adderall + symbolab, desmos, & wolfram alpha
There is so much to be added into this guide which i haven't updated yet
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  • JFL
Reactions: vyirus, Yerico7, Selinity and 7 others
will read sometime prob

mirin effort
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Reactions: Lihito and Chintuck22
will read sometime prob

mirin effort
Thx dude, you said that you used amphetamine so this guide may help you with cognition and performance
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Reactions: Deleted member 2968, and Deleted member 5818
Thx dude, you said that you used amphetamine so this guide may help you with cognition and performance
raped dopamine receptors me
  • +1
Reactions: Yerico7, and Chintuck22
@Grimba This is how you make a high IQ thread.
This guide is ok but it doesn't cover much and what it does cover doesn't specifically relate to math.

I actually already made a guide specific to math:

The typical progression is:
Algebra 1-> Geometry -> Algebra 2 -> Trigonometry -> Precalculus -> Calculus (There is like 4 types of calculus)

As far as learning it goes what you should do is make an account on kahn academy: ( and slowly progress through everything. Your learning progression should go something like:

Watch the kahn academy video -> Write down the example problem and make sure you understand it COMPLETLEY. Convert that idea into an image and put it in a memory palace ( -> Solve some practice problems related to the topic

You should think of every topic in math as a tool you can use to solve problems so it's important to understand how to use your tools, know where to find your tools (memorize them), and become proficient at using your tools.

When you inevitably come across a problem you don't understand then simplify that problem down as much as possible and figure out the exact piece of the problem you aren't understanding and hopefully everything will become clear (if it doesn't then just watch a different tutorial on the topic

Also if you want to go even farther you can do this:
-Make a P.A.O system and make an account on memory league and practice until you can memorize 60-80 digits a minute
  • +1
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Reactions: moggster, AlphaLooksmaxxer666, Danish_Retard and 5 others
just practice and watch YouTube videos if you dont understand a topic

wtf is this overdone gay shit
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  • JFL
Reactions: falcon1, karbo, PubertyMaxxer and 11 others
This guide is ok but it doesn't cover much and what it does cover doesn't specifically relate to math.

I actually already made a guide specific to math:

The typical progression is:
Algebra 1-> Geometry -> Algebra 2 -> Trigonometry -> Precalculus -> Calculus (There is like 4 types of calculus)

As far as learning it goes what you should do is make an account on kahn academy: ( and slowly progress through everything. Your learning progression should go something like:

Watch the kahn academy video -> Write down the example problem and make sure you understand it COMPLETLEY. Convert that idea into an image and put it in a memory palace ( -> Solve some practice problems related to the topic

You should think of every topic in math as a tool you can use to solve problems so it's important to understand how to use your tools, know where to find your tools (memorize them), and become proficient at using your tools.

When you inevitably come across a problem you don't understand then simplify that problem down as much as possible and figure out the exact piece of the problem you aren't understanding and hopefully everything will become clear (if it doesn't then just watch a different tutorial on the topic

Also if you want to go even farther you can do this:
-Make a P.A.O system and make an account on memory league and practice until you can memorize 60-80 digits a minute
I love you dude, you're genuinely amazing. I love how you still address the things even if there is nothing much to be added, i was refering to the biochemistry part in which i told you to learn about

wtf is this overdone gay shit
"Overdone" JFL this is all you need, over for your brain if you cannot comprehend it. Also stop spamming since this is success and you're only humiliating yourself, not me or my thread. I'm more valuable user in the terms of knowledge than you are so it's better to keep your mouth shut.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: moggster, Harry from mogwarts, Deleted member 2968 and 2 others
"Overdone" JFL this is all you need, over for your brain if you cannot comprehend it. Also stop spamming since this is success and you're only humiliating yourself, not me or my thread. I'm more valuable user in the terms of knowledge than you are so it's better to keep your mouth shut.
you are literally the dumbest fucker that was born on this planet, thinking he is high iq and shit after making water is wet tier thread with overdone complication of such a simple topic as math. If you can't even understand this I dont know what to say.

