Men don't seem to be giving a fuck about aging and getting uglier meanwhile women are crazy about anti-aging



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Mar 6, 2020
I've seen this countless times in real life. Men that used to be Chads while young and are like in their 50s or late 40s now don't seem to be giving a fuck about their looks, physique or whatever. They're fat and bald now, they only care about watching football and drinking beer. They don't give a fuck about gym.

Meanwhile women who used to be Stacys when younger and are now approaching their 50s or late 40s try to do everything to stop their aging. They buy all these anti-aging skin products and all that bullshit. Some older women go get botox and lip fillers that they never even thought about getting once when they were younger.

Seems like all the old Stacys realized they've lost their attention and can't cope with seeing young girls getting all the attention, compliments, getting all the attractive men and looks
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I've seen this countless times in real life. Men that used to be Chads while young and are like in their 50s or late 40s now don't seem to be giving a fuck about their looks, physique or whatever. They're fat and bald now, they only care about watching football and drinking beer. They don't give a fuck about gym.

Meanwhile women who used to be Stacys when younger and are now approaching their 50s or late 40s try to do everything to stop their aging. They buy all these anti-aging skin products and all that bullshit. Some older women go get botox and lip fillers that they never even thought about getting once when they were younger.

Seems like all the old Stacys realized they've lost their attention and can't cope with seeing young girls getting all the attention, compliments, getting all the attractive men and looks
Because your looks play less of an important role in your 40s and 50s, by this age, you should be well into making 6 figures or more, have your own business, etc. Looks still play a role don’t get me wrong, but most men’s priorities are on securing as many resources and providing for their families if they have one.

Only lonely looksmaxxers would be looksmaxxing well into their 40s and 50s. Most of the dudes in here would eventually caught the whiff of a post wall road tie and marry/settle down with them.
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Women are hard-wired to base their whole self-esteem and value on their physical attractiveness and validation. It makes perfect sense from an evolutionary point of view; an undesirable women will be less likely to produce healthy offspring and consequently fails her biological function. Men don't or at least in the past didn't have to be visually physically appealing (not to be confused with capable) to pass on their genes. Feminism, 'gender equality' and other unnatural social constructs are what instituted the devolution of society and robbed both sexes of their biological roles as providers and caregivers
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Because your looks play less of an important role in your 40s and 50s, by this age, you should be well into making 6 figures or more, have your own business, etc. Looks still play a role don’t get me wrong, but most men’s priorities are on securing as many resources and providing for their families if they have one.

Only lonely looksmaxxers would be looksmaxxing well into their 40s and 50s. Most of the dudes in here would eventually caught the whiff of a post wall road tie and marry/settle down with them.

Low IQ post, this mentality is how you end up in a dead bedroom while your wife fucks her Chad personal trainer.
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  • JFL
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Aging gracefully is way more underrated than people here tend to believe imo. Mantra here seems to be "BrO if U'rE oVeR 30 LifE's OvEr AnyWay". If you look good past 30 you're at a massive advantage because most men by then will be balding/fat. Especially now with marriages declining you could still slay 25-35 yr olds. Just look at Tom Cruise at 60

Ironically the chubby recessed guy from Harry Potter is now the most handsome out of all of them at age 33 JFL







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Older women's skin usually looks pretty bad without the fakeup though. I think wearing that stuff all the time accelerates their skin aging. Many men are destroyed by the Norwood Reaper however.
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Because men have a stronger sense of wanderlust, we can find satisfaction with simply traveling


Men become more soulful and in the heavens as time goes on, and are ready to go back into the stars when we die.
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It’s harder to hide aging for males
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It's one of the things I care about the most
I've been anti agemaxxing since 21
jfl at waiting until 40 to start coping with skincare, it's too late by then
because as a man, looks are useless when you are 40 and over.

while the entire female personality is formed from the validation and attention she gets from other women and men
Meanwhile women who used to be Stacys when younger and are now approaching their 50s or late 40s try to do everything to stop their aging.
You can either drink, do drugs, party and fuck Chad in youth, or look young at 40, but not both
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It's because they've enjoyed their youth and have good memories to look back on, they've completed life
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Low IQ post, this mentality is how you end up in a dead bedroom while your wife fucks her Chad personal trainer.
Elaborate how is it low IQ you dumbass gook.
Low IQ post, this mentality is how you end up in a dead bedroom while your wife fucks her Chad personal trainer.
Elaborate how is it low IQ you dumbass gook in
Low IQ post, this mentality is how you end up in a dead bedroom while your wife fucks her Chad personal trainer.
I would never marry.
Elaborate how is it low IQ you dumbass gook.
Cope to say it’s “unnatural” for women to go after goodlooking guys. Women always wanted good genes. It’s just that women weren’t in the position to be as selective on looks in the past because they relied on men for security, safety, and resources.

Now women go fuck Chad and get a check from the government. Still coping with this resources redpill shit is bad for you because you’ll just end up betabuxxing in a dead beadroom.

No amount of resources can compensate for a lack of physical attractiveness.
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Still coping with this resources redpill shit is bad for you because you’ll just end up betabuxxing in a dead beadroom.

No amount of resources can compensate for a lack of physical attractiveness.
Bitches don’t love niggas, they only love what niggas can do for them, whether give them resources, or your looks. Not all of us were born Chads, and rather than spend on 50k worth of surgeries :lul::lul: lol with no guarantee of getting laid, most dudes just become passport bros and pay for it directly aka betabuxxing. But you don’t have to betabuxx a foid if you don’t want to, just use protection and/or get a vasectomy if you don’t want to get trapped.

