Mental Health and Looksmaxxing
Mental health has been heavily overlooked when it comes to Looksmaxxing in general, all it takes is a 5 minute search on this website to become aware of this reality. Before we begin, it is important that you do not delve too deep into negative aspects of anything, this includes the way you look, genetics play an important role, surgery should only be considered if you actually need it or if you want a few touch ups here and there, considering that you have already maxed out your looks naturally. Most people do not need surgery to get laid, so do not obsess over anything.
Negative affects bad mental health has on the body
Basic affects of bad mental health include:
Looksmaxxing to improve mental health
Looksmaxxing in itself is good for mental health, having a basic skin care routine and exercising at least twice a week is the minimum a human being should be doing. A skin care routine shows your mind that you're taking care of yourself, which in turn puts you in a sightly better mood.
Benefits of Exercise:
You do not need to be a monk in order to meditate, meditation should follow you everywhere in your life, it is staying in the present moment, focusing on what you are doing in the present moment and avoiding negative thoughts and unnecessary day dreams. The best way to meditate are as follows:
Pornography Addiction
Pornography addiction is an illness which affects a huge amount of men and women across the world. It fries your dopamine receptors by increasing them to unnaturally high levels and blocks serotonin, the feel good hormone, excessive pornography addiction causes chemical imbalances in the brain, which then sometimes causes hormonal imbalances, which causes acne to flare up around the body, including the face. It depletes you of basic minerals, electrolytes and essential vitamins which a lot of people are deficient in to start with.
Ways to stop pornography addiction are:
If not, get married, possibly one of the only ways out for religious people.
If you cannot get married either, stick to getting head. Nothing else you can really do.
Supplements for the mind and dealing with Social Anxiety
Supplements can help with overall cognitive performance, it is important to keep stress levels very low, as stress levels are one of the most crucial things which affect how you age. stress can cause wrinkles, dull skin, acne, and an overall unhealthy look, no matter how much skincare you do.
Ashwagandha is a very useful supplement to decrease stress and improve brain performance. It is used by most spiritual people and is a big player in having good mental health.
If you struggle with social anxiety, and none of these methods work for you; you can consult a psychologist and maybe get a prescription for Sertraline (Zoloft) from a doctor while also following the psychologist's methods to deal with your issues, although consuming pharmaceutical medicines should be done so with caution, as medicine nowadays are made to keep you reliant on it so the big dogs make money out of you, and they also have MANY bad side effects. It is a business at the end of the day, and they don't really care about you.
Staying away from unrealistic goals and avoiding manipulation
It is important, especially when exploring websites like this, that you do not become obsessed and fall into unrealistic goals for yourself to the point where you destroy yourself mentally. Physical self care and improvement is crucial, but it is not the end all be all to your life, if you find yourself believing that without surgery you will be a nobody, or you are seeing yourself in a negative light constantly because of one minor flaw in your face or body, or if you believe that the smallest flaw on you will cause you to die alone and live forever in misery, then there is something wrong mentally, you need to stop being chronically online and touch grass, improve your mind and exterminate the negative thoughts, becoming a better person.
Mental health has been heavily overlooked when it comes to Looksmaxxing in general, all it takes is a 5 minute search on this website to become aware of this reality. Before we begin, it is important that you do not delve too deep into negative aspects of anything, this includes the way you look, genetics play an important role, surgery should only be considered if you actually need it or if you want a few touch ups here and there, considering that you have already maxed out your looks naturally. Most people do not need surgery to get laid, so do not obsess over anything.
Negative affects bad mental health has on the body
Basic affects of bad mental health include:
- Extremely high risk of chronic diseases, which distract you from achieving any goals you have in life.
- Sleep problems, which affect your eye area, one of the most important parts of the face, and also causes fatigue, which will cause skin to look dull.
- May be inclined to smoking, which causes yellow nails, extremely bad body odor, rotten teeth, and potentially deadly diseases. (Cigarettes and vapes have much more than just nicotine in them)
- Depression, which will keep you lazy, thinking negative all the time, and destroy your motivation to partake in very basic self-care.
Looksmaxxing to improve mental health
Looksmaxxing in itself is good for mental health, having a basic skin care routine and exercising at least twice a week is the minimum a human being should be doing. A skin care routine shows your mind that you're taking care of yourself, which in turn puts you in a sightly better mood.
Benefits of Exercise:
- Improves overall mental health and cognitive performance
- Improves memory and concentration
- Reduces risks of depression and dementia
- Reduces stress and fatigue (these have major affect on brain performance)
You do not need to be a monk in order to meditate, meditation should follow you everywhere in your life, it is staying in the present moment, focusing on what you are doing in the present moment and avoiding negative thoughts and unnecessary day dreams. The best way to meditate are as follows:
- Focus on what you are saying, think before you speak and genuinely focus on what people are saying to you, most people blurt out random words without thinking just to avoid being "awkward".
- Do not use filler words, if you are thinking of what to say, be silent until you have have a reply.
- Do not entertain your thoughts, especially negative ones, observe the thought and let it disappear, if you show no attention to it, it will eventually leave you alone.
- Focus on what is going on around you and focus on what you are doing.
Pornography Addiction
Pornography addiction is an illness which affects a huge amount of men and women across the world. It fries your dopamine receptors by increasing them to unnaturally high levels and blocks serotonin, the feel good hormone, excessive pornography addiction causes chemical imbalances in the brain, which then sometimes causes hormonal imbalances, which causes acne to flare up around the body, including the face. It depletes you of basic minerals, electrolytes and essential vitamins which a lot of people are deficient in to start with.
Ways to stop pornography addiction are:
- Cold turkey: Just STOP, power through the withdrawal symptoms.
- Focus on other hobbies you may have, make friends at work or outside, and join communities, keep yourself busy to the point you do not even have time to consume such content.
- NoFap shouldn't be trusted upon with full faith, being celibate from pornography is good, but being celibate from the opposite sex is bad, it increases stress levels, increases risks of depression, has bad affects on mood swings and can make you a weirdo in most cases.
- Replace pornography with real sexual intercourse, cold approach women, or use dating apps, work on your game, and start laying down the pipe.
If not, get married, possibly one of the only ways out for religious people.
If you cannot get married either, stick to getting head. Nothing else you can really do.
Supplements for the mind and dealing with Social Anxiety
Supplements can help with overall cognitive performance, it is important to keep stress levels very low, as stress levels are one of the most crucial things which affect how you age. stress can cause wrinkles, dull skin, acne, and an overall unhealthy look, no matter how much skincare you do.

Ashwagandha is a very useful supplement to decrease stress and improve brain performance. It is used by most spiritual people and is a big player in having good mental health.
If you struggle with social anxiety, and none of these methods work for you; you can consult a psychologist and maybe get a prescription for Sertraline (Zoloft) from a doctor while also following the psychologist's methods to deal with your issues, although consuming pharmaceutical medicines should be done so with caution, as medicine nowadays are made to keep you reliant on it so the big dogs make money out of you, and they also have MANY bad side effects. It is a business at the end of the day, and they don't really care about you.
Staying away from unrealistic goals and avoiding manipulation
It is important, especially when exploring websites like this, that you do not become obsessed and fall into unrealistic goals for yourself to the point where you destroy yourself mentally. Physical self care and improvement is crucial, but it is not the end all be all to your life, if you find yourself believing that without surgery you will be a nobody, or you are seeing yourself in a negative light constantly because of one minor flaw in your face or body, or if you believe that the smallest flaw on you will cause you to die alone and live forever in misery, then there is something wrong mentally, you need to stop being chronically online and touch grass, improve your mind and exterminate the negative thoughts, becoming a better person.