Middle age (40-59) is the most brutal time, for most men. (on average)



Aug 29, 2019
Young men thinking, the incel youth is most brutal. At least you have "hope" and future still when young. Middle-age (40-59) is the most brutal age for men, I just read suicide rates are the highest then for men.

As a late 30's man, I can understand why suicide is so high among middle aged men (40-59 years old):
1. looks fell off a cliff (often largly due to own lifestyle-faults of the dude). Possible solution: anti-age maxxing starting in late 20's or early 30's the lastest.
2. divorce raped by a washed up woman he started a family with in his 30's and now takes him to the cleaners. Possible solution: don't marry, stash money away outside of the systeem (and sight of governement).
3. realisation will stay poor for rest of life. Possible solution: avoid point 2; be more aggressive on income earning. Money will also help to locationmaxx if you get older and uglier; you can still bang decently with money in plenty shithole countries but you need the money to emigrate and life there.
4. loss of hope and options in general. A guy realises, it won't get better, it will only get worse. Possible solutions: not so much/many; but money can help. Because when poor your options will be zero; but with money you still buy some options and free-time to do what you like/enjoy.

Overall. imo.
For a guy not to get really bad at middle age. And still have a decent-ish life then at middle age, you need to do BEFORE middle age the following:
1. anti-age looksmaxx
2. NOT marry, or make certain one can't get divorce raped
3. Creating some wealth! You need money/wealth stashed away. (you'll need the money, for location-maxxing; or buy options, to buy free time so you can work less).
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tyson beckford is almost 50 yrs old and is a gigatyrone loool
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  • JFL
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If you're looksmaxxing and you're still actively seeking marriage, you're legit :feelsuhh:
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  • JFL
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Bullshit, my dad is almost 50 and he has 25-30 year old chicks hitting him up

He looks pretty good for his age and handsome though to give you that
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  • JFL
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i already planned my suicide on my 30s birthday or so after parents die, seriously. it's just pointless to continue this journey bro. need no pity faggots i love it this way
I don't see myself living to 50. I'd kill myself before 40 because living is pain when you're fucked up inside out.
Just be rich and any age is tolerable.
Even if you're ugly you can buy lots of high quality copes and hookers.
And you can also betabux a decent looking woman. Pussy is pussy. Not happy?
Get more.
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nah he is a jew


he worships some robots

he used to be ugly before surgery

Dude, that´s different actor/millionaire.
From 40-59 I’m gonna have a great life imo (I probably will be killed before then)

I will fully indulge into all of my hobbies and eat out with good food every night and carmaxx
  • JFL
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jfl he is unmoggable idec

he was male model of the year

but was also jacked

and 6ft tall

perfect male except height

nah he is a jew


he worships some robots

he used to be ugly before surgery
Thata tom cruise and he was still gl
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tyson beckford is almost 50 yrs old and is a gigatyrone loool
Brad pitt is 56 and still a chad
Bullshit, my dad is almost 50 and he has 25-30 year old chicks hitting him up
He looks pretty good for his age and handsome though to give you that
They all did the following I assume, and therefore they are legit examples of theory/advice I gave for guys building up to middle age:
1. stay good looking
3. create some waelth.
Just be rich and any age is tolerable.
Even if you're ugly you can buy lots of high quality copes and hookers.
And you can also betabux a decent looking woman. Pussy is pussy. Not happy?
Get more.
I agree. I added in my suggested idea, to aim to stay good/equal/decent looking. But also important to duld some wealth prior to middle age (40-59); so that buy copes. Being able to buy copes if you get ugly at older age, is really the final stance between a shitty life and a less shitty life with many bought copes.
If poor and uglt at middle age (40-59), and feeling hopeless to ever getting rich. Is legit suicide fuel, and most men commit suicide in that age group because of this.

i already planned my suicide on my 30s birthday or so after parents die, seriously. it's just pointless to continue this journey bro. need no pity faggots i love it this way
I don't see myself living to 50. I'd kill myself before 40 because living is pain when you're fucked up inside out.
Welcome to the "middle age man" suicide club.

