Meditations - Why banned users will ascend and most of you won't


Deleted member 5522

dont be jealous asshole
Feb 28, 2020
People are worried about being banned from websites that they visit not understanding that it is a passage through extension of humanity's rage. People often wonder why reddit admins are soy boys and so strict or why mods will ban you for many's of things or any forum for that matter. JFL you are all fucking idiots. When you realise that none of this is real then you will begin to realise the nature of this. Everyone here is so brainwashed that they dont realise that they are meant to break the rules on these sites and get banned. You are programmed to be a good little slave and this is mental illness.

Being on means you went through a lot of stages and absorbed a lot of knowledge. How? Because you got banned.

People will often wonder why they got banned, they say they followed the rules, they respected other users, they didn't do anything wrong. Its all idiotic because if you figured out what you had to do you wouldn't be thinking about this.

Ill explain how it works, you are start life as a blue pilled wimp. You have a oneitis at 13 and you dont know how to talk to her. You read diary of a wimpy kid from your childhood to figure out how greg reacted to girls. Nothing happens. She ends up having a boyfriend and you are brutally rejected. You then "ascend" to red pill spaces. You gain information there but then after a few years you realise women are all hoes and you cope by going your own way. You then get banned on these forums and "ascend" to misc on the bodybuilder forums thinking that maybe muscle will help me ascend. You then get banned there for violating community guidelines and "ascend" to mgtow spaces. Then you realise that mgtow is a coping movement for ugly males and boomers and "ascend" to braincels. You then get banned on reddit or your sub reddit gets banned and you "ascend" to Eventually you naturally get banned from .co because you said something that happened years ago and you "ascend" to

You realise in the end all you had to do was follow your nature and ignore the rules. The admins on this site created "rules" (and throughout all the other layers) so we could be banned and move to the next level. Heck maybe ill be banned tomorrow, next year? Never (I hope not). Maybe I will ascend to the white pill? Or something else. By following the rules like a good slave you are preventing yourself from ascending to your next plane of existence. Jfl its fucking moronic.

People on reddit will be banned from a sub reddit and they will just make a new account. They will then be suicidal and depressed. Why? Because they are going in circles, rotations as you will and not following the natural order of things. They will be in despair not realising all they had to do was ascend to the next plane of being.

On everyone goes out of their way to not be banned, if they are on a 70% warning they will request a ban and wait for their waning to go back to 0% or they will create alts with a new ip (I will never do this because im not a moron), or they will follow the rules to the dot. This is complete mental illness. They do this not realising all they had to do was follow the flow. They even request perm bans to be revoked and the mods to it because they want it all to seem fair, but the mods know at the end of the day the only way for them to "ascend" is to be banned. This has happened since the blue pill and will continue to happen for elighqment.

If you care about getting banned here you are a fucking moron and unnatural.
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What the title?
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Who asked?
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov and Deleted member 5522
legit didnt read, could be interesting but my attention span is too short, mind summarizing?
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Reactions: Deleted member 5912, Deleted member 6695 and Deleted member 5522
legit didnt read, could be interesting but my attention span is too short, mind summarizing?
tldr - banned users will ascend and most of us won't if we dont do the things that got us here in the first place
  • +1
Reactions: Zercic and Patrick Baitman
You’ve been here way too long to think anyone is gonna read that
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Reactions: Deleted member 5522
You’ve been here way too long to think anyone is gonna read that
Only enlightened ones will read it and I am fine with that
tldr - banned users will ascend and most of us won't if we dont do the things that got us here in the first place
i think if you leave but think about ascending and keep the samee mindset as users here, you wont ascend, if you leave, you must forget, if you dont, you never really leave, you dont live in the forum, the forum will live in you
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  • WTF
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Read it all
Good high IQ thread but I can't relate
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Reactions: Zercic, Deleted member 3163, Patrick Baitman and 1 other person
I went from r/orthotropics to here, guess I skipped the regular journey
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Reactions: wasted, Patrick Baitman and Deleted member 5522
I went from r/orthotropics to here, guess I skipped the regular journey
You went straight to the source. Many spend years trying to find it.
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Reactions: Deleted member 5818
i searched "brad pitt jaw" and found the site,now its been like 3 months of rotting,i'll have to leave after the end of the flu
  • JFL
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Reactions: wasted, Arvenas, Deleted member 5683 and 1 other person
Came here from .co

