Mewing gone wrong

Deleted member 4053

Deleted member 4053

still don't care
Nov 23, 2019
Does anyone have any experience with mewing or have seen someone else mewing who fucked up their face to a noticeable degree?
salludon had said that his overbite had gotten slighty worse other than that safe af
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yeah I got pics where I achieved my first change with a big asymmetry as a side, although I was retarded I pressed hard on one side of my palate
yeah I got pics where I achieved my first change with a big asymmetry as a side, although I was retarded I pressed hard on one side of my palate

We will make it bro
We will make it bro
It was fine after another week or 2, the other side evened out but not fully :feelsrope:

predicting that it'll even out entirely when I solve my maloclussion, very confident it will happen having to know how the skull works and remodels.
I'll make a separate thread on my first quick results, as it's quite dramatic but so fkn weird why it'd happen so easily by just fucking laying my tongue slightly more to the left!?
It was fine after another week or 2, the other side evened out but not fully :feelsrope:

predicting that it'll even out entirely when I solve my maloclussion, very confident it will happen having to know how the skull works and remodels.
I'll make a separate thread on my first quick results, as it's quite dramatic but so fkn weird why it'd happen so easily by just fucking laying my tongue slightly more to the left!?
How old are you bro
How old are you bro
15, it questions whether my first quick change was simply due to my igf-1 levels, I grew the most that age at 14
It was fine after another week or 2, the other side evened out but not fully :feelsrope:

predicting that it'll even out entirely when I solve my maloclussion, very confident it will happen having to know how the skull works and remodels.
I'll make a separate thread on my first quick results, as it's quite dramatic but so fkn weird why it'd happen so easily by just fucking laying my tongue slightly more to the left!?
Can you give more info on how you got fast results and what you took with it and age . I assume you took supps bc ur name has peptidecel
Can you give more info on how you got fast results and what you took with it and age . I assume you took supps bc ur name has peptidecel
this was when I haven't even discovered PSL until around December 2018, it was in November, I might actually make a thread on it today after I take my dog out
this was when I haven't even discovered PSL until around December 2018, it was in November, I might actually make a thread on it today after I take my dog out
Ok please do I’m 16 when I started mewing we both gonna make it bruh
Ok please do I’m 16 when I started mewing we both gonna make it bruh

Im also 16

Lets get inject shit ton of peptides bros!!!
salludon had said that his overbite had gotten slighty worse other than that safe af
Is this after he had begun keeping his molars together? Molar contact without incisor contact does seem to create or exacerbate overbite. Likely ideally you would have all teeth touching each other. Consider the fact that incisors are the first teeth to erupt in a baby, which means that a baby must learn edge-to-edge incisor contact before adopting any other way of keeping the teeth together. Coincidentally, this is also the same period of time during which babies learn to walk, which would imply that it is incisor contact, rather than tongue posture, that has the larger importance for stabilizing the anatomy as far as body motorics are concerned. Then, as the other teeth erupt, they automatically assume positions that best support incisor contact, so that the whole occlusion is balanced around the incisors. In case of overbite, the whole occlusion is balanced around the molars, which is dysfunctional (hence why it is associated with forward head posture, lordosis etc).
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I’m down I’ll sell my soul for bone growth

Me too bro , we need to do all we can do .
Peptides + facepuller i a very good start .
Me too bro , we need to do all we can do .
Peptides + facepuller i a very good start .
yeah but I’m not sure what peptides to use and what’s safe at the moment . Gonna start with hardmewing and k2 along with calcium d3 etc. then move onto cope and rope facepuller and maybe harder supplements idk .
Is this after he had begun keeping his molars together? Molar contact without incisor contact does seem to create or exacerbate overbite. Likely ideally you would have all teeth touching each other. Consider the fact that incisors are the first teeth to erupt in a baby, which means that a baby must learn edge-to-edge incisor contact before adapting any other way of keeping the teeth together. Coincidentally, this is also the same period of time during which babies learn to walk, which would imply that it is incisor contact, rather than tongue posture, that has the larger importance for stabilizing the anatomy as far as body motorics are concerned. Then, as the other teeth erupt, they automatically assume a position that best supports incisor contact so that the whole occlusion is balanced around the incisors. In case of overbite, the whole occlusion is balanced around the molars, which is dysfunctional (hence why it is associated with forward head posture, lordosis etc).
Spot on! the device my new dentist gave me addreses this, it enables incisor contact to correct the bite. Posture also improves over time. I have been wearing it for about 3 weeks now and my upper body strength, breathing and sleep have improved, TMJ gone as well
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yes. made my eyes way more deepset and my face wider along with zygos a jaw. midface had shortened and maxillary upswing gave me god tier face. basically my whole face changed i've been hard mewing for 2 years. it's very hard to chin tuck all day but no pain no gain. Mewing works but lazy mewing will not do anything lmfao.
edit: oh didnt read ur question right. if you have good form then nop you cannot fuck up face. tmj doesnt exist our ancestors chewed hard ass nuts all day chew hard shit alot and if u still have tmj then kys you have faulty genetics.
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Spot on! the device my new dentist gave me addreses this, it enables incisor contact to correct the bite. Posture also improves over time. I have been wearing it for about 3 weeks now and my upper body strength, breathing and sleep have improved, TMJ gone as well
Very interesting. Which device is this? I have been trying the same thing, only without an appliance. When my incisors are together, I am left with a gap between my upper and lower molars and premolars. Is your situation the same? Will the device solve this problem, and if so, how will it occur? I imagine that it's a matter of alveolar remodeling - the question is: what are the necessary conditions that allow this to happen?

