Men are not smarter, they just have different instincts



Jan 2, 2019
The reason civilization doesn't collapse when men control things is because men insure women stay at home and have children, where as when women control things they don't bother. This is literally the only reason why feminist societies don't work. This whole manosphere bullshit about men being superior in regards to intelligence is a massive cope. Most men are low IQ dumbfucks driven by ego and will casually destroy their countries if given the chance to do so.
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Not exactly true, men developed different skills than women with regards to survival (hunting) / nurture throughout the ages. So both have a specific set of skills that differ from each other.

Also men are genetic lotteries so although median iq's between the genders may be similar there are many more genius males than females.
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Nah men are superior fuck you mean😂
If you think women are equal you’re just a blue pulled beta simp incel
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Not exactly true, men developed different skills than women with regards to survival (hunting) / nurture throughout the ages. So both have a specific set of skills that differ from each other.

Also men are genetic lotteries so although median iq's between the genders may be similar there are many more genius males than females.
Nah men are superior fuck you mean😂
If you think women are equal you’re just a blue pulled beta simp incel

Men are more physically fit but that doesn't make much difference these days. And the idea of men having evolved to be smarter is also a massive cope for almost all of history the overwhelming majority of men have worked in manual labor and not doing complex shit. Sure there is a tiny minority of men with higher than average IQ but we are talking about like 1% of the smartest.

Furthermore, I find that men are much more ego driven than women and are much more willing to ignore and dismiss others points of view. In fact, why do you think the blackpill is almost universally rejected by men? If they are so rational compared to women why do they respond to the blackpill with emotional knee jerks? It's because the "men are rational" stereotype is horseshit. Men are ego driven idiots who don't typically learn from experience.

EDIT: Also, why do you think women put such a large amount of effort into looking good? It's because they are secretly blackpilled and know about lookism.
Men are more physically fit but that doesn't make much difference these days. And the idea of men having evolved to be smarter is also a massive cope for almost all of history the overwhelming majority of men have worked in manual labor and not doing complex shit. Sure there is a tiny minority of men with higher than average IQ but we are talking about like 1% of the smartest.

Furthermore, I find that men are much more ego driven than women and are much more willing to ignore and dismiss others points of view. In fact, why do you think the blackpill is almost universally rejected by men? If they are so rational compared to women why do they respond to the blackpill with emotional knee jerks? It's because the "men are rational" stereotype is horseshit. Men are ego driven idiots who don't typically learn from experience.
Women only have their body and femininity. Men are the survivors, the fighters, the bread winners, were much suited to be leaders than women. They can’t handle the pressure, they always need a man to betabux provide for them while we don’t need anything. They only have what’s in between their legs while we hold the keys to commitment and providing. Our value goes up as we hit our 30s, women’s drop hard as they age faster and their looks go. You need to redpilled yourself bro. When I’m 30 I can still fuck a 22 year old chick I don’t need to fuck a 29 year old girl starting to wrinkle.
Men are more physically fit but that doesn't make much difference these days. And the idea of men having evolved to be smarter is also a massive cope for almost all of history the overwhelming majority of men have worked in manual labor and not doing complex shit. Sure there is a tiny minority of men with higher than average IQ but we are talking about like 1% of the smartest.

Furthermore, I find that men are much more ego driven than women and are much more willing to ignore and dismiss others points of view. In fact, why do you think the blackpill is almost universally rejected by men? If they are so rational compared to women why do they respond to the blackpill with emotional knee jerks? It's because the "men are rational" stereotype is horseshit. Men are ego driven idiots who don't typically learn from experience.

EDIT: Also, why do you think women put such a large amount of effort into looking good? It's because they are secretly blackpilled and know about lookism.
Men think on logic. Women think on emotions you’ve got it twisted buddy.

Are you a femcel on a looksmaxxing site?
Men are more physically fit but that doesn't make much difference these days. And the idea of men having evolved to be smarter is also a massive cope for almost all of history the overwhelming majority of men have worked in manual labor and not doing complex shit. Sure there is a tiny minority of men with higher than average IQ but we are talking about like 1% of the smartest.

