Mewing, Face shaping treatment

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973
Jun 8, 2019

Mewing is a technique that proponents claim can reshape the jaw over time. Mewing involves placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth, which supposedly will reshape the jaw over time.

There is currently no scientific evidence to prove that mewing is an effective technique for reshaping the face.

Although some anecdotal reports suggest that it works, before-and-after comparison photos online can often be misleading.

People may or may not experience results from mewing, and it may take years to see a change, if at all.

If people wish to shape their face or realign their jaw for cosmetic or medical reasons, it is best to consult a doctor.

Other face shaping methods, such as surgery or facial contouring, have more scientific evidence to support them and may be more effective
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Just do it for raising hyoid.
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Everyone knows what mewing is

Yes u won't get major changes but it raises hyoid and u may get a mm in 5 years
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Reactions: CursedOne, Alvik, goat2x and 1 other person
Mewing is cope, no scientific research behind it. Only a bunch of easy to make up theories behind it.

It makes your hyoid look higher and that’s the only reason I use it.
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Bro it will take you a decade of hard mewing to see significant changes
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Just do it for raising hyoid.
Bro it will take you a decade of hard mewing to see significant changes
Mewing is cope, no scientific research behind it. Only a bunch of easy to make up theories behind it.

It makes your hyoid look higher and that’s the only reason I use it.
Everyone knows what mewing is

Yes u won't get major changes but it raises hyoid and u may get a mm in 5 years
Have any of you guys experience results?
Have any of you guys experience results?
It's hard to tell cos camera angles and distortion changes the face, so it's almost impossible to get the exact same photos. I've been mewing for just over a year tho I think, and I have a new way of taking a photo, by using the grid and making a certain point of my face in the centre of the screen and then taking the picture at an arm's length, with the phone flat against a wall
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Have any of you guys experience results?
It's so hard for me to be consistent, even with putting just 3rd of my tongue on the back of my palate. I soft mewed for like one year and got 0 results literally

That's why people MUST hard mew in order to change something, it takes so much dedication tho, and speaking of results, i'm pretty sure no one ever have been used to this kind of stuff (Except Astro with big doubt).

Are you willing to hard mew constantly for longer periods tho.. @Rob Paul'sHeight ?
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Are you willing to hard mew constantly for longer periods tho..
Can't feel the left side of my tongue,
Don't know if it's due to my minor scoliosis.
have crooked teeths?
No, but I have bimax protrusion.

Yes nigga
Experience forward growth?
No, but I have bimax protrusion.

Experience forward growth?
Atleast you don't have overlaping teeths like me, it's too severe in my case, just like in this picture


I also had tooth pain on 1st premolar (It's pulled tf inwards), but i'm pretty sure it's because mewing is working, it's important to say that i hard mewed at the time.

I think hard mewing for longer periods is legit, but there are so few results to back it up. It's normal if you feel pain in tongue & around your palate.
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Mewing is the biggest cope on this site. It’s a virus that’s even spread to mainstream culture.
Cope you werent gl to begin with
You wouldnt be on this site if you were gl
Watch the video I posted, it shows a 70 year old man who changed his face through similar things that we try to do (mewing, posture etc) and documented it scientifically. I think it speaks for itself that mewing will work, but we have to prove to what extend and how it will really work.
Watch this video OP

She says bimax protrusion is caused because of retracted jaws instead of protruded jaws.
Mewing is cope, no scientific research behind it. Only a bunch of easy to make up theories behind it.

It makes your hyoid look higher and that’s the only reason I use it.

You use it for a better looking Adam's apple. ROFL
Honestly I could see it being legit. Wish I had been a believer back in 2014 like many other posters were.

Thing is you need consistent effort it's not possible to be conscious 24/7 of something so easy to miss such as tongue posture. The worse off your tongue: palate relationship the harder it will be to ingrain this shit into your subconscious so it requires a comical amount of effort unless you already have good bones and palate:tongue relationship (which if you do, you more than likely won't be posting here). Changes also happen very slowly after early 20's from what I've seen online. I've noticed some very slight changes with - 2 months of inconsistent mewing as a previous sceptic (found it in 2011, dismissed it and followed what my orthos said) part of me didn't want to believe it because of the ortho botchery I had as a teen.

Like anything though it's just part of the puzzle of looks. It will atrophy certain muscles and hypertrophy others so over time your facial structure will appear to improve since musculature is one component of how your face is viewed. Hyoid will raise. If you're young enough the palate will widen and prevent any negative growth patterns from continuing. All of these things in certain cases is definitely the difference between being normal range and above average to good looking (depending on how bad the maxilla is) but it is by no means everything. If I had proper tongue posture and no extractions I'd be chad lite. With extractions, bad tongue posture and a bottom tier environment I'm slightly above average.

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