
Deleted member 13076

Deleted member 13076

Mar 16, 2021
Do I need to position all of my tongue against the top of my mouth? I can't seem to do that I feel like my tongue is curved, how Can I position all of my tongue ontop of the roof of my mouth
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Do I need to position all of my tongue against the top of my mouth? I can't seem to do that I feel like my tongue is curved, how Can I position all of my tongue ontop of the roof of my mouth
I think only the back of the tongue pushing against the top of the mouth is important.
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You are supposed to push with all the tongue on the roof
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Yes you just keep it there on the palate, you should also keep straight posture and raise the back of your tongue so the entire tongue covers the roof of mouth, not just front. It becomes your natural tongue position eventually
How old are you?
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Is it possible to mew if you have a short tongue? I can't stick my tongue out very long, I think that has maybe effected my natural mewing growing up and made me look kinda deformed and ogre lol
I think only the back of the tongue pushing against the top of the mouth is important.
no, don't think like that. you need everthing, the back, the middle and the front. mike talks about the back a lot because it's the hardest to do, but only using the back will result in a downward grown maxilla.
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only using the back will result in a downward grown maxilla.
Not if you push swallow and chintuck periodically
The tongue will put all it's force on the entire palette
But the the main focus will be the back as it should
Not if you push swallow and chintuck periodically
The tongue will put all it's force on the entire palette
But the the main focus will be the back as it should
how will the tongue put it's force on the entire palate when you're only touching the back?
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Do I need to position all of my tongue against the top of my mouth? I can't seem to do that I feel like my tongue is curved, how Can I position all of my tongue ontop of the roof of my mouth
If you have an asymmetrical palate like mine. Then your tongue will naturally put most of
it's force on certain parts of your mouth.
This should be ok as long as you are sure this is what your tongue does when you swallow
The old school method was to hard swallow
THEN HOLD the position that your tongue takes
Because that is the natural position that your tongue (or body whatever) prefers you to advance with
As you progress this positioning will change frequently like mine
So it's a bunch of recalculation, and trusting the process
But leme tell you it's all worth it
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dont go too hard in the front over time i developed insane cheekbones and hollows and then subconsciously i started putting more pressure at the front and my entire upper maxilla went backwards within 2 months.

Now im basically starting from square 1 again.
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how will the tongue put it's force on the entire palate when you're only touching the back?
To be truthfully honest it doesn't, at least for me
But It should in theory
For my case the back of my hard palate is lower than the front, and it has a dip
So i can never fully engage the whole palate while trying to mainly focus on the root of my tongue (see drawing below)
But as I am progressing more and more the dip is getting higher and less and less of a problem
and my front teeth are getting straighter.
But the point still stands that that is ideally what should happen In a non messed up mouth
Ideally it the tongue should be forced against the entire palate while root is engaged
when you swallow
I'm not there yet but It will happen soon enough
I got my asymmetries to fix
and I'm very happy with the results so far

Midsagittal sections through chimpanzee left and human right head Note the external
To be truthfully honest it doesn't, at least for me
But It should in theory
For my case the back of my hard palate is lower than the front, and it has a dip
So i can never fully engage the whole palate while trying to mainly focus on the root of my tongue (see drawing below)
But as I am progressing more and more the dip is getting higher and less and less of a problem
and my front teeth are getting straighter.
But the point still stands that that is ideally what should happen In a non messed up mouth
Ideally it the tongue should be forced against the entire palate while root is engaged
when you swallow
I'm not there yet but It will happen soon enough
I got my asymmetries to fix
and I'm very happy with the results so far

View attachment 1092868:
after i solve some functional problems with hardmaxx mewing will be comfortable as fuck
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To be truthfully honest it doesn't, at least for me
But It should in theory
For my case the back of my hard palate is lower than the front, and it has a dip
So i can never fully engage the whole palate while trying to mainly focus on the root of my tongue (see drawing below)
But as I am progressing more and more the dip is getting higher and less and less of a problem
and my front teeth are getting straighter.
But the point still stands that that is ideally what should happen In a non messed up mouth
Ideally it the tongue should be forced against the entire palate while root is engaged
when you swallow
I'm not there yet but It will happen soon enough
I got my asymmetries to fix
and I'm very happy with the results so far