TL;DR You pay for it either way, whether you’re sub 5 or Chad. You pay with your looks or you pay with your resources
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Most of you niggas are under the delusion that foids would start loving for who you are JFL. Foids only love what you can provide them with, whether looks, resources, or both. Now, either you cope and die alone, use your resources to betabuxx some foid, and/or save up 50k for surgeries needed to “ascend” you with no possibility of getting laid
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Most of you niggas are under the delusion that foids would start loving for who you are JFL. Foids only love what you can provide them with, whether looks, resources, or both. Now, either you cope and die alone, use your resources to betabuxx some foid, and/or save up 50k for surgeries needed to “ascend” you with no possibility of getting laid
women don't give a shit about resources
they'd rather wageslave their life away than settling for a man they don't like nowadays
  • JFL
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women don't give a shit about resources
they'd rather wageslave their life away than settling for a man they don't like nowadays
Depends on the woman. Case by case basis
Because your looks play less of an important role in your 40s and 50s, by this age, you should be well into making 6 figures or more, have your own business, etc. Looks still play a role don’t get me wrong, but most men’s priorities are on securing as many resources and providing for their families if they have one.

Only lonely looksmaxxers would be looksmaxxing well into their 40s and 50s. Most of the dudes in here would eventually caught the whiff of a post wall road tie and marry/settle down with them.
its not so much looks is less important, data and studies show us its less important because its harder to looksmax and stay in shape as you age, aka for 50-70 percent of people its to HARD, so they cope by saying its less important. This notion that men in their 40s and 50s 60s+ are to busy getting resources is bs talk, hes as your make more money and promoted your more busy with making money and family but that doesn't stop people from looksmaxing.

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I've seen this countless times in real life. Men that used to be Chads while young and are like in their 50s or late 40s now don't seem to be giving a fuck about their looks, physique or whatever. They're fat and bald now, they only care about watching football and drinking beer. They don't give a fuck about gym.

Meanwhile women who used to be Stacys when younger and are now approaching their 50s or late 40s try to do everything to stop their aging. They buy all these anti-aging skin products and all that bullshit. Some older women go get botox and lip fillers that they never even thought about getting once when they were younger.

Seems like all the old Stacys realized they've lost their attention and can't cope with seeing young girls getting all the attention, compliments, getting all the attractive men and looks
older stacies tend to keep up their looks and fight harder to mantain it because they know and remember the benefits of being attractive. They do it because they have to compete with their female peers and even more so younger women, for higher quality men.

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women don't give a shit about resources
they'd rather wageslave their life away than settling for a man they don't like nowadays
Then either cope and die alone, or ascend with a 50k dollar loan and monthly flights to Italy/Turkey to get the needed surgeries, and even then, there is no guarantee, the damage has already been done inside your head unless you’re giga NT
Tldr looksmaxers are gay, water
Aging is the closest thing to the devil that exists, people say that being tortured is worse than death, aging is literally torture.
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It's one of the things I care about the most
I've been anti agemaxxing since 21
jfl at waiting until 40 to start coping with skincare, it's too late by then

you need to start as soon as possible not at an specific age, you start losing collagen when u r born at 0 so you should be using sunscreen and avoiding the sun even as a baby but whose bluepilled subhuman post-wall parents are going to do that? literally less than 0.0001%
Bitches don’t love niggas, they only love what niggas can do for them, whether give them resources, or your looks. Not all of us were born Chads, and rather than spend on 50k worth of surgeries :lul::lul: lol with no guarantee of getting laid, most dudes just become passport bros and pay for it directly aka betabuxxing. But you don’t have to betabuxx a foid if you don’t want to, just use protection and/or get a vasectomy if you don’t want to get trapped.

TL;DR You pay for it either way, whether you’re sub 5 or Chad. You pay with your looks or you pay with your resource
Stop this delusional cope muh chad pays with his looks 😂. Chad is losing absolutely zero sleep knowing women suck and fuck him for something he didn’t work for at all.

You know that you ARE your looks right? Your physical appearance is one of the most unique things about you. If a foid likes your face SHE LIKES YOU.

“She only wants Chad for his genetics and not for his soul and heart and what’s on the inside so it isn’t true love!!!! See even Chad pays for sex guys right!?” :feelswah::feelswah::feelswah:

Redpill cope
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You can either drink, do drugs, party and fuck Chad in youth, or look young at 40, but not both
Incels enjoy neither parties nor look young at any age lol (recessed =/= young)
Bitches don’t love niggas, they only love what niggas can do for them, whether give them resources, or your looks. Not all of us were born Chads, and rather than spend on 50k worth of surgeries :lul::lul: lol with no guarantee of getting laid, most dudes just become passport bros and pay for it directly aka betabuxxing. But you don’t have to betabuxx a foid if you don’t want to, just use protection and/or get a vasectomy if you don’t want to get trapped.

TL;DR You pay for it either way, whether you’re sub 5 or Chad. You pay with your looks or you pay with your resources

"Paying with your looks" is an oxymoron,its something you were born with that's inherent to you as a person
which you never had to work for.

Now if you're saying that women use Chad's looks for Genetic Status then yes I can sort of see your point,albeit
I would still not even consider that as using someone because you're basically valuing another human by virtue
of just existing which fringes on worship.
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“She only wants Chad for his genetics and not for his soul and heart and what’s on the inside so it isn’t true love!!!! See even Chad pays for sex guys right!?
Dumbass nigga, you’re literally proving my fucking point. Chad has something of value aka his looks, which foids apparently value. And yes, he even has to pay for it in one way or another, just not in the way you and many other dumbass autists here think. :lul: :lul:
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How is this "redpill cope"? It's literally acknowledging the blackpill dumbass @RecessedChinCel

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