Your only accomplishment is statusmaxxing on an incel forum, nothing of the information your posted is original or particularly valuable.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Harry from mogwarts, Deleted member 4106, Yerico7 and 3 others
I love you dude, you're genuinely amazing. I love how you still address the things even if there is nothing much to be added, i was refering to the biochemistry part in which i told you to learn about
You do understand that my post is significantly more useful then this thread you made right?

Your thread consist of a bunch links and biochemistry knowledge which less than 50 people will actually read and among those less then 10 will actually try.

While my post consist of 1. A website were you can learn math 2. The learning progression you should follow to learn math and 3. Re frames your understanding of math and reiterates the importance of understanding each concept.

You can argue that your thread has more "High IQ" information but in terms of practicality mine is far far better.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4106, Danish_Retard and 6’1cel
you are literally the dumbest fucker that was born on this planet, thinking he is high iq and shit after making water is wet tier thread with overdone complication of such a simple topic as math. If you can't even understand this I dont know what to say.

Your only accomplishment is statusmaxxing on an incel forum, nothing of the information your posted is original or particularly valuable.
Nope, you are only jealous, and i've addressed your bullshit. I am more proud of myself cause i spended my time here helping other people WHILE YOU DID THE OPPOSITE.

Wow nice ad-homineming me, such a job every fucking retard could do, i am clearly stuck a nerve on this one, did i

Now pls stop spamming because you're failing horribly and humiliating yourself. Unless you don't want to pump my thread into thousand replies (which is my goal), then get outta my cock you recessed asian subhuman.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: 6’1cel, Deleted member 2968 and
You can argue that your thread has more "High IQ" information but in terms of practicality mine is far far better.
Anyways, i was just posting a fucking thread. I told you again to learn biochemistry and this will be my last time to tell you. I was not comparing my thread to yours.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: moggster, 6’1cel, Deleted member 2968 and 1 other person
Nope, you are only jealous, and i've addressed your bullshit. I am more proud of myself cause i spended my time here helping other people WHILE YOU DID THE OPPOSITE.
you didnt address nothing you schizo faggot, stop making things up.

Now pls stop spamming because you're failing horribly and humiliating yourself. Unless you don't want to pump my thread into thousand replies (which is my goal), then get outta my cock you recessed asian subhuman.

There's no need for you to keep repeating yourself. I ignored you just fine the first time.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Fuck this
  • JFL
Reactions: Emerson
I ignored you just fine the first time.
Say it louder, say it

You're jealous, i said that and i was fucking right

Why would you make fun of me on a explicit high IQ thread for reacts, you've only made yourself sound stupid and your every under-statement is dumb as fuck just like you are, "muh overcomplicated", no bitch you're only dumb. This thread has been proven to work and can be practical regardless of what Grimba says, you both just couldn't comprehend something new cause you're fucking retarded.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2968, and Deleted member 11748
Send calculus help
  • JFL
Reactions: Pumanator
Math is fun but i wouldnt want to practice it outside school.

its not creatively stimulating
  • +1
Reactions: Maalik, 6’1cel, Yerico7 and 2 others

~ Whether you need it for mechanical engineering, for statistics, calculations, civil engineering or AI and electronics... This is the best literature that i found on the Internet regarding mathematics. This has just about everything you need in the domain of mathematics and it's also more better way to learn each subject. Since i got this link from @FraudingIQ, i decided to try KhanAcademy and i learned calculus pretty quickly no bs. ~


So if you want to learn math quicker without too much struggle, first we should address the discipline and willpower part and then the problem solving part which may actually take some effort, but in my opinion - it would be worth the effort. Because you can use your intelligence as a substitute for looks/power if you practically apply it.

1) Discipline, productivity

For the most part, the lack of discipline comes from lack of dopamine receptor stimulation, so:
1) Low dose amphetamine could help - the dopaminergic drug like amphetamine i've noticed actually there's a problem with raising an amphetamine dose is that the higher you raise the amphetamine dose the more adrenaline you get and less dopamine sort of effects so a lower dose of like five milligrams of dextromphetamine is probably ideal to get the most dopaminergic effect but sometimes you get the dopaminergic effect but you actually want to be stimulated also but you don't want to abuse the amphetamine and you don't want to abuse your dopamine receptors you don't want them to down regulate so you got your dopamine.