Furthermore, I find that men are much more ego driven than women and are much more willing to ignore and dismiss others points of view. In fact, why do you think the blackpill is almost universally rejected by men? If they are so rational compared to women why do they respond to the blackpill with emotional knee jerks? It's because the "men are rational" stereotype is horseshit. Men are ego driven idiots who don't typically learn from experience.

EDIT: Also, why do you think women put such a large amount of effort into looking good? It's because they are secretly blackpilled and know about lookism.
While the majority of women are probably in the 90-110 range (more so than men in the same range) men have many more outliers. In chess there are what 100 to 1 male female grandmasters? This goes for every cognitive task in society.

You're conflating ego driven with dismissing others view points. Then you go on talking about rationality conflating iq and rationality.

I do agree with your last point. Women are naturally blackpilled tho partly because society is blackpilled for women but of course it came about that way because they understand the importance of looks.
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median IQs are about the same, but there are more men at the extremes, meaning there are more very dumb and more very intelligent males compared to females who are all close to average
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The reason civilization doesn't collapse when men control things is because men insure women stay at home and have children, where as when women control things they don't bother. This is literally the only reason why feminist societies don't work. This whole manosphere bullshit about men being superior in regards to intelligence is a massive cope. Most men are low IQ dumbfucks driven by ego and will casually destroy their countries if given the chance to do so.
bro, i have 2 disagree, men are better in everyway - strength, iq, reasoning, love (for people they care about), women love cuz they have nothing else to offer
While the majority of women are probably in the 90-110 range (more so than men in the same range) men have many more outliers. In chess there are what 100 to 1 male female grandmasters? This goes for every cognitive task in society.

You're conflating ego driven with dismissing others view points. Then you go on talking about rationality conflating iq and rationality.

I do agree with your last point. Women are naturally blackpilled tho partly because society is blackpilled for women but of course it came about that way because they understand the importance of looks.
100 facts spoken right here - the dumbest and smartest are men, women are in the middle.
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men are more intelligent

there is no selection pressure for women to be intelligent, there is for men

>the dumbest and smartest are men, women are in the middle.

This isnt true, the dumbest women are dumber than the dumbest men you just dont notice them because we arent biologically programmed to evaluate them on int. Dumb men stick out to you because we are programmed as men to exclude or isolate them from decision making in our tribe. A dumbass woman still has a womb so shes still valuable.
  • +1
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men are more intelligent

there is no selection pressure for women to be intelligent, there is for men

>the dumbest and smartest are men, women are in the middle.

This isnt true, the dumbest women are dumber than the dumbest men you just dont notice them because we arent biologically programmed to evaluate them on int. Dumb men stick out to you because we are programmed as men to exclude or isolate them from decision making in our tribe. A dumbass woman still has a womb so shes still valuable.
what u think of raw honey diet
Men are more dominant. When you have sex you are meant to fuck the girl and physically overpower her. Intelligence is cope for survival , and we are no longer cavemen so yes both sexes have potential for intelligence
what u think of raw honey diet

depends on gut biome

Some peoples carb eating bacteria profile is so fucked they cant handle even small amounts. That said its a very good source of carbs (one of the best other than dairy for people who can digest) if you're trying to gain weight or use carbs pre/post workout for glycogen if you're doing endurance. Local raw honey can also be good for allergies. It would be the first carb source I would reintroduce on an elimination diet.

I think being in ketogenic/low blood sugar/insulin sensitive state most of the time is healthiest way to eat but this can be accomplished by fasting/IF/etc not necessarily sticking to strict keto macros 100% of the time.

(edit. i mention dairy as being better carb source than honey for those who can digest it because it has a pretty complete nutritional profile whereas honey is calories and some enzymes/etc.)
Men have bigger skulls = bigger brains = higher iq
Man are superior to women in every way. Women are good only for fucking, sucking and raising children. Change my mind
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They can’t handle the pressure, they always need a man to betabux provide for them while we don’t need anything.