Like you, I have also noticed my posture improve significantly while doing this. It feels like the head is now properly resting between the neck muscles and the incisors.
Very interesting. Which device is this? I have been trying the same thing only, without an appliance. When my incisors are together, I am left with a gap between my upper and lower molars and premolars. Is your situation the same? Will the device solve this problem, and if so, how will it occur? I imagine that it's a matter of alveolar remodeling - the question is: what are the necessary conditions that allow this to happen?

Like you, I have also noticed my posture improve significantly while doing this.
Not alveolar remodelling, entire new bone formation in your face. in a year or two. And yes gap towards the sides and back.

yeah but I’m not sure what peptides to use and what’s safe at the moment . Gonna start with hardmewing and k2 along with calcium d3 etc. then move onto cope and rope facepuller and maybe harder supplements idk .

All peptides are safe . Anyway , i will test pedptides , i will report effects here .
All peptides are safe . Anyway , i will test pedptides , i will report effects here .
Soon? Because your results and conclusions will be very very helpful to me bro.
Not alveolar remodelling, entire new bone formation in your face. in a year or two. And yes gap towards the sides and back.

Thanks. It seems that in the second case study the patient was still left with posterior open bite. Do you know if yours will resolve into a balanced class 1 occlusion eventually?
Thanks. It seems that in the second case study the patient was still left with posterior open bite. Do you know if yours will resolve into a balanced class 1 occlusion eventually?
thats the goal tbh
Soon? Because your results and conclusions will be very very helpful to me bro.

Firstly i will build the face puller.

Then i will buy andon inject peptides , hopefully before 2020 my bro .
Thanks. It seems that in the second case study the patient was still left with posterior open bite. Do you know if yours will resolve into a balanced class 1 occlusion eventually?
It's all cope I'm afraid. Deep bite can only be corrected with braces followed by BSSO jaw surgery if you don't want to look like a subhuman.
Deep bite has ruined my life and it's all because I was a dumb faggot kid. I suspect my deep bite developed because I sucked my cheeks in when I was a kid. I did it because my cheeks have always been round and I was mostly chubby during my pre-teen and teen years. I still do it sometimes because I'm a retard. Both my parents have normal bites.

Mewing is cope and there's no before and after photos of it fixing a deep bite. It's all bullshit.

Braces + BSSO is the only way.

I've been jutting my lower jaw forward for years now. It makes me look so much better it's insane. I only do it when I leave my house.
I go from rounded/fat baby chinless cuck face to at least average looking just by jutting my jaw forward and slightly down. I'm making sure my lower and upper incisor tips almost meet which means my back teeth or molars have a big gap. My upper incisors almost sit on top of the lower ones when I do this, but not quite because it would be very uncomfortable.

Basically I'm mimicking what a normal bite should look like. It's still uncomfortable and it will almost definitely result in TMJ if I keep doing it, but IDGAF at this point.

It's insane how much better I look when jutting. My skull becomes longer, side profile looks better, philtrum to chin ratio gets much better, jawline becomes much more pronounced and wider, chin becomes wider etc.

When I get TMJ I'll rope.
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for an adult, mewing is only a prevention for further collapse. and to train for better myofunction. because if you don't fix your mouth breathing and poor bite, in 10 years any surgery or correction you made via braces or expanders will be pointless anyway
Deep bite can only be corrected with braces followed by BSSO jaw surgery if you don't want to look like a subhuman.
Deep bite has ruined my life and it's all because I was a dumb faggot kid. I suspect my deep bite developed because I sucked my cheeks in when I was a kid.