Over from the start
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  • JFL
Reactions: Arkantos and Deleted member 5522
Journey started when i joined r/tall, it was just losers bragging about the only good feature they had, then went to r/short to laugh at the manlets, but it was too tame, then to r/shortcels, after it got banned, i went to .co, said nah, and ended up here.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5522
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5522 and Patrick Baitman
Can’t relate to most of this. I skipped the Mgtow and incel phases because I was actively seeking to improve myself to attract women. Looked up some shit and found this forum and now I’m here
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Reactions: Arkantos, Deleted member 5522 and Deleted member 5818
I used to have a pua/redpill phase back when I was 15 to 18. Before then I was bluepilled but kinda self-conscious.
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Reactions: Deleted member 5522
I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
  • JFL
Reactions: wasted and Deleted member 5522
i searched "brad pitt jaw" and found the site,now its been like 3 months of rotting,i'll have to leave after the end of the flu
Time Online 671:20
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 5522
legit didnt read, could be interesting but my attention span is too short, mind summarizing?
I rarely see ur ass posting on here
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Reactions: Deleted member 5522
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5522 and BigBoy
1000 hours online on .me 0 hours on the gym

title checks tbh
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 5522
People are worried about being banned from websites that they visit not understanding that it is a passage through extension of humanity's rage. People often wonder why reddit admins are soy boys and so strict or why mods will ban you for many's of things or any forum for that matter. JFL you are all fucking idiots. When you realise that none of this is real then you will begin to realise the nature of this. Everyone here is so brainwashed that they dont realise that they are meant to break the rules on these sites and get banned. You are programmed to be a good little slave and this is mental illness.

Being on means you went through a lot of stages and absorbed a lot of knowledge. How? Because you got banned.

People will often wonder why they got banned, they say they followed the rules, they respected other users, they didn't do anything wrong. Its all idiotic because if you figured out what you had to do you wouldn't be thinking about this.

Ill explain how it works, you are start life as a blue pilled wimp. You have a oneitis at 13 and you dont know how to talk to her. You read diary of a wimpy kid from your childhood to figure out how greg reacted to girls. Nothing happens. She ends up having a boyfriend and you are brutally rejected. You then "ascend" to red pill spaces. You gain information there but then after a few years you realise women are all hoes and you cope by going your own way. You then get banned on these forums and "ascend" to misc on the bodybuilder forums thinking that maybe muscle will help me ascend. You then get banned there for violating community guidelines and "ascend" to mgtow spaces. Then you realise that mgtow is a coping movement for ugly males and boomers and "ascend" to braincels. You then get banned on reddit or your sub reddit gets banned and you "ascend" to Eventually you naturally get banned from .co because you said something that happened years ago and you "ascend" to

You realise in the end all you had to do was follow your nature and ignore the rules. The admins on this site created "rules" (and throughout all the other layers) so we could be banned and move to the next level. Heck maybe ill be banned tomorrow, next year? Never (I hope not). Maybe I will ascend to the white pill? Or something else. By following the rules like a good slave you are preventing yourself from ascending to your next plane of existence. Jfl its fucking moronic.

People on reddit will be banned from a sub reddit and they will just make a new account. They will then be suicidal and depressed. Why? Because they are going in circles, rotations as you will and not following the natural order of things. They will be in despair not realising all they had to do was ascend to the next plane of being.

On everyone goes out of their way to not be banned, if they are on a 70% warning they will request a ban and wait for their waning to go back to 0% or they will create alts with a new ip (I will never do this because im not a moron), or they will follow the rules to the dot. This is complete mental illness. They do this not realising all they had to do was follow the flow. They even request perm bans to be revoked and the mods to it because they want it all to seem fair, but the mods know at the end of the day the only way for them to "ascend" is to be banned. This has happened since the blue pill and will continue to happen for elighqment.

If you care about getting banned here you are a fucking moron and unnatural.
goodbye bro calling @Sergeant
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Reactions: Deleted member 5522
Following the rules is for cucks. Trying to befriend moderators is for gigacucks
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Following the rules is for cucks. Trying to befriend moderators is for gigacucks
high iq ngl, being teachers pet is never good
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Bannedcel cope
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 5522
woah nigga i almost read that shit
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 5522
read the thread
I did, I don't agree tho

I've looksmaxxed and had a better quality of life just meeting you guys

I've got people to relate too

And I feel really happy
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 5522
I did, I don't agree tho

I've looksmaxxed and had a better quality of life just meeting you guys

I've got people to relate too

And I feel really happy
And you had to leave other places to do so
  • Hmm...
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