Young people here talk about roping, and stuff. Bt they hardly will do it, because (rightfully so) they still have plenty hope for better times.
Middle age (40-59) men, that didn't manage to get their life in order by that time/ Are the actual one that do the roping.
The lost (even) their (average) looks often; and also see no hope for moneymaxxing anymore. And they know it will likely only go down with their looks more, and the moneymaxxing will likelynot get any batter alsobecause if you are decent or good at the skill of earning money you should have at least some of it by 40-59.

From 40-59 I’m gonna have a great life imo (I probably will be killed before then)
I will fully indulge into all of my hobbies and eat out with good food every night and carmaxx
This means, you got your money and wealth rightby that time. Aka, enough money to buy free-time for hobbies, to eat fancy out every night, and to buy a cool car.
Money can be the last lifeline for not roping at middle age, if you lost your looks also.
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tyson beckford is almost 50 yrs old and is a gigatyrone loool

Black don't crack is not a meme. Melanin helps a lot with delaying wrinkling and sun damage. Plus bald look is socially acceptable for BBCs, so I would say ageing is kindest to black men who take care of themselves.
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They all did the following I assume, and therefore they are legit examples of theory/advice I gave for guys building up to middle age:
1. stay good looking
3. create some waelth.

I agree. I added in my suggested idea, to aim to stay good/equal/decent looking. But also important to duld some wealth prior to middle age (40-59); so that buy copes. Being able to buy copes if you get ugly at older age, is really the final stance between a shitty life and a less shitty life with many bought copes.
If poor and uglt at middle age (40-59), and feeling hopeless to ever getting rich. Is legit suicide fuel, and most men commit suicide in that age group because of this.

Welcome to the "middle age man" suicide club.

Young people here talk about roping, and stuff. Bt they hardly will do it, because (rightfully so) they still have plenty hope for better times.
Middle age (40-59) men, that didn't manage to get their life in order by that time/ Are the actual one that do the roping.
The lost (even) their (average) looks often; and also see no hope for moneymaxxing anymore. And they know it will likely only go down with their looks more, and the moneymaxxing will likelynot get any batter alsobecause if you are decent or good at the skill of earning money you should have at least some of it by 40-59.

This means, you got your money and wealth rightby that time. Aka, enough money to buy free-time for hobbies, to eat fancy out every night, and to buy a cool car.
Money can be the last lifeline for not roping at middle age, if you lost your looks also.
One answer is to simply get a looksmatched wife in your 20s or 30s and she'll stay looksmatched. Also you can get a wife later on, female standards also seem to get less harsh the less fertile she becomes, as biologically there's less on the line for her if she can't get pregnant.
Life is youth. After your young years it’s just waiting for the death.
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Life is youth. After your young years it’s just waiting for the death.

This is true... I'm 34 and still reminisce about my mid-late 20s sometimes even though I have more money now. I'm glad though I haven't married/had kids having to deal with a screamin demon would be a nightmare.
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with a normal job you have eneough money to buy good clothes and eat out most nights....no excuses having more money only helps with escorts
Also you can get a wife later on, female standards also seem to get less harsh the less fertile she becomes, as biologically there's less on the line for her if she can't get pregnant.
Assuming a man, is willing to date age-matched past mid 30's. Where nearly all women had a child already, (even though way more men percentage wise haven't by that time or throughout whole life) .
Aka, dating a single mom. Aka, she will derive alot if benefit from a dude dating her.
It's imo only legit as a single childless men. To date childless women.
If a dude dates in mid 30's age matched, max. 20% of women will be childless.
Before 30 it's about 50% that is childless.
So in general, a single childless dude has to stick to dating women below 30. Past that, it's single mother land, and dating single moms (as childless dude) is cuck as hell.
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So what makes life after 60 so great? What do you think most 60+ men are so enriched and fulfilled by, if not their family lives?
So what makes life after 60 so great? What do you think most 60+ men are so enriched and fulfilled by, if not their family lives?