2) Modafinil and wakefulness - So since you want to be awake sometimes it's really useful to add modafinil on top to your mathmaxing/IQ maxing stack. On top of that i've noticed recently that modafinil and amphetamine goes very well together because you're not abusing that dopamine receptor; modafinil tends to work thought it's still a little bit of a mystery but mainly like far off through norepinephrine it has some dopaminergic effect but it's not so direct.

Adrafinil (Replacement for modafinil)- There has been some claims that it's liver toxic because it's a pro drug that is broken down in the liver and i thought it had some inherent hepatotoxicity if i remember correctly... i've just been experimenting very short term like three or four times but i've been using adrafinil which is shorter acting than modafinil. i don't know why would it be more liver toxic than modafinil? i just don't have modafinil on hand and it's longer acting i would like to have a prescription adrafinil because i want a shorter i don't want a longer acting so the elimination half-life is only five hours.
- But if it's metabolite is modafinil then that would just be the equivalent of taking a much lower dose of modafinil. it's a pro drug modafinil, that's how it works and that's how it's the the loophole to sell it legally online which really isn't like the half-life isn't as short as an hour it feels like six hours but either way it is really useful in addition to the amphetamine it's quiet it's great it's much smoother less stimulatory and you can still get that dopamine effect.
3) Modafinil + adderall - I know several people who combined low dose with modafinil and low dose with adderall (or a low dose ritalin) and then get an overlapping effect and apparently it enhances dopaminergic effect, so what i did is i combined 50 milligrams of modafinil now that i want appetite suppression with a low dose of robulsine which also has some certain serotonergic effects. So you have a little bit of an overlap and now you're in a good mood and you get an appetite suppression but you also stay productive.
4) Ketogenic diet & fasting - Right when i eat anything with carbohydrates in it my mental clarity and ability to lock in on what i'm doing is like 50% of what it is prior to that so my intermittent fasting window or just a ketogenic diet, it is critical for my productivity so if i can drag that out longer with less hunger pangs during that time you know that's a huge thing for not only just being able to get leaner with greater ease but in addition to that side effects make way more fucking money and get way more done you know because for me like when i even think about my brain when i'm working after i've ate i'm like this is a fraction of what i should be working at right now and it like actually annoys me when i have to eat my first meal because i'm about to drop my iq by like however many points like right when i eat my first meal. Once i started to basically really try to use my brain i realized that if i ate in the daytime that's it something happened to my brain where it didn't work afterwards and in my brain was like sort of like lazy and slow and not rigorous and you're just in a fog for the rest of the day it feels like, and that's why i've highly considered part of me doing this bulk was partially to acclimate myself to higher calories so i could switch to a keto diet and tolerate it without feeling like i am not satiated because i tried the keto diet at like 2600 2700 calories and trying to keto adapt when i was in a deficit. Impossible. I was like this at this point it's trying to be satisfied off this diet when i'm eating avocados and shit that is super calorie dense.. impossible dude, so for me i've been trying to like slowly titrate my calories up so now i can hopefully switch from a carb dense diet to a keto one to go full productivity mode probably increase my intermittent fasting window to something like 18/6 or maybe 16/8 ideally and then actually get like a ton of work done eat for like the last four hours of the day maybe or something and not be hungry for that full window with the glp maybe and not have to abuse stems in order to stay you know appetite free during that time frame it could be like a very potent combination of a bunch of things that compounds for just maximum mental sharpness.
Should be done in moderation. Many studies show this increases chronic cortisol levels, raises free fatty acids, increases insulin resistance and contributes to death of pancreatic beta cells due to releasing too many PUFA FFAs.
Fasting quite possibly a reset tool for various liver and immune issues, but for the most part it's a pretty caustic process on you body.
Ever notice at the 12hr fast mark you lose your appetite? That's your cortisol up regulating and subsequently sending you into ketosis. Keep that sort of regiment up and you'll develop peripheral insulin resistacne.
Speaking of which, let's discuss about how ketogenic diet reduces brainfog:
- So for me the more carbohydrate rich my diet is which means the more hemos baba ganoush which are two sauces that i add to my salads eggplant based and chickpea based the more of those that i add to my salads and the more um the more fruits i eat at night which means berries or cranberries or raspberries or blueberries exclusively the more of those i eat the less obviously clear my thinking is. In my case, i have to make a you know i always try to make a choice then between my my health and my actual clarity of thinking but i wanted to discuss briefly how the ketogenic diet may make your clear thinking clear.
