Medicated to function - Medicated to shut up - No longer medicated, FREE from tyranny... but that doesn't stop them from calling



Feb 6, 2021
Do we go up to the stars or down to the core? I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N

Are we only skin, language, or are we one? I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N

Are they invading our privacy, calling it business? I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N

I had trouble thinking when I was medicated. Not sure if it was Haldol or Seroquel, Amitriptyline, it may have been Geodon. Thinking about it, it happened with all of them. Weird. 😬 Have you ever tried putting clothes on in a dream? Yet, it's a struggle. That's how it was trying to think. I couldn't grab a thought and process it. Of course, the doctor always relayed the drugmaker's sales pitch, "We have to find the right one that works well with you." Brutal. I survived those trials. But not many did. You call it sudden death. The paranoid society calls it the VAX. 😬 But these cases have been happening since the 1990s. Anyway, I call it heart attacks and strokes. 😬

The medical industry killed those people, one by one. 😬 When you're not loaded with money and end up in a hospital, you become a test subject. Research produces income. Every time a person is given a new drug, how the patient responds to it is money to a doctor. Or to a hospital. This information is sold to the drugmaker. Of course, one patient is worthless. But ten patients produce a sweet check. Twenty-five subjects? Get ready for that sailboat you've been wanting. 😬

Not many survived the drugmakers and their thirsty, hungry-for-greed drug pushers (doctors/hospitals.) But the few that did... today, they're alienated from society. Whenever we speak, we're ridiculed, publically shamed, embarrassed, labeled a skitzo, whatever it takes to belittle us into silence. Some of these arrogant fucks will go out of their way to trigger you. But not me! 😬 I'm still kicking. 😬

I warned you all about Reddit, did I not? I told you the platform was controlled by the disturbing corporation simps and faggots. 😬 These government people made lots of extra money from the corps, medical industry, and drugmakers. They're trying to keep that money flowing as Trump sweeps them into a dustpan.

Ugh, you better believe war is coming hard, baby. 😬 It's gonna pound America's cervix into her gut. 😬 South America? China? Both? But when we fight the South Americans, it's not their dedicated military, but the corrupted ones working alongside crooked police departments and drug cartels.

Trump's not worried about Gen Zussies. Cut your tits and dicks off, NO ONE CARES! Whine online about masculinity, Nazism, Free Palestine, don't give a fuck. Cry about Luigi and your feelings, boo hoo hoo, get fucked! This special upcoming military draft will include college students. 😬 This means that you pussies are going to war. 😬 And the girls that want to be boys will have the option. Fingers crossed, Trump drafts them too regardless (or unless they have a child.)

As you all endure the war, Gen X and the Boomers will perform the Great Reset. This will include the FPA, VD, and PMS. 😬 So when you come back home, get ready for a police nation and mandatory feeling-injuries. But did I mention there will be mixed reality VR communities and sexbots? 😬

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i want to chop off a stacy and make soup out of her, i would put her pussy on the bowl to garnish my dish.

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