For most men after 60,successful reproduction and nurturing has been achieved and completed. That's my guess.
Holy fuck does Chad never fucking age, he mogs 99% of this forum at 56 years old

Compare average 50 year old man is either fat or bald, and Chad Pitt is still mogging HARD


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So what makes life after 60 so great? What do you think most 60+ men are so enriched and fulfilled by, if not their family lives?
At 60, your success driving hormones are super low. You dont strive to date the hottest chick, drive the best car, earn millions. So you dont need much to be happy.
So what makes life after 60 so great? What do you think most 60+ men are so enriched and fulfilled by, if not their family lives?
A few things, make after 60 better.
1. Free (pension/retirement) money. And therefore free time.
2. After a life filled with responsibility, and tasks. The relieve of limited responsibility and tasks.
3. Loss of plenty shame .
I always enjoy your threads tbh, as a true oldcel your advice is really refreshing and helpful.
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Holy fuck does Chad never fucking age, he mogs 99% of this forum at 56 years old

Compare average 50 year old man is either fat or bald, and Chad Pitt is still mogging HARD
beta cuck tier vs chad
do not even compare
but ngl brad mogs 99% of this forum to oblivion when he's 56 yo
i will die of alcoholism at the ripe old age of 29
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I think if I don't have enough money to live comfortably by the time I'm 40 I'm just going to run grams of gear and become a freak of nature.
this is what happens when your not married /childless at 40

this is what happens when your not married /childless at 40
You'll likely be suprised, how many of suicide men are dudes that were married and have kids, and then divorce happens! Maybe even the mayority. And then they can't handle losing everything they had build up already, plus a big future financial responsibilty.

Aka, mr. BetaBuxx normie. That gets divorce-raped in their late 40's after like10 years of marriage and a kid or 2. Losing all his build wealth to that woman that divorces hime: and the judge ruling that he loses custody and only ocassionally can visit his kids; and that he has to pay alot of alimony every month; and that he has to pay way heigher child-support monthly then is needed.

Some reference, that I'm not just talking out of my arse completely:
I will be dead before this
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Men peak at 40 bro! Haven't you heard of the MGTOW?

i already planned my suicide on my 30s birthday or so after parents die, seriously. it's just pointless to continue this journey bro. need no pity faggots i love it this way
Will you livestream?
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  • JFL
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
the agepill is the hardest pill to swallow. its ogre for deplorable pathetic oldcels with no collagen and their miserable existence of wagecukery. jfl im going to be 25 soon and it will be all downhill from there jfl
  • So Sad
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tyson beckford is almost 50 yrs old and is a gigatyrone loool
Unbelieveable. Absolutely unbelievable.


He's 47 in this. Life is all about your cell proliferation and protein synthesis. Holy fuck.
Life is youth. After your young years it’s just waiting for the death.
I wonder what the fucking purpose of reproducing is, do we reproduce just for the sake of reproduction? What is the fucking end goal?
I wonder what the fucking purpose of reproducing is, do we reproduce just for the sake of reproduction? What is the fucking end goal?
This legit thought, happens when one thinks to deep.
Most happy people, don't think this far. And most unhappy people, do think this far.

The main issue here is: Purpose.
Why does something need to have purpose or an end goal???
It's a thing thatonly humans worry about, well at least the smart humans. The simple humans just follow their urges: they fuck, get (accicdentally) pregnant, and then slave away for their offspring. It's meaningless, but these people are headless so they opperate on feeling. And they feel this has meaning, and is really importaant and what life is about; and they are more happy for it.

Solution. Dumb yourself down, if you want to be more happy. Find the OFF switch in the brain, and life on impulses and feeling more.
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This legit thought, happens when one thinks to deep.
Most happy people, don't think this far. And most unhappy people, do think this far.

The main issue here is: Purpose.
Why does something need to have purpose or an end goal???
It's a thing thatonly humans worry about, well at least the smart humans. The simple humans just follow their urges: they fuck, get (accicdentally) pregnant, and then slave away for their offspring. It's meaningless, but these people are headless so they opperate on feeling. And they feel this has meaning, and is really importaant and what life is about; and they are more happy for it.

Solution. Dumb yourself down, if you want to be more happy. Find the OFF switch in the brain, and life on impulses and feeling more.
I am happy though, the thought of death's cold and unloving embrace taking me out of this cruel and chaotic world one day makes me happy. Although, I'll probably be reborn again into this world, so a never ending cycle of dissatisfaction with reality is awaiting me for every time I perish (and this applies to all of us as well).