View attachment 1092868:
I get the urge to swallow saliva, is this normal?
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I get the urge to swallow saliva, is this normal?
Yes a lot of people reported excess saliva
Same with me but I guess I'm just used to it . kinda
I still notice it but Just not bothered I guess
To be truthfully honest it doesn't, at least for me
But It should in theory
For my case the back of my hard palate is lower than the front, and it has a dip
So i can never fully engage the whole palate while trying to mainly focus on the root of my tongue (see drawing below)
But as I am progressing more and more the dip is getting higher and less and less of a problem
and my front teeth are getting straighter.
But the point still stands that that is ideally what should happen In a non messed up mouth
Ideally it the tongue should be forced against the entire palate while root is engaged
when you swallow
I'm not there yet but It will happen soon enough
I got my asymmetries to fix
and I'm very happy with the results so far

View attachment 1092868:
i think instead of the back being lower than the front it might be that your head posture isn't perfect (which is the case for almost anyone) so the whole thing should be rotated:
Midsagittal sections through chimpanzee left and human right head Note the external

now the back is straight and the front of the maxilla is what's low, that would make a lot more sense to me. maybe focusing on the whole of the tongue would be more efficient.
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i think instead of the back being lower than the front it might be that your head posture isn't perfect (which is the case for almost anyone) so the whole thing should be rotated:
View attachment 1093401

now the back is straight and the front of the maxilla is what's low, that would make a lot more sense to me. maybe focusing on the whole of the tongue would be more efficient.

Should I be pushing my tongue up into my pallete?
@datboijj what do you think?
I just do jawning and push swallows and chin tucks
I don't do hard mewing in the traditional sense
no, i mean about the head posture thing
no, i mean about the head posture thing
has little to do with it.
My palate is still downwards regardless of my heads positioning
It effects the tongue pressure a little bit tho
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Position a hard dick against the roof of the mouth for extra pressure
has little to do with it.
My palate is still downwards regardless of my heads positioning
It effects the tongue pressure a little bit tho
i'm only talking about perspective. with your head posture it looks like the back of the palate is lower, but with correct head posture the front of the palate would be lower. that's how it is in almost everyone.
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dont go too hard in the front over time i developed insane cheekbones and hollows and then subconsciously i started putting more pressure at the front and my entire upper maxilla went backwards within 2 months.

Now im basically starting from square 1 again.
It's important to push at the midpalatal suture which can be felt a little above the rugae.
i think instead of the back being lower than the front it might be that your head posture isn't perfect (which is the case for almost anyone) so the whole thing should be rotated:
View attachment 1093401

now the back is straight and the front of the maxilla is what's low, that would make a lot more sense to me. maybe focusing on the whole of the tongue would be more efficient.
Lol at that pic.
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@datboijj well at least explain why you think i'm wrong dude, have you never been in an argument before?
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@datboijj well at least explain why you think i'm wrong dude, have you never been in an argument before?
I don't even know what the argument is about.
You said That you don't think it's possible to engage the root while still putting force on the entire palate
and i just said it should be
I don't even know what the argument is about.
You said That you don't think it's possible to engage the root while still putting force on the entire palate
and i just said it should be
well we were talking about you saying that your back of the maxilla is somehow lower than the front, but okay. you said the tongue could put pressure on the front of the palate without even touching it, how is that possible?
well we were talking about you saying that your back of the maxilla is somehow lower than the front, but okay. you said the tongue could put pressure on the front of the palate without even touching it, how is that possible?
i meant i touches most of the palate.
but not the entire front
It's important to push at the midpalatal suture which can be felt a little above the rugae.
ik i just fucked it up was getting good results but the front part of my tounge turned subscious, meanwhile my back of the tounge didnt so lot more time of the day was spent applying pressure in the front which basically made my maxilla rotate and fuck over my cheekbones
ik i just fucked it up was getting good results but the front part of my tounge turned subscious, meanwhile my back of the tounge didnt so lot more time of the day was spent applying pressure in the front which basically made my maxilla rotate and fuck over my cheekbones
So you believe you got maxillary CCW rotation but it looked unpleasing?
So you believe you got maxillary CCW rotation but it looked unpleasing?
too much to the point where my cheekbones looked recessed, before i had optimal cheekbones/lower maxilla for hollow cheeks.

Now my lower maxilla is to high up, thus like a scale, my upper had to go backwards and down and now its recessed.

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