Men sbould have higher standards and women must be better looking in an LTR

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

May 15, 2020
There's nothing that screams more alpha than being wirh a women that mogs ypu hard. It's like thr ultimate display of dominance having a beautiful women submit to you as an ugly ogre is everything.

Look how high t this subhuman looks with gl women next to him. Only weak and feminine minded men go for women they mog to feel better about themselves. You need to have high Testosterone and a masculine demeanour to handle such women in an LTR

Your worth as a man= how much your women mogs you. These are the true chads not subhumans like Brett maverick and Nessman who look like chads but still date LTB gooks. The only time you should date below looksmatch is for one night stands otherwise you should atleast date your looksmatch and above because as a women the first asset she brings to the table is her beauty, looks and femininity.

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I guess all chads are weak & feminine minded..
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I meant PSL wise but sure, whatever keeps the rope away.
What's the use of male looks if you can't even attract a female wirh good genetics. Wasted life.
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women won't date below their looksmatch or even their looksmatch
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  • Hmm...
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Being an outlier is bad advice
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Lifefuel for my Stacysexual incel ass
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most men aren’t LTR worthy which is why promising a LTR doesn’t attract women. men also give the benefits of LTRs to random women for free through simping.

If all men were stone cold and cruelly indifferent to women but then became disney princes to the women they’re in LTRs then gatekeeping LDR would have power
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Being an outlier is bad advice
These aren't outliers. Improve your looks, maintain good connections and socialize with high status individuals to improve your social standing, Become wealthy and you'll be able to date above your looksmatch. It happens all the time
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What do you suggest chads do

They should have pretty and succesful/wealthy women
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Your worth as a man= how much your women mogs you.

The facial expressions of bro in the above pics who is absolutely and perfectly aware of your statement just speak for themselves, going straight to your soul..

He tells you so bluntly with such relief and pride what a loser you are compared to him, and how you will never even breathe within a meter distance of such a specimen in your life, not even talk about the possibility of taking her out for date or smt..

The comments on this Instagram video speak for themselves.. just brutal.. :feelsbadman:

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View attachment 3052769View attachment 3052771View attachment 3052772View attachment 3052773View attachment 3052775

The facial expressions of bro in the above pics who is absolutely and perfectly aware of your statement just speak for themselves, going straight to your soul..

He tells you so bluntly with such relief and pride what a loser you are compared to him, and how you will never even breathe within a meter distance of such a specimen in your life, not even talk about the possibility of taking her out for date or smt..

The comments on this Instagram video speak for themselves.. just brutal.. :feelsbadman:

Wipe her face off and they are looksmatched but alright.
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View attachment 3052769View attachment 3052771View attachment 3052772View attachment 3052773View attachment 3052775

The facial expressions of bro in the above pics who is absolutely and perfectly aware of your statement just speak for themselves, going straight to your soul..

He tells you so bluntly with such relief and pride what a loser you are compared to him, and how you will never even breathe within a meter distance of such a specimen in your life, not even talk about the possibility of taking her out for date or smt..

The comments on this Instagram video speak for themselves.. just brutal.. :feelsbadman:

that's a dead bedrooms if not active cucking open relationship.
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I may be coping but I have always felt like ogre+Stacy was the perfect couple dynamic.

It's tricky though because she will have all the power in the relationship, unless you heightmogg her to hell n back.

But yeah, men who date ogresses should just rope. Woman have zero personality, 95% of their worth is how they look, the rest is how submissive they are, and their virginity.
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and greywind
There's nothing that screams more alpha than being wirh a women that mogs ypu hard. It's like thr ultimate display of dominance having a beautiful women submit to you as an ugly ogre is everything.

Look how high t this subhuman looks with gl women next to him. Only weak and feminine minded men go for women they mog to feel better about themselves. You need to have high Testosterone and a masculine demeanour to handle such women in an LTR

Your worth as a man= how much your women mogs you. These are the true chads not subhumans like Brett maverick and Nessman who look like chads but still date LTB gooks. The only time you should date below looksmatch is for one night stands otherwise you should atleast date your looksmatch and above because as a women the first asset she brings to the table is her beauty, looks and femininity.

View attachment 3052764
I need to mog her, but she needs to be pretty.
Anything else is not good.
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true all my girlfriends were way more attractive than me:blackpill:. Lifefuel for incels
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@murdah @wishIwasSalludon
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You have to be tall though, a 5’7 MTN gatekeeping a stacy? :ROFLMAO:
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Deal with it Chads, ugly man and pretty woman couples are the best

There's nothing that screams more alpha than being wirh a women that mogs ypu hard. It's like thr ultimate display of dominance having a beautiful women submit to you as an ugly ogre is everything.

Look how high t this subhuman looks with gl women next to him. Only weak and feminine minded men go for women they mog to feel better about themselves. You need to have high Testosterone and a masculine demeanour to handle such women in an LTR

Your worth as a man= how much your women mogs you. These are the true chads not subhumans like Brett maverick and Nessman who look like chads but still date LTB gooks. The only time you should date below looksmatch is for one night stands otherwise you should atleast date your looksmatch and above because as a women the first asset she brings to the table is her beauty, looks and femininity.

View attachment 3052764
Ideal is chad dating stacy so the children aren't htn abominations.
I only want LTR so I don't care too much about looks. Just not ugly or fat and it's alright.

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