So oxidative stress in the brain and inflammation neuroinflammation actually causes that fog that brain fog (@BalkanPig gtfih), so the ketogenic diet 1) improves the efficiency of the mitochondrial respiratory chain thereby reducing free radicals in the brain so it actually reduces oxidative stress in the brain also 2) ketogenic diets are consistently shown to increase glutathione synthesis and glutathione peroxidase synthesis so overall i think the main impact on the brain fog is the reduction of oxidative stress which is why in my mornings by the way before i work i not only take cholinergic things (Separate thread incoming) but i take free radical scavengers every morning and i notice it has an impact on the clarity of my thinking. The second thing i wanted to mention about the the clarity of thinking is that it does is improve the metabolism of the brain, so ketones are more efficient at providing the brain with energy, that's one thing and they also improve the mitochondrial respiration by increasing ATP synthesis so basically and that's why you think for that's why ketogenic diets are so much associated with preservation of function in neurodegenerative disease, because a lot of that has to do with metabolic function and oxidative stress both causing damage in the brain in the long term so ketogenic diets like when people have anxiety issues, i will always have a section like i write about how ketogenic diets may help them and that they have to make a choice between getting the phytochemicals that they want all the time and having that clarity of thinking and preservation of uh nervous system.
Personally, i think it's also a switch from where you get a high glucose concentrations in the brain and then it can be especially when you do this during a ketogenic diet where first you're working on ketones and then you're switching to glucose which is in most cases preferred you're sending a little bit of a weird signal to your brain so that's why i would always avoid any kind of carbohydrate until in the evening and that i would use carbohydrates to turn the brain off and get a little bit of a serotonin and melatonin response. Insulin causes that major effect that insulin moves things out of your bloodstream that are being used for your brain:
Video which cannot be uploaded:
So insulin just shoves shuttles out a lot of things out of your bloodstream so you immediately get an effect from the insulin storing everything. Blueberries increase neurotrophic effects in the brain acutely like if you take a bowl of blueberries the night before you have more neurogenesis the next day which is why they're so associated with brain health. Neurogenesis produces brain fog so it's not just oxidative stress, neurogenesis too. so if you go and take a high dose SSRI seven months down the line when your neurogenesis is high it doesn't happen immediately you'll start to notice that if you go on a high dose you'll get brain fog you'll feel great but you'll get brain fog that's the neurogenesis. If you take cerebral lysin from cosmic nootropic by the way but if you take cosmic nootropic, if you take it three times a week one milliliter before bed you won't notice much but if you start taking it every night before bed you'll start to notice brain fog in the morning so it also happens from neurogenesis.
But let's go through a couple of more interesting aspects of why the ketogenic diet or why why the ketogenic diet or why fasting in general may improve your concentration in the daytime so one thing is that the ketogenic diet was created originally by johns hopkins universities for the treatment of epileptics, epileptics are people who have seizures thought to be either due to too much glutamate activity which is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the nervous system or too little gabaergic activity too little inhibition so it's been shown that the ketogenic diet increases gabaergic activity, it increases gabaergic activity in the brain in rodents it increases GABA A receptor activity which is the target of benzodiazepines it also decreases the amount of glutamate put into glutamate vesicles. So there is a decreases in the amount of vesicular glutamate transporter the amount that the vesicular glutamate transporter can fill presynaptic vesicles with glutamate so it decreases the excitatory effects in the brain so basically from just from now the ketogenic diet inhibits your brain a little bit lessening that overall just excitement in general allowing you to a little bit be better able to focus now on some other uh neurotransmitters it's been shown for example that if you give if you take the adenosine receptors out of rodents the anticonvulsant effect of the ketogenic diet disappears so it has some effect on adenosine like when you take caffeine in the morning you might shake because you're blocking your adenosine receptors so it has some effect on adenosine also it also obviously has the antioxidant effect which plays a role and then it also has an effect on ghrelin for example ghrelin has both both attenuates anxiety and can increase amygdala dependent anxiety in the body the ketogenic diet in general should decrease ghrelin now obviously when you're fasting in the morning you may have higher ghrelin so this is not impactful but decreasing ghrelin may decrease the amount of anxiety that people have this is not totally confirmed because there are multiple effects of ghrelin basically insinuating that mk677 has a link to anxiety.
So that's one element, and then the other thing is for example heavy carbohydrate meals give you more norepinephrine, serum norepinephrine levels than heavy protein meals or heavy fat meals so in general on a ketogenic diet one would assume you would have slightly lower norepinephrine noradrenaline levels so all of these things put you sort of at a less anxious state than with clearer thinking. I thought i would briefly describe. For exercise performance keto is not the best thing but fortunately for cognition and productivity it's probably the best diet you can follow.