Epic cope. Men are literally half-killing themselves for pussy. If anything it's men who find it harder to exist without women because of the almost insane need for sexual validation.

They only have what’s in between their legs while we hold the keys to commitment and providing.

Women haven't needed men for years which is largely the reason the 80/20 rule is now the 95/5 rule.

Our value goes up as we hit our 30s, women’s drop hard as they age faster and their looks go.

This is a yet another bluepill cope. Because of the 80/20 sorry I meant 95/5 rule age actually affects men WORSE than it does women. It's uncommon for 30 year old something men to pick up women in their early 20's. The whole "men age like wine" bullshit is also garbage since women value youth just as much as men do.

Men think on logic. Women think on emotions you’ve got it twisted buddy.

If men think on logic why can't most of them realize feminism is bullshit and that women don't give a shit about them? IT'S BECAUSE MOST MEN DON'T THINK ON LOGIC.

Are you a femcel on a looksmaxxing site?

Jfl at this shit. Yes I am a femcel because I don't bullshit myself with bluepill garbage.
Men are more intelligent

Your threads are shit
Epic cope. Men are literally half-killing themselves for pussy. If anything it's men who find it harder to exist without women because of the almost insane need for sexual validation.

Women haven't needed men for years which is largely the reason the 80/20 rule is now the 95/5 rule.

This is a yet another bluepill cope. Because of the 80/20 sorry I meant 95/5 rule age actually affects men WORSE than it does women. It's uncommon for 30 year old something men to pick up women in their early 20's. The whole "men age like wine" bullshit is also garbage since women value youth just as much as men do.

If men think on logic why can't most of them realize feminism is bullshit and that women don't give a shit about them? IT'S BECAUSE MOST MEN DON'T THINK ON LOGIC.

Jfl at this shit. Yes I am a femcel because I don't bullshit myself with bluepill garbage.
Nope they need men. They need to reproduce. Women know very well when their fertility is going down the drain. The only men that suffer for pussy are blue pilled beta simps. The redpillers and alphas know the women game. We capitalize on it. Let me know when you ever see a women capable of working as hard as a man ever could. You’ll never see it, they always expect someone to do it for them. If man left this world, women would be FUCKED.
Most men are low IQ dumbfucks driven by ego and will casually destroy their countries if given the chance to do so.
Most men's IQ is around 100 just like women's.

median IQs are about the same, but there are more men at the extremes, meaning there are more very dumb and more very intelligent males compared to females who are all close to average
Exactly. And these very dumb men are so dumb that you rarely see them in real life since they can't function without extensive care.
  • +1
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Epic cope. Men are literally half-killing themselves for pussy. If anything it's men who find it harder to exist without women because of the almost insane need for sexual validation.

Women haven't needed men for years which is largely the reason the 80/20 rule is now the 95/5 rule.

This is a yet another bluepill cope. Because of the 80/20 sorry I meant 95/5 rule age actually affects men WORSE than it does women. It's uncommon for 30 year old something men to pick up women in their early 20's. The whole "men age like wine" bullshit is also garbage since women value youth just as much as men do.

If men think on logic why can't most of them realize feminism is bullshit and that women don't give a shit about them? IT'S BECAUSE MOST MEN DON'T THINK ON LOGIC.

Jfl at this shit. Yes I am a femcel because I don't bullshit myself with bluepill garbage.

That’s why you’re defending yourself so hard. You’re a girl. You refuse to see the truth. When you lose your youth, your value DROPS and you won’t get good looking guys like me hitting on you guys as much anymore. When I lose my youth I’ll have my career and my SMV will be far higher, and I’ll still be in shape. You women have nothing to offer to the table other than your “affection”. And you’re a femcel, you should know this truth the most. Men are superior, we are born leaders, Hillary would’ve resigned had she received half the backlash trump has. You will always look to a man to lead the way, not because you guys don’t HAVE to do work, you just don’t know any better.
There are women far smarter than me that I know, but the both of us know that I will have a better life and make more money because I am a man, and a man knows how to chase the bag and knows he has nobody else to rely on.
Feminism will never work. You guys will always be rejected and laughed at behind your backs by us alpha good looking men.

