Meditation = Forced Meme



Sep 24, 2018
brb depression and anxiety cured because I close my eyes and breathe
brb I do this every single night, its called sleeping

fucking kys if you believe in this shit
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Muh third eye
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Just lol if you're not opening your chakra's, what kind of curry are you
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It helped me substantially

I feel like a persons innate personality depends on who it works for and who doesn’t
meds me
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it’s not cope, you sound dumb tbh
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Meditating is good for your neurotransmitters
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Meditation is the number 1 priority in life, it makes you content in every situation. You just don't know enough about it and about Buddhism. The west twisted it into something that instantly fixes your life but it is a lifelong project that should be worked on, hours and hours and hours. If meditation is BS then all those thousands of studies are BS as well? The west also made meditation and law of attraction (which is BS) into the same sphere. Buddhism, where meditation originated, never believed in such pseudoscience as law of attraction. Also becouse it revolves around worldly desire, which is at the root of suffering.

Look at those Buddhist monks and yogis who had brain scans done on them. The ''happiest man in the world'' is a celibate Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard. You don't get any more truthful than brain scans which show extraordinary healthy brain waves, brain waves western or non-meditators simply never achieve in their life.
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Mediation for chad is fucking sluts nightly
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Imagine thinking meditation is cope smfh
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Meditation is the number 1 priority in life, it makes you content in every situation. You just don't know enough about it and about Buddhism. The west twisted it into something that instantly fixes your life but it is a lifelong project that should be worked on, hours and hours and hours. If meditation is BS then all those thousands of studies are BS as well? The west also made meditation and law of attraction (which is BS) into the same sphere. Buddhism, where meditation originated, never believed in such pseudoscience as law of attraction. Also becouse it revolves around worldly desire, which is at the root of suffering.

Look at those Buddhist monks and yogis who had brain scans done on them. The ''happiest man in the world'' is a celibate Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard. You don't get any more truthful than brain scans which show extraordinary healthy brain waves, brain waves western or non-meditators simply never achieve in their life.
Legit. Meditation is one of best thing in life you can do. Its about consistency
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brb depression and anxiety cured because I close my eyes and breathe
brb I do this every single night, its called sleeping

fucking kys if you believe in this shit
cope, your retarded
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Reactions: SHARK and Deleted member 685
Mindfulness is the best thing ever tbh.
brb depression and anxiety cured because I close my eyes and breathe
brb I do this every single night, its called sleeping

fucking kys if you believe in this shit
Yes, the only source of happiness in life should be validation and pussy :feelsuhh:

It is also literally proven that a consistent meditation practice directly shrinks your amygdala, responsible for your anxious and depressing feelings and moods. What are you talking about?
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Reactions: GreenHat500, DidntRead and Deleted member 632
strong projection.
I've been repping NoFap forever
Okay, good for you. Not what I asked, but nice to know. Please, do tell us what is the ultimate source of happiness if meditation is ruled out for whatever reason (you didn't give even one, lmao).
It is also literally proven that a consistent meditation practice directly shrinks your amygdala, responsible for your anxious and depressing feelings and moods. What are you talking about?
tales from the shekel shack
Tbh with you, I practiced zazen every day back in 2017 and it literally opened my eyes and made me aware of how deluded I was. That's when I was blackpilled irl. It almost destroyed me. I started seeing how others actually reacted to me and saw things, microexpressions, my looks, why things were the way they were, everything. I became more aware than was healthy for me. I stopped meditating but I'm still different compared to how I was before meditating and there is no way back.

Real meditation is only for strong people who are emotionally stable. It melts away all those comforting stories your mind is telling you on the daily basis and leaves you with reality.
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Tbh with you, I practiced zazen every day back in 2017 and it literally opened my eyes and made me aware of how deluded I was. That's when I was blackpilled irl. It almost destroyed me. I started seeing how others actually reacted to me and saw things, microexpressions, my looks, why things were the way they were, everything. I became more aware than was healthy for me. I stopped meditating but I'm still different compared to how I was before meditating and there is no way back.