The other two (Willpower & IQ'maxing)deserves a specific thread.
Because i don't want to make this one over-complicated and long. There is so much to be said, let's just keep these separated.


Can't tag, non-tagged people will be mad and i care not to forget someone.

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Thanks dude! I forgot to tag you, i always forget to tag the bros so that's why i never tag in the threads
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~ Whether you need it for mechanical engineering, for statistics, calculations, civil engineering or AI and electronics... This is the best literature that i found on the Internet regarding mathematics. This has just about everything you need in the domain of mathematics and it's also more better way to learn each subject. Since i got this link from @FraudingIQ, i decided to try KhanAcademy and i learned calculus pretty quickly no bs. ~


So if you want to learn math quicker without too much struggle, first we should address the discipline and willpower part and then the problem solving part which may actually take some effort, but in my opinion - it would be worth the effort. Because you can use your intelligence as a substitute for looks/power if you practically apply it.

1) Discipline, productivity

For the most part, the lack of discipline comes from lack of dopamine receptor stimulation, so:
1) Low dose amphetamine could help - the dopaminergic drug like amphetamine i've noticed actually there's a problem with raising an amphetamine dose is that the higher you raise the amphetamine dose the more adrenaline you get and less dopamine sort of effects so a lower dose of like five milligrams of dextromphetamine is probably ideal to get the most dopaminergic effect but sometimes you get the dopaminergic effect but you actually want to be stimulated also but you don't want to abuse the amphetamine and you don't want to abuse your dopamine receptors you don't want them to down regulate so you got your dopamine.

2) Modafinil and wakefulness - So since you want to be awake sometimes it's really useful to add modafinil on top to your mathmaxing/IQ maxing stack. On top of that i've noticed recently that modafinil and amphetamine goes very well together because you're not abusing that dopamine receptor; modafinil tends to work thought it's still a little bit of a mystery but mainly like far off through norepinephrine it has some dopaminergic effect but it's not so direct.

