Me vs prime Jonny deep



Dec 7, 2018

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  • +1
Reactions: Kenma and Coping
You mog him into oblivion tbh :chad:
  • +1
Reactions: StudyHacks, androidcel and Deleted member 611
You mog him into oblivion tbh :chad:

I knew that thanks dude. I will become the next sex symbol, just need to become famous, I will open a YouTube channel
I knew that thanks dude. I will become the next sex symbol, just need to become famous, I will open a YouTube channel
Oh boyyyy, this is gonna be good. @Nibba thoughts??
  • +1
Reactions: Nibba and Autist
I knew that thanks dude. I will become the next sex symbol, just need to become famous, I will open a YouTube channel
Start doing daily vlogs on YouTube and post sexy videos on Instagram girls will go crazy for it tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Autist
prime johnny depp doesn't even stand a chance, youre one high t ogre all right

Stop coping I’m high t pretty boy, not an ogre, that’s disgusting
Start doing daily vlogs on YouTube and post sexy videos on Instagram girls will go crazy for it tbh

Maybe I can eat some food sensually and flexing my abs and do some asmr topless
Johnny deep in that pussy while u take autism pics in bathtub
  • +1
Reactions: StudyHacks, Deleted member 176 and Autist
prime johnny depp doesn't even stand a chance, youre one high t ogre all right

No tbh I brow ridge mogs him, he lower tird mogs me a bit tbh, zygos idk when there is a good light my zygo are great and harmony mogs him
Johnny deep in that pussy while I take autism pics in bathtub

Status theory Jonny deep was an incel, I mog him to the death tbh



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  • +1
Reactions: BornAgainChad, Deleted member 470, dogtown and 5 others

It’s funny how a random guy like me mogs a well famous sex symbol, Hollywood is a fucking cope, all u need to slay is became an actor
It’s funny how a random guy like me mogs a well famous sex symbol, Hollywood is a fucking cope, all u need to slay is became an actor
Maxresdefault 32

Are you blind op
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown
Suck your mum that’s not deep, that’s a very high t ogre but still mog him
Oh kind looked like him ngl, then what was the point of that photo
Oh kind looked like him ngl, then what was the point of that photo

It’s to prove that I’m not just pretty, I got a robust skull. Pretty boy skull mogging machine slayer. I will mog deep in motion
It’s to prove that I’m not just pretty, I got a robust skull. Pretty boy skull mogging machine slayer. I will mog deep in motion
Johnny deep in ur nigger ass
  • +1
Reactions: Autist

No, he will cry for his mum when I will skull mog him. He’s a skull/frame cell.

Ngl you look like a slayer in that pic look at the way that girl is staring at you, anyone who rates this guy below a 6 is coping tbh
Ngl you look like a slayer in that pic look at the way that girl is staring at you, anyone who rates this guy below a 6 is coping tbh

Can I make babies with you please ?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
Yes :feelsgiga: slayer tho you matched with a bunch of 7-8s sluts on tinder did you fuck them?[/

I fucked one gergous girl and this week end I fucked my ex. But ngl tinder is not as easy for sub 8 guys
u r avg
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, Autist and Deleted member 611
Yea you have to talk to them and shit if you’re sub 8 on tinder to meet, but 8+ you can just tell them you wanna fuck @Arceus300

Average my ass if I’m acerage 80% of this forum is below average. Don’t forget that I’m young.

And tbh I don’t give a fuck about what guys you’re thinking thanks good im not gay, I want to fuck girls and you’re not a girl. Men hate prettyboys
Yea you have to talk to them and shit if you’re sub 8 on tinder to meet, but 8+ you can just tell them you wanna fuck @Arceus300

Yess that’s the point, if you’re 8+ easy mode
Average my ass if I’m acerage 80% of this forum is below average. Don’t forget that I’m young.

And tbh I don’t give a fuck about what guys you’re thinking thanks good im not gay, I want to fuck girls and you’re not a girl. Men hate prettyboys

Yess that’s the point, if you’re 8+ easy mode
calm down
  • +1
Reactions: adrianolm and Deleted member 611
he will mog you to the marianas trench then to jupiter then to budapest and then all the way back again. stop being a narcy faggot tbh
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, Autist and Deleted member 281
You narcissistic mogs him tbh ngl
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown and Autist
Stop coping I’m high t pretty boy, not an ogre, that’s disgusting
You got rated 3-5 on truerateme. You look like utter garbage you framecel delusional aspie
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, Swagwaffle and Deleted member 611
  • +1
Reactions: Swagwaffle and Autist



  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, manlet cUnt, androidcel and 1 other person
How many tinder girls you have slayed at this month bro?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 470, Swagwaffle, dogtown and 1 other person
Should have asked him how many Reddit posts he made to validate himself
Probably more than amount of tinder girls he has fucked yet:lul::lul:
Probably more than amount of tinder girls he has fucked yet:lul::lul:
Jfl yes on his photoshopped tinder account. Too bad @Arceus300 missed my post about getting approached by that group of JBs. Good think garin deleted it!
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown
Jfl yes on his photoshopped tinder account. Too bad @Arceus300 missed my post about getting approached by that group of JBs. Good think garin deleted it!
Why were you banned btw?
Why were you banned btw?
That's why I was banned. Garin doesn't like it when I give factual representations of my life and banned me for bragging. Gave me a 30% like how much bias can u give. Well whatever soon enough my warning will go back to 0
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown and androidcel

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