Real meditation is only for strong people who are emotionally stable. It melts away all those comforting stories your mind is telling you on the daily basis and leaves you with reality.
interesting, sounds like last time I took acid lol. Meditation had no effect on me whatsoever
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brb depression and anxiety cured because I close my eyes and breathe
brb I do this every single night, its called sleeping

fucking kys if you believe in this shit
I believe in it. Just check the research
interesting, sounds like last time I took acid lol. Meditation had no effect on me whatsoever
Cause they work they work the same way if you practice. Both engage the frontal lobe, important for consciousness, do that you start to become aware if everything
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brb depression and anxiety cured because I close my eyes and breathe
Real meditation is only undertaken when all the roads are tried and exhausted. If you have the slightest hope of finding happiness anywhere other than inside you will flow outward.
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interesting, sounds like last time I took acid lol. Meditation had no effect on me whatsoever
It was a gradual process. I didn't get anything but more calmness (often the opposite) in the first few months. Meditation takes time and daily commitment, preferably with no expectations or goals. It's just sth you do. It doesn't add anything to your life, it takes away what is not real.
just meditate, do nofap and be confident :lul:
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i actually know the 5'2 balding 40yr old indian guy who meditated a lot and made it out to be 20yr old 6'6 white.
it works guys.
  • JFL
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It was a gradual process. I didn't get anything but more calmness (often the opposite) in the first few months. Meditation takes time and daily commitment, preferably with no expectations or goals. It's just sth you do. It doesn't add anything to your life, it takes away what is not real.
Why did you stop ?
just lol what kind of curry you are if you are not opening your chakra's
  • JFL
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Why did you stop ?
The realizations I made were too much for me to handle. Also physical health problems which were a major distraction. I was too weak and also not disciplined enough to carry on with it. I might take it up again eventually, though.
The realizations I made were too much for me to handle. Also physical health problems which were a major distraction. I was too weak and also not disciplined enough to carry on with it. I might take it up again eventually, though.
Zazen can be pretty hardcore in terms of how hard it is to do it. Btw, what realizations did you have and could you enter Jhanas to smooth the dull and difficult parts?
Meditation can bring on significant negative effects to you potentially lasting years ded srs
And it's not uncommon, actually quite the opposite I think it's a majority of long time mediators experience these.
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Zazen can be pretty hardcore in terms of how hard it is to do it. Btw, what realizations did you have and could you enter Jhanas to smooth the dull and difficult parts?
Realizations about myself and why I was doing what I did all my life. I realized I was trying to compensate for not feeling good enough the way I am basically since early childhood. I was destroying myself.
I also realized how lookism (I didn't know such terms back then) is prevalent everywhere and which impact it has on everyone's life.

I had very interesting experiences - not during meditation sessions, but at random times, out of the blue. Things like me being in the subway/in public and suddenly having an irresistible urge to laugh for no obvious reason. I just had to laugh real bad while dozens of people were around me and I couldn't suppress it.

I don't really know what you mean by "Jhanas" though, I guess this is more of a term for Yoga meditation practices. In zazen, I just sat.
fucking lol as a curry yourself you should practice meditating
just meditate, do nofap and be confident :lul:
tbh jfl

I believe in it. Just check the research

Cause they work they work the same way if you practice. Both engage the frontal lobe, important for consciousness, do that you start to become aware if everything
am gonna trip balls next week tbhtbh

just lol what kind of curry you are if you are not opening your chakra's
Meditation is bs
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Realizations about myself and why I was doing what I did all my life. I realized I was trying to compensate for not feeling good enough the way I am basically since early childhood. I was destroying myself.
I also realized how lookism (I didn't know such terms back then) is prevalent everywhere and which impact it has on everyone's life.

I had very interesting experiences - not during meditation sessions, but at random times, out of the blue. Things like me being in the subway/in public and suddenly having an irresistible urge to laugh for no obvious reason. I just had to laugh real bad while dozens of people were around me and I couldn't suppress it.

I don't really know what you mean by "Jhanas" though, I guess this is more of a term for Yoga meditation practices. In zazen, I just sat.
You laugh in public?
Real joker here.

Btw meditating is good cuz I got chakra open now I found my kurama chakra inside of me. I can walk on the water too.
  • JFL
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro
brb depression and anxiety cured because I close my eyes and breathe
brb I do this every single night, its called sleeping

fucking kys if you believe in this shit

Virgin mediation vs chad medication
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Try kamasutra, you'll evolve into chadpreet
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I'd rather take xanax
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I've always felt meditating made me anxious cos my eyes are closed. What if you get randomly cock slapped?
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