Adrafinil (Replacement for modafinil)- There has been some claims that it's liver toxic because it's a pro drug that is broken down in the liver and i thought it had some inherent hepatotoxicity if i remember correctly... i've just been experimenting very short term like three or four times but i've been using adrafinil which is shorter acting than modafinil. i don't know why would it be more liver toxic than modafinil? i just don't have modafinil on hand and it's longer acting i would like to have a prescription adrafinil because i want a shorter i don't want a longer acting so the elimination half-life is only five hours.
- But if it's metabolite is modafinil then that would just be the equivalent of taking a much lower dose of modafinil. it's a pro drug modafinil, that's how it works and that's how it's the the loophole to sell it legally online which really isn't like the half-life isn't as short as an hour it feels like six hours but either way it is really useful in addition to the amphetamine it's quiet it's great it's much smoother less stimulatory and you can still get that dopamine effect.
3) Modafinil + adderall - I know several people who combined low dose with modafinil and low dose with adderall (or a low dose ritalin) and then get an overlapping effect and apparently it enhances dopaminergic effect, so what i did is i combined 50 milligrams of modafinil now that i want appetite suppression with a low dose of robulsine which also has some certain serotonergic effects. So you have a little bit of an overlap and now you're in a good mood and you get an appetite suppression but you also stay productive.
4) Ketogenic diet & fasting - Right when i eat anything with carbohydrates in it my mental clarity and ability to lock in on what i'm doing is like 50% of what it is prior to that so my intermittent fasting window or just a ketogenic diet, it is critical for my productivity so if i can drag that out longer with less hunger pangs during that time you know that's a huge thing for not only just being able to get leaner with greater ease but in addition to that side effects make way more fucking money and get way more done you know because for me like when i even think about my brain when i'm working after i've ate i'm like this is a fraction of what i should be working at right now and it like actually annoys me when i have to eat my first meal because i'm about to drop my iq by like however many points like right when i eat my first meal. Once i started to basically really try to use my brain i realized that if i ate in the daytime that's it something happened to my brain where it didn't work afterwards and in my brain was like sort of like lazy and slow and not rigorous and you're just in a fog for the rest of the day it feels like, and that's why i've highly considered part of me doing this bulk was partially to acclimate myself to higher calories so i could switch to a keto diet and tolerate it without feeling like i am not satiated because i tried the keto diet at like 2600 2700 calories and trying to keto adapt when i was in a deficit. Impossible. I was like this at this point it's trying to be satisfied off this diet when i'm eating avocados and shit that is super calorie dense.. impossible dude, so for me i've been trying to like slowly titrate my calories up so now i can hopefully switch from a carb dense diet to a keto one to go full productivity mode probably increase my intermittent fasting window to something like 18/6 or maybe 16/8 ideally and then actually get like a ton of work done eat for like the last four hours of the day maybe or something and not be hungry for that full window with the glp maybe and not have to abuse stems in order to stay you know appetite free during that time frame it could be like a very potent combination of a bunch of things that compounds for just maximum mental sharpness.
Should be done in moderation. Many studies show this increases chronic cortisol levels, raises free fatty acids, increases insulin resistance and contributes to death of pancreatic beta cells due to releasing too many PUFA FFAs.
Fasting quite possibly a reset tool for various liver and immune issues, but for the most part it's a pretty caustic process on you body.
Ever notice at the 12hr fast mark you lose your appetite? That's your cortisol up regulating and subsequently sending you into ketosis. Keep that sort of regiment up and you'll develop peripheral insulin resistacne.
Speaking of which, let's discuss about how ketogenic diet reduces brainfog:
- So for me the more carbohydrate rich my diet is which means the more hemos baba ganoush which are two sauces that i add to my salads eggplant based and chickpea based the more of those that i add to my salads and the more um the more fruits i eat at night which means berries or cranberries or raspberries or blueberries exclusively the more of those i eat the less obviously clear my thinking is. In my case, i have to make a you know i always try to make a choice then between my my health and my actual clarity of thinking but i wanted to discuss briefly how the ketogenic diet may make your clear thinking clear.