When I get TMJ I'll rope.
Your deep bite came without braces. It should be resolved without braces too. You only have to discover the correct counter mechanism i.e. you have to do the opposite of what you been doing so far. Sucking cheeks is likely unrelated, since sucking your cheeks gently is a proper myofunctional habit. The tongue, cheeks and lips together create an intra-oral vacuum. What this vacuum can encourage, however, is keeping your molars together, which will definitely lead to overbite if done in the wrong way (lack of sufficient mandibular forward vector). Can you remember whether you kept your molars together when you used to suck your cheeks? If so, what I would see as the correct course of action, is to keep your incisors together and then maintaining the intra-oral vacuum. Eventually this should close the gap between your molars due to how the vacuum pulls the alveolar processes towards each other.
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Your deep bite came without braces. It should be resolved without braces too. You only have to discover the correct counter mechanism i.e. you have to do the opposite of what you been doing so far. Sucking cheeks is likely unrelated, since sucking your cheeks gently is a proper myofunctional habit. The tongue, cheeks and lips together create an intra-oral vacuum. What this vacuum can encourage, however, is keeping your molars together, which will definitely lead to overbite if done in the wrong way (lack of sufficient mandibular forward vector). Can you remember whether you kept your molars together when you used to suck your cheeks? If so, what I would see as the correct course of action, is to keep your incisors together and then maintaining the intra-oral vacuum. Eventually this should close the gap between your molars due to how the vacuum pulls the alveolar processes towards each other.
you know your shit
Your deep bite came without braces. It should be resolved without braces too.
You need to wear braces before BSSO. It's part of the surgery process. I know you shouldn't just wear braces to fix a deep bite because all it will do is pull back your upper jaw and maxilla to meet your recessed lower jaw. This would make me look even worse and more recessed.
I'm seriously thinking about BSSO because it's actually pretty cheap in my country (eastern European Union state.) I think it's 3000 - 9000 euros depending on the surgeon. I can afford that easily, but I still don't want to fuck up my shit any further. I'm afraid of complications.

Can you remember whether you kept your molars together when you used to suck your cheeks?
I can't remember for sure what I did when I was a kid, but I can't even suck my cheeks in if I keep my molars close together so I almost definitely didn't keep my molars together. I have to create a fairly large "gap" between my molars so that my sucked in cheeks can fit if you know what I mean.
keep your incisors together and then maintaining the intra-oral vacuum. Eventually this should close the gap between your molars due to how the vacuum pulls the alveolar processes towards each other.
That's exactly what I do when I "jut" in public. Keep in mind I don't really jut hard. All I do is sort of open my mouth with lips sealed and just slightly push the lower jaw forward (and down aka opening my mouth while keeping my lips sealed) to almost make my incisors meet. I'm basically mimicking a normal bite when I do this. It makes me look so much better. I simply can't stop doing it because it's such a massive difference.
It's not painful at all, but it's slightly uncomfortable and I'm afraid of TMJ if I keep doing this.

Lately I've been trying to mew when doing this, but it's much harder to maintain a proper tongue posture when I do this. I can't really get my entire tongue between my molars when "jutting." I'm probably half-mewing when jutting and when I'm at home I do full mewing.

When I full mew in private I can get my whole tongue on the roof of my mouth, but to do that I have to revert back to my regular/natural deep bite position (maybe a 2-3mm gap between molars with lower incisors being half covered by upper incisors.)
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You need to wear braces before BSSO. It's part of the surgery process. I know you shouldn't just wear braces to fix a deep bite because all it will do is pull back your upper jaw and maxilla to meet your recessed lower jaw. This would make me look even worse and more recessed.
I'm seriously thinking about BSSO because it's actually pretty cheap in my country (eastern European Union state.) I think it's 3000 - 9000 euros depending on the surgeon.

I can't remember for sure what I did when I was a kid, but I can't even suck my cheeks in if I keep my molars close together so I almost definitely didn't keep my molars together. I have to create a fairly large "gap" between my molars so that my sucked in cheeks can fit if you know what I mean.

That's exactly what I do when I "jut" in public. Keep in mind I don't really jut hard. All I do is sort of open my mouth with lips sealed and just slightly push the lower jaw forward (and down aka opening my mouth while keeping my lips sealed) to almost make my incisors meet. I'm basically mimicking a normal bite when I do this.
It's not painful at all, but it's slightly uncomfortable and I'm afraid of TMJ if I keep doing this.