I've noticed that the longer you live, the more you realize that this world is just made up of pain and suffering (like you said though, assuming your IQ is even high enough to contemplate these thoughts), disguised by mirages that go by the names of "love" and "hope", to help distract from the harshness of life until we finally get to meet our fates, death.

I truly do wish there was an afterlife, a personal heaven in which I could create my Ideal reality and to create my own meaning in life. Where love is not merely a biologically programmed command for the sole purpose of procreation, but a spiritual phenomena where two souls intertwine for the rest of eternity out of pure love for one another. Maybe there is such a thing as an afterlife, but knowing how this world functions, I'm probably just being a wishful thinker.

And. . . . . My cortisol levels are back up again. . . . .
I'll probably be reborn again into this world, so a never ending cycle of dissatisfaction with reality is awaiting me for every time I perish (and this applies to all of us as well).

I truly do wish there was an afterlife, a personal heaven in which I could create my Ideal reality and to create my own meaning in life. Where love is not merely a biologically programmed command for the sole purpose of procreation, but a spiritual phenomena where two souls intertwine for the rest of eternity out of pure love for one another.
There is no proof that after death there is a: next-life or after-life
Religuous people sometimes countred that with: "but there is no proof there isn't that either. So it might be true".
Imo, that is totally backwards. The one makeing a claim, has the burden of proof. By that token for example someone could say: "you can't proof that you never killed someone, so you might as well have killed someone". But how the hell can you proof something you never did. How the hell can you proof something doesn't exist when it never was/is.

Maybe there is such a thing as an afterlife
I'm probably just being a wishful thinker.
And. . . . . My cortisol levels are back up again. . . . .
From a logical standpoint. It sounds like wishfull thinking. Like hope. But not hope for this life, but for the next life or the after life.
There is no good/decentproof of an afterlife not reincarnation. Thus logically speaking, we have to say it doesn't exist.
Because the ones makeing claims like: "there is a next life/re-incarnation" or "there is a afterlife/heaven/hell"; they have the burden of providing (some) proof. And they have none. Only believe.

That all said. It serves as a great cope for many religuous and spiritual people; and even "regular" people. So who is anyone, to popp their bubble-cope. It makes (their) life bearable.
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Young men thinking, the incel youth is most brutal. At least you have "hope" and future still when young. Middle-age (40-59) is the most brutal age for men, I just read suicide rates are the highest then for men.

As a late 30's man, I can understand why suicide is so high among middle aged men (40-59 years old):
1. looks fell off a cliff (often largly due to own lifestyle-faults of the dude). Possible solution: anti-age maxxing starting in late 20's or early 30's the lastest.
2. divorce raped by a washed up woman he started a family with in his 30's and now takes him to the cleaners. Possible solution: don't marry, stash money away outside of the systeem (and sight of governement).
3. realisation will stay poor for rest of life. Possible solution: avoid point 2; be more aggressive on income earning. Money will also help to locationmaxx if you get older and uglier; you can still bang decently with money in plenty shithole countries but you need the money to emigrate and life there.
4. loss of hope and options in general. A guy realises, it won't get better, it will only get worse. Possible solutions: not so much/many; but money can help. Because when poor your options will be zero; but with money you still buy some options and free-time to do what you like/enjoy.

Overall. imo.
For a guy not to get really bad at middle age. And still have a decent-ish life then at middle age, you need to do BEFORE middle age the following:
1. anti-age looksmaxx
2. NOT marry, or make certain one can't get divorce raped
3. Creating some wealth! You need money/wealth stashed away. (you'll need the money, for location-maxxing; or buy options, to buy free time so you can work less).
I think we can talk a lot about this and that, but at the end of the day without kids who you have good relations with, life becomes sad, boring and suicidal for 90% of men after 45+:feelswhy:
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I think we can talk a lot about this and that, but at the end of the day without kids who you have good relations with, life becomes sad, boring and suicidal for 90% of men after 45+:feelswhy:
One turns into angry old rage cell. being constantly pissed off.

  • JFL
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what about you?
are you looksmaxed, wealthmaxed, familymaxed?
wish you the best
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