So oxidative stress in the brain and inflammation neuroinflammation actually causes that fog that brain fog (@BalkanPig gtfih), so the ketogenic diet 1) improves the efficiency of the mitochondrial respiratory chain thereby reducing free radicals in the brain so it actually reduces oxidative stress in the brain also 2) ketogenic diets are consistently shown to increase glutathione synthesis and glutathione peroxidase synthesis so overall i think the main impact on the brain fog is the reduction of oxidative stress which is why in my mornings by the way before i work i not only take cholinergic things (Separate thread incoming) but i take free radical scavengers every morning and i notice it has an impact on the clarity of my thinking. The second thing i wanted to mention about the the clarity of thinking is that it does is improve the metabolism of the brain, so ketones are more efficient at providing the brain with energy, that's one thing and they also improve the mitochondrial respiration by increasing ATP synthesis so basically and that's why you think for that's why ketogenic diets are so much associated with preservation of function in neurodegenerative disease, because a lot of that has to do with metabolic function and oxidative stress both causing damage in the brain in the long term so ketogenic diets like when people have anxiety issues, i will always have a section like i write about how ketogenic diets may help them and that they have to make a choice between getting the phytochemicals that they want all the time and having that clarity of thinking and preservation of uh nervous system.
Personally, i think it's also a switch from where you get a high glucose concentrations in the brain and then it can be especially when you do this during a ketogenic diet where first you're working on ketones and then you're switching to glucose which is in most cases preferred you're sending a little bit of a weird signal to your brain so that's why i would always avoid any kind of carbohydrate until in the evening and that i would use carbohydrates to turn the brain off and get a little bit of a serotonin and melatonin response. Insulin causes that major effect that insulin moves things out of your bloodstream that are being used for your brain:
Video which cannot be uploaded:
So insulin just shoves shuttles out a lot of things out of your bloodstream so you immediately get an effect from the insulin storing everything. Blueberries increase neurotrophic effects in the brain acutely like if you take a bowl of blueberries the night before you have more neurogenesis the next day which is why they're so associated with brain health. Neurogenesis produces brain fog so it's not just oxidative stress, neurogenesis too. so if you go and take a high dose SSRI seven months down the line when your neurogenesis is high it doesn't happen immediately you'll start to notice that if you go on a high dose you'll get brain fog you'll feel great but you'll get brain fog that's the neurogenesis. If you take cerebral lysin from cosmic nootropic by the way but if you take cosmic nootropic, if you take it three times a week one milliliter before bed you won't notice much but if you start taking it every night before bed you'll start to notice brain fog in the morning so it also happens from neurogenesis.
But let's go through a couple of more interesting aspects of why the ketogenic diet or why why the ketogenic diet or why fasting in general may improve your concentration in the daytime so one thing is that the ketogenic diet was created originally by johns hopkins universities for the treatment of epileptics, epileptics are people who have seizures thought to be either due to too much glutamate activity which is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the nervous system or too little gabaergic activity too little inhibition so it's been shown that the ketogenic diet increases gabaergic activity, it increases gabaergic activity in the brain in rodents it increases GABA A receptor activity which is the target of benzodiazepines it also decreases the amount of glutamate put into glutamate vesicles. So there is a decreases in the amount of vesicular glutamate transporter the amount that the vesicular glutamate transporter can fill presynaptic vesicles with glutamate so it decreases the excitatory effects in the brain so basically from just from now the ketogenic diet inhibits your brain a little bit lessening that overall just excitement in general allowing you to a little bit be better able to focus now on some other uh neurotransmitters it's been shown for example that if you give if you take the adenosine receptors out of rodents the anticonvulsant effect of the ketogenic diet disappears so it has some effect on adenosine like when you take caffeine in the morning you might shake because you're blocking your adenosine receptors so it has some effect on adenosine also it also obviously has the antioxidant effect which plays a role and then it also has an effect on ghrelin for example ghrelin has both both attenuates anxiety and can increase amygdala dependent anxiety in the body the ketogenic diet in general should decrease ghrelin now obviously when you're fasting in the morning you may have higher ghrelin so this is not impactful but decreasing ghrelin may decrease the amount of anxiety that people have this is not totally confirmed because there are multiple effects of ghrelin basically insinuating that mk677 has a link to anxiety.
So that's one element, and then the other thing is for example heavy carbohydrate meals give you more norepinephrine, serum norepinephrine levels than heavy protein meals or heavy fat meals so in general on a ketogenic diet one would assume you would have slightly lower norepinephrine noradrenaline levels so all of these things put you sort of at a less anxious state than with clearer thinking. I thought i would briefly describe. For exercise performance keto is not the best thing but fortunately for cognition and productivity it's probably the best diet you can follow.