Lately I've been trying to mew when doing this, but it's much harder to maintain a proper tongue posture when I do this. I can't really get my entire tongue between my molars when "jutting." I'm probably half-mewing when jutting and when I'm at home I do full mewing.
When I full mew in private I can get my whole tongue on the roof of my mouth, but to do that I have to revert back to my regular/natural deep bite position (molars meeting, almost touching.)
mirin hiddlestone in your avi
I have to create a fairly large "gap" between my molars so that my sucked in cheeks can fit if you know what I mean.
Ah, i see. This could possibly have had the same effect as keeping the molars together, because the cheeks would gently push the teeth into the gums as they try to fit in between the molars. From what I remember, just a couple of grams of sustained force is enough to move the teeth and reshape the alveolar ridge over time.
Ah, i see. This could possibly have had the same effect as keeping the molars together, because the cheeks would gently push the teeth into the gums as they try to fit in between the molars. From what I remember, just a couple of grams of sustained force is enough to move the teeth and reshape the alveolar ridge over time.
It makes sense and you're probably right, but I never really bit down on my cheeks or at least I don't think I did. I just opened my mouth a little while having my lips closed and sort of created a vacuum to make my cheeks look smaller. Almost like making a fish face, but not quite. That was probably enough force on the molars, though.

Right now I have a deep bite, but even if my upper molars "dropped down" and my lower molars "went up" I'd still have a slightly recessed jaw when biting. Sure, my lower incisors would finally start showing, but I'd still have a recessed jaw and chin. Maybe my jaw is just too small. This is why I jut forward slightly (only a few mm.)

Admittedly, just "opening my mouth" while keeping my lips sealed elongates my skull a lot and it makes me look much better, especially from the front. If I keep my molars slightly apart or barely touching in the regular deep bite position (lower incisors covered up), my face becomes short, round and my chin and jaw go away. It makes me look like a baby. When biting down to eat food I look 100% subhuman.

I'll probably stop jutting forward altogether and only keep "opening my mouth" in public to elongate my skull and chin. I want to avoid TMJ if possible and I don't think just opening my jaws slightly to mimic normal molar contact will cause TMJ. What do you think?
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It makes sense and you're probably right, but I never really bit down on my cheeks or at least I don't think I did. I just opened my mouth a little while having my lips closed and sort of created a vacuum to make my cheeks look smaller. Almost like making a fish face, but not quite. That was probably enough force on the molars, though.

Right now I have a deep bite, but even if my upper molars "dropped down" and my lower molars "went up" I'd still have a slightly recessed jaw when biting. Sure, my lower incisors would finally start showing, but I'd still have a recessed jaw. Maybe my jaw is just too small. This is why I jut forward slightly (only a few mm.)

Admittedly, just "opening my mouth" while keeping my lips sealed elongates my skull a lot and it makes me look much better, especially from the front. If I keep my teeth slightly apart in the regular deep bite position (lower incisors covered up), my face becomes short, round and my chin and jaw go away. It makes me look like a baby. When biting down to eat food I look 100% subhuman.

I'll probably stop jutting forward altogether and only keep "opening my mouth" in public to elongate my skull and chin. I want to avoid TMJ if possible and I don't think just opening my jaws slightly to mimic normal molars will cause TMJ. What do you think?
Know that feel. When I'm having a bad day I'll go jut my jaw and stand on my toes in front of a full body mirror while imagining how my life would be in some alternate universe where my growth went right.

From my own experience the harder you jut the more you will suffer. If I jut throughout the day, by the evening I can hardly close my bite, it feels as if my upper arch has moved backwards (or the mandibular condyles just adapted to the forward position).
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Know that feel. When I'm having a bad day I'll go jut my jaw and stand on my toes in front of a full body mirror while imagining how my life would be in some alternate universe where my growth went right.

From my own experience the harder you jut the more you will suffer. If I jut throughout the day, by the evening I can hardly close my bite, it feels as if my upper arch has moved backwards (or the mandibular condyles just adapted to the forward position).
I know, we're fucked both mentally and physically.

It sounds like you're jutting pretty hard. I sometimes get the temptation to jut harder (basically creating an underbite), but I'm afraid of TMJ. I jut only a few mm and even that is uncomfortable and I have to constantly think about it. I get no pain and my jaw opens and closes fine even after 10 hours of jutting, but I think I'll stop jutting forward.

I don't want my jaws to lock up and click. I'm really afraid of that and it will 100% happen if I keep doing it, but I look so much more human when I jut I just can't stop. I'll have to stop jutting forward, though. It's going to ruin my life even more. I recommend that you stop too because you're already showing some early symptoms of TMJ. TMJ is a nightmare.

From now on I'll simply keep mimicking a normal bite by just opening my jaws without jutting forward.

I'll probably undergo BSSO in the future, but I'm not sure.

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