You guys don’t deserve better unless you actually work for it. My mom is a dentist from a top 3 dental school. Try like her and maybe you guys will be paid some respect,


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That’s why you’re defending yourself so hard. You’re a girl.


When you lose your youth, your value DROPS and you won’t get good looking guys like me hitting on you guys as much anymore. When I lose my youth I’ll have my career and my SMV will be far higher, and I’ll still be in shape. That’s why you’re defending yourself so hard. You’re a girl.

1. Women of all ages have no problem getting good looking guys. The "wall" is a bullshit meme.
2. You won't have any carrier in the future because western society is slowly collapsing.
3. At late 30's to early 40's you will be just another fat piece of shit that women won't care about.

Honestly I don't think you even really believe any of this shit. You come off as a try hard redpill alpha wannabe faggot.
The reason civilization doesn't collapse when men control things is because men insure women stay at home and have children, where as when women control things they don't bother. This is literally the only reason why feminist societies don't work. This whole manosphere bullshit about men being superior in regards to intelligence is a massive cope. Most men are low IQ dumbfucks driven by ego and will casually destroy their countries if given the chance to do so.
Men have equal iq to women but there are more extreme cases. So there are more male geniuses and more male "retards"

1. Women of all ages have no problem getting good looking guys. The "wall" is a bullshit meme.
2. One, you won't have any carrier in the future because western society is slowly collapsing.
3. At late 30's to early 40's you will be just another fat piece of shit that women won't care about.

Honestly I don't think you even really believe any of this shit. You come off as a try hard redpill alpha wannabe faggot.
Nope. Women with kids that get divorced value goes even lower. A 29 year old ex stacy will have a much harder time getting the same chad than 22 year old Stacy. Chad will go for the younger tighter one that gives it up easier.
Only time a 30 year old women that’s not married gets a good looking guy is if she has money/ties. Why would a chad choose the wrinkled up bitch? You guys will get betabux providers that you rationalize to be cute to mask your prerogative which is finding someone to give you a roof to sleep over.

1. Women of all ages have no problem getting good looking guys. The "wall" is a bullshit meme.
2. You won't have any carrier in the future because western society is slowly collapsing.
3. At late 30's to early 40's you will be just another fat piece of shit that women won't care about.

Honestly I don't think you even really believe any of this shit. You come off as a try hard redpill alpha wannabe faggot.
Try hard red pill alpha wannabe faggot could fuck all your good looking friends if they met me in person 😂 watch what they do, not what they say. At late 30s and 40s if I’m lucky enough to look anything like my dad who is MORE jacked than me and has a lot of money and nice cars, I’ll be just fine. His younger coworkers hit on him. I can still fuck 28 year olds when I’m 38-40. And if I can’t, I’ll fuck a girl close to what I deem is her wall. Truth hurts doesn’t it? You talk about blackpill but you won’t accept the female blackpill.

1. Women of all ages have no problem getting good looking guys. The "wall" is a bullshit meme.
2. You won't have any carrier in the future because western society is slowly collapsing.
3. At late 30's to early 40's you will be just another fat piece of shit that women won't care about.

Honestly I don't think you even really believe any of this shit. You come off as a try hard redpill alpha wannabe faggot.
Try hard red pill alpha wannabe faggot could fuck all your good looking friends if they met me in person 😂 watch what they do, not what they say. At late 30s and 40s if I’m lucky enough to look anything like my dad who is MORE jacked than me and has a lot of money and nice cars, I’ll be just fine. His younger coworkers hit on him. I can still fuck 28 year olds when I’m 38-40. And if I can’t, I’ll fuck a girl close to what I deem is her wall. Truth hurts doesn’t it? You talk about blackpill but you won’t accept the female blackpill.
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