The other two (Willpower & IQ'maxing)deserves a specific thread.
Because i don't want to make this one over-complicated and long. There is so much to be said, let's just keep these separated.


Can't tag, non-tagged people will be mad and i care not to forget someone.

High IQ. Bookmarked. I actually love fasting.

Only thing i would add is if its not Here is.



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Just be asian
Nothing I see here applies just to math

Also if you are struggling in trig or below, save your money and don't go to college.
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Reactions: Yerico7, Chintuck22, Acnno and 1 other person
Nothing dries pussy faster than a guy good at math, I know this, I was very good at math in middle-school and high-school, I went to math competitions, the math world is filled with autistic nerds...
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Im never gonna study
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Nothing I see here applies just to math

Also if you are struggling in trig or below, save your money and don't go to college.
Pay few dollars a month for symbolab calculator it's a life saver even for calculus topics
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Pay few dollars a month for symbolab calculator it's a life saver even for calculus topics
Isn't it free? And why would I use it if I already have a ti 84...
@Chintuck22 ignoring cuz no comeback. Obvious fluff thread and copied advice from other "study tip" threads
  • JFL
Reactions: Copeful and Deleted member 12669
Isn't it free? And why would I use it if I already have a ti 84...
Yes it's free but they hide the steps and make you pay to see the steps, for example when doing derivations or limits.
Some teachers require work to be shown not just answers.
  • +1
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@Grimba this is what a proper guide thread looks like, not a bunch of gay-ass spoilers with links to other (smarter) people's threads.

@Chintuck22 bookmarked
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Good thread, im so bad at maths
Really good thread bro
Should be done in moderation. Many studies show this increases chronic cortisol levels, raises free fatty acids, increases insulin resistance and contributes to death of pancreatic beta cells due to releasing too many PUFA FFAs.Fasting quite possibly a reset tool for various liver and immune issues, but for the most part it's a pretty caustic process on you body.Ever notice at the 12hr fast mark you lose your appetite? That's your cortisol up regulating and subsequently sending you into ketosis. Keep that sort of regiment up and you'll develop peripheral insulin resistacne.
Jfl so what is it? I thought fasting was supposed to repair you and rest your gi system. Fuck it all then.
Yes it's free but they hide the steps and make you pay to see the steps, for example when doing derivations or limits.
Some teachers require work to be shown not just answers.
Oh you're talking about cheating. That won't fly in uni lol.
  • JFL
Reactions: Gestapo
Math is for NEEEEERDS!
High School thread
Oh you're talking about cheating. That won't fly in uni lol.
It works if it's in an online class tbh. The webcam doesn't pick it up either.
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It works if it's in an online class tbh. The webcam doesn't pick it up either.
Online class I just straight up copy paste the answer on google or use chegg jfl
  • JFL
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@Chintuck22 ignoring cuz no comeback. Obvious fluff thread and copied advice from other "study tip" threads
I'm ignoring you cause you posted dumb as fuck comment, this thread can be summarized into take 1g of amphetamine with adderal, follow a ketogenic diet and get into Khan academy

But because you have attention spam of a 6 year old, you come into comments to write your bullshit, even people mentioning you said the same thing from the fucking thread, you spastic
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I'm ignoring you cause you posted dumb as fuck comment, this thread can be summarized into take 1g of amphetamine with adderal, and get into Khan academy

But because you have attention spam of a 6 year old, you come into comment to write your bullshit, even people mentioning you said the same thing from the fucking thread
Just take ADHD meds to do fucking high school math theorem. You're a low IQ user who makes low IQ threads, keep barking.
You're a low IQ user who makes low IQ threads
Ironic, isn't it. Calling the highest IQ stuff low when you yourself is the perfect example
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Just take ADHD meds to do fucking high school math theorem. You're a low IQ user who makes low IQ threads, keep barking.
Youre definitely not the one to talk about low iq threads nigger
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Youre definitely not the one to talk about low iq threads nigger
Ignore him, he replied 5 times on this thread to trigger my reaction, if you ignore him it will burn him inside, or yet better put an ugh to discredit his post lol
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  • JFL
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Ignore him, he replied 5 times on this thread before he triggered my reaction, if you ignore him it will burn him inside, or yet better put an ugh to discredit his post lol
Nah, no need to ignore anyone mate
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Youre definitely not the one to talk about low iq threads nigger
>Off topic

haha u said n word haha
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