men cannot rate other men



Jul 21, 2019
I've said it before and I'll say it again, i've seen guys I consider ugly with gorgeous women. women have different preference

I know u PSL autists will say "only Chad fucks girls bro!1" and say that I'm coping. u guys are too predictable
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That's because of personaliteee or moneee or confideeee

Not because the woman thinks the guy is gl
I've said it before and I'll say it again, i've seen guys I consider ugly with gorgeous women. women have different preference

I know u PSL autists will say "only Chad fucks girls bro!1".
nice cope , bro :feelsyay:
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"onLy CHaD FuCks giRls bRo!1".
Oh why aren’t you with a hot model then OP? Oh wait you’re ugly af lmao
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Well, some women also have different preferences from different women.
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An ugly guy with a gorgeous woman likely either has status or a shit ton of money. Neck yourself OP.
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Well, some women also have different preferences from different women.
Preferences will always be a factor ofc. We have preferences for women as well. But the rating system is a general aproximation which is actually pretty accurate to women's ratings most of the time.
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Oh why aren’t you with a hot model then OP? Oh wait you’re ugly af lmao

atleast I'm not a loser like you obsessing over women, women nowadays are pretty fucking useless
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PSL and IRL scales are very different. IRL wins every time
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atleast I'm not a loser like you obsessing over women, women nowadays are pretty fucking useless
There we have it folks this entire post was a bluepilled cope
Yeah, I get compliments from straight dudes all the time
Yeah, I get compliments from straight dudes all the time
Lol same it’s weird
I will neverunderatand it but two Latinas foid said the guy in my pfp was handsome when I roasting the shit out of him
IRL directly corelates to psl.
Most people rated 6psl on here are rated 10s irl.

(Also lol at the nigge @Nibba saying 6psl was like 7irl or something. What an ogre cope)
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, i've seen guys I consider ugly with gorgeous women. women have different preference

I know u PSL autists will say "only Chad fucks girls bro!1" and say that I'm coping. u guys are too predictable
I'd hate to admit it but it's true so ugly fucks who'd be rated 1.5 psl here with decent chicks


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It's not impossible that a couple might fall in love for reasons other than looks, money, status but usually the guy has to at least pass a threshold in these
An ugly guy with a gorgeous woman likely either has status or a shit ton of money. Neck yourself OP.
Man i've seen truly ugly fucks with no status nor money i can't wrap my head around it how the fuck did it happen
Doesn’t matter what other guys think about your looks. Women have and always do the choosing
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The guy I posted is slaying right and left cute latinas psl 5 while you cry on an incel forum. Girls have called that guy legit handsome
Men can rate other men, though. The difference is that women don't care about PSL standards. So at the end of the day, men's opinion don't count. But as men we can have a pretty safe idea of who's considered attractive and who isn't.
The guy I posted is slaying right and left cute latinas psl 5 while you cry on an incel forum. Girls have called that guy legit handsome
That is a terrible photo, looks like lots of lens distortion making his face look puffier than it really is.

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